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6th Month

JUNE, 1830.

hath 30 days. The Appetite for Rum-Dr. Mussey relates the following anecdote in illustra tion of the strong appetite which is created by a long and habitual use of ardent spirits: "A few town in Massachusetts. years ago, a tippler was put into an alms-house in a populous Within a few days he had devised various expedients to procure rum, but failed. At length, however, he hit upon one which proved successful. He went into the wood-yard of the establishment, placed his hand upon a block, and with an axe in the other, struck it off at a single blow.With the stump raised and streaming, he ran into the house, crying, Get some rum, get some run-my hand is off! In the confusion of the moment, a bowl of rum was brought, into which he plunged the bleeding member; then, raising the bowl to his mouth, drank freely, and exclaimed, Now I am satisfied." "

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First Quarter,

13 5 53 Ε. 20 10 7 Μ. 27. 10 20 E.

D.D. Miscellaneous Matters.
M. W.

Sun Sun Sun's
Rises, Sets. decl. N.

Н. М. Н. М.


1 Tu Whit Tuesday. 2WD in apogee.

3 Thstat.

4 387 2222

Days. 1593 1250

Moon Moon M's High
Sets. South. Pl. Water.
Н. М. Н. М. H. M.

3228 43 17

4 387 2222 11 231 9 26 29

4 377 23 22 193 210 10 m 4 Fr Antares so.11 28 ev. 4 377 2322 26 3 35 10 55 25 5 Sa Dr. Worcester died, 4 367 24 22 33 4 10 11 43 1 6C TrinitySund.[1821.4 367 24 22 39 rises. morn. 17 7 M High tides.

4 357 25 22 46 821

9 11

8 Tu 24 south 27 morn. 4 357 25 22 51 9W Spica sou. 8 6 eve. 4 357 25 22 56 9 56 10 Th 4 347 2623 110 38

11 Fr Aquila so. 2 27 m. 4 347 26 25 611 17 12 Sa Antaresso.1055 ev. 4 347 26 23 10 1153 13C 1 Sun. aft. Trinity. 4 337 27 23 13 morn.

14 M Low tides.

4 337 27 23 17 0 29

15 Tu Inf. [1818.4337 27 23 19 16 W Sa'l J.Mills d.at sea, 4 337 27 28 22 17 Th St. Albans.) in per. 4 337 27 23 24 18 Fr B. at Waterloo, 18154 327 28 23.25 19 Sa

4 327 28 23 26 20 C 2 Sun. aft. Trinity. 4 327 28 23 27 21 M unt.

22 Tu

High 4 327 28 23 27

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6 32 137 24 17 1 39 8 17 8 2 17 9 11 16 30108 3 47 11 615 8 20 sets. eve. 493 8 22 1 1 14 9 45


[tides. 4 327 28 23 27 9 10 1 57 28 10 25 23 W Aquila so. 1 37 m. 4 327 28 23 27 9 52 249 0 11 2 24 Th Nat. of St. John B't. 4 327 28 23 26 10 27 3 37 24 11 38 25 Fr Antares so. 10 2 ev. 4 327 28 23 25 11 0 4 24 my morn. 26 Sa 24 south 0 43 morn. 4 337 27 23 23 11 30 5 9 19 0 17 27C 3 Sun. aft. Trinity. 4 337 2723 21 11 58551059 28 M Tides pretty low. 4 337 27 23 18 morn. 6 3313 1 45 29 Tu St. Peter.) in apo. 4 337 27 23 15 0 27 7 16 25 2 43 30 W Pres. Moored. 18234 337 2723 12 0 5880m 351

7th Month

JULY, 1830.

hath 31 days. Ardent Spirits are not necessary to support the Laborer in hot Weather.-" The experiment," says Dr. Mussey, "has been made a thousand times, and the result is well known, viz. that more labor can be accomplished in a month, or a year, under the influence of simple nourishing food and unstimulating drink, than through the aid of ardent spirits. I visited,' says a gentleman, four or five years since, in New-Jersey, an iron foundry belonging to Mr. Wood, of Philadelphia; I think there were thirty or forty men employed in the establishment, and all they drank was pure spring water. I saw them often, while lading out the hot metal and sweating at every pore, take a mug, run to the spring, and drink very freely of the water. I inquired if they did not feel any ill effects

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Η. Μ. Η. Μ.

OM 34455666

Sets. South. I'l. Water.
Moon Moon M's High
Η. Μ. Η. Μ. H. M.
1298 44 19 5 3

1 Th Antares so. 938 ev. 4 347 26238 2 Fr Visit. of B.V. Mary 4 347 2623 42 39 31165

3 Sa

Indepen. dec.

4 347 26 22 59 2 41 10 2013 6 57 1776.4 357 25 22 54 3 25 11 11 27 7 43 4 357 25 22 49 rises. morn. 19 824 4 357 25 22 437 48 0 422 93 0 579 42 149 1810 19 24110 57 3 35 16 11 35 424

4C 5 M8024 6 Tu High tides. 7W 24 south 11 47 eve. 4 367 24 22 37 8 33 8 Th Antares so. 9 9 ev. 4 367 2422 30 9 13 9 Fr Gr. elon. 4 377 23 22 23 950 10 Sa Columbus bo. 1447.4 377 23 22 16 10 25 11C 5 Sun. aft. Trinity. 4 387 2222 811 0 12 M Erasmus died, 15364 387 2222 011 36 5 15 14 15 18 Tu Aquila so. 0 14 m. 4 397 21 21 52 morn. 6 828 26 4 407 20 21 43 0 14 7 18 327 4 407 20 21 34 0 547 55 27 455

14 WD in perigee.

15 Th Swithin.


16 Fr Antares so. 8 36 ev. 4 417 19 21 24 1 37 8 50 6 12 17 Sa Dr. Watts bo. 1674.4 427 18 21 14 2 25 9 47 25 7 13 18C 6 Sun. aft. Trinity. 4 437 17 21 4 3 19 10 4488 19 M Geo.IV.cro'd, 1821.4 437 17 20 53 sets. 11 40 23 8 46 20 Tu Margaret.. 4 44 7 16 20 42 7 42 ευ. 33 0 924 21 W 24 south 10 43 eve. 4 45 7 15 20 31 8 20 1 24 19 10 1 22 Th Magdalen. 28 Fr enters

4 467 14 20 19 855 2 12 m 01 35 4 467 14 20 7 9 27258 15 11 9 24 Sa Aquila so. 11 26 ev. 4 47 7 13 19 54 9 57 3 43 27 11 42 25C 7Sun.af.Tr.St.Ja's. 4 48 7 12 19 42 10 26 425 morn.

26 M St. Anne.
27 Tu) in apogee.

28 W Quite low

4 497 11 19 29 10 555 821 0 18 4 507 10 19 15 11 26 551m 0 58 4517 919 211 59 6 35 15 1 45 4 527 818 48 morn. 7 2127 2 45 30 Fr W. Penn died, 1718.4 537 718 33 0 368 9140 4 547 618 18 1 16259215 16

29 Th

31 Sa


8th Month

AUGUST, 1830.

hath 31 days.

from drinking so much cold water; they answered, No! The furnace went into blast in April, and continued till October; all those employed had the best of bealth during the whole season, and returned to their friends in the autumn with better health and fuller purses than they ever had before.

"A vessel belonging to my neighbor,' says a merchant in Massachusetts, went from this state to South Americe, and thence to India; no spirit was allowed to the crew during the whole voyage; they all arrived home in good health. One of my own captains kept grog from his men the whole of an India voyage: they all came home in fine health.--For my crews, in hot climates, I direct spruce-beer, made with the oil or essence of spruce, and molasses and

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Sun Sun Sun's | Moon | Moon M's High
Rises. Sets. decl. N. Sets. South. Pl. Water.
H. M. H. M.
Η. Μ. Η. Μ. H. M.

1C 8 S.af.Trin. 8 H 455 7 2M 8 south 3 21 morn. 4 567 3 Tu Aquila so. 10 47 ev. 4 577 4W Sup.

4 587

5 Th Tides pretty high. 4597 6 Fr Transfig. of Christ. 5

7 Sa 24 south 9.30 eve. 5


in perigee. 5



5 18 42 29 52 19 625
417 48 255 10 45 17


333 54 1139


217 17 rises. morn. 14

117 1 750 0 3328

7 18 84

8 45

9 24

10 3

07 016 45 8 27 127
16 59 16 28 9 3 2 20 26 10 41
26 58 16 11 9393 12 11 19
36 57 15 54 10 16

46 56 15 36 10 54

4 525 eve. 1

10 Tu St. Lawrence.


4 588 0 48

11 W Fomalh. so. 126 m. 5

5655 15 19 11 36

5.52 23 1 46

12 Th Geo. IV. bo. 1762.5

76 53 15 1 morn.


13 Fr Aquila so. 10 8 eve. 5

86 52 14 43 0 23

7 42214 34

14 Sa



[ocr errors][merged small]

5.96 51 14 24 1 14 8 38

15C 10 Sun.aft. Trinity. 5 10 6 50 14 6 16 M Choctaw M.es.18185 116 49 13 47

17 Tu Fomalh. so. 13 m. 5 126 48 13 28 18 W

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8 29 96


7 30 0 55 81 1.40 23 10 12 8 31 2241044 903 7 17 11 16 930350 29 11 48 9102434 m morn.

20 Fr & south 2 20 morn. 5 166 44 12 29 21 Sa Aquila so. 9 40 ev. 5 17 6 43 12 9 22C 11 Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 18 6 42 11 49 23 M enters my 5 206 40 11 29 24 Tu St. Barthol.) in ap. 5 216 39 11 25 W 24 south 8 18 eve. 5 226 38 10 48 10 37 5 19 23 0 26 26 Th Low tides. 5 236 37 10 27 11 16 6 5119 27 Fr Dr.Herschel d. 18225256 35 10 6 11 59 65417 23 28 Sa St. Augustine. 5 266 34 9 45 morn. 7 44 29 3 16 29 C St. John Bap. beh. 5 276 33 9 24 0 478 37 19 438 30 M Fomalh. so. 0 15 m. 5 286 32 92143931 25 556 31 Tu

5 306 30 8 41 24410 25

6 57


9th Month


hath 30 days.

water. I shipped two crews last week for long voyages in hot climates, and named to the men that we should not allow thom grog: there was not a single objection made to signing the shipping-papers. It is in the power of every ship-owner to prevent the use of ardent spirits on board his vessels, by sending out a few barrels of molasses, and a few dozen bottles of the essence of spruce, for beer.'

"To the foregoing suggestion it may be proper to add, that, for laboring men in hot weather, sweetened water, sometimes with the addition of ginger, is a most salutary drink; so also is a mixture of milk and water."

American Rustic Hospitality. Returning from an excursion in one of the western states, says Judge Hall, I was overtaken by the night, and found my path obstructed by a deep inlet from the river. Observing a house on the oppusite side,

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[O.S.5 316 29

8 19 3 49 11 19 22

757 rises. morn.

7 47

8 29

9 11

7 35 7701421
7 13 7 48 1 9
651 821 2 3.20 10 29


2 Th London burnt, 16665 326 28 3 Fr Very high tides. 5 346 26 4 Sa 24 stat. in per. 5 356 25 5C 15 Sun. aft: Trinity. 5 36/6 24 6M La Fayette b. 1757.5 386 22 7 Tu Fed. Con. for. 1787.5 396 21 6 6 943 3 53.20 11 51

6 29 9 0 2 58 8 11 9

8 W Nat. B. V. Mary. 5 406 20 5 44 10 29

4491 ευ. 39

5 45 18 1 38 6 415254 7 36 16 4 24

9 Th Aquila so. 8 31 ev. 5 41 6 19 5 21 11 18 10 Fr Battle L.Erie, 1813.5 436 17 4 58 morn. 11 Sa Bat. L.Cham.1814.5 446 16 4 35 0 12 12 C 14 Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 45 6 15 4 13 1 10 8 30 29 13M 695 5 47 6 13 3 50 2119 22 0 14 Tu Moscow bur. 1812. 5 48 6 12 3 27 3 11 10 11 24 15 W 8 south 0 30 morn. 5 49 6 11 3 3 4 10 10 58 12 16 Th Middling tides.. 5516 9 2.40 sets. 11 44 19 8 49 5526 8 2 17 6 40 en. 28921

17 Fr Lambert.

5 47 648 7 35 8 14

18 Sa Fomalh.so.113 ev. 5 5367154 7 10 1 12 14 952 19 C 15 Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 556 5 1 31740 155 25 10 24 20 M) in apo. [8085566417 8 11 238 m 10 54 21 Tu St. Matthew. 5576 3044 8 45 3 23 19 11 27 22W Aquila sou. 7 44 ev. 5 596 1 Ν. 21 922 491 morn. 6060S. 310 2456 13 0 4

23 Th

24 Fr



6 15 59 0 26 10 47 5 44 25 0 46 25 Sa & south 11 37 eve. 6 35 57 0 50 11 38 6 34 19 137 26 16 Sun. aft. Trinity. 6 45 56 1 18 morn. 7 2720 27 M Fomalh.so. 10 31 e. 6 55 55 137 0 36 820 4 10 1636.6 75 53 20 137 9 13 16 5 33

28 Tu Har. Coll. fou. 29 W St. Michael.

30 Th St. Jerome.

6 85 52 223 24210 776 6 38 6 105 50 2 47 352 11 214 7 31

10th Month

OCTOBER, 1830.

hath 31 days.

I called for assistance. A half-naked fellow came down, and after dragging a canoe round from the river, with some trouble ferried me over. I followed him to his habitation. His cabin was of the meanest kind, consisting of a single apart. ment, constructed of logs, which contained a tamily of seven or eight souls, and every thing seemed to denote extreme poverty. After drinking a bowl of milk, which I merely called for by way of excuse for paying him a little more for his trouble, I asked to know his charge for ferrying me over the water; to which he good-humoredly replied, that he "never took money for helping a traveller on his way." "Then let me pay you for your milk." "I never sell

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13 W Fomalh. so. 9 34 ev. 6 275 35 14 Th & south 10 14 eve.

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6 285 32

6 305 30

6 315 29

17 C 19 Sun. aft. Trinity. 6 325 28

18 M St. Luke) in apo. 6 335 27

19 Tu stat.

20 W Andro. so. 10 19 ev.

21 Th

6 355 25

8 17


9 38

3 57 73 0 5329
4 20 7 46 1 50 8 10 20
443 8 32 248 29 112
5 6 9 22 346

11 45

5 29 10 17 4 44 28 eve.35 5 52 11 14 5 415


4 12

6 15 morn. 6 36 26 247
6 33 0 137 28 0
7 11 13 8 18 21
7 23 21395mm 630

7 46

8 8

3189 51 16

5 30

7 17

4 12 10 35 28 755

831 5 91118829 853 sets. eve. 122 9 1 9 15 620044m 932 9 37 653 1 28 16 10 4 959 728 2 1328 10 36

6 365 2410 2087 259 11 9 stat. 6 375 2310 42 8 50 3 4722 11 46 6 395.21 11 39384 36 19 morn. 6 405 2011 24 10 30

22 Fr Fomalh. so. 9 eve. 23 Sa enters m.



5.25 16 0 27

24 C 20 Sun. aft. Trinity.

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25 M Crispin.

6 425 18 12 6 morn.

77 217

26 Tu Low tides,

6 445 16 12 27 0 29

759 25 336

27 W 3 south 9 26 eve

6 455 15 12 47

1 33 852521

28 Th Sts. Simon & Jude.

6 465-14 13 7

2 43 9 45 22 6 14

29 Fr Andro. so. 9 45 ev.

6 47 5 13 13 27

3 54 10 40

7 11

30 Sa

6 495 11 13 47

5811 3622

7 59

31C 21S.af.Tr.) in per. 6 505 10 14 7

6 23 morn. 8| 8'43

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