Island, -' 10,092 Bond of the Corporation of Albany, 150,000 pany stock, Nevisink Navigation Company, Lands on Grand Island sold, no bonds given, and now reverted to the Lands given by the Holland Com- 200,000 10,000 - $370,092 8,175 acres. 100,000 Do. do. John Hornby, 3,000 Do. do. Gideon Granger, 1,000 CANAL DEBTS. Erie and Champlain Canals. Amount of Stock, bearing 5 per cent. int. do. 6 per cent. int. Do. 309 $4,409,655 99 2,943,500 00 $7,353,155 99 This stock is redeemable in the sums, and at the times fol lowing. 1837, July 1st, 5 per cent. stock, 1,400,000 00 Do. 6 per cent. stock, 2,093,500 00 $150,000 00 Cayuga and Seneca Canal. Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1829. Expenditure. Interest on Loans, Repairs, improvements, and superintend ence, and collection of tolls, Damages, Incidental expenses, $397,592 80 50,000,00 20,000 00 500 00 pany stock, 500 00 Int. on Loan to Albany city, Amount due from Seneca and Cayuga Canal Fund, Deduct Expenditure, Estimated balance of Revenue, after deducting all charges for 1829, 9,000 00 7,000 00 63,957 86 A LIST of the principal places on the Canals, and their distances from each other, as adopted by the Canal Board. JUNCTION AND ERIE CANALS. Troy, Bowman's Creek, Herkimer, . Smith's, 141 31 129 222 8 162 52 108 201 171 61 99 192 63 97 190 184 Canton, 75 85178 COLLEGES. A Table of the several coLLEGES in the United States. in the order of time in which they were founded, with the location of each. When founded. Colleges. Location. 1638 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1691 William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. 1738 Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J. 1754 Columbia College, New-York, N. Y. 66 S. C. Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. 66 University of Ohio, Athens, O. 1805 St. Mary's College, Baltimore, Md. 66 1812 Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. 66 Washington College, Lexington, Va. 1815 Allegany College, Meadville, Penn. 66 1821 Amherst College, Amherst Mass. 66 Columbian College, Washington, D. C. 1822 Augusta College, Augusta, Ken. 1828. Blooming College, Bloomington, Ind. Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edw. county, Vir. East Tennessee College, Knoxville, Tenn. Transylvania University, Madison College, Ken. Penn Kenyon College Danville, Danville, Ken. College, Worthington, |