forced them aboard the vessels, and returned them to an uncertain fate in the country from which they had fled. In October, an American-owned freighter, the J. Louis, was attacked by Cuban planes in international waters between Cuba and Florida. These incidents are cited because they have occurred close to the United States. They constitute only a minor part of an unremitting campaign of subversion and terrorism which communism is carrying on in this hemisphere. By such tactics the Communists hope to bring to power other Castros in other Latin American States. THE IMPORTANCE OF CUBA The subversive activity of communism in Latin America antedates the accession of Castro to power. Eleven years before he marched into Havana, Castro himself participated in the "bogotazo"-the uprising in Bogotá designed to disrupt the Inter-American Conference at Bogotá in 1948. Undoubtedly Communist subversion in the Americas would continue if the Castro regime were replaced by an anti-Communist government. Nevertheless a Communist Cuba is of crucial importance to Moscow as a base for a campaign of subversive activity in Latin America. Cuba is important because of its location, because it is Latin, but most of all Cuba is important because it is a symbol of success. Communists in other Latin American countries have only to look at Cuba to know that their cause can triumph, that they will be protected by Khrushchev, and that all the huffing and puffing that the United States is prepared to engage in will not blow their house down. A special committee designated by the Organization of American States to study the problem of Communist subversion in the hemisphere reported on June 4, 1963: Undoubtedly, Cuba now constitutes the regional center for subversive action by international communism in America. THE TACTICS OF COMMUNIST SUBVERSION IN LATIN AMERICA Communist Cuba has made no secret of its objective in Latin America. On July 26, 1963, Castro called for revolution throughout the hemisphere. Armando Hart, Castro's Minister of Education, declared: In Latin America the conquest of revolutionary power has to be achieved at least in a great number of countries-through class struggle carried to the level of armed insurrection by the proletariat and peasant classes. Thelma King, Castro's principal agent in Panama, has said: There is one goal: To take over power, either by elections or by force; but it must be taken over. Barely 2 months after taking power, Castro began a series of armed forays against the countries of the Caribbean, including the island of Salt Key in the British Bahamas. After the failure of these initial probes, Castro's tactics changed from invasion to a combination of propaganda and internal terrorism. Even in the United States, such activity has been carried on. The Fair Play for Cuba Committee has been the propa ganda agency. And, in November 1962, a plot to disrupt oil installations in New Jersey led to the expulsion of two Cuban diplomats accredited to the United Nations. It is unnecessary to recount in detail here the campaign of violent subversive activity inspired by Cuba which has touched every nation in this hemisphere and has led most of the nations of Latin America to break off diplomatic relations with the Castro Government. At the Punta del Este Conference of January 1962, the Orangization of AmerJanuary 1962, the Orangization of American States established a Special Consultative Committee on Security Against the Subversive Activities of International Communism. This Committee has issued valuable factual reports and offered recommendations for actions which have not in general been effectively implemented. Indeed, on July 3, 1963, five Latin American States failed to vote in the OAS for recommendations to curb travel to Cuba and better coordinate the security measures of individual countries. Cuba feeds the fires of subversion throughout Latin America in three principal ways: training agents, providing propaganda, and supplying funds. The OAS Committee has reported that "at least 1,500 persons from the other American Republics traveled to Cuba during 1962" for instruction in the use of arms and explosives, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, as well as in propaguerrilla warfare, as well as in propaganda techniques and Marxist-Leninist doctrine. The faculty of schools of this type, the committee found, includes Russians, Chinese, and Czechoslovaks in addition to Latin Americans. The results of the training can be seen almost daily in the dispatches from Venezuela, Colombia, and other American Republics. Books, newspapers, pamphlets, and radio transmit a steady flow of propaganda from Cuba. The Cuban news agency, Prensa Latina, is perhaps the most important vehicle for the dissemination of the Communist message to the mass audience in Central and South America. The subversive activities carried on by Communists demand expenditures which are substantial in comparison with those of non-Communist political groups in the countries concerned. The OAS Committee reported: It is the present Cuban Government that is responsible for providing, directly or indirectly, a large part of the funds received by the Communist parties in the other American Republics. THE DANGER OF COMMUNIST SUBVERSION If additional non-Communist nations in this hemisphere succumb to communism, the transition probably will be made in the classic tradition in Latin America-through subversive activity culminating in a swift palace revolution early some morning. It is unlikely that Castro would be so foolhardy as to launch a full-scale invasion by his troops against any of his neighbors. The troops against any of his neighbors. The peril that Latin American governments face is subversion from within, inspired and supported from Cuba. In at least half a dozen Latin American countries, unstable governments present a tempting target to Castro. The six revolutions that have taken place in Latin America since the disaster of the Bay of Pigs emphasize an important fact. The weakness that places a government at the mercy of a few military leaders may place it at the mercy of a few Communists. A small well-organized band of Communists might have engineered the coup d'etat as speedily as did a small organized band of military leaders. There is need for more effective action against the specific forms of subversion and terrorism which the Castroites employ. But the only fully effective way to put an end to Castro's subversion is by getting rid of Castro. The recommendations which follow have this as their aim. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS First. The United States must return to the Monroe Doctrine. The first step in the formulation of policy is determination of the objective. The Communist government of Cuba exists in defiance of the historic policy of the United States barring intervention by extrahemispheric powers in the affairs of the Republics of the Americas. At Caracas in 1954 the members of the OAS endorsed this policy. Until the President and the Congress reaffirm the Monroe Doctrine and make it clear that a Communist government will not be tolerated in this hemisphere, there will be a continuation of the indecision and inaction on the part of the United States, which confuses our friends and emboldens our enemies to push further into the Americas. Second. The United States must give high priority to the task of defeating communism in Latin America and must provide vigorous leadership in this task. The Kennedy administration has placed the most urgent of Latin American problems far down the list of its pressing concerns. Failure to assign high priority to the problem of communism in Latin America has resulted in reluctance to exercise the leadership which most other American Republics have been seeking from the United States. It is now almost 2 months since the American Ambassador to the OAS resigned, and there is still no word from the White House about a successor. The last Ambassador was not an experienced diplomat nor was he equipped with any special knowledge of Latin America. It was commonly recognized that his position with the OAS was in the nature of an interim appointment until he could run again for the governorship of his State, a post which he had sought unsuccessfully 4 years ago. The Kennedy administration has not pushed for united action against the Communist threat in this hemisphere. Except at the time of the crisis of October 1962-when the OAS unanimously supported the blockade of Cuba-the United States has not shown leadership. At Punta del Este in 1962, the delegations of Central America had to stiffen the backbone of the spokesmen of the United States in support of a strong anti-Communist statement. For want of interest on the part of the United States, the OAS has never followed up a resolution of the Punta del Este Conference calling for a study of means of curbing trade in nonstrategic items between Cuba and other nations of the hemisphere. In order to arrive at a consistent and effective policy, our Government must put the task of defeating communism in Latin America near the top of foreign policy objectives. Otherwise, reasons will always be found to do nothing about Castro. In the policy adopted to defeat communism, the United States should act in cooperation with as much of the community of American Republics as possible. This Nation cannot permit what is called public opinion in some other nation to exercise a veto over a course of policy that is clearly needed for security and freedom in the hemisphere. But, to the extent possible, the policy should be the joint policy of the free American Republics, and not the unilateral policy of the United States. The principal obstacle to fixing on a joint policy is not the unwillingness of other Latin American states to participate, but the inability or unwillingness of the Kennedy administration to lead. Ambassador Gonzalo J. Facio, Chairman of the Council of the Organization of American States, made this point on February 24, 1963: The OAS cannot have a definite policy without knowing what the policy of the United States is. Third. The United States must make a maximum effort toward complete isolation of Communist Cuba. Because of policies adopted under the Eisenhower administration some strain has been placed on Castro's economy by a reduction of trade with the United States and other free world nations. Much more should be done. Fifty percent of the ships that travel to Cuba are free world ships. In 1962 Cuba still obtained 20 percent of its imports from free world nations. This committee repeats the recommendations made in an earlier report that aid be denied to nations trading with Cuba and that all vessels of any nation that permits any of its ships to engage in Cuban trade be barred from U.S. ports. A ruling of the Comptroller General makes it clear that the administration has flagrantly violated the Foreign Aid Appropriations Act of 1963 in extending aid to at least some of the nations whose ships are transporting goods between the Soviet Union and Cuba. We call on the administration to observe the law. In addition to trade, travel between Cuba and the free world should be cut off. The interruption of travel between Cuba and states of this hemisphere would seriously cripple subversive activity in Latin America by stopping the training of terrorists in Cuba. A determined attempt should be made by the United States and the other nations which have broken diplomatic ties with the Castro government to lead the five holdout nations to follow their example. The principal function of a Cuban Embassy is to serve as a center for the direction of subversion in the nation in which it is located. None of the foregoing recommendations would affect relations between Cuba and the Communist bloc although adoption of them would make the support of Cuba more costly for the bloc countries. We regret the failure of President Kennedy to hold fast to his decision to blockade Cuba until on-site inspection of the island to verify the removal of missiles was secured. We do not, however, possess enough information to decide whether a blockade of any kind should be reinstituted at this time. If any significant flow of troops or military equipment is moving to Cuba from Communist bloc nations, we would favor the imposition of a partial blockade to turn back such shipments. In this, as in the other steps we recommend, we prefer joint action by a number of American nations to unilateral action by the United States. Fourth. The United States and other American Republics should withdraw recognition of the Castro government and recognize a provisional government to lead the Cuban people to freedom. Although the United States broke diplomatic relations with Castro under the Eisenhower administration, it still recognizes the Castro government as the legitimate Government of Cuba. This recognition should be ended in order to make possible the recognition of a provisional government. Cuba must be freed by Cubans, not by Americans. The fragmented and uncoordinated efforts of dozens of resist ance groups within Cuba and of exile groups without are wasteful and less than fully effective. Consequently, unification of activity under the leadership of a provisional government is essential. When Cuba becomes free, this government should be succeeded by one freely chosen by the Cuban people. Fifth. A coordinated campaign of guerrilla warfare and sabotage launched by Cubans from within and from outside Cuba should be undertaken with the support of the United States and other American Republics. It is possible that discontent within Cuba will mount to a point at which Castro can be overthrown as Batista was overthrown without even a forcible push. If, as seems more likely, the hope of the great majority of Cubans for freedom can be realized only by fighting for it, the United States should help in planning, organizing, supplying, and otherwise supporting the effort of free Cubans. The vulnerability of Castro to the kind of sabotage which he supports in other Latin American nations is obvious. To cite one example, the destruction of the three major oil refineries in Cuba would speedily produce complete chaos throughout the island. Sixth. The United States and other American Republics cannot permit British Guiana to achieve independence under a Communist government. There is grave danger to the hemisphere in a British Guiana ruled by the Communist regime of Cheddi Jagan. The Jagan government, which came to power with the support of a minority of the electorate, is now a trouble spot under some kind of control by the United Kingdom. As an independent state, it would be a serious danger to its neighbors. We welcome the recent decision of the United Kingdom to delay independence until British Guinea has a government representative of a majority of its people. Seventh. The United States should continue to assist other American Republics to achieve the economic progress and political stability that undergird freedom. This committee recognizes the need for drastic reform throughout Latin America in order to provide a bulwark against communism or other forms of dictatorship. Mass poverty and ignorance create an instability which the demagog can readily exploit. The We recognize a relation between social and economic progress in Latin America and the defeat of communism. most important reform in our estimation is the establishment of universal education in Latin America. cation in Latin America. But a program of social and economic reform will not be enough in itself to cope with the immediate danger. Reform at best will come slowly. The threat is here and now. The danger is not that a Communist government will anywhere be installed by voluntary action of a majority of the people but that it will be imposed by force by a minority. And so, while we support efforts to improve social and economic conditions, we cannot regard them as the answer to Castro. LEAVE OF ABSENCE By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted to Mr. CELLER (at the request of Mr. ADDABBO), for Thursday, November 7, 1963, on account of illness. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED By unanimous consent, permission to address the House, following the legislative program and any special orders heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. SAYLOR, for 45 minutes, today, to revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter and tables. Mr. BATTIN, for 30 minutes, today. EXTENSION OF REMARKS By unanimous consent, permission to extend remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, or to revise and extend remarks, was granted to: Mr. ROOSEVELT. (The following Member (at the request of Mr. REIFEL) and to include extraneous matter:) Mr. WESTLAND. (The following Members (at the request of Mr. TUTEN) and to include extraneous matter:) Mr. ROONEY of New York. Mr. BOGGS. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Mr. BURLESON, from the Committee on House Administration, reported that that committee had examined and found truly enrolled a bill of the House of the following title, which was thereupon signed by the Speaker: H.R. 1989. An act to authorize the government of the Virgin Islands to issue general obligation bonds. BILLS PRESENTED TO THE Mr. BURLESON, from the Committee on House Administration, reported that that committee did on this day present to the President, for his approval, bills of the House of the following titles: H.R. 7405. An act to amend the Bretton Woods Agreements Act to authorize the U.S. Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to vote for an increase in the Bank's authorized capital stock; and H.R. 8821. An act to revise the provisions of law relating to the methods by which amounts made available to the States pursuant to the Temporary Unemployment Compensation Act of 1958 and title XII of the Social Security Act are to be restored to the Treasury. ADJOURNMENT Mr. TUTEN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 5 o'clock and 15 minutes p.m.) the House adjourned until tomorrow, Friday, November 8, 1963, at 12 o'clock noon. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows: 1357. A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a draft of a proposed bill entitled "A bill to require the inspection of certain towing vessels"; to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. 1358. A letter from the Chairman, the Board of Foreign Scholarships, Department of State, transmitting the first report of the Board of Foreign Scholarships, pursuant to Public Law 87-256; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1359. A letter from the Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, transmitting a report covering personal property received by State surplus property agencies for distribution to public health and educational institutions and civil defense organizations for the period July 1, through September 30, 1963, pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended; to the Committee on Government Operations. 1360. A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of operations by Federal departments and establishments in connection with the bonding of officers and employees for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1963, pursuant to the act of August 9, 1955 (6 U.S.C. 14); to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk CIX-1350 for printing and reference to the proper calendar, as follows: Mr. MURRAY: Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. H.R. 7381. A bill to simplify, modernize, and consolidate the laws more than one position and the laws conrelating to the employment of civilians in cerning the civilian employment of retired members of the uniformed services, and for other purposes; with amendment (Rept. No. 890). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Mr. ROGERS of Texas: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. H.R. 8135. A bill to provide for the establishment and adminthe Sanford Reservoir area, Canadian River istration of public recreational facilities at project, Texas, and for other purposes; with amendment (Rept. No. 891). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Mr. MORGAN: Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 9009. A bill to amend further the Peace Corps Act, as amended; without amendment (Rept. No. 892). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Mr. ZABLOCKI: Committee on Foreign Affairs. Report of the Special Study Mission to Southeast Asia (Oct. 3-19, 1963); without amendment (Rept. No. 893). Re ferred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows: By Mr. BROTZMAN: H.R. 9069. A bill to amend section 201 of the Antidumping Act, 1921, with respect to the determination of injury or threatened injury to an industry in the United States; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SAYLOR: H.R. 9070. A bill to establish a National Wilderness Preservation System for the permanent good of the whole people, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia: H.R. 9071. A bill to correct certain inequities with respect to the compensation of Government employees in positions incorrectly classified under the Classification Act of 1949; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. DANIELS: H.R. 9072. A bill to provide for the establishment of a Commission on the Improvement of St. Elizabeths Hospital; to the Committee on Education and Labor. By Mr. LANKFORD: H.R. 9073. A bill to permit certain lands in Prince Georges County, Md., granted to the State of Maryland for National Guard purposes to be used for civil defense purposes; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. PUCINSKI: H.R. 9074. A bill to provide for the establishment of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. ROOSEVELT: H.R. 9075. A bill to reduce the maximum workweek under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, to 35 hours, and for tion and Labor. other purposes; to the Committee on Educa By Mrs. SULLIVAN: H.R. 9076. A bill to provide for the striking of medals in commemoration of the 200th an niversary of the founding of St. Louis; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. COLLIER: H.R. 9077. A bill to amend title I-Tariff Schedules of the United States, of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the Tariff Classification Act of 1962 to correct certain inequities in the classification and duty provided for certain aluminum products, television picture tubes, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mrs. DWYER: H.R. 9078. A bill to amend the National Housing Act with respect to water and sewerage facilities and mortgage insurance for land development; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. H.R. 9079. A bill declaring October 12 to be a legal holiday; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 9080. A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, to increase grants for construction of municipal sewage treatment works and provide financial incentives for construction projects conforming to comprehensive plans; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. VANIK: H.R. 9081. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in order to protect the public health by preventing misuse of barbiturates, amphetamine, and certain other dangerous drugs; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. KEOGH: H.R. 9082. A bill to clarify the Renegotiation Act of 1951 with respect to its preemptive effect; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SAYLOR: H.R. 9083. A bill to amend chapter 15 of title 38, United States Code, to revise the pension program for World War I, World War II, and Korean conflict veterans, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. By Mr. CLEVELAND: H.J. Res. 799. Joint resolution providing for the erection of a memorial statute to the late Dr. Robert H. Goddard, the father of American rocketry; to the Committee on Science and Astronautics. By Mr. BRAY: H.J. Res. 800. Joint resolution to establish the World War I Commemorative Commission; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 801. Joint resolution authorizing the continued shipment of the drug Krebiozen in interstate commerce in order to insure the continued availability of such drug for the treatment of patients now being treated with such drug and for terminal cancer patients; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. BOB WILSON: H. Con. Res. 234. Concurrent resolution to request the President of the United States to urge certain actions in behalf of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows: By Mr. BARRETT: H.R. 9084. A bill for the relief of Emanuel G. Topakas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia: H.R. 9085. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain real The Tax Cut EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JACK WESTLAND OF WASHINGTON EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 7, 1963 Mr. WESTLAND. Mr. Speaker, the proposed tax cut is a matter of interest to the people of my district. For this reason I have made the proposal the subject of my October newsletter. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my remarks I include my newsletter, as well as the paragraphs entitled "As I See It" in the RECORD: THE TAX CUT In your replies to my annual questionnaire, 47 percent of you said we should cut taxes only if spending is reduced, 39 percent said we should balance the budget and reduce the national debt, and 14 percent said to cut taxes regardless of a deficit. Well, the House of Representatives has done the latter-but not with my vote. We have passed a tax cut bill (300 pages) in the amount of $10 billion with almost a built-in guarantee of a deficit of $9 billion for each of the next 2 years. Now maybe it makes good economic sense to some people to reduce income and at the same time to increase spending, with the idea of achieving prosperity-but, not to me. I think it's the quickest way to bankruptcy. I've written to you before about the loss of our gold, the loss of confidence in the dollar among foreign creditors and have indicated the steps I thought necessary to correct this situation. Spending money we haven't got for things we don't need isn't one of them. I believe that taxes are too high. I believe they should be reduced, but I also believe Government spending must be reduced or at least held in check, at the same time. When this bill was up for consideration we tried to do just that. We offered a proposal which would require the President to assure the Congress that Government spending would be held to $97 billion this year and $98 billion next year. It seemed to me this would leave plenty of room for all necessities and in no way could be called a "frugal" or "austere" budget. But, when this proposal come to a vote there were 199 "for" and 226 "against." Sure, a letter from the President was read which stated he was all for economy and would hold down spending, but at the same time this letter was being read, the President on his “nonpolitical" tour of the West was suggesting new programs which, if au (By Helen Westland) Washington, D.C., is well known as a city of conventions. This past week we have had around 8,000 bankers attending the American Bankers Convention, including my older brother, Mr. John F. Geis, senior vice president of the First Security National Bank of Beaumont, Tex. He took time during the convention to play golf, once at Columbia Country Club and once at Burning Tree Club. At Columbia he was honored by being given the use of former Vice President Nixon's locker and at Burning Tree former President Eisenhower's locker. This is what he had to say: "It was rather interesting to me to note that in Nixon's locker all I found was a bottle of Pepto-Bismol, and in Eisenhower's locker there was a little book titled "How To Play Golf." Also during the banker's convention, we met Mr. Bentley Hahn, brother-in-law of a banker and a career officer in the U.S. Post Office Department. He was introduced as the originator of the ZIP code, which he says will save the Government $15 million in the long run. This caused comment by a banker who had just become the grandfather of a little girl. The parents picked out a name for a boy, so the grandfather wrote her a letter giving her a number, until she got a name. He also gave her his ZIP code number, and said he wanted her to remember the Republican National Finance Committee: NOVEMBER 7, 1963. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FINANCE COMMITTEE, Washington, D.C. GENTLEMEN: Having been the recipient of your Kennedy retirement fund letter, I feel it proper to respond even though I am not contributing to your fund. One of the problems of the Republican National Committee is that it wastes money; e.g., sending a letter for contributions to Mrs. Roosevelt and me. I have been told that you are receiving many serious replies from citizens informing you that they believed the Kennedys were financially secure and did not need a retirement fund. I am not surprised by this reaction from some Republicans, for I realize there is a political requirement which is lacking among some of my Republican friends, and that is a sense of humor. Finally, I believe your letter to be false advertising because it carries the implication that the so-called retirement fund will result in President Kennedy's retirement, and I am sure that the Securities and Exchange Commission would never allow a public offer on any investment which has so little chance of success as this one. Perhaps my Republican friends will forgive me also if, in this instance, I am happy that it is the Republican National Committee which is defrauding the Republicans. Incidentally, I've been awaiting a declaration of policy from the committee that it vigorously opposes the crackpots who want to impeach Earl Warren as Chief Justice. Yours for fairplay, JAMES ROOSEVELT. that she came from a highly respected, In the Sad Passing of James K. (Jim) original ZIP code family. Republican National Committee Wasteful EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JAMES ROOSEVELT OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 7, 1963 Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, it is sincerely hoped my friends and colleagues on the other side of the aisle will accept in the spirit of fun intended the following letter I have just forwarded to Lindsey, Louisiana Loses a Great Athlete and Distinguished Citizen EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JAMES H. MORRISON OF LOUISIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 7, 1963 Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, the State of Louisiana is saddened by the loss of a great athlete and one of our old time "greats" in baseball, in the passing of James K. (Jim) Lindsey, age 64, a native of Greensburg who played major league baseball for years and pitched for the St. Louis Cardinals in two world's series. His baseball career included service with the Cardinals during the days of the famous "Gashouse Gang" and Dizzy Dean, when Lindsey pitched several innings in two different games in the 1930 world's series against Connie Mack's club, Philadelphia. Before his retirement from baseball, he also pitched for the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Since his retirement from baseball, 13 years ago, he worked as farm manager for the East Louisiana State Hospital and he was a member of the Jackson Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Carlotta Matthews Lindsey, one daughter, four sisters, and two brothers, three grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. James K. (Jim) Lindsey will be greatly missed but long remembered in the hearts of all America's baseball fans and enthusiasts and his name will be held high in baseball history and hall of fame. Jim played the game of both life and baseball with a great determination to win at both-and he succeeded. Fiftieth Anniversary in the United States of Mr. Morris Masin, President of Haym Salomon Home and Hospital for the Aged EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOHN J. ROONEY OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 7, 1963 Mr. ROONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, on Sunday evening last, November 3, 1963, I had the distinct pleasure and high honor of addressing over a thousand charitably minded people who are vitally interested in and who were in attendance at the annual dinner dance of the Haym Salomon Home for the Aged at the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Commodore in New York City. Under the permission heretofore granted me by unanimous consent of the House I include my remarks made on this occasion: Chairman Lou Berkley, Mr. Harry Haber, my respected friend Rabbi Isadore Gruen, comptroller of the city of New York, the Honorable Abraham D. Beame, the borough president of the Borough of Brooklyn, the Honorable Abe Stark, distinguished members of the judiciary, Miss Claire (Miss Haym Salomon) Fox, members of the family of the late Louis Blumenstock, ladies and gentlemen, almost 200 years ago, a Polish immigrant advanced $658,007.43 to finance our war of independence. As you know, subsequently the Revolutionary War was won. But as you may not know, Haym Salomon, financier-philanthropist, died penniless and proud of it. Today, in fitting memorial to him, the Haym Salomon Home and Hospital for the Aged at 2300 Cropsey Avenue rises six stories high in Brooklyn, facing the Atlantic Ocean. This $22 million institution, completed in the fall of 1958, represents a heart-warming victory in a different type of war-the war against a solitary and anguished old age. Humanely, handsomely, the home and hosHumanely, handsomely, the home and hospital provides comfortable, qualified, and compassionate care for its aged and sick occupants. The head of this institution, its president, is my friend Mr. Morris Masin, the man we honor this evening upon the occasion of his 50th anniversary in the United States. Morris Masin is a patriot in the Haym Salomon tradition. A man of works, not of words. Good works. Works of loving kindness and service to his fellow man. Morris Masin was born in Vilna, Poland, a city of scholars and scholarship. At the age of 15 Morris came to the United States of America and became a toolworker in the brass industry. Diligence and dedication to his work were the tools that made him first a foreman, then a production manager. It was not many years before he established his own company, the United States Brass Turning Co., Inc., manufacturing brass goods. Today he employs over 400 people in his thriving enterprise on Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn. I am proud, indeed, to have this Brooklyn. I am proud, indeed, to have this factory in my congressional district. Morris Masin is proud of his adopted country and of the business he built with his very own hands. But he is even prouder of his home and hospital-the Haym Salomon Home and Hospital for the Aged where old folks can spend their sunset days in dignity and pleasantness and peace. Permit me to say that brassworker Morris Masin, spiritual grandson of Haym Salomon, has proven himself "top brass." He manufactures articles of brass that will no doubt wear for many, many years. But he also manufactures good deeds, which will live on forever. The Haym Salomon Home and Hospital for the Aged is not the only humanitarian institution of which he is the outstanding benefactor. At the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn, he has endowed the "Bessie and Morris Pavillion," a four story research institute where valuable contributions to medical science are already being made. When Morris Masin lost his only son, Irving, in 1944, killed in the service of our country, the father's grief took a constructive humanitarian form. He built a trade school in Israel in the name of his son. For half a century this modest man has dedicated himself to the service of others, regardless of race, religion or national origin. This evening we dedicate to him. For this is the spirit that made our Nation great. This is the spirit of America. May Morris Masin continue to serve America and his fellow men for another half century. Congressman Warns of Apathy in Wake of Nuclear Test Treaty EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. HALE BOGGS OF LOUISIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 7, 1963 Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I am convinced that our ratification of the test ban treaty does not mean that we can afford to drop our guard against the continuing efforts of the Soviet Union and Communist China to "bury us" by any and every means available. It is imperative at this time, Mr. Speaker, that the United States provide new safeguards to counter the incessant nonmilitary thrusts which I believe will be in creased by the Sino-Soviet bloc in the cold war. Certainly, the Kremlin leaders now have recognized that there would be no victor in a full-scale nu clear war-that the devastation unleashed on mankind would annihilate millions of people on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and communism could not possibly advance amidst the resulting ashes. I am particularly wary about any allegations or protestations of good intentions which might be made by the Kremlin. Now is the time we should be ever alert and ever ready to provide new safeguards for our people and those of the free world. Thus, I would like to see our country adopt stronger counterthrusts to the nonmilitary tactics employed by the Sino-Soviet agents. One thing I believe we can and should do to counter Soviet and Red Chinese propaganda, and to defeat the infiltration, subversion and espionage of their agents, particularly in the developing nations, is to establish a Freedom Academy to train both veteran Government employees and private citizens in all manner of nonmilitary, economic and psychological counterattack against communism. A bipartisan group of Congressmen in both the House and the Senate are sponsoring legislation to establish this Academy as a new weapon in the cold war arsenal of the United States. One of the finest Catholic archdiocesan newspapers in our Nation-the Clarion Herald which serves the people of the city of New Orleans and 10 other parishes in south Louisiana-has published a recent article of mine on the Freedom Academy in its issue of October 10. I ask unanimous consent to insert this article in the RECORD, Mr. Speaker. The article follows: CONGRESSMAN WARNS OF APATHY IN WAKE OF NUCLEAR TEST TREATY (By Congressman HALE BOGGS) WASHINGTON.-With its constitutional authority and responsibility to render advice and consent on all proposed treaties with other nations, the U.S. Senate has ratified by overwhelming majority the nuclear test ban treaty to prohibit the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water. This is an historic, positive step-albeit a small one along an arduous journey-toward safeguarding the world from the horrors of nuclear devastation. To date, more than 100 countries have signed this important treaty, and all Americans, I know, hope that its acceptance will prove to be permanent, and that it will lead toward further concrete steps for achieving and maintaining world peace. However, I believe that this positive action to prevent a nuclear holocaust should, at the same time, engender from our Government and our people new and renewed efforts to provide further safeguards, and counterthrusts, too, against the nonmilitary threat of the Sino-Soviet Communist Why do I suggest that America needs a renewed effort to counterattack the nonmilitary offensive of the Soviet and Red Chinese governments-an offensive designed to drug men's minds and imprison them in the Communist orbit? The leaders in the Kremlin today are cognizant of the superior military strength of the United States and its allies, and also of the sweeping potential of the nuclear |