This is one of the original counties of the state. In 1825 its population was 14,679. Present number of towns 6. STATED TERMS. --At BROOKLYN on the third Tuesdays of January and July; and at FLATBUSH on the third Tuesdays of April and October, alternately, at the Court House in Flatbush, and at the Apprentices, Library in the village of Brooklyn. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND, SOLICITORS AND COUNSELLORS IN CHANCERY. Ques the the ces LEWIS COUNTY. Constituted in 1805 from Oneida county. In 1825 its population was 11,669. Present number of towns 9. Appointed. Names. 1823 Edward Bancroft, 1828 Duel Goff, 66 Harrison Blodget, 1826 Palmer Townsend, Michael Brooks, 1818 Ela Collins, 1823 Sylvester Miller, 66 Elected. John W. Martin, 1828 Andrew W. Doig, 66 Hezekiah Scovill, 1828 Enoch Thompson, Calvin Lewis, Residence. Martinsburgh, Treasurer. Martinburgh, Martinsburgh, Joseph O. Mott, Turin, 66 Pinckney, Parley Covey, Clerk. Sheriff. Coroners. STATED TERMS.-First Tuesday of January, and third Tuesdays of April and September. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 1. Constituted in 1821 from Genesee and ties. In 1825 its population was 23,860. ber of towns 12. Appointed. Names. 1829 Hezekiah D. Mason, 1825 Willard H. Smith, 1828 John H. Jones, 66 James M-Nair, Daniel H. Fitzhugh, 1821 George Hosmer, 1823 James Rosebrugh, Residence. Genesee, Caledonia, Leicester, Surrogate. Groveland, Groveland, District Attorney. Groveland, 1828 William H. Spencer, Geneseo, Treasurer. Elected. Justus Wright, Wm. H. M'Cartney, Sparta, STATED TERMS.-Last Mondays of January, May, Geneseo, 1827 Joshua Huntington, 1827 Horatio Jones, jr. |