1 Rev. Henry Ware, D. D. Prof. of Divinity, Levi Hedge, LL. D., Prof. of Nat. Rel, Mor. Phil. and Civ. Pol. Francis Sales, Instructer in French and Spanish. John C. Warren, M. D., Hersey Prof. Anat. and Surg. Walter Channing, M. D., Prof. Obstet. and Med. Juris. Oliver Stearns, A. B.. Tutor in Math. and Nat. Phil. Commencement.-Last Wednesday in August. Vacations. First; two weeks from the Wednesday preceding the 25th day of December. Second; two weeks from the first Wednesday in Apri!. Third; six weeks next preceding Commence ment. РЫІ ВЕТАΑ ΚΑΡΡΑ. Alpha of Massachusetts. Hon. Edward Everett, President. Rev. James Walker, Vice President. Charles Folsom, Corresponding and Recording Secr'y. WILLIAMS COLLEGE. This college was incorporated June 22d, 1793, and is located at WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. It has a library of 2100 volumes. Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D. D., President and Prof. of Div. Albert Hopkins, Prof. of Math. and Nat. Phil. Daniel Noble, Treasurer; Daniel N. Dewey, Secretary. Commencement. First Wednesday in September. Vacations. First, four weeks from commencement. Second, six weeks from the Wednesday succeeding the fourth Wednesday of December. Third, three weeks from the third Wednesday of May. AMHERST COLLEGE. This college was founded in the year 1821, and is located at AMHERST, Mass. It has a library of 2300 volumes. Rev. Heman Humphrey, D. D., President and Prof. of Menta and Moral Philos. Rev. Edward Hitchcock, A. M., Prof. of Chem. and Nat. Hist. Rev. Sylvester Hovey, A. M., Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, A. M. Prof. of the Greek Lang. and Lit. and Belles Lettres. Rev. Solomon Peck, A. M. Prof. of Heb. and Lat. Lang. and Lit. Samuel M. Worcester, A. M. Prof. of Rhet. and Oratory. Ebenezer S. Snell, A. M. Associate Prof. of Math. and Nat. Phal. andLibrarian. Ernest Rovel, A. M., Teacher of the French and Spanish, Lan and Literature. John Leland, Treasurer. Lucius Boltwood, Secretary. Vacations. First, four weeks from the fourth Wednesday of August. Sccond, six weeks from the fourth Wednesday of December. Third, three weeks from the second Wednesday of May. BROWN UNIVERSITY. This institution was founded in 1764, and is located at PROVIDENCE, R. I. It has a library of 6000 volumes. Rev. Francis Wayland, D. D., President. Solomon Drown, M. D., Prof. of Mat. Med. and Bot. Levi Wheaton, M. D., Prof. of Theory and Pract. of Med. Vacations. First, three weeks from commencement. Second, eight weeks from the last Wednesday in December. Third, two weeks from the third Wednesday in May. YALE COLLEGE. This College was founded in the year 1700; and is established at NEW HAVEN, Conn. It has a library of 8,500 volumes. Rev. Jeremiah Day, D. D. LL. D. President. Hon. David Daggett, LL. D. Professor of Law. Benjamin Silliman, M. D. LL. D. Frofessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Mineralogy, and Geology. James L. Kingsly, A. M., Professor of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Languages. Thomas Hubbard, M. D., Professor of Surgery. Eli Ives, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic, and Lecturer on Diseases of Children. William Tully, M. D., Prof. Mat. Med. and Botany. Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor, D. D., Dwight Prof. Didac. Theol. Jonathan Knight, M. D., Prof. of Anat., Physiol., and Lect. on Obstetrics. Josiah W. Gibbs, A. M. Professor of Sacred Lit. and Librarian. Jose Antonio Pizarro, Instructer in Spanish. Tutors. George Jones, Amos Pettingell, David L. Seymour, Amos Blanchard, William A. Larned, Sidney L. Johnson. Stephen Twining, Steward. The Corporation consists of 10 Fellows, the Governor, Lieut. Governor, and six senior senators. Commencement. Second Wednesday in September. Vacations. First, six weeks from commencement. Second, two weeks from the second Wednesday in January. Third, from the first Wednesday of May four weeks. PHI BETΑ ΚΑΡΡΑ. Alpha of Connecticut. Officers elected December 7th, 1829. Hon. Roger Minot Sherman, LL. D. President. 1 1 WASHINGTON COLLEGE. This College was founded in 1826; and is established at HARTFORD, Conn. It has a library of 5,000 volumes. Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, D. D. LL. D., President. John S. Rogers, M. D., Prof. Chem. and Mineral. Rev. Hector Humphrey, A. M., Prof. of Anc. Languages. A LIST OF THE COLLEGES IN THE MIDDLE, SOUTHERN, AND WESTERN STATES. 1805 Rev. E. Damphoux, D. D. 1821 Rev. S. Chapin, D. D. 1814 Hon. J. Madison, Rector. 1791 Rev. J. Caldwell, D. D. 1802 Thomas Cooper, M. D. THE POLYTECHNY AT CHITTENANGO, in the county of Madison. Rev. Andrew Yates, D. D., Principal. 'Rev. David A. Sherman, Prof. of Philol. and Anc. Lang. Andrew J. Yates, Prof. of Modern Languages. Stephen Alexander, Prof. of Nat. Phil. and Math. Rev. C. B. Thummell, Adjunct Prof. Edward Sanford, M. H. Beecher, J. F. Richardson, Assistants. HAMILTON ACADEMY. This Academy is located at HAMILTON, in the county of Ma dison. Zenas Morse, A. M., Principal. Helen M. Phelps, Preceptress. Asahel C. Kendrick, Teacher of Languages. William Mather, M. D., Lecturer on Chem. FRANKLIN ACADEMY. This Academy is located at PRATTSBURGH, in the county of Steuben. Eli Eddy, Principal of the Male Department. Cornelia Pratt, Principal of the Female Department. Jacob Van Valkenburgh, Secretary of Board of Trustees. |