area, however, will have to be the subject of further legislation in the future. The bill provides that-and I quote: No Federal lands shall be designated as "wilderness areas" except as provided for in this Act or by a subsequent Act. Section 3(c) makes a provision for wilderness within national park system areas and national wildlife refuges and ranges that is like that made with regard to primitive areas. The Secretary of the Interior in this instance is to review the roadless portions comprising 5,000 or more acres in the parks and refuges and report his recommendations to the President. The President is to advise the House and the Senate of his recommendations. An area will be given wilderness protection on a permanent basis only if and when Congress so provides. The areas are to be administered in status quo until Congress has acted on a Presidential recommendation or until Congress has de termined otherwise. National park and refuge lands, unlike those in national forests, have already been removed from commodity production, and particular portions are not at present specifically designated for wilderness preservation. Within the parks there are certain needs for roads for visitors and for administrative purposes and for accommodations for visitors in park areas and for facilities and developments for visitors in parks and for wildlife purposes in refuges. Except for these needs, however, the park and refuge lands are available, without apparent conflict, for preservation as wilderness if this proves desirable on review. The National Park Service, in response to the new national emphasis on wilderness preservation and as a part of its "master planning," has already in recent years set up a pilot program to identify the areas of actual wilderness in two or three parks in each region, outside the Washington, D.C., area. Preliminary data, I understand, are available now for Big Bend, Glacier, Grand Canyon, Olympic, Rocky Mountain, Sequoia, Zion, Mount McKinley, and Isle Royale National Parks. A start has already been made. Until such reviews and studies are planned for all the years with at least preliminary surveys, however, it is not possible to know precisely the acreage available for wilderness preservation in the national parks and monuments. Roads and accommodations are estimated at present to occupy less than 10 percent of the approximate 22 million acres in the entire national park system. It can accordingly be estimated that the national park wilderness to be preserved will be chosen out of about 20 million acres as proposed in this bill. Much of the area of wildlife refuges is of maximum benefit for its wildlife purposes only when developed with installations, including impoundments, for example, that disqualify an area as wilderness. The portions to be recommended after review can thus not be forecast precisely, but they will be chosen out of some 23 refuges and ranges totaling nearly 25 million acres and known to include wilderness. A tabulation, which I ask permission to have appear in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, following this description of the bill, shows the acreage in the wilderness, wild, and canoe areas that the bill proposes to designate as wilderness and also national forest primitive areas to be reviewed for permanent protection as wilderness, and areas of the national park system and national wildlife refuges and ranges containing roadless areas to be reviewed for preservation as wilderness, with gross acreages. Section 3(d) requires the Secretary of the Interior or of Agriculture, before submitting recommendations to the President regarding an area, to give public notice in the Federal Register and the local press, hold public hearings, and invite the Governor, county officials, and Federal agencies concerned to submit their views. Any views submitted must be included with any recommendations regarding the area to the President and to Congress. Section 3 (e) provides that any bound ary changes to be made in the future hearings, recommended to the President are to be subjected to public notice and hearings, recommended to the President with maps and descriptions, and are to be effective only when acted on by Congress as in the establishment of areas. 4 Section 4 deals with the use of wilderness areas. Section 4(a) makes plain in a declaration and also with specific references that this legislation is to be within and supplemental to and not in interference with the purposes for which the national forests, parks, and refuges have been established and the legislation so providing. This subsection includes the provision that all accommodations and installations in parks and monuments are to be incident to the conservation and use of the areas in their natural condition. Section 4(b) provides that, except as otherwise provided in the legislation, each agency administering an area designated as wilderness shall be responsible for preserving the wilderness character of the area and shall administer the area for its other purposes in such a way as also to preserve its wilderness character. The wilderness areas are to be devoted, with the exceptions specified in the legislation, to the public purposes of recreational, scenic, scientific, educational, conservation, and historical use, and the use is to be in harmony, both in kind and degree, with the wilderness environment and its preservation. Section 4 (c) prohibits certain uses except as specifically provided elsewhere in cept as specifically provided elsewhere in the act. These prohibited uses are those inconsistent with wilderness preservainconsistent with wilderness preservation, such as commercial enterprises, motor vehicles and motorized equipment, roads, and structures and installations. The minimum required for administration is permitted and so are emergency measures for health and safety. Section 4(d) makes a series of seven special provisions: First. Aircraft and motorboats may continue to be used where they are already established, and measures to con trol fire, insects, and disease may be taken subject to conditions deemed desirable by the appropriate secretary. Second. Any activity, including prospecting, for gathering information about mineral or other resources in national forest wilderness areas is permitted in a manner compatible with preserving the wilderness environment. Furthermore, the Secretary of the Interior is directed to develop and conduct in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture a survey by the Bureau of Mines and the Geological Survey to determine the mineral values present in these areas and to make the results available and submit them to the President and Congress. Mining and prospecting as at present may, of course, continue within the primitive area in the status quo administration of these areas which this bill will provide pending the review of these areas already thus provided. This is, indeed, a concession to those who have opposed earlier wilderness bills for reasons related to mining. It seems to me to be a reasonable one and an example of the interest that proponents of wilderness legislation have in reaching an agreement. Those special provisions in section 4(d) (2) are in further consideration of certain criticisms. They make it possible to obtain information on the resources, including minerals, within wilderness areas. Third. Within wilderness areas in the national forests, the President may authorize prospecting, mining, exploration for and production of oil and gas, establishment and maintenance of reservoirs, water conservation works, transmission lines, and other facilities needed in the public interest. Also, grazing of livestock shall be permitted to continue in national-forest areas where it is an established practice, subject to such restrictions and regulations as the Secretary deems necessary. Fourth. Various acts applicable to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota are to continue to be applicable to the area and are not modified by this act. Fifth. Commercial services are permitted as necessary in realizing the recreational or other purposes of the areas, such as provision of horses and guide service to wilderness visitors by persons headquartered and conducting their business operations outside the wilderness area, or taking of pictures or observing and recording of scientific data for pay. Sixth. Nothing in the legislation, it is explicitly provided, is to constitute an express or implied claim or denial on the part of the Federal Government as to exemption from State water laws. Seventh. Hunting and fishing are permitted in national forest wilderness areas to the extent not incompatible with wilderness preservation. Nothing is to be construed, however, as affecting State jurisdiction or responsibility as to fish and wildlife. 5 Section 5 deals with State and private lands within wilderness areas. Section 5(a) provides that where State inholdings exist in wilderness areas, the State shall be afforded access, or shall be given Federal lands in exchange of equal value. It provides that where a State surrenders mineral rights in such an exchange, the Federal Government may do so also. Section 5(b) assures private owners of lands within national forest areas the ingress and egress customarily enjoyed. Section 5(c) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire private landholdings within wilderness areas, subject to the concurrence of the owner and approval of necessary appropriations by the Congress. 6 Section 6 authorizes the acceptance of gifts, bequests, and contributions. Section 6(a) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to accept gifts of land for preservation as wilderness, subject to regulations in accordance with agreements incident to the gift or bequest which are consistent with the policy of the legislation. Section 6(b) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to accept contributions and gifts to be used to further the purposes of the legislation and makes such gifts for public purposes subject to the usual deduction for purposes of income, estate, and gift taxes in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Revenue Code of 1954. 7 Section 7 provides for an annual joint report to Congress by the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior on the status of the wilderness system, with any recommendations they wish to make. SUMMARY-PRINCIPAL FEATURES OUTLINED The principal features of this wilderness bill (H.R. 9070) may be outlined in summary as follows: It establishes by congressional positive action a national policy for wilderness preservation. It establishes a program by means of which such a wilderness preservation policy can be realized. It adapts this program to existing land uses, by applying it to areas that can continue to serve their present purposes while still being preserved as wilderness. It recognizes the economic and commercial needs for commodity and other uses that may be in conflict with wilderness preservation and provides for reasonable and special consideration of these needs. this purpose there is hereby established a National Wilderness Preservation System to be composed of federally owned areas desigthese shall be administered for the use and nated by Congress as "wilderness areas," and enjoyment of the American people in such manner as will leave them unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness, and so as to provide for the protection of these areas, the preservation of their wilderness character, and for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding their use and enjoyment as wilderness. Section 6(a) says: Except as otherwise provided in this act, nothing in this act shall be interpreted as interfering with the purposes stated in the establishment of, or pertaining to, any park, monument, or other unit of the national park system, or any national forest, wildlife refuge, game range, or other area involved, except that each agency administering any area designated as wilderness shall be responsible for preserving the wilderness character of the area and shall so administer such area for such other purposes for which it may have been established as also to preserve its Except as otherwise wilderness character. provided in this act, the wilderness areas shall be devoted to the public purposes of recreational, scenic, scientific, educational, conservation, and historical use. Subject to the provisions of this act, all such use shall be in harmony, both in kind and degree, with the wilderness environment and with its preservation. Less than 15 million national-forest acres out of a 186-million total, much less than 20 million acres in the national park system, and far less than 25 million in wildlife refuges will be involvedless than some 2 percent of the Nation's land and water area. As the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs noted in its April 3, 1963, report No. 109, on the Senate act S. 4, which in this respect is like this revised bill: No cost is involved since all of the areas are Federal lands, all areas are to continue to be administered by the agency presently in control of them, and no new bureau or agency is involved. There are simply prescribed, by statute, as that report points out, the standards and criteria for the management of a relatively few areas to assure their protection "as natural sites for the cultural, inspirational, recreational, and scientific values which only such areas can provide." A DESIRABLE CONSUMMATION Caribou, Calif Gates of the Mountains, Mont__ Mokelumne, Calif. San Pedro Parks, N. Mex___. benefiting from the criticisms and sugSuch a measure as here proposed, gestions of our esteemed colleagues, including the chairmen of our Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and its corporating the basic objectives of those Subcommittee on Public Lands, and inof us who have long been advocating a wilderness bill, can provide us the opportunity for consensus and effective agreement—a consummation much to be desired. I am happy to participate in SUMMARY, NATIONAL FOREST WILsuch a result of our long concern with such legislation. 6, 409, 284 19, 080 18, 000 9, 022 35, 440 62, 500 55, 000 28, 562 18, 709 82, 680 5,400 42, 800 64, 827 78, 850 49,000 7,655 66, 280 50, 400 42, 411 14, 160 46, 655 53, 400 23, 071 26, 797 34, 718 21, 955 41, 132 20, 850 33, 653 16, 335 62, 000 6, 051 28, 230 1, 165, 523 887, 739 104, 908 42, 205 Arctic National Wildlife Range, Alaska--- 8, 900, 000 860,000 Haleakala, Hawaii.. 26, 403 Clarence Rhode National Wildlife Range, Alaska.. Desert Game Range, Nev‒‒‒‒ Fort Peck Game Range, Mont__ Izembek National Wildlife Range, Alaska--- Kenai National Moose Range, Alaska. Olympic, Wash... 896, 599 Kofa Game Range, Ariz.--Montana National Bison Range, Mont____. 543, 898 1, 890, 000 2,188, 415 950, 827 415,000 2,057, 197 660,000 18, 541 18, 483, 878 SEC. 2. (a) In order to assure that an increasing population, accompanied by expanding settlement and growing mechanization, does not occupy and modify all areas within the United States and its possessions, leaving no lands designated for preservation and protection in their natural condition, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress to secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness. For this purpose there is hereby established a National Wilderness Preservation System to be composed of federally owned areas designated by Congress as "wilderness areas," and these shall be administered for the use and enjoyment of the American people in such manner as will leave them unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness, and so as to provide for the protection of these 6,357, 982 6, 121, 812 22, 362, 336 24, 841, 860 53, 326, 008 H.R. 9070 SHORT TITLE areas, the preservation of their wilderness character, and for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding their use and enjoyment as wilderness; and no Federal lands shall be designated as "wilderness areas" except as provided for in this Act or by a subsequent Act. Definition of wilderness (b) A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this Act an area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions and which (1) generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature, with the imprint of man's works substantially unnoticeable; (2) has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; (3) has at least five thousand acres of land and is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value. For the purposes of this Act wilderness shall include the areas provided for in this Act and such other areas as shall be designated in accordance with its provisions. NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESERVATION SYSTEM Extent of system SEC. 3. (a) All areas within the national forests classified on the effective date of this Act by the Secretary of Agriculture or the Chief of the Forest Service as "wilderness," or "canoe" are hereby designated as wilderness areas. The Secretary of Ag riculture shall (1) Within one year after the effective date of the Act, file a map and legal description of each wilderness area with the Interior and Insular Affairs Committees of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and such descriptions shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act: Provided, however, That correction of clerical and typographical errors in such legal descriptions and maps may be made. (2) Maintain, available to the public, records pertaining to said wilderness areas, including maps and legal descriptions, copies of regulations governing them, copies of public notices of, and reports submitted to Congress regarding pending additions, eliminations, or modifications. Maps, legal descriptions, and regulations pertaining to wilderness areas within their respective jurisdictions also shall be available to the public in the offices of regional foresters, national forest supervisors, and forest rangers. (b) In accordance with the time requirements of this subsection, the Secretary of Agriculture shall review each area in the national forests classified on the effective date of this Act by the Secretary of Agriculture or the Chief of the Forest Service as "primitive" as to its suitability for preservation and shall report his findings to the President. Within three years after the enactment of this Act with regard to half of the total number of such areas, and within two additional years with regard to the remaining such areas, the President shall advise the United States Senate and House of Representatives of his recommendations with respect to the designation as "wilderness" or declassification as "primitive" of each area on which review has been completed, together with maps and definition of boundaries: Provided, That the President may, as a part of his recommendations, propose alteration of the existing boundaries, recommending the elimination and declassification as "primitive" of any portions not predominantly of wilderness value, and recommending the addition of any contiguous area of national forest lands predominantly of wilderness value. Each such recommendation of the President shall become effective only if so provided by an Act of Congress, and each such primitive area shall continue to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as on the date of this Act until Congress has acted on a recommendation of the President regarding the area, as provided in this subsection, or until Congress has determined otherwise. ments of this subsection the Secretary of the (c) In accordance with the time requireInterior shall review all roadless portions comprising 5,000 or more contiguous acres of parks, monuments, and other units of the National Park System, and such portions of, or roadless islands within, wildlife refuges and game ranges under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior on the effective date of this Act and shall report to the President his recommendations as to the suitability of each such portion for continued preservation as wilderness. Within three years after the enactment of this Act with regard to half the total number of such regard to the remaining such areas, the Presiareas and within two additional years with dent shall advise the United States Senate and the House of Representatives of his recommendations with respect to the designation as wilderness of each such portion for which review has been completed, together with maps and definitions of boundaries. Each such recommendation shall become effective only if so provided by an Act of Congress, and each such portion shall continue to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior as roadless until Congress has acted on a recommendation of the President regarding the area, as provided in this subsection, or until Congress has determined otherwise. (d) (1) The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior shall, prior to submitting any recommendations to the President with respect to the suitability of any area for preservation as wilderness (A) give such public notice of the proposed action as they deem appropriate, including publication in the Federal Register and in a newspaper having general circulation in the area or areas in the vicinity of the affected land; (B) hold a public hearing or hearings at a location or locations convenient to the area affected. The hearings shall be announced through such means as the respective Secretaries involved deem appropriate, including notices in the Federal Register and in newspapers of general circulation in the area: Provided, That if the lands involved are located in more than one State, at least one hearing shall be held in each State in which a portion of the land lies; (C) at least thirty days before the date of a hearing advise the Governor of each State and the governing board of each county, or in Alaska the borough, in which the lands are located, and Federal Departments and agencies concerned, and invite such officials and Federal agencies to submit their views on the proposed action at the hearing or by no later than thirty days following the date of the hearing. (d) (2) Any views submitted to the appropriate Secretary under the provisions of (1) of this subsection with respect to any area shall be included with any recommendations to the President and to Congress with respect to such area. (e) Any modification or adjustment of boundaries of any wilderness area shall be recommended by the appropriate Secretary after public notice of such proposal and public hearing or hearings as provided in sub section (d) of this section. The proposed modification or adjustment shall then be recommended with map and description thereof to the President. The President shall advise the United States Senate and the House of Representatives of his recommendations with respect to such modification or adjustment and such recommendations shall become effective only in the same manner as provided for in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. USE OF WILDERNESS AREAS SEC. 4. (a) The purposes of this Act are hereby declared to be within and supplemental to the purposes for which national forests and units of the national park and national wildlife refuge systems are established and administered and (1) Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to be in interference with the purpose for which national forests are established as set forth in the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat. 11), and the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of June 12, 1960 (74 Stat. 215). (2) Nothing in this Act shall modify the restrictions and provisions of the ShipsteadNolan Act, Public Law 539, Seventy-first Congress, July 10, 1930 (46 Stat. 1020), the Thye-Blatnik Act, Public Law 733, Eightieth Congress, June 22, 1948 (62 Stat. 568), and the Humphrey-Thye-Blatnik-Andresen Act, Public Law 607, Eighty-fourth Congress, June 22, 1956 (70 Stat. 326), as applying to the Superior National Forest or the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture. (3) The designation of any area of any park, monument, or other unit of the national park system as a wilderness area pursuant to this Act shall in no manner lower the standards evolved for the use and preservation of such park, monument, or other unit of the national park system in accordance with the Act of August 25, 1916, the statutory authority under which the area was created, or any other Act of Congress which might pertain to or affect such area, including, but not limited to, the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225; 16 U.S.C. 432 et seq.); section 3 (2) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(2); and the Act of August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 666; 16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.). All accommodations and installations within any national park or monument shall, furthermore, be incident to the conservation and use and enjoyment of the scenery and the natural and historical objects and flora and fauna of the park or monument in its natural condition. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, each agency administering any area designated as wilderness shall be responsible for preserving the wilderness character of the area and shall so administer such area for such other purposes for which it may have been established as also to preserve its wilderness character. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, wilderness areas shall be devoted to the public purposes of recreational, scenic, scientific, educational, conservation, and historical use. Subject to the provisions of this Act, all such use shall be in harmony, both in kind and degree, with the wilderness environment and with its preservation. Prohibition of certain uses (c) Except as specifically provided for in this Act and subject to any existing private rights, there shall be no commercial enterprise within wilderness areas designated by or in accordance with this Act, no permanent road, nor shall there be any use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, or motorboats, or landing of aircraft, nor any other mechanical transport or delivery of persons or supplies, nor any temporary road, nor any structure or installation, in excess of the minimum required for the administration of the area for the purposes of this Act, including such measures as may be required in emergencies involving the health and safety of persons within such areas. Special provisions (d) The following special provisions are hereby made: (1) Within wilderness areas designated by this Act the use of aircraft or motorboats, where these uses have already become establis ed, may be permitted to continue subject to such restrictions as the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the Interior deems desirable. In addition, such measures may be taken as may be necessary in the control of fire, insects, and diseases, subject to such conditions as the appropriate Secretary deems desirable. (2) Nothing in this Act shall prevent within national forest wilderness areas any activity, including prospecting, for the purpose of gathering information about mineral or other resources, if such activity is carried on in a manner compatible with the preservation of the wilderness environment. Furthermore, in accordance with such program as the Secretary of the Interior shall develop and conduct in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, such areas shall be surveyed on a planned, recurring basis consistent with the concept of wilderness preservation by the Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines to determine the mineral values, if any, that may be present; and the ties of the several States with respect to pointed by the House Republican policy wildlife and fish in wilderness areas. STATE AND PRIVATE LANDS WITHIN WILDERNESS AREAS SEC. 5. (a) In any case where State-owned land is completely surrounded by lands designated as wilderness, such State shall be given either (1) such rights as may be necessary to assure adequate access to such State-owned land by such State and its successors in interest, or (2) vacant, unreserved, and unappropriated mineral or nonmineral lands in the same State, not exceeding the value of the surrounded land, in exchange for the surrounded land: Provided, however, That the United States shall not transfer to State any mineral interests unless the State relinquishes or causes to be relinquished to the United States the mineral interest in the surrounded land. (b) In any case where privately owned lands, valid mining claims, or other valid occupancies are wholly within a designated national forest wilderness area, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, by reasonable regulations consistent with the preservation of the area as wilderness, permit ingress and egress to such surrounded areas by means which have been or are being customarily enjoyed with respect to other such areas similarly situated. (c) Subject to the appropriation of funds results of such surveys shall be made avail- by Congress, the Secretary of Agriculture able to the public and submitted to the President and Congress. (3) Within wilderness areas in the national forests designated by this Act, (1) the President may, within a specific area and in accordance with such regulations as he may deem desirable, authorize prospecting for water resources, the establishment and maintenance of reservoirs, water-conservation works, power projects, transmission lines, and other facilities needed in the public interest, including the road construction and maintenance essential to development and use thereof, upon his determination that such use or uses in the specific area will better serve the interests of the United States and the people thereof than will its denial; and (2) the grazing of livestock, where established prior to the effective date of this Act, shall be permitted to continue subject to such reasonable regulations as are deemed necessary by the Secretary of Agriculture. (4) Other provisions of this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, the management of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, formerly designated as the Superior, Little Indian Sioux, and Caribou roadless areas, in the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, shall be in accordance with regulations established by the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with the general purpose of maintaining, without unnecessary restrictions on other uses, including that of timber, the primitive character of the area, particularly in the vicinity of lakes, streams, and portages: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall preclude the continuance within the area of any already established use of motorboats. (5) Commercial services may be performed within the wilderness areas designated by this Act to the extent necessary for activities which are proper for realizing the recreational or other wilderness purposes of the areas. (6) Nothing in this Act shall constitute an express or implied claim or denial on the part of the Federal Government as to exemption from State water laws. (7) To the extent that it is not incom patible with wilderness preservation, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, in national forest wilderness areas designated by this Act, permit hunting and fishing: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the jurisdiction or responsibili and the Secretary of the Interior are authorized to acquire privately owned land within the perimeter of any area designated as wilderness if (1) the owner concurs in such acquisition or (2) the acquisition is specifically authorized by Congress. GIFTS, BEQUESTS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS SEC. 6 (a) The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior may accept gifts or bequests of land within or adjacent to wilderness areas under their respective jurisdictions for preservation as wilderness, and such land shall, on acceptance, become part of the wilderness area. Regulations with regard to any such land may be in accordance with such agreements, consistent with the policy of this Act, as are made at the time of such gift, or such conditions, consistent with such policy, as may be included in, and accepted with, such bequest. (b) The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture are each authorized to accept private contributions and gifts to be used to further the purposes of this Act. Any such contributions or gifts shall, for purposes of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, be considered a contribution or gift to or for the use of the United States for an exclusively public purpose, and may be deducted as such under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, subject to all applicable limitations and restrictions contained therein. committee early this year to make a continuing study of one of our most serious foreign policy problems, has authorized me to issue a comprehensive report. I have the honor to serve as chairman of this special committee along with the following members: Representative WILLIAM C. CRAMER, of Florida; Representative E. Ross ADAIR, of Indiana; Representative JOHN M. ASHBROOK, of Ohio; Representative EDWARD J. DERWINSKI, Of Illinois; Representative SAMUEL L. DEVINE, of Ohio; Representative DURWARD G. HALL, of Missouri; Representative CLARK MACGREGOR, of Minnesota; and Representative GARNER E. SHRIVER, Of Kansas. This committee has issued four earlier statements. Its present report contains seven policy recommendations which the members of the special committee believe to be essential for the security of this Nation and of our Latin American neighbors. SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON CUBA AND SUBVERSION IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE One year has passed since the Cuban missile crisis. At this time 1 year ago the momentary firmness of the Kennedy administration was dissolving as at least some Soviet missiles and medium-range bombers were withdrawn from Cuba. Administration spokesmen unleased a barrage of propaganda heavy with selfcongratulation and the assertion of the "inherent right of government to lie" in time of crisis. And then the administration proceeded to sweep Cuban affairs under the rug. Now there is a danger that some halfmeasure such as a reduction of Soviet troop strength in Cuba or the transformation of Castro into a Latin Tito will be accepted by the administration as a satisfactory solution of the Cuban problem. The aim of the policy of the United States must be nothing less than the establishment of freedom in Cuba. This precludes a Communist regime there. SOME EVENTS OF THE PAST YEAR While the Kennedy administration has been busy curbing attacks on Castro's Cuba by Cuban exiles, Castro has spent the past year spreading sabotage and destruction throughout Latin America. In February 1963, Castro's Mig'swhich the administration regards as defensive equipment-attacked an unarmed U.S. shrimp boat. In March, Castro's defensive aircraft fired on the United States ship The Floridian as it made its way from San Juan to Miami. In March, Castro's forces were reported by two eyewitness exiles to have invaded the British island of Cay Sal and to have kidnapped from there eight people. In August, two patrol boats and a helicopter from Cuba invaded a small island in the British Bahamas and kidnapped 19 hapless Cubans who had sought refuge from Castro's tyranny. Jet fighters of of the U.S. Navy and a patrol plane of the Coast Guard hovered overhead for 2 hours as Castro's forces rounded up the refugees, |