BANKS. UNITED STATES' BANK. This Bank was incorporated March 3d, 1816; and is located at Philadelphia. It has a capital of thirty-five millions of dollars, which is divided into 350,000 shares of $100 each. Its charter expires in 1836. Annual meeting, 1st Monday of January. The U. S. hold 70,000 shares in 5 per cent. stock. Individual subscribers hold 280,000 shares. Nicholas Biddle, President. William McIlvaine, Cashier. Directors.-Nicholas Biddle, Manuel Eyre, Paul Beck, jr., Lewis Clapier, Thomas T. Pope, Alexander Henry, James C. Fisher, John Sergeant, John Bohun, Henry Pratt, John R. Neff, Edward Coleman, William Platt, John Potter, So. Carolina, George Hoffman, Roswell L. Colt, Maryland, Campbell P. White, Isaac Carow, New-York, Thomas H. Perkins, B. W. Crowninshield, Mass. UNITED STATES' BRANCH BANK, Directors chosen December 4th, 1829. Isaac Lawrence, President. Morris Robinson, Cashier.' Directors.-Isaac Lawrence, John Ferguson, John Rathbone, jr., John S. Crary, Silas Wood, Peter I. Nevius, Andrew Foster, David Hadden, Robert Lenox, Saul Alley, Henry Kneeland, James Boyd, jr., John W. Lawrence. UNITED STATES' BRANCH BANK, Established October, 1829. OTHER BRANCHES. Offices of Discount and Deposit, or branches of the United States' Bank, are established at the following places: There are twenty branches of the United States' Bank now in operation in different parts of the Union. BANKS OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. BANK OF NEW-YORK, Incorporated in March, 1791. Capital, $1,000,000. Shares $500. Charter expires in 1832. Annual Election, 2d Tuesday of May. Charles Wilkes, President. Discount days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. MANHATTAN COMPANY, Incorporated in 1799. Capital $2,050,000. Shares $50. Charter unlimited. Annual election, 1st Tuesday in December. Maltby Gelston, President. Robert White, Cashier. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. MERCHANTS' BANK, Incorporated March 29th, 1805. Capital $1,490,000. Shares $50. Charter expires in 1832. Annnal election, 1st Tuesday in June. Lynde Catlin, President. Walter Mead, Cashier. Discount days, Wednesdays and Fridays. MECHANICS' BANK, . Incorporated March 23d, 1810. Capital $2,000,000. Shares $25. Charter expires in 1832. Annual election, 1st Tuesday in April. Jacob Lorillard, President. John Fleming, Cashier. Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. UNION BANK, Incorporated March, 1811. Capital $1,000,000. Shares $50. Charter expires in 1831. Annual election, 1st Monday in March. John Low, President. Daniel Ebbets, jr. Cashier. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. BANK OF AMERICA, Incoporated in 1812. Capital $2,000,000. Shares $100. Charter expires in 1832. Annual election, 1st Monday in May. Thomas Buckley, President. George Newbold, Cashier. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. CITY BANK, Incorporated in 1812. Capital $1,150,000. Shares, $50. Char} ter expires in 1832. Annual election, 1st Tuesday in June. Isaac Wright, President. George A. Worth, Cashier. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. PHOENIX BANK, Incorporated June 15th, 1812. Capital $500,000. Shares $50 Charter expires in 1832. Annual election, 1st Tuesday in July. James Boggs, President. John Delafield, Cashier. Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. NORTH RIVER BANK, Incorporated in 1821. Capital $500,000. Shares $50. Charter expires in 1842. Annual election. 1st Monday in June. Leonard Kip, President. Aaron B. Hayes, Cashier. Notes discounted every day. TRADESMENS' BANK Incorporated March, 29th 1823. Capital $480,000. Shares $40. Charter expires in 1832. Annual election, 1st Monday in July. Preserved Fish, President. William H. Falls, Cashier. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. NEW-YORK CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated April 1st, 1824. Capital $500,000. Shares $25. Charter expires in 1845. Annual election, 1st Monday in April. Balthazar P. Melick, President. Archibald Craig, Cashier. Discount days, every day. FULTON BANK. Incorporated April 1st, 1824. Capital $600,000. Shares $30. Charter expires in 1844. Annual election, last Tuesday in March. John Adams, President. David Thompson, Cashier. Discount days, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL COMPANY. Incorporated April 23d, 1823. Capital $1,500,000. Shares $100. Charter unlimited. Annual election first Tuesday in March. John Bolton, President. Samuel Flewelling, Cashier. NEW-YORK DRY DOCK COMPANY. Incorporated April 12th, 1825. Capital $700,000. Shares $50. Charter unlimited. Annual election second Monday in January. Ezra Weeks, President. William Stebbins, Cashier. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. The MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE BANK was incorporated April 29th, 1829, with a capital of $750,000. Shares $50. Annual election, first Monday in June. Not yet in operation. Charter expires in 1849. The NATIONAL BANK was also incorporated in 1829, with a capital of $1,000,000. Shares $50. It is not yet in operation. Its charter expires in 1857. Annual election, second Tuesday in July. BANK FOR SAVINGS. Incorporated March 26th, 1819. John Pintard, President. Robert C. Cornell, Secretary SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS. Incorporated in 1829, and commenced business May 11th, 1829. Najah Taylor, President. Oliver H. Hicks, Secretary. The bank is open every day, except Sunday, from 12 to 1 o'clock. LONG ISLAND BANK. Incorporated in 1824. Capital $300,000. ter expires in 1840. Annual election in June. Shares $50. Char Leffert Lefferts, President. Daniel Embury, jr., Cashier. This bank is located at Brooklyn, in King's county, BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK. " Abraham Van Sinderen, President. James S. Clark, Secretary ALBANY. BANK OF ALBANY. Incorporated in 1792. Capital $360,000. Charter expires in 1855. Annual election, second Tuesday in May. Barent Bleecker, President. John Van Zandt, Cashier. NEW-YORK STATE BANK. Incorporated in 1803. Capital $369,600. Charter expires in 1851. Annual election first Tuesday in June. Francis Bloodgood, President. Richard Yates, Cashier. MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' BANK. Incorporated in 1811. Capital $630,000. first Monday in June. Annual election, Benjamin Knower, President. Thomas W. Olcott, Cashier. Incorporated in 1829. Capital $300,000. Charter expires in 1854. Annual election, second Tuesday in July. John T. Norton, President. Theodore Olcott, Cashier. |