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article by Mr. Charles Keely of the Copley News Service not only substantiates the findings of the subcommittee but reveals that Communist subversion in the Latin American area is being stepped up. Mr. Keely's articles follow:

(By Charles Keely)

(First of three articles) WASHINGTON.-A year ago Russia took one step backward and withdrew missiles from Cuba. Since then, the Communists have taken a dozen important steps forward toward their goal of a Red takeover of Latin America.

The steps are documented. They reveal that Premier Fidel Castro's Cuba is a launching pad for subversion of the Western Hemisphere.

Today, 10 schools of guerrilla warfare and subversion are operating at full capacity in Cuba. Last year, according to Central Intelligence Agency Director John McCone, 1,500 Latin Americans received such training in Cuba. More schools are being built.

Intelligence sources estimate 20,000 secret Red agents can be trained this year in Cuba's subversion centers.

In essence, McCone told Congress last February, "Castro tells revolutionaries *** 'Come to Cuba; we will pay your way, we will train you in underground organization techniques, in guerrilla warfare, in sabotage and in terrorism. We will see that you get back to your homeland.'"

Travel bans have not hurt Cuba's subversion school attendance, an Organization of American States security committee reports.

"Despite limited means of transportation to Cuba today," the OAS said, "trips to that country have been increasing in number during the current year."

Many of the students reach Cuba by slipping across the British Honduran border into Mexico, the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE) has revealed. From islands off the Yucatan Peninsula, they are taken in small boats to a sea rendezvous with Castro's "fishing fleet."

The Latins are then taken to the port of La Coloma, in Cuba's Pinar del Rio Province, and transported to the different training camps. Others fly or sail into Cuba from

Communist countries.

Castro's clumsy and unsuccessful efforts to invade and subvert neighboring Caribbean countries during his first 9 months in power have been given professional guidance by trained "technicians" from the So

viet bloc.

The State Department's Sterling Cottrell says that Reds from satellite nations today outnumber Russians in Cuba. Cottrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, told Congress August 13 that "Czechs, Rumanians, Bulgarians, and others" are in Cuba to train Latin Americans in the arts of modern guerrilla warfare and subversion. The threat to the United States of Soviet troops in Cuba is secondary to the use of the island as a base to export revolution, said Cottrell.

"Today the Cuban effort is far more sophisticated, more covert, and more deadily," CIA's McCone explained. "In its professional tradecraft it shows guidance and training by experienced Communist advisers from the Soviet bloc including veteran Spanish Communists."

One Spanish Communist, Gen. Alberto Bayo, created the "Revolutionary Commandos for Latin America" (CRAL) to train Latins to instigate insurrections against their governments. To strengthen CRAL, DRE claims, Soviet Col. Jarslav Valensky instituted an International Military Command to control the widespread net of Communist front groups in Latin America.

Yet, day by day the Cuban-trained terror

A "supreme command" for Latin American dealing with means to counter the Castro guerrillas has been set up in Cuba by the Soviet Ministry of Defense, according to exile intelligence sources. Its headquarters are in Santiago de Cuba where guerrilla operations throughout the hemisphere are

masterminded and coordinated.

Enrique Lister, another Spaniard, runs the Minas del Frio subversion school in Oriente Province. Lister, a graduate of the Soviet's Fruntze Military Academy, is assisted by former Guatemalan President Col. Jacobo Arbenz.

At the Julio Antonio Mella School near Havana, Communists are training Latin labor leaders. Military personnel receive instruction at the El Cortijo School in Pinar del Rio, the Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba reports. The San Lorenzo School in Oriente specializes in guerrilla training. Subversion centers are spread across the island.

(By Charles Keely)

(Second of three articles) WASHINGTON.-Cuban Maj. Maximo Canales left San Julien Air Base in Cuba with five Venezuelan terrorists trained in Premier Fidel Castro's guerrilla warfare schools, and flew over the San Andres Islands off the coast of Panama.

The men parachuted into the water and were picked up by a small fishing boat which took them to Maracaibo, Venezuela. Later they joined a guerrilla force of the proCastro FALN organization to wage against President Romulo Betancourt.

Subversion has replaced sugar as Cuba's top export.

Many of the thousands of Latin Americans receiving training in Cuba today are being parachuted back into their homelands. Others return to Mexico in "shrimp boats," and then go home.

According to Central Intelligence Agency Director John McCone, Fidel Castro tells these trained subversives, "We will keep in touch with you, give you propaganda support, send you propaganda materials * * secret communications methods, and perhaps funds and specialized demolition equipment."

Venezuela, says McCone, is Castro's "No. 1" target and FALN's sabotage "is the work of experts (using) advanced types of explosives."

McCone told Representative ARMISTEAD SELDEN'S, Democrat, of Alabama, Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Latin America that more than 200 Venezuelans received training in Cuba in 1962. He said the number is increasing this year.

The 1,500 Latin Americans who were trained in Cuba last year, according to McCone, took courses ranging from 4 weeks to a year.

They include "intensive training in sabotage, espionage, or psychological warfare."

No country in the Western Hemisphere is immune to the cancer of Castro-inspired terrorism. On November 17, 1962, the Federal Bureau of Investigation in New York City smashed a Castro-Communist plot to launch a series of terrorist attacks on department stores. The FBI reported that members of Cuba's United Nations delegation were training "a corps of Cuban Communists in the use of explosives."

The United States and its Latin neighbors have met the Communist challenge with limited success.

The Selden subcommittee recommended to President Kennedy that the United States "should be prepared to act with military force" to help any nation in danger of being overthrown by Communist subversive aggression.

The Organization of American States (OAS) has passed numerous resolutions

ists nibble away at this false front of antiCastro hemispheric unity.

"These wolves in sheep's clothing are the greatest danger ever to threaten the country," explained Colombian President Guillermo Leon Valencia on September 25.

On October 2 Radio Havana warned the Nicaraguan Government "to take care." Broadcasting from Cuba, a woman identified as Blanca Sandino, daughter of the late Nicaraguan rebel bandit, regularly incites Nicaraguans to rebel and join pro-Castro guerrillas whom she says already are operating in the country.

The Cuban Student Directorate in Exile claims that 100 instructors, trained in Cuba, have organized a Colombian guerrilla force of more than 1,600, broken into 13 groups in 5 territorial areas.

Tony Varona, former Cuban foreign minister and leader of the Cuban Revolutionary Council, told Congress that the international Communist movement is enlisting volunteers in all 19 Latin countries. The objective, he said, is to build a people's army of 400,000 men, 100,000 women, and 200,000 reserves to defend Cuba in the event of aggression.

(By Charles Keely)

(Last of three articles)

WASHINGTON.-On September 12, Cubantrained Colombian rebels kidnaped wealthy Cattleman German Mejia Duque and held him for $250,000 ransom.

During the 6 days he spent in the insurgents' camp before his rescue by army troops, Mejia said a Cuban plane flew over the area and dropped weapons, propaganda and other material to Premier Fidel Castro's look-alike guerrilla leader Federico Arango Fonnegra.

The bearded Arango told Mejia that Castro recently had sent him $20,000 with a warning that this would be the last financial support he would get if his terrorists did not accomplish a decisive operation against the Government.

Colombian Interior Minister Aurelio Camacho Rueda said Castro is openly intervening in Colombia by "sending arms and money from Cuba to the bandits and the offering of scholarships to Colombian students to study guerrilla warfare and terrorist techniques in Havana."

Twelve tons of Communist propaganda is discovered monthly by Panama's customs authorities, according to Centeral Intelligence Agency Director John McCone. Another 10 tons comes into Costa Rica.

"Castro is strengthening his position" in the wake of last October's missile crisis, says Costa Rican President Francisco Orlich.

"I expect continuous, increased attempts at agitation here."

Former Guatemalan President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes charged last February that since late 1959 Russian submarines have been reaching the Central American Pacific and Atlantic coasts to unload men and arms.

Cuba has clearly become an open floodgate for a torrent of terrorists. They flood a politically parched Latin America, sowing seeds of subversion.

When Castro can't finance them, they turn to other sources of income.

Peruvian guerrillas, teamed with "ordinary criminals," robbed a Lima bank last year of $100,000 and split the loot 50-50, McCone told a congressional subcommittee several months ago.

Venezuelan pro-Castro terrorists robbed a bank last February of $25,000.

"The principle that guerrillas must be self-sustaining his obviously been applied to finances," McCone explained.

But he added that there are also involved bank transfers by which Cuban money even tually reaches Latin American Communistfront groups.

One such example was outlined here several weeks ago by British Guianese Sen. Anne Jardim, who revealed documents showing the transfer of $1 million from Russia through Cuba to Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan, the Communists' best friend in South America. Castro sounded the keynote for Cuban subversion on July 26, 1960.

"We promise to continue making Cuba the example that can convert the Cordillera of the Andes into the Sierra Maestra of the American continent," he said.

He has restated this goal on countless occasions, with the full blessing of Moscow and Peiping.

Intelligence sources say Castro's subversive pipeline to Latin America today is his growing "fishing fleet."

With the help of the Japanese, Castro has built an estimated 169 fishing vessels, though Hurricane Flora reportedly sunk 39. These vessels carry their subversive cargoes between Cuba and Latin America.

An Organization of American States (OAS) security committee has reported that this Communist advance in the Western Hemisphere is due mainly to the lack of information regarding its true aims.

Col. Jose Luis Cruz Salazar, Guatemalan politician and soldier, told Congress February 27 that the Communist menace is not speculation.

"It is a reality, and we must open our eyes

to it," he said.

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There was no objection. Mr. UTT. A few weeks ago I inserted some remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL REC

ORD with reference to Jessica Mitforddaily CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, October 15, 1963. These remarks brought forth a hail of condemnation from the lethal left which quickly sprang to her defense with all kinds of maudlin apologies. I was not surprised to see the editorial in the New York Times of October 21, 1963, which indicated that no one without congressional immunity

would dare make such a statement. The statements which I made have been published in many periodicals which do not have congressional immunity, so that dodge is pure hogwash.

In assessing the New York Times, it should be remembered that it was most laudatory in its praises of Communist Castro, and one of its reporters, Herbert Matthews, was most instrumental in working with our State Department envoys in establishing the Communist Castro government, and even last week Castro praised Herbert Matthews of the New York Times, who is now visiting Cuba with his wife. I am wondering how Matthews got his passport validated to visit Cuba, while the State DepartCIX-1349

ment has been refusing permission to students to visit Cuba.

It was not my purpose then, nor is it now, to defend the abuses which undoubtedly exist in the funeral business. These same abuses can be charged to many American businesses. In fact, every time I buy a new automobile I am persuaded to include some extras which are very nice, but not absolutely necesSary. Some of these extras cost more than the average funeral, but I did not have to buy them. My real purpose for my original remarks was that I felt that when CBS in its so-called documentary, "The Great American Funeral," was going to bring an identified Communist into several million American homes, the public was entitled to know the identity of the author in order to evaluate the subject matter. Surely, if I wrote a book on the theory of relativity, the public would be entitled to know that I am neither a physicist nor a mathematician, and that slight credence should be given to me in this field.

At this point, Mr. Speaker, I should mention that the rumor was broadcast throughout the Nation that I or my family owned an interest in the Fair Haven Cemetery at Santa Ana, Calif. I wish to emphatically state that neither I nor any of my family now has nor ever had any financial interest in any cemetery whatsoever. I assume this rumor started because I was a trustee of Orange County Cemetery District No. 1, a public, municipal, tax-supported district, organized to take over and restore two abandoned cemeteries in which hundreds of California pioneers were buried. I was a trustee, appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, over a period of 20 years, and served without salary or expenses.

known as Decca Treuhaft, continue to reThe apologists for Jessica Mitford, also mind the public that she wrote a “smashing hit," even though she makes the exception appear to be the rule. May I say, Mr. Speaker, that there was another author who wrote a smashing hit. His name was Karl Marx, whose works today rank second only to the Bible in annual attack on the capitalistic free enterprise sales. The burden of his book was an system and on religion, but today no one defense. The burden of "The American but Communists and Socialists rise to his defense. The burden of "The American Way of Death" is likewise a two-pronged attack: First, against the free enterprise capitalistic system enjoyed by Americans; second, against the funeral service which is basically a religious service, for which is basically a religious service, for the immortality of the soul. those who have an immutable belief in

As Rev. Dr. Edgar N. Jackson, a Methodist minister, of Mamaroneck, N.Y.,


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A funeral above all provides an environment where loving friends and relatives can give the help needed to face the future with strength and courage.

The above-referred-to editorial in the New York Times indicated that Jessica Mitford's association with Communist activities was in the dim and distant past. Let us look at the record. Jessica Mitford, also known as Decca Treuhaft, was identified as a member of the Communist Party in hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, as follows:

By Dickson P. Hill, an undercover agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during his membership in the Communist Party (1944-49), "Investigation of Communist Ac

tivities in the San Francisco Area, part 2," December 2, 1953, page 3227.

By Dr. Jack (Beverly Mikell) Patten, a former member of the Communist Party (1936-40 and 1946-48), "Hearings Held in San Francisco, Calif., June 18-21, 1957, part 1," June 10, 1957, page 1168.

By Dorothy M. Jeffers, an undercover agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during her membership in the Communist Party (1943-52), "Hearings Held in San Francisco, Calif., June 18-21, 1957, part II," June 21, 1957, page 1295.

Her stint before the California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities was related in my previous remarks, and appears on pages 260-262 of that committee's report to the 1953 regular California Legislature.

We are told that leading clergymen of all faiths endorse the so-called exposé. That may be true, but do not forget that many of our leaders of all faiths are collectivists and most of them oppose the House Committee on Un-American Activities, so they are running true to form.

It is interesting to note, Mr. Speaker,

that one of these leaders who appeared on the CBS program, "The Great American Funeral," Rev. Stephen Fritchman, has been cited by the Committee on Unfront affiliations and, of course, he took the fifth amendment. Again, I say, "strange bedfellows." Reverend Fritchman was also a contributor to the Communist People's World of September

American Activities for his Communist

7, 1963.

The commercial sponsor for the CBS colossal, "The Great American Funeral," was the Travelers' Insurance Co. of America, which is engaged in selling insurance for all contingencies, including death. It must have grated the Travelers' agents to watch the door-to-door salesmen castigated. There is no business in America that engages more heavily in telephone solicitation and door-to-door selling than do the various capitalistic free enterprise system is deinsurance companies of America. If the stroyed in America, its demise is being gratuitously aided by the American business community which sponsors such programs.

It might be well, Mr. Speaker, at this time, to examine another book of Jessica Mitford, "Daughters and Rebels," which is an autobiography, in which she refers to her father, who was an outstanding British citizen, as the missing link between ape and homo sapiens. She also admits that she was a shoplifter, a "bill jumper," and that she

bought volumes of Communist literature and "rigged up some homemade hammer and sickle flags." This book was written in 1960. As late as 1963, she was invited to be a special guest at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Communist People's World in San Francisco. This is according to People's World-the January 19, 1963, issue. Whether she attended or not, I do not know.

In her book, "Daughters and Rebels,' on page 12 in referring to her govern

esses, she says:

She was soon followed by Miss Bunting,

whose main contribution to our education was to teach a little mild shoplifting *** Miss Bunting in her governessy beige coat and gloves, Boud (Jessica's sister) and I in matching panama straw hats, would strut haughtily past the deferential salespeople to seek the safety of Fuller's Tea Room, where we would gleefully take stock of the day's haul over cups of steaming hot chocolate.

In referring to her father on page 29, she writes:

I developed the theory that he was a throwback to an earlier state of mankind, a missing link between the apes and homo sapiens (man).

On page 68 she speaks of her enthusiasm for communism:

In fact, this declaration was something more than a mere automatic taking of opposite sides to Boud: the little I knew about the Fascists repelled me-their racism, supermilitarism, brutality. I took out a subscription to the Daily Worker, bought volumes of Communist literature and literature that I supposed to be Communist, rigged up some homemade hammer and sickle flags.

She refers to her first husband, Esmond Romilly, on page 98 as follows:

Esmond's abrupt conversion to Communist ideas had come about in a way very similar to my own.

On page 190 she expresses her lack of knowledge of economics by stating:

No one had ever explained to me that you had to pay for electricity; and lights, electric heaters, stoves blazed away night and day at Rotherhithe Street. When the enormous bill first arrived we thought briefly of contesting it in court on the grounds that electricity is an act of God—an element, like fire, earth, and air; but legal friends assured us this would get us nowhere. It was unthinkable that we should pay, so we moved out of the Rotherhithe Street house to a furnished room near the Marble Arch.

On page 207 she writes:

One evening at dinner, after they had him on the ropes, I was emboldened by this unfamiliar relationship between old and young to ask, "But surely, Mr. Meyer, you're not in favor of capitalism, are you?"

Again, referring to her first husband, on page 280 she says:

His [Esmond's] brand of socialism was uncluttered by fine Christian sentiments, for like Boud he was a gifted hater, although unlike her he directed his venom against the enemies of humanity, peace and freedom.

This, Mr. Speaker, is the woman being defended by the so-called liberals while they denounced me for attempting to expose her.

I said that I was not surprised at the New York Times or even the San Fran

cisco Chronicle or even the Oceanside (Calif.) Blade Tribune, or the El Cajon (Calif.) Valley News, all of which mimicked each other, nor was I surprised to find that the Democratic Committee of Escondido, Calif., bought space to have the editorial in the New York Times printed in the Escondido Times Advocate as an advertisement. Of course, as expected, the Communist People's World, Saturday, November 2, 1963, leveled a typical attack upon me quoting liberally from the New York Times. I was surprised to find so many solid newspapers in the country such as the Orange (Calif.) Daily News and the Daily Pilot (Costa Mesa, Calif.), and others, arising to the defense of this woman who has done more to destroy the soul of America than almost anyone else, and I am wondering if, after they have the facts as presented here, they will continue to place her on a pedestal.

When Jessica Mitford Romilly Treuhaft was questioned about my remarks in the RECORD, she dismissed them airily with the remark that it was nothing but a "red herring." Where have I heard Where have I heard that before? As I recall, a former President used that phrase concerning the charges brought against persons both in and out of the Federal Government, who were later convicted as spies, Communists and traitors.

Mr. Speaker, in my opening remarks I said that the charge of congressional immunity was hogwash, and as further evidence of this, I ask unanimous consent to include herewith an article appearing in Tocsin, August 28, printed at Berkeley, Calif. This is only one of several magazine articles carrying similar charges.



Simon and Schuster has just published a new book by Oakland resident, Jessica Mitford of 6411 Regent Street, entitled "The American Way of Death," a clever attempt to bury capitalist America's funeral customs.

Absent from the superficially plausible case which the author makes in her sharply satirical lampoon are biographical data about Miss Mitford which could place the book's thesis in new perspective for the unwary reader.

For Writer Jessica Mitford is also Decca Treuhaft, wife of Oakland Communist lawyer Robert E. Treuhaft and herself an oftenidentified Communist Party member. It is as Decca Treuhaft that the writer has performed her service for the Communist Party.

Despite the book's innocent air of indignation at the purported crass commercialism of American funerals and the author's proposal for "grassroots" type remedies, Mrs. Treuhaft is no newcomer to the role of opponent of American institutions.

As executive secretary of the subversive East Bay Civil Rights Congress in the 1950's, she kept local law enforcement agencies busy with assorted cases of "police brutality" and "racial discrimination”—all pivoting on welloiled Communist propaganda machinery and fully exploited by the People's World.

One of the seemingly innocuous solutions Mrs. Treuhaft proposes for the funeral problem is organization of local memorial associations which would provide low-cost burials. Two such associations in southern and northern California (reported in Tocsin, March 6 and May 1, 1963) have strong Communist and leftwing backing. They are the Bay Area Funeral Society of Berkeley and the Los Angeles Funeral Society.

British-born and bred, Mrs. Treuhaft arrived in the United States in 1939 following a youthful elopement to Spain with Esmond

Romilly, a nephew of Winston Churchill, who had fought with the pro-Communist forces in the Spanish Civil War.

Mrs. Treuhaft is the sister of Nancy Mitford, acid-tongued novelist always severely critical of the United States; Unity Freeman Mitford, Hitler's onetime "Nordic Goddess"; Lady Diana Mosley, wife of Sir Oswald Mosley, England's leading Fascist; Pamela Mitford, wife of a distinguished British scientist; and Deborah Mitford, wife of the Duke of Devonshire.

Mrs. Treuhaft's penchant for doing the unexpected-plus her kinship-have won her several treatments in Bay Area supplements, where her interest in leftwing politics has been viewed as frivolous unconventionality at most. Interpreting her elopement with Romilly as a defiance of her rightwing background, the San Francisco Examiner of February 19, 1961, declared, "The two selfavowed Communists continued their fight against the uppercrust society from which they had fled.”


Mrs. Treuhaft's service to the Communist movement does, in fact, seem to be motivated by the same kind of rebellion her other five sisters had demonstrated in the opposite political direction. "Daughters and Rebels," Mrs. Treuhaft's autobiography published in 1960, dissects the rebellious daughters and their indomitable drives. Even iron Communist Party discipline, commented one of her readers, cannot confine a "mad Mitford" for very long.

In bay area Communist circles, for example, Mrs. Treuhaft has always carefully associated with communism's upper crust. And despite her ability to subordinate herself to such short-term party goals as "police brutality" drives, Mrs. Treuhaft's statements have never "workers solidarity" or similar Communist propaganda pillars.

been known to include endorsement of

A literate and amusing writer, she has aimed her talent for satire at even such sacrosanct Communist techniques as the use of language as a weapon in the class struggle (see “Fun and Games" story, this issue).

After Romilly was killed in World War II, Mrs. Treuhaft met and married Robert Treuhaft while both were employees of the Office of Price Administration. At about the same

time, she became secretary of San Francisco

Local 221 of the United Federal Workers of America, a Communist-dominated union.


In 1944 she assumed the post of financial director for the now defunct Communist California Labor School at its Oakland branch.

nist benefits during the years that followed, Lending their home for various Commu

the Treuhafts hosted an annual all-night party in August 1949, according to the People's World of August 23.

Most of Mrs. Treuhaft's efforts during the 1950's were devoted to promoting the East Bay Civil Rights Congress. She and her subordinates in the group won "special praise from Albert J. Lima (northern California chairman of the Communist Party) for their fight against the Smith Act," the November 23, 1951, People's World declared.

When the CRC championed Oaklander Jerry Newson in a murder case in 1951, Mrs. Treuhaft even induced her 6-year-old son Nicholas, now deceased, to sell tickets for a Newson benefit. The young child-whom the Treuhafts had christened with the

middle name of Tito, according to the Labor

Herald-was arrested for selling tickets.

Together with their son Benjamin and daughter Constancia, the Treuhafts visted Hungary in the late 1950's and wrote a lauda

tory account of "life under socialism" for the Soviet empire. We are facing a the People's World, February 17, 1957.


An Independent-Progressive Party voter in 1952 and 1955, Mrs. Treuhaft was identified as a branch and county functionary of the Communist Party by Dickson Hill at December 1953 hearings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities and as a party

member by Dr. Jack Patten, June 19, 1957.

She was also identified at 1956 Subversive Activities Control Board hearings on the California Labor School by former Communists William Michael Foard, who said Mrs. Treuhaft was an officer at San Francisco headquarters of the Communist Party, 942 Market Street; Bessie Honing, who had seen Mrs. Treuhaft at a countywide meeting of the Communist Party at Garibaldi Hall; Sylvia G. Hill, who knew her during the early portion of Mrs. Hill's role as an undercover Communist for the FBI; Dorothy M. Jeffers, who identified Mrs. Treuhaft as a party functionary; Timothy Evans, who said she was a member of his section in Alameda County; George William Smith, who identified her as present at an officers meeting in

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When the second Lord Redesdale of Great

Britain, Mrs. Treuhaft's father, died in March 1958, he cut his Communist daughter from his will. Through a legal fluke, however, Mrs. Treuhaft received as a bequest Inch Kenneth, an island in the Hebrides and site of the family's ancestral castle.

The press reported then that she had broken with her father more than 20 years earlier over the Spanish Civil War question and that her father hated "leftwingers." Mr. Treuhaft, born in New York of Hungarian Jewish parents, ascribed her father's ac

tion to anti-Semitism.

Mrs. Treuhaft's more recent Communist activity has included picketing with the local Morton Sobell committee, a group seeking clemency for the condemned atom spy, during the March 1962 visit to Berkeley of President Kennedy; and a guest-of-honor role at the People's World silver anniversary last January 26 in San Francisco.

A giant East Bay benefit staged by the Berkeley Friends of Highlander, February 9, was arranged in part by Mrs. Treuhaft (Tocsin, Feb. 27, 1963). Funds went to the Communist-backed Highlander Research and Education Center of Knoxville, Tenn.

Called before the California Senate Factfinding Committee on Un-American Activities in September 1951, Mrs. Treuhaft refused to answer all questions about her affiliations in the bay area on grounds that her answers might tend to incriminate her. Her refusal evoked laughter when, after declining a question about the Communist Civil Rights Congress, she similarly refused to acknowledge membership in even the Berkeley Tennis Club.


The SPEAKER. Under previous order Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. SCHADEBERG], is recognized for 60 minutes.

Mr. SCHADEBERG. Mr. Speaker, Latin America is of vital importance to the future security of the United States in her struggle, along with her neighbors to the south, against the colonialism of

critical stage in the cold war at which this Government must not be found wanting in its determination to save not only our own people but the people of Latin America and the Caribbean from the totalitarian policies of a power-mad group of opportunists who would fasten their concepts of atheistic materialistic dictatorship upon the unsuspecting people of the world. While those who are a part of this international conspiracy cry "peace" and "brotherhood of man," and by corruption of words claim only to want to save the world from economic chaos and nuclear holocaust, let it be clear that they do not and indeed cannot talk about freedom. Nowhere in the world have the people by free elections chosen a Communist ballot and likewise nowhere in the world where Communist tyranny has fastened itself upon the people have the people been offered a free choice to repudiate it.

Those who are outright, active supporters of the Communist conspiracy have twisted truth to serve their malevolent purposes. They have drawn a false picture of themselves as saviors of humanity. And in this upside-down picture, they have depicted the God-fearing and decent men and women as "war

mongers" and greedy "capitalists" and "right-wing extremists." Of course, this is patently untrue.

It is because I believe that our future as a free nation is tied up intimately with the interests of our traditional and welcome friends in the other Americas; it is because I believe that our aid to the people in Latin America who have become pawns on the chessboard of international communism, must be directed to the end that they can be spared the fate of the unfortunate people of other captive nations the Soviets so blatantly would have the world believe have been liberated; it is because the future of our culture and civilization with the emphasis on the worth of individuals, the dignity of man, the sense of divine direction, is seriously threatened by the inroads the Communist conspiracy has made in our hemisphere; it is because I believe a forthright presentation of all points of view are necessary if we are not to find ourselves overrun by the conspiracy, posing under another name, entering the back window, that I take the floor today to present what I have gleaned from serious study and many gleaned from serious study and many conversations with various thinking people from Latin America.

I give this point of view because I believe the time is late and unless we break the information barrier created by managed news which is succeeding in its efforts to camouflage facts, distort truth, and withhold information needed to make a true assessment of conditions and circumstances as they are, we may find ourselves victims of the very conspiracy against which we are led to believe we have been waging a cold war.

In view of recent developments in the Dominican Republic, it is evident that the Kennedy administration has again muffed the ball in Latin America. The military coups in the Dominican Repubmilitary coups in the Dominican Republic and in Honduras have revealed lic and in Honduras have revealed

agonizingly that the administration, despite its talk about the success of the Alliance for Progress, is almost completely adrift in its Latin American policy. It is being buffeted about by political forces in our neighbor countries which it neither foresaw nor knows how to influence.

Since this administration took over the White House in 1961, there seems to have been some fatality which has turned every one of its Latin American moves into blundering and bitter failures. The most ghastly of these, of course, has been the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba, followed by the incredible pledge of no invasion to Castro after the missile crisis of 1962. But while the most glaring example of the failure of the policies of this administration in Latin America because it is so obvious, Cuba is not an isolated indication of failure. The same forcible-feeble approach-today a threat, tomorrow a cringe-has characterized our policy in practically every Latin American situation. At the end of 22 years of repeated and unbroken bungling in this hemisphere, this administration stands before the world an abject and pathetic object of confusion and retreat.

In the case of the Dominican Republic, there was not the slightest excuse for the Kennedy administration to put its unqualified support behind the Juan Bosch regime. Throughout the 7 months of Bosch's rule, Washington seemed to deliberately blind itself to Dominican realities. The administration sent to the Dominican Republic as Ambassador a magazine writer, John Bartlow Martin, who was undoubtedly well intentioned, but whose apparent sole claim to diplomatic appointment was the fact that he had been a ghostwriter for Adlai Stevenson. Upon Mr. Martin's advice, Washington accepted Juan Bosch as the best bet for the United States in the Dominican Republic. Even after he was recalled, following the military coup, Martin returned to Washington to defend Bosch, although he made it clear that he had only been following instructions. Nor did Mr. Martin attach importance to a fact which was commonly known in the Dominican Republic-that Bosch was a confirmed anti-American.

Bosch's first act as President was to go to Switzerland and contract for a $150 million loan from a Swiss consortium at 64 percent interest, rather than obtain available financing from U.S. agencies which reportedly would have given him a three-quarters of 1 percent rate.

Pan American Headlines, published by the Committee on Pan American Policy, gave this account of the deal:

In early January 1963, before he was sworn in as President, Bosch announced that he was going to take a trip to Europe to get aid for the nation's economy. Bosch selected three men: Diego Bordas, Pedro Juan Laboy, Mario Diez.

Bosch disclosed that he was going to secure a large loan to finance the fantastic program of public improvements which he had promised in his campaign. At the time, he was with the money which he needed at a nomiadvised that Washington would supply him nal rate of interest of three-quarters of 1 percent. percent. Bosch told his associates that he

didn't want American money because he did not want the United States to have any hold on him. This chauvinistic gesture

silenced his home critics who were mystified by his insistence on getting European aid. Bosch and his trio journeyed to Switzer

land where Mario Diez had arranged a meeting with a Swiss consortium. The consortium granted a loan of $150 million. The interest rate which Bosch accepted on this loan was 6.25 percent. Which means that the Dominican Republic was obligated to pay in excess interest $8 million more, per annum, than it would have paid to the proposed American lender.

But there was worse to follow.

It came to light that Bosch borrowed from the consortium an advance of $15 million, giving notes for the amount. Shortly afterward, these notes made their appearance in the money markets of various countries, as the head of the consortium tried to discount them. Some of them were discounted by the General Electric Co. of London. Others were offered to the Lock Joint Pipe Co., but were refused.

To this day, despite the repeated demand of the nonradical Dominican press, Bosch and Borda have not made an accounting of the $15 million.

Yet we decided to throw the prestige of the United States behind the Bosch government.

If Ambassador Martin had listened to the responsible people in the Dominican Republic, instead of those in the narrow leftist circle, he would have known that a great part of the Dominican population had already stamped Bosch unreliable from the standpoint of democracy and of individual as well as national progress. He would have known of the rampant corruption which was corroding away the confidence of the people. He could have listened to such men as Rafael Bonilla Aybar who was daily reporting the exposé of Bosch's misdeeds over the radio and in his paper, La Prensa Libre, to a large and growing audience. He would have talked to such a man as Don Jose Mejia who had suffered unspeakable wrongs under Trujillo and who had returned enthusiastically to the Republic when Bosch was elected, to cooperate with the new President. What he saw under Bosch, however, disenchanted him so completely that he began pouring out a stream of slashing attacks upon the regime in the press and radio. The final weeks of Bosch saw Santo Domingo ringing with the voices of these and many other disillusioned former supporters. Apparently Ambassador Martin didn't hear them. Nor did he understand the significance of the July episode when the leaders of the military warned Bosch that he must mend his ways and clean house, or they would turn against him. The administration in Washington was walking around in such a fogbank that only about 2 weeks before Bosch's fall it induced the Alliance for Progress to offer Bosch a multimillion dollar dam project in the hope of beefing up his popularity.

There was also the questionable Sasha Volman situation. Volman, originally a protege of Norman Thomas and the New York Socialists, had been pursuing a covert and mysterious game in Central America for several years. Former President Otilio Ulate of Costa Rica described Volman as "one of the most dangerous

[blocks in formation]

the new President was inaugurated, he installed Volman as his adviser on Washington relations. Volman convinced him, truthfully or untruthfully as it may him, truthfully or untruthfully as it may be, that he had great influence with Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., and McGeorge Bundy, who have advised the President on Latin American policy. When, in midsummer, a situation arose in which strong elements began to demand which strong elements began to demand that Ambassador Martin be replaced, Volman informed Bosch that he had phoned the White House to one of the phoned the White House to one of the President's closest advisers and had saved Martin's job. Bosch believed him.

It is true that Bosch carefully maintained a pose of noncommunism during his Presidency. So, also, did Castro during the first year of his rule in Cuba. But actions speak louder than words.

The OAS has received a document, prepared by Ambassador J. T. Bonilla Atiles, revealing that Dr. Miguel Angel Dominguez Guerra, Bosch's Minister of the Interior and head of the national police, was a "blatant" Castroite and a member of the Partido Socialista Popular, a Communist front. Other top offilar, a Communist front. Other top officials in the Bosch regime whom Dr. Bonilla Atiles named as known Communists or Communist sympathizers were: Luis del Rosairo Ceballos, Minister of Public Works; Miguel Angel Valazques Mainardi, Secretary of the Senate; Diego Bordas, Minister of Industry; Julio Martinez, director of the Government TVradio station; Ramon Alberto Ferreras Manual, executive in the Government radio network.

Is it to be wondered at, that the responsible people of the Dominican Republic felt the shadow of Castro falling over their nation under the rule of such a President?

With such unmistakable portents signaling Bosch's certain collapse, Washington indulged itself in its usual game ington indulged itself in its usual game of wishful thinking. Less than 3 weeks before the coup, the New York Times published a eulogistic article, hailing Bosch as "a reformer with a mission" and declaring that "the Bosch regime had the anxious blessings of the Kennedy had the anxious blessings of the Kennedy administration." So, once again the present administration had been persuaded by its left-minded entourage to go all out for a Communist-coddling regime whose misgovernment was so glaring that its own subjects were turning from it in disgust.

But the most disturbing phase of the Bosch deposition was the wailing and gnashing of teeth which suddenly commenced at the other side of the Capitol when the news reached Washington. One distinguished Senator actually proposed that the U.S. Armed Forces should forcibly take Bosch back to Santo Do

mingo and restore him to the Presidency, backed by American bayonets. Another learned Senator bluntly proposed that the OAS should set a police force to stop future military uprisings in Latin America. Think of it-an OAS army to dictate to the 20 autonomous and proud Latin American nations what kind of government they should be permitted to have. And in Santo Domingo itself, Spencer M. King, whom Ambassador Martin had left behind as U.S. Chargé d'Affaires, showed his lapse from reality by telling Manuel Tavares Espaillat, Member of the Junta, that the United States wanted them to place Juan Casanovas Garrido in the Presidency in Bosch's place, as the price for recognition. Casanovas was a henchman of Bosch and at that very time was under investigation by the new government on the charge of complicity in some misappropriations of money of Bosch's administration. How could any clearthinking American diplomat imagine that a Dominican public which had exiled Bosch would accept another Dominican revolutionary party hack in his place?

Perhaps the best statement of the situation which confronted the Dominican people when they expelled Bosch was given by Brig. Gen. Miguel Atila Luna Perez, chief of the Dominican Air Forces. General Luna said:

No one wished to dethrone the government of Juan Bosch. It would have never happened had Mr. Bosch been true to his responsibilities of maintaining democratic principles and preserving internal peace. Such internal peace was menaced by the advance (which no one doubted) of Marxism-Leninism, under the protective cloak of a pro-Communist government which did not take any preventive measures against it. This Marxist-Leninist advance became a


deadly menace to the traditions of a people fundamentally democratic and Christian. There was something else which caused our intervention, and that was the constant violation of the Constitution of the

Republic, and the imminent enactment of a series of laws of typical communistic intent.

Yes, we have certainly goofed in the Dominican Republic. And we will goof again, and even more dangerously, unless we quickly ask ourselves what is really the matter with our Latin American policies.

If the Dominican Republic, as Cuba, stood isolated as a failure in the administration's policy, the incident would be deplorable enough. But unfortunately the Dominican Republic does not stand alone. The Bosch regime was merely one of the arches of the whole structure of U.S.-imposed "left liberal" governments which, it seems quite evident to me, the present administration is trying to set up in the Americas. That it was an important arch is measured by the infuriated outcry which has arisen from the Washington salesmen of that policy since the Dominican people rejected Bosch.

It is high time we reexamine this policy which is failing so dismally in the Americas.

The strategy was defined by Adolf A. Berle, Jr., in 1957 in his book "Tides of Crisis" when he wrote that it was unimportant whether a nation lives under a

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