CORTLAND COUNTY. Constituted in 1808 from Onondaga county. In 1825 its population was 20,271. Present number of towns 11. Appointed. Names. 1823 William Mallory, 1823 Joseph Reynolds, 1828 Aaron Brown, Andrew Dickson, Oliver Kingman, 1827 Edward C. Reed, Homer, 1828 Charles W. Lynde, 1824 William Mallory, Cortlandville, Elected. 1828 Samuel Hotchkiss, jr. Cortlandville, Clerk. 66 Adin Webb, Cortlandville, Sheriff. Cortlandville, Jonathan Cotton, Truxton, Coroners. 1828 Joseph Darby, Merodach Havens, Harrison, Francis A. Howard, Preble, STATED TERMS.-Third Tuesday of April, and on the second Tuesdays of September and December; but no grand jury shall be summoned at the December term, without the order of the first or senior Judge. DELAWARE COUNTY. Constituted in 1797 from Otsego and Ulster counties. In 1825 its population was 29,565. Present number of towns is 18. John Bathrick, STATED TERMS.-First Mondays of February, June, and October, except that the Court of General Sessions is holden on the first Monday of February, instead of October; but no grand jury shall be summoned to attend the said February and June terms. Elècted. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Elected. Andes. Colchester. 1827 Eben. B. Washburn, 1827 James W. Knapp, 66 Cornelius Bassett, 1828 John Bassett, 1829 William Walmsley. Bovina. 1827 Duncan M'Naught, 66 66 Lewis Hart, 1828 John H. Gregory, 1829 Alexander Cole. Davenport. 1827 Seth Goodrich, 66 Thomas Landon, jr. Henry Saraberger, 1828 John T. Wilber, 1829 John M. Landon. 1828 Andrew Parish, 1829 Benjamin Parker. |