ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS. AND COUNSELLORS IN CHANCERY. Constituted in 1691. One of the original counties.. In 1825 its population was 33,131. Present number of towns 21 Appointed. Names. 1828 Caleb Tompkins, 1823 Edward Kemeys, 66 Ezra Lockwood, 1824 John Townsend, 1827 William Jay, 1829 William Nelson, 1828 Jonathan Ward, 1829 William Barker, STATED TERMS.-Court of Common Pleas alternately at the Court House in Bedford, and at the Court House in White Plains, on the fourth Mondays of May and September, and on the first Monday of December; and the Court of General Sessions on the fourth Mondays of May and September, at the place where the Common Pleas shall be then held; but no issue of fact shall be tried by a jury at any December term. 1827 John Leveridge, Daniel Harris, 1828 Benjamin Ward, 1829 David Lent. East Chester. 1827 Jonathan Baddeau, 1827 Ezra Mead, 1827 Simeon Tyler, 1827 Charles Pine, Henry Munroe. 66 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS AND COUNSELLORS IN CHANCERY. Bedford. William Jay, Mamaroneck. 1824 Henry Munro, New-Rochelle. Jacob Bartow, 1824 James C. Hale, 1816 Aaron Ward, Somers. 1807 Frederic I. Coffin, White Plains. 1808 Minot Mitchell, 1825 J. W. Tompkins, Mount Pleasant. 1807 Edward Kemeys, CHANCERY. Admitted as Admitted as Admitted as 1816 1812 1820 1821 YATES COUNTY.. Constituted February 5th, 1823. In 1825 its popula tion was 13,214. Present number of towns 7. |