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JEFFERSON. On the third Mondays in June and De. cember, at the court-house.

OSWEGO. On the fourth Tuesday in June, at the courthouse in Oswego; and on the fourth Tuesday in Decem ber, at the court-house in Richland.


MADISON COUNTY. On the Friday next after the fourth Monday of March in each year, at the courthouse.

HERKIMER. On the last Tuesday in July, in each year, at the court-house.

ONEIDA. On the first Tuesday in September, in each year, at the court-room in Utica.

JEFFERSON. On the Friday next before the third Monday in December, in each year, at the court-house. And on every Monday in the year when the Circuit Judge is not otherwise engaged, at his chambers in


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Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, Judge.

Clerk in Chancery.

This CIRCUIT is composed of the counties of Broome Chenango, Cortland, Otsego, Steuben, Tioga, and Tompkins.

CHENANGO.- Third Monday in December, and last Monday in May, at the court-house in Norwich.

BROOME. Fourth Monday in December, and first Monday in June, at the court-house in the village of Binghampton.

TIOGA. The first Thursday after the fourth Monday in December, at the court-house in Owego; and the first Thursday after the first Monday in June, at the courthouse in Elmira.

STEUBEN.-Fifth Monday in December, 1828, (after that the winter circuit will be held on the first Monday in January;) and second Monday in June, at the court. house in the village of Bath.


TOMPKINS. First Monday in January, 1829; after that year, second Monday in January, and fourth Monday in June, at the court-house in the village of Ithaca,

CORTLAND.-Second Monday in January, 1829; after that year, the third Monday, and the first Monday after the fourth Monday in June, at the court-house in the village of Cortland.

OTSEGO. First Monday in September, and second Monday in March, at the court-house in the village of Cooperstown.

Stated Equity terms in said Circuit.

CHENANGO. At the court-house in the village of Norwich, on the Thursday preceding the last Monday in May.

STEUBEN. At the court-house in the village of Bath, on the first Thursday after the fifth Monday in December, 1828; after that, the first Friday after the second Monday in June, in each year.

TOMPKINS.-The first Wednesday after the third Monday in June, in each year.

CORTLAND. The Friday succeeding the first Monday after the fourth Monday in June, in each year.

OTSEGO. At the court-house in the village of Cooperstown, on the last Monday in August, and first Monday in March, in each year.


Daniel Moseley, Onondaga, Judge.

Clerk in. Chancery.

This CIRCUIT IS composed of the counties of Cayuga, Onondaga, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, Yates.

[These orders were made by the Hon. Enos. T. Throop, since resigned.]

In the county of ONTARIO, on the first Mondays in January and June, at the court-house in the village of Canandaigua.

WAYNE. On the second Mondays in January and

June, at the court-house in the village of Lyons.

SENECA. On the third Monday in January, at the court-house in the village of Waterloo, and on the third Monday in June, at the court-house in Ovid.

CAYUGA. On the fourth Mondays in January and June, at the court-house in the village of Auburn. ONONDAGA. On the first Mondays in February and September, at the court-house in that county.

YATES. On the Tuesdays next after the second Mondays in February and September, at the court-house in the village of Penn Yan.

The Courts of Equity during the same years, will be held at
ONONDAGA. On the second Tuesday in March.
CANANDAIGUA. On the second Tuesday in July.
WATERLOO. On the second Tuesday in October.
AUBURN.-On the second Tuesday in December.


Addison Gardiner, Rochester, Judge.

Clerk in Chancery.

This CIRCUIT IS composed of the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauque, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans.

MONROE. On the Monday next after the first Saturday in March, and last Monday in August, at the courthouse in Rochester.

ORLEANS. On the Monday next after the third Saturday in March, and on the Monday next after the first Saturday in November, at the court-house in Albion.

GENESEE. On the first Monday in April, and second Monday in September, at the court-house in Batavia. NIAGARA. On the second Tuesday in April, and on the Monday next after the second Saturday in November, 'at the court-house in Lockport.

ERIE. On the third Monday in April, and third Monday in September, at the court-house in Buffalo.

CHAUTAUQUE. On the fourth Monday in April, and first Monday in October, at the court-house in Mayville.. CATTARAUGUS. On the Friday after the fourth Monday in April, and third Monday in October, at the court house in Ellicotville.








ALLEGANY. On the first Monday in May, and on the Thursday after the third Monday in October, at the court-house in Angelica.

LIVINGSTON. On the second Monday in May, and fourth Monday in October, at the court-house in Geneseo.

Stated terms of the Court of Equity, for the Eighth Circuit, will be held at the following times and places for the years 1829 and 1830 :

At ROCHESTER. On the Friday after the fourth Monday in October.

At BATAVIA. On the Friday after the third Saturday in March.

At BUFFALO. On the fourth Monday in September. At ANGELICA. On the Friday after the first Monday in May.

Neither the CHANCELLOR nor JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT, nor any CIRCUIT JUDGE, can hold any other office or public trust. All votes given for either of them, (during their continuance in office,) for any other office, are void.


These Courts consist of one Circuit Judge, and not more than three Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, in the several counties in this state.

At least two Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail delivery must be holden in each year in each of the counties in this state, separately organized; and in the city and county of New-York there must be at least four such courts in each year.

The times and places of holding these courts in each circuit, ere fixed and appointed by each Circuit Judge for the period of two years.

Every Circuit Judge is required by law, to transmit to the Clerk of each county within his circuit, a copy of every appointment of circuits made by him, immediately upon making the same, which shall be filed and preserved by such Clerk. Each Judge shall transmit to the state printer a copy of every appointment of Circuits made by him, which shall be published in the state paper, pursuant to law.

These Courts may direct their writs into any of the counties of the state, as occasion may require.

The COUNTY CLERKS in the respective counties, are ex officio Clerks of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer.


The JUDGES of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, are appointed by the Senate, on the nomination of the Governor, and hold their offices for five years.

DISTRICT ATTORNEYS are appointed by the Courts of Common Pleas, and hold their offices for three years.

The SHERIFFS and CLERKS of the several counties, including the Register and Clerk of the city of NewYork, are chosen by the people, and hold their offices for three years.

The COUNTY CLERKS are ex-officio Clerks of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, in their respective counties, and are the REGISTERS OF


SHERIFFS are ineligible for the next three years succeeding the termination of their offices.

CLERKS OF COURTS, other than County Clerks, are appointed by the Courts of which they respectively are Clerks, and hold their offices for three years..

COUNTY TREASURERS are appointed by the Board of Supervisors in each county, and hold their offices during the pleasure of the Board appointing them.

SURROGATES "are appointed in the manner prescribed by the constitution for judicial officers other than Justices of the Peace," and hold their offices for four years. They have no clerks known to the laws of the state. They hold their courts at such times and places as they may direct, and certify their own proceedings. In March, 1823, after the adoption of the constitution,

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