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Mr. JORDAN of North Carolina, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, reported an original resolution (S. Res. 221) authorizing the expenditure of funds by the Committee on Rules and Administration in discharging its responsibilities under Senate Resolution 212, inquiry into the financial or business interests of any officer or employee or former officer or employee of the Senate, which was considered and agreed to.

(See the above resolution printed in full when reported by Mr. JORDAN of North Carolina, which appears under the heading "Reports of Committees".)

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The late Judge Francis Carr, of Redding, Calif., was a water lawyer for more

than 40 years. His was a distinguished record of public service in varied fields for the good of his fellow Californians. In 1932, he was appointed to the State water resources commission. He also served as chairman of the State relief commission during the discouraging days of the depression in the 1930's. He served his local community as judge. In all these and other ways, he served his native Shasta County, his State, and thus,

his Nation.

Judge Carr helped to develop a plan and obtain legislative support for the great Central Valley project on which construction began in 1935 to meet serious water problems in vast areas of California. Following through, he was, for several years, the principal advocate for the Trinity River division of the Central Valley project. He served as chairman of a two-county committee to bring about the construction of that particular division.

Though Judge Carr died in 1944, I can testify, as a sponsor of legislation authorizing the Trinity River project in 1955, that the efforts of Judge Carr on behalf of this project were indeed of crucial importance in bringing this project for the people into being.

Judge Carr advocated building Whiskeytown Reservoir in Shasta County as a part of developing the tributaries of the upper Sacramento River for flood control and water conservation as a part of the project. That reservoir is now emerging as a fine recreational asset.

A part of this project is the 130,000kilowatt capacity Clear Creek Powerhouse near Redding and a short distance from Shasta, Calif., the historic settlement where nearly a century ago Judge Francis Carr's father, a pioneer lawyer and teacher, first established his home

after moving to California from upstate New York. This powerhouse, at the head of Whiskeytown Lake, is already producing power which helps to defray project costs and to provide a return on the Federal Government's investment. It is fitting, I think, that the Clear Creek Powerhouse, largest of the Trinity River division, with its constant energy output, be named for and dedicated to Shasta County's native son, the late Judge Francis Carr, who served with tireless energy to achieve an exceptional record of public service, including the development of California's water and power.

Mr. President, I introduce, for appropriate reference, a joint resolution by which the Congress would designate a 130,000-kilowatt-capacity powerhouse on Clear Creek at the head of Whiskeytown Reservoir in Shasta County, Calif., as the Judge Francis Carr Powerhouse, and by which the Secretary of the Interior would be directed to place a suitable plaque at the site of the reservoir.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of the joint resolution be printed at this point in the RECORD, together with resolutions by the Shasta County Board of Supervisors and the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce, Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce, each urging approval of such a resolution.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The joint resolution will be received and ap

propriately referred; and, without objection, the joint resolution and resolutions will be printed in the RECORD.

The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 130) to designate the powerhouse on Clear Creek at the head of Whiskeytown Reservoir, in the State of California, as Judge Francis Carr powerhouse, introduced by Mr. KUCHEL, was received, read twice by its title, referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the one hundred and thirty thousand kilowatt capacity powerhouse on Clear Creek at the head of Whiskeytown Reservoir shall hereafter be known as Judge Francis Carr powerhouse in honor of Judge Francis Carr of Redding, California, a lawyer, judge, public servant and advocate of reclamation development including the great Central Valley project developed to meet the serious water shortages in the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley of California. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to place a suitable plaque at the site. Any law, regulation, document, or record of the United States in which such powerhouse

is designated or referred to shall be held to refer to such powerhouse under and by the name of Judge Francis Carr Powerhouse.

The resolutions presented by Mr. KUCHEL are as follows:

RESOLUTION 63-95 Resolution of endorsement by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta, State of California

Whereas the contents of the attached resolution of the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce requesting the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled to designate the 130,000-kilowatt capacity powerhouse on Clear Creek at the head of Whiskeytown Reservoir as the Judge Francis

Carr Powerhouse and direct the Secretary of the Interior to place a suitable plaque at the site to make known the wishes of the Congress has been made known to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta, State of California; and

Whereas the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta are in accordance with the sentiments expressed in said resolution: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Board of Superviors of the County of Shasta, State of California, do hereby place their endorsement upon said resolution.







Whereas the dams and powerhouses of the Trinity River division of the Central Valley project in California are nearing completion, and the 130,000-kilowatt capacity Clear Creek powerhouse near Redding, Calif., at the head of Whiskeytown Lake, is already producing power which helps defray project costs and provide a return on the Federal Government's investment; and

Redding, Calif., a water lawyer for more than 40 years, was the principal advocate for several years of the Trinity River project, serving as chairman of a two-county committee to bring about its construction and also in the early 1940's, prior to his death in 1944, advocated building Whiskeytown Reservoir as a part of developing the tributaries of the upper Sacramento River for flood control and water conservation; and

Whereas the late Judge Francis Carr, of

Whereas the late Judge Francis Carr was appointed in 1932 by Gov. James Rolph, Jr., to the State water resources commis

sion, which commission helped develop a plan and obtained legislative support for

California's great Central Valley project on which construction began in 1935 to meet serious water shortages in California's San Joaquin Valley and serve other multiple pur

poses; and

Whereas in addition to his distinguished record of public service in varied fields for both Republican and Democratic State administrations, including service as chairman of the State relief commission during the discouraging days of the depression in the 1930's, Judge Francis Carr, as he was affectionately known for his onetime service as justice court judge, was one of California's outstanding attorneys in the water and power field and successfully litigated several precedent-setting cases in California water law;


Whereas Clear Creek Powerhouse of the Central Valley project is located a short distance from Shasta, Calif., the historic settlement where, nearly a century ago, Judge Francis Carr's father, a pioneer lawyer and teacher, first established his home after moving to California from upstate New York; and

Whereas it is most fitting and proper that the Clear Creek Powerhouse, largest of the Trinity River division, with its constant energy output, be named for and dedicated to Shasta County's native son, the late Judge Francis Carr, who loved his native country, serving her and her people with tireless energy to achieve an exceptional record of public service, including the development of California's water and power resources: Now therefore, be it

Resolved by the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce, That it is hereby recommended to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled that they do hereby designate the 130,000-kilowatt-capacity powerhouse on Clear Creek at the head of Whiskeytown

Reservoir as the Judge Francis Carr Powerhouse and direct the Secretary of the Interior to place a suitable plaque at the site to make known the wishes of the Congress.

ROBERT C. ANDERSON, President of the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce.


ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1963 - AMENDMENTS (AMENDMENT NOS. 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, AND 289)

Mr. ELLENDER submitted six amendments, intended to be proposed by him, to the bill (H.R. 7885) to amend further the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and for other purposes, which were ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.

Mr. HOLLAND proposed an amendment (No. 290), to the amendment submitted by Mr. MANSFIELD (for himself and other Senators) (No. 280) to House bill 7885, supra, which was ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.

Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I submit, and ask to have printed, an amendment (No. 291).

I submit, and ask to have printed, an amendment to H.R. 7885. The purpose of this amendment is to delete from the bill in its entirety section 402 which authorizes the President to grant mostfavored-nation treatment to countries within the Communist bloc.

I do not believe there is any justification for this provision, and I intend to have more to say concerning it when I call this amendment up for consideration. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The amendment will be received, printed, and lie on the table.

Mr. DOMINICK. Mr. President, I Mr. President, I submit an amendment to House bill 7885. The amendment is designed to assure that the Appropriations Committees will have the right to review the portion of the Development Loan Fund which consists of receipts which come back from loans which have previously

been made.


The PRESIDENT pro tempore. amendment (No. 292) will be received, printed, and lie on the table.

Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, I submit an amendment to House bill 7885, and ask that it be printed and lie on the table.

In support of my amendment, I quote from John Gunther, who in his great book, "Inside Europe Today," wrote:

It is dangerous for a democracy, like the United States, to become too closely involved with a dictator or a semidictator, no matter how convenient this may seem to be. It is the people who count in the long run, and no regime is worth supporting if it keeps citizens down-if only for the simple reason that they will kick it out in time.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The amendment (No. 293) will be received, printed, and lie on the table.

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TOWER, Mr. COTTON, and Mr. THURMOND) Submitted an amendment, into the bill (H.R. 8986) to adjust the rates tended to be proposed by them, jointly, of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, which was referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, and ordered to be printed.


Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the name of the senior Senator from West Virginia [Mr. RANDOLPH] be listed as a cosponsor of S. 2249, the bill to establish the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and that his name be added to the bill at the next printing.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered.




Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that, at the next printing of the bill (S. 2274) to establish a National Economic Conversion Commission, and for other purposes, my name be added as a cosponsor.


sent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc., On request, and by unanimous conwere ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


Editorial, "B. & O. Deserves Our Applause," in the Thursday, October 31, 1963, issue of the Morgantown (W. Va.) Dominion-News; correspondence between Senator RANDOLPH and Mr. Jervis Langdon, Jr., president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.


Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, the news of the uprising in Vietnam came as a complete surprise to me and, I am quite certain, a surprise to the administration. There have been rumors, of course, for weeks that a coup d'etat was in the making; but up to this time, there was nothing tangible to reinforce such an assumption.

This appears to me to be a purely Vietnamese affair which the Vietnamese should settle among themselves. So far as this Government is concerned, it is my opinion that the events of the past several hours call more than ever for a reassessment and reappraisal of our policy in South Vietnam and, for that matter, in all of southeast Asia.

One would hope that out of these tragic developments the people of South

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Vietnam will obtain the kind of govout objection, it is so ordered.

ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS OF BILL AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Under authority of the orders of the Senate of October 24, 1963, the following names have been added as additional cosponsors for the following bill and concurrent resolution:

S. 2259. A bill to further amend section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 371), to liberalize the conditions of loans by national banks on forest tracts: Mr. AIKEN and Mr. MCCARTHY.

S. Con. Res. 65. Concurrent resolution favoring agreements with other nations for the joint exploration and use of space and to place a man on the moon: Mr. BARTLETT,




Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, on behalf of the Committee on the Judiciary, I desire to give notice that a public hearing has been scheduled for Friday, November 8, 1963, at 10:30 a.m., in room 2228, New Senate Office Building, on the nomination of Charles H. Tenney, of New York, to be U.S. district judge, southern district of New York, vice Alexander Bicks, deceased.

At the indicated time and place, persons interested in the hearing may make such representations as may be pertinent.

The subcommittee consists of the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND], chairman, the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON], and the Senator from New York [Mr. KEATING).

ernment which will be responsive to their needs and responsible to them. It remains to be seen whether such a government shall emerge; and in any reappraisal of our policies, this would be a factor of the utmost importance.

I have always had the highest respect for the integrity, the patriotism, and the dedication of President Ngo Dinh Diem; and I regret very much, of course, the situation which now has come to such a pass.


Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, progress has been defined by someone as the fruit or the product of human hands, multiplied by tools.

As I think of Harold Perkins, our chief telephone page in the Republican cloakroom, who is leaving us, I think a little of that equation, because as the work of the Federal Government piles up-and, of course, that includes the work of the Senate and the work of the House of Representatives-a Senator, with only 24 hours in a day obviously must find that his efforts have to be multiplied by devoted people who serve the public cause.

Such a person is Harold Perkins-very industrious, very diligent, very bitious. He could carry on his duties here, and at the same time go to law school in the Nation's Capital and be admitted to the bar. He is now to leave, to join his father in a law practice in Concord, N.H. He has been a faithful public servant, as courteous and as diligent as he could be.

So I wish him well as he goes back to the land of the birch, to the land of the purple finch, to the land of the purple

lilac, in the great sovereign State of New Hampshire. He deserves well, and I wish him well in his chosen profession. Godspeed.


Mr. MCNAMARA. Mr. President, the Associated Press recently prepared and distributed a definitive profile of my colleague, Senator PHILIP A. HART, of Michigan, with special emphasis on his important new assignment as chairman of the Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee.

The article has been published in the Detroit Free Press, and I now ask unanimous consent that it be printed in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


(By J. W. Davis)

WASHINGTON.-A genial politician who has made a reputation speaking out for the American consumer has a new job: No. 1 trustbuster of the U.S. Senate.

He is Senator PHILIP A. HART, Michigan Democrat, who endeared himself to a lot of housewives-and annoyed some high-powered packagers of consumer goods with his "truth in packaging" investigation in


HART is the new chairman of the Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He succeeds the late Senator Estes Kefauver, Democrat, of Tennessee, who gained national fame in the job.

There have been some predictions that HART won't be as aggressive as Kefauverone Michigan correspondent reported HART would not be a noisy investigator, that "the day of strident calls for trustbusting are over."

"I feel strongly there is a continuing need for a committee which will do its best to follow the developments in production and marketing practices," HART says. "I am as allergic as anybody else to price fixing and unfair methods of competition."

HART said he intends to make a study of what the subcommittee now has under review before starting down new avenues. The subcommittee's staff is digging into professional sports problems, reviewing the effect of last year's price act, and keeping busy otherwise.

HART makes it plain that while there may be no evil inherent in bigness itself, he still feels that the consumer needs protection in Congress.

His mild approach, and his concern for the consumer, were illustrated when he undertook the packaging investigation last year. At the time he said, "This is no gangbusters sort of investigation. We're just going to give the situation a real look."

The look turned up considerable evidence that some packagers of consumer goods were flim-flamming their customers and cheating on their competitors.

The subcommittee which HART then headed set up what it called a chamber of horrors. This was a display containing samples of products that were boxed, bagged or bottled in a confusing if not defrauding manner.

HART summed it up: "Millions of American shoppers day by day are paying more and more for less and less in bigger and bigger containers bearing smaller and smaller type." So far, there has been no new legislation growing out of the packaging inquiry.

"What results can we claim?" HART declared. "As a result of the hearings there

has been an improvement in labeling prachas been an improvement in labeling practices in a good many areas.

"Also, the consumer has been given a little

encouragement to talk to store managers and

point out complaints."

One executive, Vice President Ellen-Ann Dunham, of General Foods Corp., testified that the inquiry had served the public interest.

"Quite candidly," she said, "it prompted us to take another look at all our packages and labels, and, we suspect, other companies are taking another look at theirs."

The Hart family, incidentally, is by no means a typical consumer group.

For one thing, there are eight children, and the family consumes an awful lot of food.

For another, money is not the problem that it is with many families. HART, 50, is the son of a Pennsylvania banker and was a successful lawyer and a Michigan State government leader before his election to the Senate in 1958. Mrs. Hart is a member of a wealthy Michigan family.

HART is like many husbands, however, in that once he is turned loose in a supermarket he is a sucker for fancy groceries.

"I buy the stuff that sits in the icebox until it goes bad," he confesses.

HART'S office lobby is decorated with newspaper cartoons dealing with his "truth in packaging" investigations and with color pictures of Michigan beauty spots, plus a big photograph in color of President and Mrs. Kennedy.

In person, HART is slight in build, with a ready smile and a pleasant manner.

There is a slight atrophy of the right hand, a result of a wound HART suffered as a young infantry officer in the Battle of the Bulge. He came out of World War II a lieutenant colonel after winning the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, and the French Croix de Guerre. What's his political philosophy?

"I'm a Democrat. Government can either be helpful or oppressive and if I'm going to be labeled, I hope the judgment would be that my label should be propublic. Every action the Government takes affects the whole Nation.”

HART'S Senate seat is one of a half dozen listed by Senator WARREN MAGNUSON, Democrat, of Washington, Democratic senatorial campaign chairman, as being in peril in 1964.

While looking ahead to the campaign year, HART is taking a cautious approach to his new duties as chairman of the Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee.

"I feel it is as important as any assignment in Congress," he said when he took it over. "I anticipate initially there will be no great change in the direction the subcommittee moves.

"The subcommittee's function is to serve as a watchdog for the free enterprise system. It has always been-and should remain alert to see that competition is not threatened by monopolies, price rigging agreements, and criminal conspiracy."

One persistent question is what to do about professional sports. HART, a former official for the Detroit Tigers and in the Detroit Lions organization, says:

"It goes back to the fact that as a result of a Supreme Court decision, professional baseball is exempt, not subject to the antitrust laws. But these laws are applicable to professional football. This seems an inconsistency. Sports are entitled to clarification; the players have an interest in this and so do the fans.

"It's clear we are talking about a mixed animal-pro sport is big business but also a sport."


Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, the U.S. Department of Defense recently undertook the strategic air movement of an

Army division from the United States to Western Europe. This intricate and unprecedented military undertaking proved without a doubt the ability of the United States to reinforce her NATO allies with sizable military forces in a matter of hours. I am convinced, however, that the full impact of this magnificent undertaking is yet to be realized not only by our allies and our opponents but perhaps by ourselves.

The magnitude of this undertaking is such as to stagger one's imagination and yet it is but a first step on the road to full development of the potential of the air movement of military forces to areas of danger. Some 15,000 highly trained combat-ready troops of the 2d Armored Division were moved from various bases in the United States to Western Germany where they joined with their prestocked combat equipment and moved into a tactical exercise within a matter of hours. To move these men and their 150 tons of cargo, the Military Air Transport Service under General Kelly utilized 217 aircraft including the very latest in jet transports, the C-135. I wish to pause at this time and commend the Military Air Transport Service for their outstanding scheduling, planning, and execution of all phases of the airlift. Especially noteworthy was their precise timing, their flexibility in meeting changing conditions when heavy fog unexpectedly blanketed their terminal airport, and their efficient maintenance which permitted a short turnaround time of aircraft between flights. Also it is commendable to note that not a single casualty was incurred during this mass movement. I compliment General Kelly, his staff, and all crews for an outstanding performance.

It was my good fortune to accompany a portion of the Army troops from Bergstrom Airbase, Tex., to Rhein Main Airport, Frankfurt, Germany in a C-135 jet transport. My flight companions during the 10-hour nonstop trip were members of the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 2d Armored Artillery, part of the 2d Armored Division, Fort Hood, Tex. Accommodations en route were understandably austere, but fully adequate. The men arrived on time at their destination in Germany, debarked and proceeded directly to their combat equipment which was in topnotch condition waiting for them near Kaiserslautern, Germany. Throughout my short association with the members of the 2d Armored Division, I was highly impressed by their serious attitude, professional competence, high esprit de corps and physical condition. It was obvious from the beginning that the men of this division were cognizant of the seriousness and the significance of their mission. I compliment General Burba and his entire command.

Following our landing in Frankfurt, I visited the area in which the equipment was pre-positioned and observed the members of the 2d Armored Division move in, check their equipment, and prepare for movement to the maneuver area. The caretaking detachment of General Harris' 7th Army, especially the technical personnel, performed an outstanding

job in having this equipment operationally ready. Many times the work of these men is obscured by the more glamorous role of the combat troops, but their critical importance to the success of these same combat troops was never more evident than during this phase of Big Lift.

While the 2d Armored Division was completing its pickup of equipment, I visited U.S. Army Headquarters at Heidelberg and then went into the field to observe the 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry, in field training exercises. This battalion is part of the 8th Division and was preparing for their part of the larger exercise to be held in conjunction with the 2d Armored Division. Maj. Gen. Stanley "Swede" Larsen, commanding general of the division, and a native Hawaiian, was my host during my time with the 8th Division. In addition to General Larsen, it was my high honor to meet and talk with some 60 native Hawaiians serving their country in Germany. During my visit with General Larsen, I also observed a tactical problem involving a rifle company in the attack. It was immediately obvious that, like the 2d Armored Division, the members of the 87th Infantry were professional soldiers at their best, and I salute General Larsen and his outstanding division.

The short few days I spent with our Army units in Europe have been truly valuable. It was extremely reassuring to see the competence exhibited by these fine combat troops. However, in my opinion the success of this gigantic maneuver in no way lessens the requirement for the United States to maintain our troops alongside our NATO allies in Western Europe. It merely demonstrates once again our ability to reinforce quickly our NATO allies and to respond with appropriate means to any degree of Communist pressure almost anywhere.

I understand there will be future exercises of the nature of Big Lift, perhaps to other parts of the world. Big Lift has been truly reassuring and I urge my colleagues to take every opportunity to observe and, if possible, participate in any future exercises of this nature so that they may see at first-hand, as did I, the combat readiness and competence of our military forces.


A MESS IN WASHINGTON Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. President, should like to draw my colleagues' attention to a column in this morning's New York Times.

Eminent Journalist James Reston, commenting on the resignation of Navy Secretary Korth and the rather shocking disclosures in the Bobby Baker case, observes ruefully, "There is a mess in Washington again."

In this regard, I should like to place emphasis upon Writer Reston's closing paragraphs in which he observes, in commenting on Korth's resignation:

Korth wasn't crooked; he was morally insensitive and stupid, but the President insists Korth wasn't fired, which raises the question: Why not?

An excellent question, as yet unanswered.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Reston editorial be printed in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: WASHINGTON-WHO WILL DARE INVESTIGATE


(By James Reston) WASHINGTON, October 31.-There is a mess in Washington again, and very little evidence that either the White House or the Congress is going to do very much to clean it up.

The improprieties of Secretary of the Navy Korth in carrying on his private business on widely condemned in the Capital, but he will Navy stationery and on his official yacht are be given an honorable farewell by the top admirals of the Navy when he leaves tomorrow. And he leaves with the assurances and even praises of the President himself.

This is the man who wrote to his former

and future associate, G. E. Homstrom, at the

Continental National Bank of Fort Worth about his plans to "have a little party aboard the Sequoia (the Navy Secretary's official yacht) primarily for my Texas friends. * * *

"I am just wondering," Secretary Korth's letter of August 13, 1962, continued, "whether you and some of my other friends at the Continental may be coming through; likewise if you have some extra good customers that it would be nice to have."


This and much more evidence of misuse

of the Secretary of the Navy's Office came to the attention of the Congress, and shortly thereafter Korth resigned, but the President took the line today that the Secretary had not acted improperly and, while vaguely regretting his letterwriting, praised his Navy Secretary's contributions to the Nation's security.

The Bobby Baker case illustrates the same casual attitude toward charges of improper conduct. Ever since Baker, former secretary

to the Democratic majority in the Senate, resigned after charges that he was using his position to amass a private fortune on the side, this city has been full of ugly rumors about illicit relations between Baker's girl friends and prominent Senators and officials in the administration.

Every vigilant newspaper office in Washington has a list of names of those implicated with Baker and his lobbying friends and his girls. And the gossip feeds on itself to such an extent that it has already poisoned the atmosphere of the whole Government.

The only way to deal with this kind of material, much of it deeply disturbing and a lot more of it probably malicious trash, is to investigate it thoroughly, objectively, and in private.

This may yet be done. It is in the hands of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, but that committee is operating under a Senate resolution which instructs it to look into the conduct only of Senate employees and former employees (not Senators), and it is refusing to provide outside legal counsel for both the Democratic majority and the Republican minority of the committee.


The result is that there is absolutely no confidence here that the Rules Committee will really investigate their own Senate colleagues or that the permanent Senate employees will really be in a position to investigate their bosses.

The main problem in both the Korth and Baker cases is not illegal or criminal action. In fact, all the talk about Korth and Baker tends to obscure the main thing, which is the loose system in Washington that en

courages these personal improprieties. It is the system of trading favors and using influence and yachts for the purpose that is the cause of the trouble. Baker and Korth, whose indiscretions were quite different, are merely the result.

The yacht Sequoia is merely a flashy symbol of this system. It costs the Government far more than Baker or Korth is ever likely to make in a lifetime. It plies up and down the Potomac with a crew of two officers and eight men and is primarily a floating restaurant and bar for the entertainment of Senators and Congressmen.

Baker allegedly peddled influence to lobbyists and managed to buy houses and motels where he could give and get more favors. But the Sequoia is the Pentagon's own official instrument for influence peddling-for encouraging generous defense appropriations and under such a system it is scarcely surprising that Korth used the old tub occasionally for his own purposes.


The mess, in short, is not going to be cleaned up by concentrating on Korth and Baker, but by overhauling the system. Baker couldn't peddle much influence on his own;

his influence came from his close association with Senators and with officials who knew he was close to Vice President JOHNSON and others.

Korth wasn't crooked; he was morally insensitive and stupid, but the President insists Korth wasn't fired, which raises the question: Why not?

How is the system to be changed if the President praises a man with judgment like Korth's, and the Senate won't conduct an objective investigation of its own shortcomings? The official reaction here to Baker and Korth is more of a problem than they are, for they are gone and the system that produced them remains.


Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. President, I should like to have published in the RECORD three editorials which point up the sentiments at divergent ends of the Western Hemisphere regarding the image of America under the Kennedy administration.

On the Latin American scene, syndicated columnist Hal Hendrix, writing in the October 16 New York World-Telegram and Sun, notes with alarm the administration's refusal to normalize diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic after the overthrow of leftist President Juan Bosch. Hendrix backs up reports carried in the Washington press that the New Frontier interjected itself into the Dominican stew with an ill-advised suggestion that the civilian triumvirate step aside in favor of a member of the former Bosch government.

Hendrix says the administration has deliberately overlooked the fact that the constitution pushed on the Dominican people by the Bosch government last spring was dissolved by Bosch's overthrow and that the country is now operating under a constitution established in September of 1962. The Dominicans are, therefore, not living beyond the reach of all constitutional authority as some critics of the military coup have stated.

Two editorials from the October 19 Financial Post of Ottawa, Canada, illustrate the wide dissemination of the views and philosophies of the New Frontier.

Even in Canada the administration's proclivity for advising cannot be ignored.

Summing up the Kennedy clan, the editorial points out that U.S. business is being intimidated and that "with their bullying strategy perfected at home, the Kennedys and their cohorts are using it to get what they want abroad."

I would like to call these three articles to my colleagues' attention, and I ask unanimous consent that they printed in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the articles were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

[From the New York World-Telegram and Sun, Oct. 16, 1963]

They point out the constitution pushed on the Dominican people by the Bosch government during the heated Haitian crisis last spring was dissolved with Bosch's overthrow.

But they add that the United States remains blind to the fact that when the military turned governinent reins over to the civilian triumvirate 36 hours after the coup, the provincial regime began functioning under a constitution adopted in September 1962.

Thus, the Dominicans reason, the United States is in error when it follows the policy declaration of Secretary of State Dean Rusk stating there is now no basis for normalization of diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic.

Despite all the noise raised in Washington by "liberals" against the present anti-ComTWO LEFT FEET: U.S. DOMINICAN POLICY IS munist regime here, members of the trium


(By Hal Hendrix)

SANTO DOMINGO.-The Kennedy administration is playing its Caribbean policies the way the New York Mets and Washington Senators play baseball.

Taking a page from the Mets' and Senators' scorebooks, the New Frontier in Washington is consistent in its losing ways. If the New Frontiersmen continue another year on the same path they, too, may set a record in the loss column.

In the explosive triangle of Communist Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, the policymakers in the White House, State Department, and the hip-pocket branch of State over at the Justice Department have so far scored an impressive three losses, no wins.

The administration, publicly hostile to Fidel Castro and Dictator-President Francois Duvalier, has bobbled the ball repeatedly in policies designed to change these regimes.

Overthrow of Leftist Dominican President Juan Bosch, with a majority of the population supporting the change, found official Washington reacting as if it had two left


The latest demonstration of New Frontier Caribbean diplomacy here-with the ranking U.S. Embassy officer suggesting that the ruling civilian triumvirate step aside in favor of a former member of the Bosch government has left responsible and normally pro-American Dominicans angry and bewildered.

Most Dominicans and Americans in the capital are viewing the maneuver carried out in a phone call to a member of the triumvirate, as "stupid and unbelievable for a country like the United States."

"This is like a Dominican representative to the United States calling a member of its Government and saying it should replace the Governor of Puerto Rico with somebody like Albizu Campos and the Nationalist Party," a Dominican newsman in Santiago commented today.

Unofficially and officially, Dominicans note that the United States continues to talk piously about nonintervention in the affairs of a sovereign nation.

The informal action carried out here by Spencer King, American deputy chief of mission, was described by the triumvirate as "intervention without precedent."

Full information about the King "suggestion" and quick rebuke by the triumvirate was published in all the country's newspapers. The worldwise Dominicans at least recognized immediately that King would not have acted without specific and detailed cabled instructions. from the State Department.

Palace officials, stunned by the ill-advised Washington action on top of its adamant refusal to normalize diplomatic relations and aid, note bitterly that U.S. officials continue to refer to "a need to return to constitutional government in the Dominican Republic."

virate still hope the Kennedy administration will lend them a helping hand.

"Obviously, we would like to have the recognition of all the democratic countries of the world," said Manuel Tavarez Espaillat, a member of the junta.

"I am certain our actions in the first few weeks of government will provide sufficient proof of our democratic purposes and will swing public and government opinion toward recognition."

[From the Financial Post, Oct. 19, 1963] KENNEDY TO MEANY TO HALL TO BANKS President Kennedy wants to be reelected next year but Canadians don't like being a punching bag in his political warmup.

The American Government is busily engaged in trying to run the affairs of dozens of countries around the world. It wears the robes and halo of sanctity. It is on the side of "progress" or "democracy" or "freedom" or something that sounds good.

Certainly no responsible member of the Western alliance will envy the most powerful Nation on earth its responsibilities or deny its generosity or seriously criticize what the Americans stand for in the cold war.

But more and more the habit of pushing other people around is growing on the Kennedys and their clansmen in Washington.

This is frequently and amply demonstrated within the United States. Indeed, terrifying American citizens into behavior pleasing to the Kennedys is currently the political sport of the President's brother, the Attorney General.

Quite a few people and corporations who do not please the Kennedys are now finding that their current and past income tax returns are being reviewed.

And who is there who won't be intimidated

by that, even if their income reports are all clean as a whistle? This Attorney General "discipline" is so intimidating, in fact,

that U.S. news media don't write about it.

Now, with their bullying strategy perfected at home, the Kennedys and their cohorts are using it to get what they want abroad.

Take the latest example of outrageous interference-the American pressure against the Canadian Government over the labor

union war on the Great Lakes.

Belatedly, the Canadian Government stepped into this mess and the trustee scheme is about to be implemented.

But the spectacle of the White House and the U.S. Secretary of Labor and the whole weighty machinery of the U.S. Government being gassed up to tell the Canadian Government what it can and cannot do about a Canadian problem is, to say the least, unpleasant.


Here is the cast of characters and here is the play.

Kennedy needs the labor union vote in his presidential contest next year. That means he needs the unqualified support of George Meany, the powerful head of the AFL-CIO.

Meany is shaky in his lucrative job. Quite a few big union leaders are gunning for him, notably Walter Reuther of the Auto Workers. To protect his hide, Meany needs all the friends he can keep and so he will do anything to please Paul Hall, the very powerful international boss of the Seafarers Union.

Paul Hall, in turn, very much needs the support of Hal Banks-and the money Banks gets out of his Canadian union members.

So when the U.S. Secretary of Labor solemnly makes an official pilgrimage to Ottawa (nobody can recall that happening before) and when he makes public declarations telling the Canadian Government what to do, he is merely doing a chore for Kennedy who wants to do a favor for George Meany, who needs Hall, who needs the notorious Hal Banks.

From Mr. Kennedy's point of view, Canada is quite unimportant. It would, in most respects, be a lot simpler for the White

House and the U.S. Government if we didn't exist at all as a separate country.

It is tragic that a man of such great endowments as Kennedy should, with increasing frequency, be revealed as having a serious defect of character. His intellect and conscience too often fail him in assessment of the appropriate and seemly exercise of power. The proverb, "The end justifies the means" with the Kennedy clan too often becomes "The end justifies any means."

Hal Banks and John F. Kennedy will understand each other completely. As successful men, they have good reason to admire each other.

Both Banks and Kennedy are good at who kicking people around. Canadians have not taken the oath of allegiance to the White House and to the U.S. Congress have very good cause for extreme distaste.



Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. President, during recent weeks, the three largest daily newspapers in Missouri have published editorials opposing quality stabilization legislation. Prior to the publication of these editorials, I wrote a letter to the chairman of the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee, the junior Senator from Michigan, and suggested the subcommittee consider conducting a thorough study of this proposed legislation because of its direct effect on antitrust and monopoly law in the United States. It is my lation as it relates to antitrust and mobelief an exhaustive study of this legisnoply is necessary. Therefore, I hope the subcommittee at an early date will consider undertaking such a study.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the three editorials be printed at this point in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the editorials were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

[From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 4, 1963]


The Department of Defense has joined the parade of Government agencies opposing a perennial bill in Congress to give manufacturers legal authority to fix prices for branded and trademarked merchandise and to punish retailers who sell it for less. It says, as quoted by the Air Force Times, that the measure would have such an inflationary


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