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The Stated Terms of this Court, for this District, are holden at Knoxville, on the third Monday of April and second Monday of October.

Western District.

John M'Nairy, Judge.

James Collingsworth, Attorney.
Nathaniel A. M'Nairy, Clerk.
Robert Purdy, Marshal.

The Stated Terms of this Court, for this District, are holden at Nashville, în the fourth Mondays in May and November.



1829 John W. Campbell, Judge. Salary, $1000.

Samuel Herrick, Attorney.

William Key Bond, Clerk.

John Patterson, Marshal.

The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at Columbus, on the third Monday of July, and the Monday succeeding the fourth Monday of December, annually. Appointed. Louisiana. Eastern District.

1829 Samuel H. Harper, Judge. Salary, $3000.

1829 John Slidell, Attorney.

The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at New-Orleans, on the second Monday of December, annually.

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The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at Opelousas Court House, on the third Monday of August, annually.

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The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at Corydon, on the first Mondays of May and November, annually.

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The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at the Court House of Adams County, on the first Mondays of April and October, annually.

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The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at Vandalia, (two sessions annually) on the third Mondays of June and November.

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F. W. Armstrong, Marshal.

The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at Huntsville, on the first Monday of March, and first Monday of October; at Mobile, on the first Monday of May, and second Monday of December.



James H. Peck, Judge. Salary, $1200.

1829 George Shannon, Attorney.

Isaac Barton, Clerk.

1829 Augustus Jones, Marshal.

The Stated Terms of this Court are holden at St. Charles, on the first Mondays of March and September, annually.

District of Columbia.

William Cranch, Chief Judge.
Buckner Thurston, Assistant Judge.
James S. Morsel, Assistant Judge.
Thomas Swann, Attorney.

William Brent, Clerk.

Tench Ringgold, Marshal.

The stated terms of this Court are holden at Washington City, on the first Mondays of December and June annually.

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It is provided by the Act of September 24, 1789, Sec. 3, that the District Judge of each district shall have power to hold special courts at his discretion.

District Attorneys and Marshals hold their offices for four years only; and arc appointed by the President, by and with the advice of the Senate.

The Clerks are appointed by the Courts of which they respectively are



Isaac Chauncey, Commodore.

Francis H. Gregory, Master Commander.

John M. Gamble, Lieut. Colonel Commanding Marine Corps.
Silas H. Stringham, 1st Lieutenant of the Yard.

William G. Woolsey, 2d Lieutenant of the Yard.

Samuel Jackson, Surgeon of the Yard and Marine Barracks.

James H. Clark, Purser.

Francis H. Ellison, Master.

Charles W. Chauncey, Passed Midshipman and Acting Master.
Addison Searle, Chaplain.

Tunis Craven, Naval Storekeeper.

Samuel Hart, Naval Constructor.


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David S. Lyon,

Melancthon Swartwout, Deputy Collectors.
Henry Ogden, Cashier.

Nathaniel Schultze, Auditor.

John Ferguson, Naval Officer.

J. Ferguson, jr. Deputy Naval Officer.

1829 Mordecai M. Noah, Surveyor.



1829 Jeromus Johnson,

1829 William S. Coe,

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51 Add 1820 Campbell P. White, Paymaster General.

53 For Abraham Bockee, Poughkeepsie, read Abraham Bockee, Amenia.





Eben. F. Norton, Buffalo, Niagara, read Buffalo, Erie.
Albany 4, read Albany 3.

Somers, Wayne, read Somers, Westchester.

Esopus, Eister, read Esopus, Ulster.

109 Erase the words " in every year;" near the close of the page. 111 To President of the Senate prefix William M. Oliver. 112 George H. Boughton's term expires 1830.

To Speaker, prefix Erastus Root.

To Clerk, prefix Francis Seger.

113 To Chenango, John Latham, Clerk, add Mount Upton. Jarvis K. Pike, add Norwich.


Delaware, Matthew Halcott, add Middletown.
Jefferson, Curtis C. Brooks, Rutland.

Aaron Brown, Lorraine.

For Chester, read Charles Orvis, Antwerp.
Montgomery, Thomas R. Benedict, add Ephratah.
Henry I. Diefendorf, add Root.

Daniel Stewart, add Montgomery.

Oneida, Arnon Comstock, for Westchester, read Western. To Oswego, Hiram Hubbell, add Richland in a part of the impression.

115 To Queens, Thomas Tredwell, add Hempstead.


Richmond, John T. Harrison, add Castletown.
Rockland, George S. Allison, add Haverstraw.

President of the Senate, prefix Wm. M. Oliver.. 123 and 125 William H. Duer, Albany, Circuit Judge, has resigned his seat on the Bench, and is now President of Columbia College, and James Vanderpoel, of Kinderhook, Columbia County, is Judge of the 3d Circuit.

126 To Clerk in Chancery, prefix Gideon M. Davison, Saratoga Springs.


127 To Clerk in Chancery, prefix Thomas S. Williams, Utica.

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prefix Jona. L. Woods, Cortlandville. prefix George B. Throop, Auburn. Samuel L. Selden, Rochester.

Broome County.

In a part of the impression the residences of the Coroners were omitted, and one name has been altered.

142 In a part of the impression the list of Justices is incorrect. 143 To the Attorneys, &c. in Binghampton, add Hamilton Collier, and Ralph Metcalf.

Cattaraugus County.

143 For 1829, I. Day, Franklinville, read Israel Day, Ellicotville. 1829, Daniel Alien, read 1828, Dan. Allen, Perrysburgh. 1823, Griswold E. Warner, ead 1826, James Parmele. Great Valley.

To District Attorney prefix 1829, Anson Gibbs, Ellicotville.
To 1828, Abraham Searl, add Ellicotville.

Andrew Mead, add Olean.

Robert Steele, add Yorkshire.

145 Add to the Attorneys, &c. Albert G. Burke, Mark W. Fletcher, Perrysburgh.

[ocr errors]

Add George A. S. Crocker, Connewango.

Russell C. Bryan, Fredonia.

Ralph R. Phelps, Franklinville.

Asa Hazen, Olean, read Asa Hazen, Ellicotville.

Chautauque County.

148 For 1823, Isaac Harman, read 1825, Philo Orton, Pomfret. To 1824, Artemas Herrick, add Mayville.

1828, Benjamin Walworth, add Fredonia.
1826, Thomas B. Campbell, add Westfield.

District Attorney prefix 1828, Sami. A. Brown, Jameston.
1823, William Smith, jr., add Mayville.

William H. Fenton, add Ellicott.

John Bond, add Pomfret.

Elisha Wallis, add Mayville.

Joel Burnell, add Gerry.

To Attorneys and Counsellors, &c.

150 Add in Fredonia, Chauncey Tucker, and erase Leman Ave

rill, and Earnest Mullet.

Add in Dunkirk, Earnest Mullet.

Add in Mayville, John Birdsall, Thomas A. Osborne, and' erase James H. Price.

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