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1 9

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13 Sa Swartz died, 1798. 6 475 13 13 21 10
14C Sexag. Sun. 9 stat. 6 46 5 1413 011 54
15 M Sirius so. & 42 eve. 6 455 15 12 40 morn.
16 Tu Tides low.
6 435 17 12 19 0 51

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3d Month

MARCH, 1830.

hath 31 days.

The Life-Boat. The world is a wreck! said a speaker at a missionary meeting in England. We have all been overboard; but, glory be to God, he sent us the life-boat! We were taken in-some half dead, and others gasping for life-and all brought safe to land! And now, what shall we do with the life-boat? Shall we not send it off to the wreck, and try to save the rest of the crew? or shall we be so hard-hearted as to say, "Let them save themselves as they can-or let them go to the bottom?" Far be it from us! No, sir; we have come hither on purpose to man the boat, to victual and provision her afresh, and send her off again, to endeavor to pick up and save the rest of the crew.


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6 E.

36 M.

40 E.


48 M.

First Quarter,

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D. D.

Sun Sun



Moon M's High

Miscellaneous Matters.

M. W.

Rises. Sets. decl. S.


South. Pl. Water.

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4Th Sirius sou. 7 37 ev. 6 225 38

5Fr Regu's so. 10 54 ev.6 215 39
6 Sah south 9 52 eve. 6 205 40
7C 2 Sunday in Lent. 6 185 42
8 M
[Inf. d6

9 Tu Middling tides.

10 W Gr. elon.
11Th Sirius so. 7 11 eve. 6
12 Fr in apogee. [17816
13 Sa PlanetHerschel dis. 6
14C 3 Sunday in Lent. 6
15 M Procyon so. 7 48 ev.6
16 Tu south 9 13 eve.

17 W Regu's so. 10 10 ev.6
18Th Low tides.

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4th Month

APRIL, 1830.

hath 30 days.

The human frame may be compared to a watch, of which the heart is the main-spring, the stomach the regulator, and what we put into into it the key by which the machine is wound up. According to the quantity, quality, and proper digestion of what we eat and drink, will be the pace of the pulse, and the action of the system in general. When we observe a due proportion between the quantum of exercise and that of excitement, all goes on well. If the machine be disordered, the same expedients are employed for its re-adjustment as are used by the watchmaker: it must be carefully cleaned and judiciously pilled.-Med. Adver. He is happy, whose circumstances suit his temper; but he is more excellent, who can suit his temper to his circumstances.

Don't buy what you don't want, because it is cheap.

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23 M.

53 M.

31 E.

58 E.


Sun Sun | Sun's

Rises. Sets. decl. N.
H. M.H. M.

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1Th Low tides.

5 446 16 4 32

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2 Fr Jefferson b. 1743.5 486 17.4 55
3 Sa Regulus so. 9 8 eve. 5 426 18
4C 6 S.in Lent.Palm S.15 406 20

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5 18

3 17

9 624

5 $2

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13 TuEaster Tu. [h stat. 5 296 31
14 W Regulus so. 8 28 ev. 5 276 33
15 Th Spica so. 11 40 ev. 5 26 6
16 Fr south 7 18 eve. 5 25
17 Sa Dr. Franklin d.1790 5 23 6
18C 1S.af. Eas. Low S.5 226 38 10 49
19 M Bat. of Lex. 1775. 5 216 89 11 10
5 206 40 11 31
[perigee. 5 186 4211 51
Din 5 176 45 12 11
Tides 5 166 44 12 81
[high. 5 156 45 12 51

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4 37
5 2919 1 20

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6 222 26 7 15 15 3 50


829 5 15

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22 Th Sup. do¥
23 Fr St. George.
24 Sa
25 C 2 Sund. aft. Easter.5 146 46 13 1110
26 M


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morn. 5 31 25 0 30

5 126 48 13 3011
5 116 49 13 5011
106 50 14
96 51 14 27
86 52 14 46

27 Tu 6. 3 H
28 W Spica so. 10 52 ev. 5
29 Th Tides diminishing. 5
80 Fr La.ced.toU.S.18035

0 43 6 221 22 1 24 7 920 2 26.

5th Month

MAY, 1830.

hath 31 days.

Hume.--David Hume observed, that all the devout persons he had ever met with were melancholy. On this Bishop Horne remarked, this might very probably be; for, in the first place, it is most likely that he saw very few, his friends and acquaintance being of nother sort; and, secondly, the sight of him would make a devout nan look serious at any time.

It is the perfection of holiness to do what God loves, and love what God does. The bate which we all bear with the most Christian patience, is the hate of those who envy us.

Assurance of hope is not to be obtained so much by self-examination as by active piety.-Pres. Edwards.

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76 5315 4

Moon M's High South. Pl. Water. M. H. M. H. M

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56 55 15 22

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46 56 15 40
36-57 15 57

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58 16 15 16 59 16 32 016 48

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117 5 7 46 0 1426
217 21 8 41 1 11 9 45
817 37 9 35 1 49 20 10 19
417 5210 26

9 11

2 39 10 55

3 29 15 11 32

4 21 28 ere.14


1 Sa St. Philip & St. Jas. 2C 3S. af. East. O5 SM Spica so. 10 34 eve.5 4 Tu Bonaparte d. 1821.5 5 W 24stat. D in apogee. 5 6Th Antares so. 1 28 m. 5 7 Fr Spica so. 10 18 eve. 5 07 8 Sa 4 597 9C 4 Sund. aft. Easter. 4 587 10 M 4 577 11 Tu 4 567 12 W Antares so. 1 5 m. 4 557 13Th Amer. Bib. So. An.4 547 14 Fr 24 south 3 54 morn.4 537 15 Sa stat. Low tides. 4 527 16C Rog.Sun.G.elon. 9 4 517 17M Hn. J. Jay, d. 1829.4 507 18 Tu Antares 30. 0 41 m. 4 497 19 W Dunstan. [ D in per. 4 48 7 20Th Ascen. D. Holy Th. 4 477 21 Fr Oent. G.eton. 22 Sa High tides.



18 811 14
618 23 11
718 37 morn.
818 52 0 39
919 6 1 18
10 19 19 1 55
1119 33
1219 46

2 31

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89 36 227 2

13 19 58

[blocks in formation]

3 46 10 318 7 52 4 28 11 2922 8 37

15 20 25

sets. eve.289 21

2 25 10 45

S. aft. Ascen. Day.4 457 15 20 35 8 52 1 27 21 10 8 24 M Copernicus d. 1543.4 447 16 20 46 9 49 25 Tu Spica so. 9 7 even. 4 437 17 20 57 10 59 3 2120 11 26 26 W Calvin died, 1564. 4, 427 1821 711 23 4 14morn. 27 Th 24 south 3 morn. 4 427 1821 18 morn. 5 316 08 28 Fr Ms.Miss. Soc. form-4 417 1921 28 0 0 29 Sa ed, 1799. Low 4 407 2021 37 0 31 30C Whit. Sun. [tides. 4 407 2021 46.1 5 31 M Whit Monday. 4 397 2121 55 1 33

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