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the Cuban and Egyptian Governments in supplying these weapons to Algeria?

Answer. The recent Algerian-Moroccan affair has underlined to us the importance of other countries, other powers, staying out of it. These two great Arab people, two maghrebian people, ought to be able to resolve their problems between themselves, and within an African framework.

Now, any intrusion from the outside simply makes that more difficult, and raises the possibility that still others might then come in and create a type of confrontation there which would be in the adverse interest

of both peoples concerned.

I don't, myself, necessarily connect the Cuban ship with the particular incident that arose at the borders, because the timing of the departure of these supplies from Cuba apparently was such that it preceded the

actual outburst of the fighting. It might have been related to other problems there

of some other sort.

But I think it is very important that others keep out of that situation, so that these two countries can settle this affair between themselves, and within the framework of the OAU arrangements that are now in progress. As you know the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OAU will be meeting on this matter. The Emperor of Ethiopia and the

President of Mali have played a very con

structive role in it, and we hope very much that these two neighbors can get to

gether and work out this situation.

Question. Mr. Secretary, would you please assess the internal situation in Cuba, and particularly the presence or removal of the Russian troops there?

Answer. I think there is nothing much to add to what the President said on that at his last press conference. There have been substantial withdrawals of Soviet military personnel in Cuba. I would not get into a numbers game again about the precise numbers, but we do know that there have been significant withdrawals.

We also know that the situation inside of Cuba is very tight, from the economic point of view, they are having considerable difficulties.

One of the things that worries us most about Cuba, about which we are concerned, is the continued effort of Mr. Castro to interfere in the affairs of other countries in this hemisphere, and the other countries and we are working very closely to meet this and to deal with it as it arises.

I am thinking, for example, of such things as that raid on the British island to recapture some refugees, whose only offense was they tried to escape the prison Mr. Castro has made out of Cuba.

I am thinking of the training of young men from other Latin American countries in

terrorist and guerrilla tactics, with the idea that they would go back and engage in terrorist activities in their own countries.

I am thinking of such things as financial subsidies to terrorists in other countries. These are things that are disturbing the peace of the Caribbean, and the Inter-American system, and that is one of the focal points of our attitude toward Cuba. It just will not be permitted to happen, and we are taking many different measures to interrupt this kind of interference.

Question. Mr. Secretary, thank you.
Answer. Thank you.


Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I wish to say a few words about the motion made by the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN], if I may have the attention of the Senator from Illinois. There is no question that the Senator from Illinois is within his parliamentary rights to move to lay the pending amendment

or any other amendment on the table. It will be up to the proponents of the bill to decide whether they wish to support such a motion.

I think that will be the best way to assure further amendments being adopted during this debate, because this tactic really is one way to try to accomplish cloture in the Senate. A series of amendments to the bill are ready to be offered. We think they are needed amendments. We shall ask the Senate to work its will, and it will be for the Senate to decide in what form it wishes to work its will.

Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, only a day or two ago, I was excoriated by the distinguished Senator from the Nutmeg State of Connecticut [Mr. DODD] for lack fire as the leader of the opposition. I was excoriated for failure to help expedite the business of the Senate.

I mean to expedite the business of the Senate. I intend not only to offer a motion to table the amendment of the Senator from Oregon, but to offer similar motions with respect to other amendments, to get the bill off the Senate floor. Senators should be on notice as to what I propose to do. If I am to be a vehicle or instrumentality of expedition, I will certainly discharge that role as nobody else could do it. So let every Senator be on notice as to what is going to happen when the Senate reconvenes after Veterans' Day, next week.

Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I


Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the Senator withhold his motion briefly? Mr. MANSFIELD. I withhold my motion.

Mr. MORSE. It is the right of the Senator from Illinois to make his motion. We are now beginning to draw a different line of division in the Senate. If this is to be a tactic that will be used to defeat the right of the minority-if we are a minority-to make a record in behalf of a point of view in the Senate, we are in for quite a contest between now and January 1. It will be most interesting to see what the legislative record of this body will be by January 1.

Mr. DIRKSEN. I accept the challenge. I did not know there was a second minority in this body. But if there is, I gladly concede the point. But I serve notice now as to what is going to happen when the Senate reconvenes.


RAILWAY FREIGHT CARS Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, this morning the Interstate Commerce Commission issued another car service order designed to alleviate the acute shortage of railway freight cars.

In the Midwest, and more particularly in Nebraska, the need for boxcars to move grain continues to be most serious. Shortages have increased during recent weeks. The average daily boxcar shortage in Nebraska was as follows:

Week ending October 12, 2,604.
Week ending October 19, 3,130.

Week ending October 26, 3,904.

Information coming to me indicates shortage of cars affects all carriers in all areas. The average daily shortage of boxcars for the past 3 weeks of October was as follows:

Week ending October 12, 12,158 cars.
Week ending October 19, 14,104 cars.
Week ending October 26, 17,114 cars.

State do not have available sufficient
Because grain men and farmers in my

cars to move grain, ground storage has been resorted to. As a temporary expedient, it has been used before but it is not the way we should store our harvests. It is uneconomic; it is costly; it requires additional handling and it reSults in losses to all who must handle there is ever present the threat that bad weather holds for this type of storage.

Contamination and deterioration takes dollars from our producers and businessmen.

At the present time there are two car service orders on boxcars outstanding, which will be canceled as soon as service order 947 becomes effective. A third after a crisis passed in the Midwestern order was canceled earlier this year States. Such action on the part of the Interstate Commerce Commission shows how closely they follow car service needs.

The Chairman, his fellow Commissioners, and their staff are to be highly commended for their attitude and for the manner in which they have shown outstanding leadership in trying to bring about an equitable distribution of cars and to handle these problems promptly.

The Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Hon. Laurence K. Walrath, has been struggling with this problem for a long time. His fellow Commissioners have been aware of the need for a more adequate fleet of boxcars. In past years they have submitted legislation time and again to the Congress.

Under the terms of S. 1063, an incentive would be provided for railroads to increase their ownership of cars. This bill has the support of the Interstate Commerce Commission. To me, and to many others this is the realistic approach to a solution of a constantly recurring problem which has become more acute over the years.

It is time to take constructive steps to find the long-term answer to these constant shortages. The real answer is enactment of legislation which would authorize the Interstate Commerce Commission, in fixing the compensation to be paid for the use of freight cars to give consideration to the level of car ownership and additional factors which affect the adequacy of the national car supply.

The per diem charge today is $2.88 for a boxcar. This rate provides no incentive for a railroad to own cars. Roads operating in my area provide more than their share of cars for the national fleet. Some railroads have been notoriously deficient in providing enough cars for the traffic which their railroad generates. So, of course, they rely on the generosity of other lines. Why should they invest their money when it is cheaper to pay $2.88 per day in per diem charges? There is no incentive because the Com

mission has not been able to consider a fair return on investment—a profit-in setting per diem rates.

Presently the car fleet is losing 2,000 cars per month. Total ownership is way below World War II figures. In addition to this loss of cars, there is a substantial loss through failure to promptly repair cars. The number of bad order cars remains high and one wonders if some railroads are even trying to do their fair share of maintaining cars in their ownership.

The railroads of this country are not meeting the needs of our business and industrial shippers. Products of industry and of the farmer must either move to storage or to consumer markets. When there is an unwillingness to provide adequate facilities to do the jobshippers will, of necessity place orders for transportation with other modes.

S. 1063 is needed legislation which is in the national interest. Our Committee on Commerce under the able leadership of Senator WARREN MAGNUSON has already held comprehensive hearings on the bill. I hope that the committee will take action on the bill at an early date and that the legislation will be favorably reported to the Senate.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed at this point in the RECORD a statement made by Chairman Walrath on November 7; ICC Service Order No. 947; and a statement, under date of November 8, explaining provisions of that order.

There being no objection, the statements and service order were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: ICC CHAIRMAN URGES GREATER COOPERATION BY RAILROADS, SHIPPERS, AND CONSIGNEES TO ALLEVIATE FREIGHT CAR SHORTAGE Chairman Laurence K. Walrath of the Interstate Commerce Commission today called for a "fully coordinated effort" by railroads, shippers, and consignees to achieve maximum possible utilization of the Nation's rapidly dwindling supply of railroad freight cars to transport record shipments of soybeans, sorghum, corn, and other agricultural crops.

"With total ownership of freight cars by American railroads at the lowest point in this century, the Nation is experiencing the most serious freight car shortage in years," Chairman Walrath said. "At the turn of the century the railroads owned nearly 2 million freight cars. Today, the total ownership is approximately 1,527,000 cars-with nearly 8 percent in unserviceable condition."

Chairman Walrath noted that, "Despite the considerably greater carrying capacity of today's freight cars, the continuing decline in the number of serviceable cars since the end of World War II has resulted in a freight car fleet totally inadequate to meet even normal requirements, let alone the unprecedented heavy demands of the past 6 months.

"While some railroads are investing in specialized cars to meet the needs of particular shippers, the overall supply of plain boxcars is diminishing at the alarming rate of more than 2,000 cars per month. Many railroads are investing sizable sums in new boxcars and other general service cars, but the overall investment by the railroad industry falls far short of present requirements and estimated future needs."

The Chairman observed that, at present, nearly 13 million bushels of grain awaiting shipment is piled high outside at least 325 elevators now filled to capacity. In some cases, only a prolonged drought has prevented weather damage to this valuable crop.

To handle the accumulation, railroads have pressed into service many types of substitute equipment. Hopper cars are being used to load loaded with cotton bales. Even boxcars withgrain. Refrigerators cars are being out doors, awaiting repairs, are being assigned for cotton loading and other uses.

"The soybean, sorghum, and corn harvest is practically completed, but millions of bushels of these crops are in elevators and still await shipment to ports and terminals," the Chairman pointed out. "Furthermore, rice, cotton, tobacco, and lumber interests already are requesting more cars than many carriers have available. Recent information received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that the Commodity Credit Corporation expects to transport between 900 million and 1 billion bushels of grain during the next months. This does not include possible traffic demands stemming from negotiations for the sale of wheat to Russia.

"To alleviate the presently aggravated shortage of boxcars, the Commission issued Service Orders 939 and 945, restricting the loading of certain types and ownerships of boxcars. Both orders are intended to insure

prompt return of boxcars to owning lines in

areas where a critical need exists.

"Our car service agents have been working closely with the railroads to help locate and speed the return of available boxcars to their owners. Most carriers have cooperated in this effort, but violations of these orders still are prevalent. To date 14 railroads have been prosecuted for failure to comply with the provisions of Order No. 939. Additional complaints are being investigated. As immediate measures, the Commission has periodically

directed the Association of American Railroads to issue embargo orders to relieve congestion of unloaded cars arriving at certain terminal and port areas.

"However, the Commission's enforcement powers are inadequate to assure the fullycoordinated effort necessary to cope with this monumental shipping crisis. The shortage can be alleviated to a significant degree by shippers loading cars as rapidly as possible and ordering no more cars than they presently need. Also, the full cooperation of consignees is vital in expeditious handling of cars arriving in greater numbers than usual. Carrier cooperation is imperative in delivering cars promptly to shippers, and loading ing cars promptly to shippers, and loading cars in a conscientious manner for direct return to owning lines.

"Only all-around cooperation can provide the degree of car utilization necessary to best serve the interests of all involved in getting the Nation's crops to market-while they still are marketable. As I have made quite plain in testimony before congressional committees, entry of service orders by the Commission cannot fully meet the situation when there is an overall inadequacy of cars to meet the needs of critical areas."


At a session of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D.C., on the 7th day of November, A.D. 1963.

It appearing, that an acute shortage of freight cars exists in all sections of the country; that cars loaded and empty are unduly delayed in terminals and in placement at, or removal from industries; that present rules, regulations, and practices with respect to the use, supply, control, movement, distribution, exchange, interchange, and turn of freight cars are insufficient to promote the most efficient utilization of cars; it is the opinion of the Commission that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to promote car service in the interest of the public and the commerce of the people. Accordingly, the Commission finds that notice and public procedure are impracticable and contrary to the public interest, and that

good cause exists for making this order effective upon less than 30 days' notice. It is orderd, That: SECTION 95.947 RAILROAD OPERATING REGULA


(a) Each common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act shall observe, enforce, and obey the following rules, regulations, and practices with respect to its car service:

(1) Placing of cars

(a) Loaded cars, which after placement will be governed by demurrage rules applicable to detention of cars awaiting unloading, shall be actually or constructively placed within 24 hours after the first 7 a.m., exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, following arrival at destination.

(b) Actual placement means placing of car on consignee's tracks, or when for public delivery, placement on carrier's tracks accompanied by proper notice.

(c) When delivery of a car, either empty or loaded, consigned or ordered to an industrial interchange track or to other-than-apublic-delivery track cannot be made on account of any condition attributable to the consignee, such car will be held at destination or, if it cannot reasonably be accommodated there, at an available hold point and constructive placement notice shall be sent or given the consignee in writing within 24 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, after arrival of car at hold point.

(d) Loaded cars held at billed destination for accessorial terminal services described

in the applicable tariffs, such as holding for orders or inspection, shall be placed on carrier's or consignee's unloading or inspection tracks, within 24 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, after arrival at billed destination. On cars set off and held short of billed destination, a written notice shall be sent or given to consignee within 24 hours following the first 7 a.m. after arrival at hold point.

(2) Removal of cars

(a) Empty cars must be removed from point of unloading or interchange tracks of industrial plants within 24 hours after the first 7 a.m., exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, following unloading or release by consignee or shipper, unless such cars unloaded are ordered or appropriated by the shipper for reloading within such a 24-hour period. Empty cars not required for loading at point where made empty must be forwarded in line-haul service within 24 hours after the first 7 a.m., exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, following removal of empty car.

(b) Outbound loaded freight cars must be removed from point of loading or interchange tracks of industrial plants within 24 hours after the first 7 a.m., exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, following tender and acceptance by carrier of the bill of lading covering the cars. Such cars must be forwarded in line-haul service within 24 hours after the first 7 a.m. following their receipt in outbound makeup or classification yards. (3) Holding cars for prospective loading (a) No more cars shall be held for prospective loading at any time, for any industry, or consignor, than those needed to protect current outbound loading.

(4) Repair tracks

(a) Any cars taken out of service for repairs, or carded for repairs, shall be repaired at the earliest time consistent with efficient railroad operating practices.

(5) Car distribution orders

(a) Observe, obey and comply with freight car distribution orders now outstanding, or hereafter issued by the Car Service Division, Association of American Railroads, not inconsistent with any order of the Commission.

E. Paul Miller, chairman of the car service division, is directed to inform the Director of the Bureau of Safety and Service of such outstanding orders or similar orders which may be subsequently issued and, to advise the Director of the Bureau of Safety and Service of railroad performance and compliance with such orders.

(b) C. W. Taylor, director, Bureau of Safety and Service of the Interstate Commerce Commission, is hereby appointed agent of the Commission with authority to issue such orders or directives as he may find necessary with respect to the location, relocation, and distribution of freight cars as between sections of the country, or carriers by railroads or on such carriers, throughout the United States.

(6) Yard checks, supervision, and records (a) The necessary yard and track checks shall be made and sufficient supervision and records shall be maintained to enable carriers to comply with the provisions of this order. (7) Railroad operating regulations for the movement of loaded freight cars

(a) No common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act shall willfully delay the movement of loaded freight cars by holding such cars in yards, terminals, or sidings for the purpose of increasing the time in transit of such loaded cars.

(b) Loaded cars shall not be set out between terminals except in cases of emergencies or sound operating requirements.

(c) Backhauling loaded cars for the purpose of increasing the time in transit shall constitute willful delay and is prohibited.

(d) Through loaded cars shall not be handled on local or way freight trains for the purpose of increasing the time in transit of such loaded cars.

(e) The use by any common carrier by railroad, for the movement of loaded freight cars over its line, of any route other than its usual and customary fast freight route from point of receipt of the car from consignor or connecting line, except in emergencies, or for the purpose of according a lawfully established transit privilege (not including a diversion or reconsignment privilege) is hereby prohibited.

(8) Carrier officials' responsibility (a) The division superintendent in charge of each terminal under his Jurisdiction or

Association of American Railroads, Car
Service Division, as agent of the railroads
subscribing to the car service and per diem
agreement under the terms of that agree-day, November 7, 1963.
ment; and that notice of this order be given
to the general public by depositing a copy
in the office of the Secretary of the Com-
mision at Washington, D.C., and by filing it
with the Director, Office of the Federal Regis-

excellent article entitled "Remembrance"
written by James A. Wechsler, and pub-
lished in the New York Post of Thurs-

(Secs. 1, 12, 15, 24 Stat. 379, 383, 384, as amended; 49 U.S.C. 1, 12, 15. Interprets or applies secs. 1(10-17), 15(4), 40 Stat. 101, as amended 54 Stat. 911; 49 U.S.C. 1(10-17), 15(4)).

By the Commission, Division 3.





In the face of a mounting nationwide shortage of railroad cars to meet urgent needs of shippers, a broad-ranging order issued today will require carriers to institute a series of new measures to reduce the idle and unproductive time of cars, beginning November 11, 1963, at 12:01 a.m.

Service Order No. 947 of the Interstate Commerce Commission's Division 3 notes that an emergency exists which requires immediate action to promote car service in the interest of the public and the commerce of the people. The order states that the acute shortage extends to all sections of the country and empty and loaded cars are unduly delayed in terminals and in placement at and removal from industries.

The order limits to 24 hours the amount of time railroads will have to place inbound loaded cars, to remove cars after release from industry, and to forward cars after acceptance by carriers. Holding cars excessively for prospective for prospective loading will be prohibited.

As the new provisions for improved utilization of the shrinking supply of cars go into effect, three earlier issued service ordersNos. 939, 944, and 945-will be canceled. These orders restricted the loading of cars of various types and ownerships and provided for prompt return of boxcars and coal cars to owning lines in areas of critical

There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

[From the New York Post, Nov. 7, 1963] REMEMBRANCE

(By James A. Wechsler)

Time and again during the last 12 months, in talking to people who were in trouble, discussing efforts to rescue some seemingly lost cause, seeking ways to evoke interest in some project of human salvation deemed impractical by bureaucratic minds, one has heard the same phrase:

"If only Mrs. Roosevelt were still alive." Amid all the eulogies and reminiscences spoken and published since her death, this refrain seems to me the most memorable, and the highest tribute to this unique, unforgettable woman. They not only describe the remarkable role she played as an angel of compassion. They demolish the myth that a "do-gooder" is by definition someone of noble intention who rarely succeeds in doing any good.

There are many other aspects of her place in history. But the one I value most is this sense, so poignantly underlined since her death, that she was a woman of infinite mercy and mission for whom the largest satisfaction in life derived from successfully comforting the afflicted. The quality has

been described as "saintliness" but she would have been dismayed by the description. She did not view the service she rendered as a form of martyrdom. It was the only meaningful manner of existence.

It is also the essence of her immortality. We mourn and cherish many departed figures. But of whom do so many people say so often, in so many diverse situations, that things would be different if that person were still alive?

That is why the true measure of her life became clearest after she died, and perhaps why even some of her detractors acquired a belated esteem for her, as if dimly aware that this had been a special presence.

That day, exactly 1 year ago, was the day when Richard Nixon, crushed by his defeat in California's gubernatorial race, cried out

supervision, or if no division superintendent need. The additional measures incorporated wildly against his alleged tormenters and

is in charge the general manager of each railroad will be held responsible for car service at each terminal and for the proper observance of the rules prescribed by this order. (b) Application.

(1) The provisions of this order shall apply to intrastate and interstate commerce.

(2) When computing the periods of time provided in this order, exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and such holidays as are listed in item No. 25, Agent H. R. Hinsch's Demurrage Tariff ICC H-11, or reissues thereof, only when they occur within the said periods of time, but not after.

[blocks in formation]

in Service Order No. 947 are designed to promote car service efficiency and obtain the maximum usage practicable from the available car supply for the benefit of carriers, shippers, and the public.

Under Service Order No. 947, carriers will

be required to:

Place, or constructively place, inbound loaded cars within 24 hours following arrival at destination;

within 24 hours after release from industry; Remove outbound loaded and empty cars Forward outbound loaded cars within 24 hours after tender to the carrier;

Forward empty cars, not required for immediate loading, within 24 hours after they are made available to the carrier.

The order, extending to all carriers' freight cars in all areas, is scheduled to expire July 31, 1964.



Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, today marks the first anniversary of the death of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. The entire world mourned the passing of this great lady, but the memory of

her life is still with us.

I ask unanimous consent to have printed at this point in the RECORD an

proclaimed the end of his political life; when Krishna Menon resigned from India's Cabinet; when Billie Sol Estes was found guilty of swindling. Then, as I was about to leave the office, came the bulletin that Eleanor Roosevelt had died at 6:15 p.m.

A woman who heard a news broadcast called the Times soon afterward and sobbed: "She couldn't have died at 6:15. We were eating dinner then and we were happy." Cabdriver Richard Ebbitt recalled that he

had taken a photograph of Mrs. Roosevelt when she was a passenger several years


"I sent her the picture and she signed it. She also sent a warm letter. She always had time for people."

In my own lifetime only one other death touched so many people so intimately in so many parts of the universe-the passing of Eleanor Roosevelt's husband 17 years earlier.

They were people of very different temperament and style, and their life together was neither simple nor serene. But together they communicated, to that huge, crowded sector of humanity for whom existence is mostly struggle and stress, the awareness that two people in very high places cared.

It remains hard to believe that she is

gone that she will not turn up unexpectedly and unostentatiously at some conclave of harassed southern Negroes, in some rat-infested Harlem slum, in some home for

bruised delinquents, at a meeting to raise funds for some neglected group of migratory workers. It remains as hard to believe today as it was when the news came a year ago, even though I had known for many days that she was dying. Indeed, 1 week before her death, I had written some words about her in the wistful hope that she might be able to read them before the final moment; I had waited too long.

Her name is enshrined in the works of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, which has fittingly resolved to dedicate much of its resources to the equal rights struggle; there will be many other enterprises inspired by her name. She resented ritualistic tribute and most forms of "looking backward." But she was intensely practical, too, and she would be saying, if she were present at some of these assemblages in her honor: "Of course, if you feel my name will really help, go ahead and use it."

She was, I think, often a lonely, sad woman for whom the implausibly feverish pace of her existence provided a certain escape from introspection. Perhaps only one who had glimpsed the complexity of life could have had so much comprehension, so deep a contempt for the complacent, so generous a view of human frailty.

One concludes the remembrance and realizes that too many things are still unsaid and even undefined. One goes back to the beginning; one thinks of groups of quarreling liberals engaged in personal vendettas, of small-minded men scrambling for private advantage at the expense of the weak, of decent citizens vainly seeking aid for unconventional or unpopular victims, and the words recur: "If only Mrs. Roosevelt were still alive."

RECESS TO TUESDAY AT NOON Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, in Mr. President, in accordance with the order previously entered, I move that the Senate now stand in recess until Tuesday next, at noon.

The motion was agreed to; and (at 7 o'clock p.m.) the Senate took a recess, under the order previously entered, until Tuesday, November 12, 1963, at 12 o'clock meridian.


Executive nominations received by the Senate November 8 (legislative day of October 22), 1963:

Andre, Andrew L.
Anthony, Charles B.
Anthony, Morris D.
Arcelle, Mark, Jr.
Artz, Robert C.
Aschenbeck, Gene W.
Ascherfeld, Theodore
F., Jr.
Ashby, Donald R.
Asman, Robert K.
Atherton, Raymond
Atkinson, Gerald L.
Atwood, Henry C., Jr.
Aumick, William A.
Austin, James W.
Austin, Robert C.
Aut, Warren E.
Avery, Billy J.
Bailey, Gail R.
Baker, David E.
Ballow, Lawrence D.
Barber, James A., Jr.
Barker, George D.
Barker, William S.
Barkley, James F.
Barlow, James D.
Barnes, Richard A.
Barry, John M.
Bartanen, John E.
Basford, Michael G.
Bassett, Bradley A.
Bates, Walter F.
Baty, Frank O.
Bauman, James R.
Baumgardner, John F.
Bausch, Francis A.
Bean, Alan L.
Beavert, Alfred F.
Bechelmayr, Leroy R.
Beck, John L.
Beck, Walter R.
Beckwith, Gilbert H.
Beeby, Francis J.
Behrle, Walter F.
Beisel, Gerald W.

Belay, William J.
Bell, James F.
Bennett, Phillip L.
Benton, Jerry S.
Benton, Joseph D.
Berg, Robert L.
Berger, Ronald A.
Berkhimer, Frank R.
Bernardin, Peter A.
Bernier, George, Jr.
Berry, James L.
Berthe, Charles J., Jr.
Biasi, Nestore G.
Biggar, William
Billerbeck, Henry G.
Bilyeu, Roland C.
Bishop, Michael E.
Blackwell, Jack L., Jr.

Blaes, Richard W.
Blaine, Thomas E.

Briggs, Donald R.
Briner, Robert R.
Brouillard, Donald C.
Brown, Charles E.
Brown, Christopher H.
Brown, Malcolm C.
Brown, Richard B.
Brown, Robert C., Jr.
Brown, Robert H.
Brown, Thomas F., III
Browning, Robert B.
Bruley, Kenneth C.
Brunell, James I.
Buc, Robert L.
Buchanan, Edward O.
Buchholz, Philip P.
Buck, Harry J.
Buckley, John E.
Bull, Norman S.
Bullman, Howard L.
Bunce, Bayne R.
Burden, Harvey W.
Burgert, Reginald D.
Burke, Robert M.
Burnett, Richard W.
Burnett, William M.
Burnham, Don E.
Burns, John A.
Burns, Richard F.
Burrows, Hubbard F.,

Burtis, Evenson M.
Bush, Carl D.
Bush, William L., Jr.
Butler, William S.
Byington, Melville R.,

Byrd, Mark W.
Cabot, Alan S.
Caldwell, Charles B.
Cameron, Jim F.
Campbell, Donald G.
Campbell, Donald S.,

Campbell, John F.
Campbell, Michael J.
Candoo, Charles G.
Cane, Guy
Cane, John W.
Cann, William A.
Canter, Howard R.
Carson, Louis F., Jr.
Carter, Gerald M., Jr.
Carter, Powell F., Jr.
Case, Robert W.
Casimes, Theodore C.
Caswell, David W.
Cavicke, Richard J.
Cazares, Ralph B.
Chamberlain, James L.
Chambers, Dudley S.
Chaney, Conner F.
Chapman, William R.
Cheney, Donald A.
Chidley, Ralph E.

DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Robert H. Charles, of Missouri, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, vice Blanchard, James W., Chisholm, George

Joseph Scott Imirie.


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

E., II Christian, Robert R. Christmas, Walter B. Cicolani, Angelo G. Cisson, Arthur Clark, Charles F., Jr. Clark, Charles R. Clark, Richard G. Clausen, Carroll E. Cleaver, Stephen

Clemens, Paul E.

Clifford, Donald J.

Clinton, Samuel T.
Coakley, Walter J., Jr.
Coakley, William F.
Cockfield, David W.
Coe, Raymond P.
Cogswell, Charles E.
Colbus, Louis
Cole, Thomas T., Jr.
Coleman, Charles L.
Coleman, Herman F.
Collier, Byron H.
Collier, Neuland C.

[blocks in formation]

Conrad, Glenn T., Jr. Doney, Robert G.
Cook, Charles F.
Cook, Russell A.
Cooley, Charles H.
Coor, Lawrence W.
Copeland, Edward C.
Coppess, Robert Y.
Corcoran, Martin F.
Corey, Stuart M.
Corkhill, Thomas M.
Cornell, Gordon C.
Cornell, Robert L.
Corrado, Robert J.
Cotton, Alfred S.
Courtney, Charles H.
Courtney, Warren
P., Jr.
Couser, Rodney W.
Cowan, Daniel R.
Crabtree, Donald G.
Crane, Herbert C.
Crawford, Robert E.

Donnell, Joseph S.,

Donnelly, Verne G.
Donovan, Daniel E.
Donovan, Philip C.
Doucet, Richard E.
Dougherty, Gerald P.
Downey, Louis A.
Downing, Thomas P.
Dozier, Charles D.
Drayton, Henry E.,
Drenkard, Carl C.
Drumheller, Maxley

Crawford, Roderick P.

Dubois, George
Ducat, Julian A.
Ducharme, George W.
Duffy, Francis J.
Dugan, Francis V.
Dugan, Richard F.,

Crawford, William T.Dulke, Sylvester M.

Crayton, Render

Crider, James A.

Dunn, Alvan N.

Dunne, Francis R.

Croom, William H., Jr. Dunning, James A.

Crosby, Frederick P.
Crosson, Harry E.
Cryer, John P.

Marshall E.
Currier, Richard A.
Curry, Thomas L.
Curtis, John G., Jr.
Cutchen, Paul O.
Czaja, Bernard F.
Daigneault, Joseph
J., Jr.
Daleke, Richard A.
Daley, Robert E.
Dallamura, Bart
M., Jr.
Daloia, John, Jr.
Daly, Paul S.
Damico, Richard J.
Damon, Terry A.
Dana, John B.
Dancer, Jerry D.
Dartnell, William H.

Richard E. Daus, Rudolph H. Davis, Ralph G. Davis, Ramsey L., Jr. Davis, Richard C. Davis, Richard H. Dawson, Edward H., Jr. Deal, James W. Deam, Norman A. Dean, Herbert J. Dean, Ronald I. Debodisco, Alexander Deboer, Jack G. Debroder, Glen G. Dehart, William Deibert, Bernard N. Delaney, John R. Deloach, John W. Demmin, Lester F. Dennison, Daniel C.

Dupree, Richard E.

Dworsky, Alan J.

Easton, Ervin R.

Easton, Peter B.
Edgren, Donald H.
Ediin, Robert L.
Eels, William R., Jr.
Egan, William P.
Ehl, James W.
Eidsmoe, Norman E.
Elam, David L.
Elder, Ralph C.
Elliott, Charles P.
Elliott, Donal W.
Emerson, John R.
Englert, Robert J.
Eriksson, Roger V.
Ervin, Billy M.
Ervin, Charles F.
Estocin, Michael J.
Eubanks, Paul D.
Evans, Edwin D.
Evans, Thomas G.
Everett, Lauren R.
Evosevich, John N.
Evrard, William E.
Ewall, Thomas H.
Fancher, Allen P.
Faron, John F.
Felling, Thomas A.
Felter, John F.
Feltham, John C., Jr.
Ferguson, David E.
Fetterman, John H.,
Fiedler, Peter B., Jr.
Fields, James E.
Fields, William B.
Finch, Albert
Fink, Jerome I.
Fischer, Herman V., Jr.
Fitzgerald, Michael J.
Fitzsimmons, Robert
J., Jr.
Flaherty, Robert M.

Dennison, William E.Fletcher, John G.
Deryckere, Archie G.
Deshler, William A.
Desseyn, Maurice H.
Deuel, Jamieson K.
Devito, Vincent H.
Devries, Edgar L.
Dibona, Charles J.

Fletcher, William B.,
Flick, John P.
Flight, John W., Jr.
Florin, Donald E.
Foard, Wyatte F., Jr.
Folta, Daniel A.

[blocks in formation]

Gerl, Neil D.

Geronime, Eugene L.
Gholson, Daniel H. L.
Gideon, William C., Jr.
Giedzinski, Henry B.
Gilchrist, Richard B.
Gillham, Richard D.
Gilliamsen, Donald A.
Gilmore, Joseph M.
Glade, Gerald L.

Hayes, James C.
Hazle, Hugh A.
Hazlett, Frederick W.
Helfrich, William P.
Hellinger, Richard L.
Helm, George N., Jr.
Helmandollar, Allen W
Helms, Raymond E.,

Hendricks, Richard A.

Glanville, John T., Jr. Hendrickson, Claude

Gleim, James M.
Glover, Albert K., Jr.
Glover, Dennis C.
Glovier, Harold A., Jr.
Glunt, David L., Jr.
Golanka, Stanley R.
Goll, Gerald E.
Gonzalez, Alfred H.
Good, Robert C.
Gordon, Arva F.
Gore, James R.
Grady, Michael T.
Graham, Joel H.
Graham, Robert F.
Graham, Sidney R.
Grammer, William R.
Grant, Edwin H., Jr.
Grantman, Roger H.
Gray, Basil F., Jr.
Greene, Charles R., Jr.
Greene, George W., Jr.
Greenlee, John W.
Greer, William E., III
Grider, Billy F.
Griffin, James L.
Griffing, Edward P.

Griffiths, Rodney D.

F., Jr.


Kennedy, Jack M.
Kessler, Harry F.
Kiehl, Richard L.
Kilty, Lawrence R.
Kimbrough, Harold S.
Kincaid, Rodney C.
King, Edward L.
King, Richard B.
Kingsley, Stephen S.
Kingston, John J., Jr.
Kinley, Frederic H. M.
Kinne, Loren H.
Kleffel, Walter H.
Klein, Verle W.
Kline, Arlington N.
Klusmann, Charles F.
Knapp, Franklin P.
Kneisl, John F.
Knepler, James L.
Knepper, Robert R.,

Loeffler, William H.
Lohrey, Thomas E., Jr.
Loomis, Robert R.
Lotze, Herbert E., Jr.
Low, Joseph L.
Lucken, Frank E.
Ludwig, George E.
Lukenbach, Max D.
Lunday, John W., III
Lyding, John F.
Lynch, Will T.
Lyons, Philip
Lyons, William P.
Mabe, James M.
Mack, John
Mack, Robert E.
MacKinnon, Malcolm

Holloman, William D. Kellogg, Edward S., III Lockhart, John V.
Holman, Robert A., Jr. Kelly, Francis D.
Holmes, James W., Jr. Kelly, Richmond K.,
Holmes, Richard B.
Holt, Henry C., IV
Hooper, Benjamin F.
Hope, Herbert A., Jr.
Hopper, Thomas M.
Horn, Charles E.
Horner, John, Jr.
Horowitz, Charles L.
Hosepian, Edward S.
Hoskins, Perry D.
Howe, John E.
Hryskanich, Paul L.
Hubbard, Henry L.
Hudgins, Thomas B.
Huggins, Harry L.
Hughes, Richard M.
Hughlett, David E.
Hull, Fred A.
Hume, Kenneth E.
Humphrey, Morris L.
Hunter, William G.
Hunter, William J.
Hurst, Lee R.
Hurt, Jonathan S.
Hussey, William T.
Huttinger, Theodore
Hyman, Arnold J.
Ike, Robert C.
Ireland, Blair
Ives, Richard H.
Jackson, George L.
Jackson, Robert S.
James, Harry R., III
Jauregui, Stephen, Jr.
Jenkins, John S.
Jensen, Carl T.

Knight, Cecil F.
Kobler, Robert H.
Koester, Earl C., II
Kohoutek, James G.
Kois, John R.
Kollmorgen, Frederick

Kopocka, William F.
Kother, Charles G.
Kowalskey, Zygmont
J., Jr.
Kracha, John K.
Krag, George H.
Krahn, Chris

Jewell, Robert W., Jr. Kraus, Kenneth E.
Jobe, Gordon A.

Jobe, James E.

Johnson, Billie D.

Johnson, David E.
Johnson, Edward D.
Johnson, Grant R.
Johnson, Raymond F.,

Johnson, Robert A.
Johnson, Roger D.
Johnson, Thomas J.
Johnson, Virgil J.
Johnson, William T.
Johnston, Fox H.

Kraus, Walter S.
Krienke, Henry P.
Krisciunas, John P.
Kruger, David S.
Krumwiede, Jerold L.
Kuffel, Robert W.
Kugler, Valarius E.
Kujawski, Theodore

Kunkler, Hilary G.
Kurth, Ronald J.
Lacy, Robert G.
Lagasse, Richard H.
Lambert, Russell G.

Johnston, Fred W., Jr. Lambert, Walker W.

Jolliff, James V.

Hendry, James D.

Jones, Carroll S.

[blocks in formation]

Jones, Harry W.

Jones, James F.

Henry, Albert L., Jr.
Henry, William F.
Henson, George M.
Herberger, Albert J.
Hernandez, Diego E.
Herndon, Franklin C.,

Herr, Arthur L., Jr.
Herzer, Oscar A.
Herzog, Louis L.
Heyl, William E.
Heyward, Irvine K., IV
Hickey, Edward J., Jr.
Hicklin, William C., III
Hicks, Dilliard D., Jr.
Higgins, John F.
Higgins, Richard G.
Highfill, Kenneth L.
Hilder, Leonard O., Jr.
Hine, Paul M., Jr.
Hine, William G.
Hinkle, David R.
Hoch, Wesley A.

Hogan, Edward J., Jr.

Grimes, Laurence H., Hogan, George C.

[blocks in formation]

Lamore, James F.
Lane, William J.
Langelier, Wilfred E.,

Langford, George R.
Langrind, Roy G.
Lapp, Charles B.
Larson, Ralph S.
Laurentis, William D.,

Laurienzo, Robert L.
Lawhon, Eugene M.
Lawless, Spencer C.
Layn, Samuel W.
Learned, Charles W.,
Leclerc, Raymond P.
Lee, Melvin R.
Leedom, Clair E., Jr.
Legett, Thomas R.
Lehman, George W.
Lehr, Ronald F.
Keele, Wayne, Jr. Leibel, Robert J.
Keene, Glenn F.
Lenardi, Donald M.
Keene, Thomas J. Leonard, John D., Jr.
Keener, John I.
Leslie, Richard
Keery, Jerry L.
Levey, Gerald
Keith, Harold S. Lewis, David E.
Keith, John D.
Lewis, Jesse W., Jr.
Kellaway, Peter W. Lewis, John R., Jr.
Kelleher, Thomas A., Lewis, Martin E.
Lietzan, Ernest W., Jr.
Keller, Constantine C.Limroth, David F.
Lindsay, Thomas L.
Keller, Samuel F., Jr. Lissy, Ernest I.
Kellerman, Donald W.Livingston, Robert N.

Maddox, Iven J.
Mandly, Charles R.
Maratea, Ronald M.
Mares, James A.
Marshall, John T., Jr.
Marshall, Norman G.
Martin, Edward H.
Masalin, Charles E.
Mason, Ralph S.
Mason, Ralph A., Jr.
Massey, Roger A., Jr.
Master, Carl L., Jr.
Masterson, Kleber S.,
Masterson, Leo S.
Mathews, Donald R.
Mathis, Harry L., II
Matthews, Paul C., Jr.
Mauer, Tommy L.
Mauldin, James H.
Maxwell, John A.
McAdoo, William C.
McArdle, Stephen J.,

McBride, Earl P.
McCaffree, Burnham,
C., Jr.
McCarthy, Gerald D.
McCarthy, Paul F., Jr.

Miller, Robert R.
Miller, Robert N.
Miller, Ronald C.
Miller, Theodore W.
Miller, William H.
Mitchell, Allan R.
Mitchell, Donald F.
Miyagawa, George R.
Moats, Lewis D.
Mobley, Arthur S.
Mode, Paul J.
Monaghan, James J.
Montross, Robert W.
Moody, Frank L.
Mook, Joe
Moore, Byron O.

Moore, Hugh A.

Moore, John R.
Moore, Percy J.
Moore, Thomas W.
Morano, Anthony
Moredock, William J.
Moriarty, Jack O.
Morisette, Clement J.
Morris, Charles H.
Morris, James I.
Morrison, Robert M.
Morrow, Richard D.
Mortimer, Edward H.,

Morton, Robert R.
Morton, Theodore E.
Moss, David L.
Moss, Jack L.
Motes, Thomas L.
Moxley, Donald F.
Moye, William B., Jr.
Mozley, James F.
Mudgett, Francis S.
Mudgett, Richard L.
Mundt, Werner F.
Munger, Burton L.
Muniz, John J.
Munsey, Malcolm H.
Murphy, Richard G.
Musgrave, "R" "F"
Mustin, Henry C.
Myers, Lowell R.

McCarthy, Richard J. Myers, Richard C.
McCauley, William F.
McClellan, Parker W.
McClellan, Billy L.
McClenahan, Richard

McConnell, Cyrus, Jr.
McCracken, John L.
McDermott, John J.
McDonald, Thomas E.
McGonagill, Eber C.
McGown, William A.,

McGrath, James W.
McGuiness, Donald A.
McIntyre, James G.
McKay, Richard D.
McKay, Robert W.
McKean, Francis E.
McKee, George R., Jr.
McKenzie, James A.,

McKinlay, Archibald,

[blocks in formation]
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