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Eighth District.


1822, Archibald M'Intyre, 1826 1823, John Bowman,

1824, Samuel Wilkeson.

1823, Silas Wright, jr.

James M'Call.

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1824, John Crary.

1825, John L. Viele.

1825, Ethan B. Allen.

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1823, David Gardiner, 1827 1823, William Nelson, 1824, Cadwallader D. Colden. 1824, Wells Lake.

1825, Joshua Smith.

1826, Robert Bogardus.

1825, Peter R. Livingston.

1826, Benjamin Woodward.

* George Brayton resigned his seat April 18, 1826.

Jedediah Morgan died before the expiration of his term.

‡ Cadwallader Ď. Colden resigned his seat, Aug. 30th, 1827.

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1825, Ambrose L. Jordan.

1826, John McCarty.

1827, Moses Warren.

1828 1827, Nathaniel S. Benton.

Sixth District.

1828 1824, Stukely Ellsworth, 1828 1825, Peter Hagar. 2d.

1826, Thomas G. Waterman.

1827, Grattan H. Wheeler.

Seventh District.


1824, Richard M'Michael, 1828 1824, John C. Spencer,

Fourth District.

1824, John Crary, 1825, John L. Viele.

1826, Duncan M'Martin, jr. 1827, Reuben Sanford.

1825, Truman Hart.

1826, William M. Oliver.
1827, George B. Throop.

Eighth District.

1828 1824, Samuel Wilkeson,
1825, Ethan B. Allen.
1826, Charles H. Carroll.
1827, Timothy H. Porter.


* Charles Dayan was elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of George Brayton.

† Victory Birdseye was elected to fill the place of Jededial Morgan, deceased.

Jacob Tyson was elected in the place of C. D. Colden for the remainder of his term.

Charles H. Carroll resigned his seat in the Senate this year.

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1825, Peter R. Livingston, 1829 1825, Peter Hagar, 2d,

1826, Benjamin Woodward.

1827, Walker Todd.

1828, William H. Maynard.

Sixth District.


1826, Thomas G. Waterman.

1827, Grattan H. Wheeler.

1828, Samuel Rexford. ·

1828, John F. Hubbard.

Third District.

Seventh District.


1826, William M. Oliver.

1827, George B. Throop.

1825, +Ambrose L. Jordan, 1829 1825, Truman Hart,

1826, John M.Carty.

1827, Moses Warren.

1828, Lewis Eaton.

Fourth District.

1825, John L Viele,

1826, Duncan M'Martin, jr.

1827, Reuben Sanford.

1828, John M'Lean, jr.

1828, Hiram F. Mather.

Eighth District.

1829 1825, Ethan B. Allen,
1827, Timothy H. Porter.


1828, George H. Boughton

1828, Moses Hayden.

VII. A Table, showing the number of REPRESENTATIVES to which each County is entitled in the ASSEMBLY of this state.

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* Robert Bogardus resigned his seat May 4th, 1829.

Ambrose L. Jordan resigned his seat January 7th, 1829. George H. Boughton was elected to fill the place of Charles H. Carroll for the remainder of his term.

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VIII. The following is a List of the GOVERNORS of the State of New-York, from the year 1789 to 1828, with the names of the opposing candidates, and the number of votes given for each, at each election.

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1813 Daniel D. Tompkins, 43324 Stephen Van Rensselaer,


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Mem.-In the year 1792 the votes of the Counties of Clin

ton, Otsego, and Tioga, were not canvassed.

* Martin Van Buren resigned March 12th, 1829.

103452 Samuel Young,


99785 William B. Rochester,


136794 Smith Thompson,
Solomon Southwick,



Offical canvass of votes for GOVERNOR and LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, taken at the election in November, 1828.

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SOLOMON SOUTHWICK received 33345 votes

for Governor. JOHN CRARY received 33856 votes for Lieutenant Governor.

XI. An Alphabetical List of all the Towns in the state, the Counties in which they are located, and the population of each Town then incorporated according to the state census of 1825.

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