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A Table of the several COLLEGES in the United States. in the order of time in which they were founded, with the location of each.

When founded. Colleges.


1638 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
1691 William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
1700 Yale College, New-Haven, Conn.
1738 Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J.

1754 Columbia College, New-York, N. Y.

1755 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn
1764 Brown University, Providence, R. I.
1769 Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.
1770 Rutgers College, New-Brunswick, N. J.
1783 Dickinson College, Carlisle, Penn.
1785 Charleston College, Charleston, S. C.
1785 University of Georgia. Athens, Ga.
1791 Vermont University, Burlington, Ver.
1791 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.
1793 Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.

1794 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me.



Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.
Greenville College, Greenville, Tenn.
1800 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.
1802 University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C.
University of Ohio, Athens, O.

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Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Penn.
1805 St. Mary's College, Baltimore, Md.
1806 University of Nashville, Nashville, Tenn.
Washington College, Washington, Penn.

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1812 Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.


Washington College, Lexington, Va.
1814 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va..
1815 Allegany College, Meadville, Penn.
1820 Waterville College, Waterville, Me.

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Western University, Pittsburg, Pa.

1821 Amherst College, Amherst Mass.

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Columbian College, Washington, D. C.
1822 Augusta College, Augusta, Ken.
1824 Miami University, Oxford, O.
1825 Geneva College, Geneva, N. Y.
1826 Washington College, Hartford, Conn.

1828 Western Reserve College, Hudson, O.

1828 Blooming College, Bloomington, Ind.

Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edw. county, Vir.
East Tennessee College, Knoxville, Tenn.

Transylvania University,

Madison College,

Kenyon College, Worthington, Q.

Danville, Danville, Ken.





There are 45 COLLEGES in the UNITED STATES. The number in each state may be found in the following table:

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On the first of May, 1784, certain persons were appointed by the Legislature of the state to superintend the interests of education, under the title of Regents of the University. Enos T. Throop, Lt. Gov. AND ACTING Gov. Ex Officio. Simeon De Witt, Albany, CHANCELLOR OF THE BOARD. Elisha Jenkins, Columbia county.

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The first Chancellor of the Board was GEORGE CLINTON, who was appointed in 1787.

The present Chancellor of the Board was chosen a Regent

in 1798.

FRANCIS BLOODGOOD, Esq. has been Treasurer from 1798 to this time.

GIDEON HAWLEY, Esq. has been Secretary from 1814 to this time.


This College is established in the City of NEW-YORK, and was founded in the year 1754, by Royal Charter, at which time it was called King's College. It received its present name in 1787. Hon. William A. Duer, LL. D. President.

Rev. John McVickar, D. D., Professor of Moral Philo., Rhet. and Belles Letters.

James Renwick, LL. D., Pofessor of Nat. and Exper. Philosophy and Chemistry.

Nathaniel F. Moore, LL. D., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages.

Henry J. Anderson, M. D., Professor of Math. and Astronomy. Charles Anthon, A. M., Professor of Languages and Anc. Geo. Rev. Antoine Verren, A. M., Professor of the French Language and Literature.


Hon. William A. Duer, LL. D., Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D., Clement C. Moore, David B. Ogden, William Johnson, Edward W. Laight, John R. Murray, Beverly Robinson, Thomas L. Ogden, Nicholas Fish, John T. Irving, David S. Jones, Peter A. Jay, John Duer, Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Lynde Catlin, Rev. Jonathan M. Wainwright, D. D., Philip Hone, John Watts, Charles King, Rev. James M. Matthews, D. D., Samuel Boyd.

Commencement.-First Tuesday in August.

Vacation.-From Commencement, to Ist Monday in October. There were 20 Graduates at this College in August, 1829.


This College is located in the village of GENEVA, in the county of Ontario, and was founded in the year 1825. It has a Library of 390 Volumes.

Rev. John Reed, D. D., President.

Commencement.--First Wednesday in August.


This College is located in the village of CLINTON, in the county of Oneida, and was founded in the year 1812.

Rev. Azel Backus, D. D., was the first President of this Institution.

Rev. Henry Davis, D. D., President.

Josiah Noyes, M. D., Prof. of Chem. and Mineral.
John H. Lathrop, A. M., Prof. of Math. and Nat. Philo.
Rev. Simeon North, A. M., Prof. of Languages.
Ebenezer D. Maltbie, A. M., Tutor.

Commencement.-Fourth Wednesday in August.

IF No Senior class graduated at the last commencement.


This College is established at the City of SCHENECTADY. Its charter was obtained from the Regents of the University, February 25th, 1795.

Rev. Eliphalet Nott, D. D. LL. D., President.

Rev. Robert Proudfit, D. D., Prof. of Languages.

Benjamin F. Joslin, M. D. Professor of Mathematics, and Nat. Philosophy.

Joel B. Nott A. M., Prof. of Chem. and Mineralogy.

John A. Yates, A. M., Professor of Oriental Literature. Tutors.-Chester Averil, Jesse W. Goodrich, George Eaton.


Rev. Eliphalet Nott, D. D. LL. D., Ex. Enes T. Throop, Hon. Reuben H. Walworth, John Savage, LL. D. Jacb. Sutherland, Wm. L. Marcy, Simeon De Witt, Azariah C. Flagg, Silas Wright, Jr. Abraham Keyser, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Henry Walton, Joseph C. Yates, William North, Guert Van Schoonhoven, Alexander Proudfit, D. D., Rev. Frederic Beasly, James C. Duane, William James, Henry Yates.

There were 82 graduates at the last commencement.

Commencement.-Fourth Wednesday in July.

Vacations-First, 7 weeks from Commencement. Second, 3 weeks in December. Third, 3 weeks in April.


Apha of New-York.

Hon. Ambrose Spencer, LL. D., President.

David Hosack, M. D. LL. D., Vice President.

Prof. Benjamin, F. Joslin, M. D., Corresponding Sec'ry,

Thomas C. Reed, Rec. Secretary.

Isaac W. Jackson, Treasurer..

Rev. Erskine Mason, Register.



This college was founded June 24th, 1794, and is located at BRUNSWICK, Maine. It has a library of 8000 volumes.

Rev. William Allen, D. D., President.

Parker Cleveland, LL. D., Prof. Math. and Phil. Nat. and Lect. on Chem, and Mineral.

Samuel P. Newman, A. M., Prof. Rhet. and Orat. and Lect. on Polit. Econ.

Alpheus S. Packard, A. M., Prof. Latin and Greek Languages, and Literature.

Thomas C. Upham, A. M., Prof. of Moral Philosophy, and Met. and Lect. in Sacred Lit.

John D. Wells, M. D., Prof. of Anat. and Surgery.

James M'Keen, M. D., Lect. on Obstet.

William Smith, A. M., Adjunct. Prof. Math. et Phil. Nat.

John Abbott, A. M., Librarian.

The number of TRUSTEES is 24.

Commencement.-First Wednesday in September.

Vacations. First, four weeks from commencement; second, six weeks from the first Wednesday in January; third, three weeks from the first, Wednesday after the third Monday of May.


This College was founded in the year 1820, and is located at WATERVILLE, Maine. It has a library of 1700 volumes.

Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, D. D., President.
Thomas J. Conant, A. M., Professor of Languages.
Robert E. Pattison, A. M. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil.
John O. B. Chaplin, Tutor.

Commencement.-Last Wednesday in July.


This college was founded in 1769, and is established at HANOVER, N. H. It has a library of 3500 volumes.

Rev. Nathan Lord, D. D., President.

Ebenezer Adams, A. M., Prof. of Math. and Nat. Phil.
Rev. George Howe, A. M., Prof. of Theology.

Reuben D. Mussey, M. D., Prof. of Anat. Surg. and Obstet. Daniel Oliver, M. D., Prof. Physiol. Theo. and Pract. Physic, and Mat. Med.

Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, A. M. Prof. of Mor. Philos. and Polit Economy.

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