National industrial equipment reserve Under general policies established and directives issued by the Secretary of Defense, the General Services Administration is responsible for care, maintenance, utilization, transfer, leasing, lending to nonprofit repair, schools, disposal, transportation, restoration, and renovation of national industrial reserve equipment transferred to GSA under the National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948 (50 U.S.C. 451-462). HELIUM The helium conservation program is conducted by the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Helium Act, approved September 13, 1960 (Public Law 86-777; 74 Stat. 918; 50 U.S.C. 167), and subsequent appropriations acts which have established fiscal limitations and provided borrowing authority for the program. Among other things, the Helium Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to produce helium in Government plants, to acquire helium from private plants, to sell hellum to meet current demands, and to store for future use helium that is so produced or acquired in excess of that required to meet current demands. Sales of helium by the Secretary of the Interior shall be at prices established by him which shall be adequate to liquidate the costs of the program within 25 years, except that this period may be extended by the Secretary for not more than 10 years for funds borrowed for purposes other than the acquisition and construction of helium plants and facilities. This report covers helium that is produced in Government plants and acquired from private plants. Helium in excess of current demands is stored in the Cliffside gasfield near Amarillo, Tex. The unit of measure is cubic foot at 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute pressure and 70° F. APPENDIX B NEW STOCKPILE OBJECTIVES The Office of Emergency Planning is in the process of establishing new objectives for strategic and critical materials. Table 1 of this report reflects the new objectives for 12 materials: Aluminum, castor oil, chromite (metallurgical grade), copper, feathers and down, lead, mercury, nickel, opium, sperm oil, tin, and zinc. The new objectives for chromite (metallurgical grade), mercury, nickel, and sperm oil appear in the July report for the first time. The following excerpts from OEP statements dated July 11 and 19, 1963, set forth the new policy with respect to objectives for strategic and critical materials: "The Office of Emergency Planning is now conducting supply-requirements studies for all stockpile materials which will reflect current military, industrial, and other essential needs in the event of a conventional war emergency. On the basis of recently completed supply-requirements studies for the foregoing materials, the new stockpile objectives were established with the advice and assistance of the Interdepartmental Materials Advisory Committee, a group chaired by the Office of Emergency Planning and composed of representatives of the Department of State, Defense, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor, and the General Serv ices Administration, the Agency for Interna. tional Development, and the National Aercnautics and Space Administration. Representatives of the Bureau of the Budget, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Small Business Administration participate observers. as These new objectives reflect a new policy to establish a single objective for each stockpile material. They have been determined on the basis of criteria heretofore used in establishing maximum objectives, and reflect the approximate calculated emergency deficits for the materials for conventional war and do not have any arbitrary adjustments for possible increased requirements for other types of emergency. Heretofore, there was a "basic objective" and a "maximum objective" for each material. The basic objectives assumed some continued reliance on foreign sources of supply in an emergency. The former maximum objectives completely discounted foreign sources of supply beyond North America and comparable accessible areas. Previously, maximum objectives could not be less than 6 months' normal usage of the material by industry in the United States in periods of active demand. The 6-month rule has been eliminated in establishing the new calculated conventional war objectives. The Office of Emergency Planning also announced that the present Defense Mobilization Order V-7, dealing with general policies for strategic and critical materials stockpiling, was now being revised to reflect these new policies. When finally prepared and approved, the new order will be published in the Federal Register. New conventional war objectives for the remaining stockpile materials are being developed as rapidly as new supply-requirements data become available. They will be released as they are approved. The Office of Emergency Planning is also making studies to determine stockpile needs to meet the requirements of general nuclear war and reconstruction. Stockpile objectives for nuclear war have not previously been developed. Some commodity objectives may be higher and others may be lower than the objectives established for conventional war. studies are completed, stockpile objectives After the nuclear war supply-requirements will be based upon calculated deficits for either conventional war or nuclear war, whichever need is larger. The Office of Emergency Planning stressed that any long-range disposal programs undertaken prior to the development of objectives based on nuclear war assumptions would provide against disposing of quantities which might be needed to meet essential requirements in the event of nuclear attack. While the disposal of surplus materials can produce many problems which have not heretofore arisen, every effort will be made to see that the interests of producers, processors, and consumers, and the international interests of the United States are carefully considered, both in the development and carrying out of disposal programs. Before decisions are made regarding the adoption of a long-range disposal program for a particular item in the stockpile, there will be appropriate consultations with industry in order to obtain the advice of interested parties. These figures are from the July 1963 report on Federal stockpile inventories compiled from official agency data by the Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures, showing detail with respect to quantity and cost value of each commodity in the inventories covered. STRATEGIC AND CRITICAL MATERIALS So-called strategic and critical materials are stored by the Government in (1) the national stockpile, (2) the Defense Production Act inventory, and (3) the supplemental-barter stockpile. Overall, there are now 94 materials stockpiled in the strategic and critical inventories. Maximum objectives-in terms of volume-are presently fixed for 76 of these 94 materials. Of the 76 materials having maximum objectives, 61 were stockpiled in excess of their objectives as of July 31, 1963. The Office of Emergency Planning is in the process of establishing new objectives for strategic and critical materials. This report contains pertinent agency explanation and reflects the new objectives for 12 materials, 4 of which-chromite (metallurgical grade), mercury, nickel, and sperm oil-appear for the first time in July. Increases in cost value were reported in 16 of the materials stockpiled in all strategic and critical inventories, decreases were reported in 19 materials, and 59 materials remained unchanged during July. Inventories of civil defense supplies and equipment showed increases in medical stocks; the machine tools inventories showed no change; and the helium inventories showed a net increase during July. REPORT ON DISPOSITION OF Mr. JOHNSTON, from the Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of Papers in the Executive Departments, to which was referred for examination and recommendation a list of records transmitted to the Senate by the Archivist of the United States, dated October 29, 1963, that appeared to have no permanent value or historical interest, submitted a report thereon, pursuant to law. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION INTRODUCED Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first time, and, by unan By Mr. SCOTT: S. 2305. A bill to provide for the establishment of the Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site and the Johnstown Flood National Memorial in the State of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. S. 2306. A bill to confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon certain claims of Arlene Coats, a partnership consisting of Sidney Berkenfeld and Benjamin Prepon; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. KEATING (for himself and Mr. S.J. Res. 132. Joint resolution for the relief of certain aliens; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSION OF IMPACTED AREAS LEGISLATION VITAL Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, I rise today to introduce a bill incorporating legislation already passed this session by the Senate. My purpose in making such an unusual introduction is to call to my colleagues' attention an emergency that is developing swiftly and is threatening to overtake more than 4,000 school districts across our Nation. The emergency lies in the failure of the Congress yet to enact an extension of the impacted areas program of assistance to local education. Some 2 million pupils are involved; more than $21⁄2 million. The Senate, of course, approved a 3year extension of the impacted areas program as a part of H.R. 4955 as amended by the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. I felt that the strategy of including impacted areas legislation in a bill embodying other more controversial provisions might lead to an unnecessary delay. I know that a number of my colleagues shared that view. For whatever reason, that delay is now upon us. The conferees have not been able to reach agreement on the bill, and thus extension of impacted areas assistance is tied up for an indefinite period. The bill I introduced today embodies the section of H.R. 4955 applying to impacted areas. The language is identical to that already approved by the Senate. It is my hope that, handled as a separate matter, this bill can be swiftly considered and sent to the other body. Although there are differences between the houses on this extension, I hope that by concentrating on this single program the distinguished conferees will be able to reach quick agreement allowing the program to continue. Mr. President, impacted areas assistance has been on the lawbooks since 1950. In that time a total of $1.426 billion has been appropriated under Public Law 874, and a total of $1.087 billion under Public Law 815. These figures show how extensive the program has become; how vital it is for the educational system; how important it is that the Congress act promptly. More than 4,000 local school districts are being placed in the impossible position of being unable to complete budgets for the fiscal year. Without budgets they do not have any idea how large an educational program they can attempt how many teachers to hire, what salaries to pay, what additions to undertake. In short, by delaying approval of this program, the Congress is tampering with the education of millions of American pupils. propriately referred; and, without objection, the bill will lie at the desk as requested, and the tables will be printed in the RECORD. The bill (S. 2304) to extend for 3 years Public Laws 815 and 874, 81st Congress, providing assistance for schools in areas affected by Federal activities, introduced by Mr. TOWER, was received, read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. The tables presented by Mr. TOWER are as follows: I.-Public Law 815: Federal funds reserved, for local educational agencies and Federal installations, for construction Alabama.. Alaska... As the Senate knows, impacted-areas legislation simply calls for Federal subsidization of schools in areas where there Arizonaare Federal defense establishments such as Air Force, Army, and Navy bases, and where an undue and unusual load has been placed on the local school system because of the Federal installation. It is well known that I am opposed to Federal aid to education through grant and loan programs, but when the Federal Government places an undue burden on a local school district, and when the local district does not have compensating tax revenue sources, then I think it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to provide funds for relief of the critical situation it has created. State Arkansas.. California ColoradoConnecticut. Florida.. Georgia.. Hawaii.. Delaware.. Total $1,069, 873, 115 $71, 820, 859 21, 659, 507 29, 283, 725 37,838, 304 15,000, 595 172,446, 297 20, 527, 133 12, 214, 944 2,377, 916 Massachusetts. Indiana Iowa.. Kansas. Louisiana Kentucky- Montana... North Dakota_ Ohio. Oregon... Pennsylvania. Rhode Island South Carolina_ Federally impacted areas have problems that other communities do not have to face. First, there is the sudden impact of an accelerated population increase. This in turn creates the prob- North Carolina. lem of increasing all public servicesschools, roads, water supplies, transportation. All this creates an abnormal drain on local resources that cannot be met by the normal solution of raising local tax rates. And, we must remember that because the population of many of these areas fluctuates and because the Federal activity often is unstable, there is less investment in these areas in permanent residential and commercial Wisconsinproperty. For all these reasons, extension of impacted-areas legislation is imperative. South Dakota.. Texas......... Utah.... Washington. West Virginia. Wyoming.. Puerto Rico. 4,624, 311 24, 776, 954 30, 184, 745 4, 159, 318 4,549, 996 4,311, 395 17,458, 233 9, 145, 125 8,954, 714 65, 788, 334 12,025, 862 185, 111 136,645 16,520 772, 763 33,000 296, 124 73, 693, 183 47,751, 320 6,035, 453 243, 148 934, 943 75,000 Because more than 4,000 school districts are marking time awaiting a decision on this legislation, the Congress II.-Public Law 874: Appropriations, fiscal must act now. Therefore, I send to the desk this bill embodying a simple 3-year extension of impacted-areas legislation, and I ask unanimous consent that it lie at the desk before printing through the close of business, Friday, November 15, so that other Senators may join as cosponsors if they so desire. And, Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that there be printed in the RECORD at this point in my remarks two tables setting forth the current data on the allocation of funds under each of the applicable statutes. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be received and ap II.-Public Law 874: Appropriations, fiscal Gordon S. Seagrave, introduced by Mr. year 1962-Continued $4,938, 280 916, 227 5, 615, 602 2,218, 765 13, 981, 061 2,257, 324 9, HART (for himself and other Senators) on November 5, 1963. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 6868) making appropriations for the legislative branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and for other purposes; that the House receded from its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 14, 33, and 39 to the bill, and concurred therein, and that the House receded from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 32 to the bill, and concurred therein, with an amendment, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. VETERANS DAY TRIBUTE TO THE Mr. WALTERS. Mr. President, it befits us here today to reaffirm our alle15, 511, 302 giance to those hallmarks-patriotism and readiness. Today our guardsmen and reservists are indelibly stamped with these principles which have motivated the men of our Nation to meet the many threats to the safety and well 141, 120 702, 584 931, 349 188, 432 71, 150 13, 379, 770 AMENDMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS ACT-AMENDMENTS Το being of our homes and families and to our Government, over the years. (AMEND- me, the citizen soldier is a manifestation of a spirit essential to our existence as a free and democratic nation-the spirit Mr. HART (for himself, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. MCCARTHY, Mr. MCNAMARA, Mr. NELSON, and Mr. PROXMIRE) Sub mitted amendments, intended to be proposed by them, jointly, to the bill (S. 1309) to amend the Small Business Act, and for other purposes, which were or which has been demonstrated by their voluntary service in peace and war against any element that would harm our people. The hardy and self-reliant pioneers of Tennessee as a State and territory descended from some of the best fightdered to lie on the table and to be printed. ing strains in the world-Anglo-Saxon, Scotch-Irish, Huguenot, and Welsh. Tennessee is known as the Volunteer State. As we well know, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1776. Four years later we were still fighting to hold the independence which that historic document declared. The first recorded call for volunteers in Tennessee history is found in the records of Col. John Sevier, Washington County, Tennessee Territory, who on March 19, 1780, issued a call for 100 good men. Two hundred answered. He and the militiamen he commanded did their part to insure our independence. But it was not until the war with Mexico that Volunteer State became the byword for Tennessee. Congress called for 50,000 volunteers. Tennessee's quota was 2,600. When the volunteers were counted, there were more than 26,000 from Tennessee alone. Balloting was used to determine which of the original volunteers would be accepted, and the campaigning for this privilege of volunteering was conducted as sharply and as seriously as a race for high political honor today. Before the end of the War honor today. Before the end of the War of 1812, when Andrew Jackson was ready of 1812, when Andrew Jackson was ready to march to New Orleans over the Natchez Trace to fight the British under Lord Packenham, opportunities to enlist were so eagerly sought that men paid for the privilege of volunteer service. During World War II, seven draft boards never had to draft a man because volunteers filled Tennessee's quotas. Tennessee's guardsmen have participated with force, fervor, and fame in our Nation's wars, starting with the Revolution. While we desire to pay tribute to past achievements, the enormity of the present-day challenges compels us to consider the future. Our Constitution is designed to discourage a large permanent Army. On the other hand, the shrinkage of time brought about by supersonic transportation and instant communications systems makes it impossible to wait until the danger is imminent to train our manpower. There are those who argue that we really do not have so much need for our Reserve components-that war has changed so materially that we should have an Army continuously large enough to meet any conceivable crisis. not agree with them. Crises come and I can assure you Mr. President, that I do go, and we are strengthened considerably by this large pool of trained manpower who have volunteered to serve and be called when needed. Our Reserve components must, however, be ready as never before, and must also fit into the war plans of the "one-Army team." With a strength of only a little over Army provides the key part of the for960,000 men and women, the Active ward line of defense of the free world. With U.S. military assistance advisory groups and military missions established in over 40 countries of Europe, Asia, and South America, the Army assists in training nearly 200 ground combat divisions in countries of the free world. Also, it maintains a strategic reserve of combat divisions capable of reinforcing immediately our oversea theaters or of coming with limited war anywhere. One of the Army's most important capabilities is that of being ready to undergo full-scale expansion in the event of a general war. This capability is the key to the success of our one-Army concept, and our Reserve components are essential with their paid drill strength of approximately 700,000 stationed in communities throughout the country. In the event of full-scale mobilization, the Reserve component units expanded to full combat strength would increase the size of our Active Army many times its present strength. The combat units have some of the latest equipment in the Army's inventory, and continued emphasis is being given to acquiring more up-to-date equipment for them. The 30th Armored Division is a part of the immediate Reserve. the immediate Reserve. As such it is authorized to maintain a high percentage of its full organizational strength, and will be given preferential treatment in the allotment of available equipment. Continued emphasis is being placed on programs bringing the Reserve component units to the highest possible state of mobilization readiness. Probably the best test of whether these programs are paying off is the amount of time it will take after mobilization to prepare the Reserve components for their post mobilization roles. The Berlin crisis in the fall of 1961 was an actual test of the mobilization readiness of our Reserves. This partial mobilization revealed a number of deficiencies which the Defense Department has since been working diligently to correct. Plans are also under way to shorten the period required for units to become fully combat ready. We came through World War II with the biggest bomb in the world, the "blockbuster," which had the explosive equivalent of 6 tons of TNT and 1 ton of TNT was a good unit of measurement. It is easy to see that the Defense Department is in the time business. No longer can we count on adequate warning of either an impending or an actual attack. We cannot afford to take chances, because in the 5,000 years of mankind's history time has been compressed. For over 4,900 of the 5,000 years of this history, the speed of man's progress was measured by the speed at which he could travel. That speed was the speed of the horse and the oxcart, which never exceeded a few miles a day. Man could go only as fast as a horse could carry or pull him. Rich man, poor man-both could travel only as fast as the oat burner could carry him. In the time of Paul Revere, American history was made only as fast as a horse could gallop. In 1830 man broke the oat barrier with the iron horse. In 1910 we bought the first military plane, and it reached the incredible speed of 42 miles per hour. By World War I, we were getting speeds of 100 miles per hour on the automobile racetrack and with some aircraft, and toward the end could boast of 150 miles per hour in the air. At the beginning of World War II we were at 200 miles per hour and ended at about 470 miles per hour, which was top secret. And then came the break through the sound barrier. Now we glibly talk about 18,000 miles per hour. Few people can realize how quickly we have progressed from the oat burner to the atom burner, but in 1956 the pilot of a Navy plane fired his guns, then the plane overtook its own bullets and shot itself down. Now one can fly from coast to coast in seemingly less time than it takes him to get his baggage after he gets there. The atom bomb changes all that. We invented the word "kiloton," meaning a thousand tons of TNT; but for the Hbomb we invented "megaton," measuring 1 million tons. And how big is a megaton? It would fill a string of boxcars, stretching for over 200 miles, and would roughly equal 166,000 blockbusters of World War II. In World War I we talked of ranges around 20,000 or 30,000 yards, and in World War II of maybe 80,000 yards. Then yards as a measure of range became obsolete; so now we talk of thousands of miles. Technology is the machine that multiplies a man's strength a billion times. To think that the world is 25,000 miles around is like thinking of money in terms of 1914 dollars. But even the mile has shrunk more than the dollar. Already in our lifetimes we have seen more technological change than in all the previous history of the world. The the previous history of the world. The little world in which we were born and educated is not here any more. If there is anything we can learn from history, it is that man seldom profits by history, it is that man seldom profits by it, even when he could. One thing we it, even when he could. One thing we can learn, that the newer anything is, the more complex it is, and the more the more complex it is, and the more complex it is, the sooner it becomes obsolete. There was a time when war was very simple and a bunch of guys went out simple and a bunch of guys went out into the field and battered each other's brains out while the rest of the people brains out while the rest of the people went on living as though nothing much was happening. In such a war the artillery lent the only dignity to what was otherwise just a disgraceful brawl. Now war has gone technological. A Nike missile system contains 1.5 million parts, 217,000 feet of conductor wire, parts, 217,000 feet of conductor wire, 2,000 feet of coaxial cable, 2,000 electron 2,000 feet of coaxial cable, 2,000 electron tubes, 12,000 resistors, 5,000 capacitors, 460 relays, 1,250 coils, plus numerous other items. Clubs were good weapons for thousands of years. sands of years. And then the complicated bow and arrow was invented, but they did not last as long as the club. they did not last as long as the club. Then we had the new ultimate weapon, but today's will not last as long as the bow and arrow, because it is more complicated. Technology is a peculiar thing-it has no morals; it may be used for good or evil. It has no nationality; it may be evil. It has no nationality; it may be used by friend or foe; it can eliminate used by friend or foe; it can eliminate polio or people; and it has no feelings. It can be used to create a hell or paradise. Some people say we are not prepared for war. for war. Somebody is going to ask if we are planning for a long war or a short war. Ask the fire department if it is planning for a big fire or a small one. We do not plan on starting any wars. But we must recognize that we have potential enemies. There may be no timely warning of any impending or timely warning of any impending or actual attack. So we hope that the precautions of being well prepared will cause our enemies to hesitate and think before starting a war. Nonpreparedness invites war. invites war. We will have little or no time to prepare after the enemy attacks. I believe that preparedness does deter aggression. I believe that if you are prepared, and conspicuously prepared, you are not likely to get into a fight. I never heard of anyone picking a fight with a guy unless he thought there was a chance of beating him. In our time things are exploding. If you are 20 or 30 months behind the time, you are further behind than being 20 or 30 years behind in your father's time. If we fail to maintain the pace we can be only a second-class nation. War is that peculiar game in which no medals are awarded for second place. It has been said that if we build up our defenses and they are not needed, we lose only dollars. If we do not have them, and they are needed, we lose our country. But remember, regardless of all of the technology we have now, and the great weapons we have produced, the centuries-old hunt for the ultimate weapon reveals that man himself is the ultimate weapon, and will always remain so. But the only place where the ultimate weapon can come from is the community. The ultimate weapon is the soldier, guardsmen, and reservists who make the sacrifices necessary to attain the victory. This contribution This contribution of the community demonstrates the spirit of a great State and Nation. This is your great privilege, your responsibility, your job as Americans. OPEN MARKET FINANCING FOR REA Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, pend ing in the Agriculture Committee of the Senate is a bill introduced by me which, if enacted, will substantially change the terms, conditions, and the rate of interest under which loans made by the Rural Electrification Administration are authorized. I introduced this bill because it is apparent that the original purpose for which the REA was created has been achieved-at present practically 98 percent of the farmers of the Nation being served with electricity; moreover, that there was no justification for the U.S. Government lending money to rural electric cooperatives at 2percent interest when the Government in borrowing the money with which to make the loan had to pay a rate of interest of about 4 percent; also that our efforts of keeping Government out of business would be greatly hampered and the tax revenues of the Federal Government adversely and seriously impaired if the Government perpetuated a tax situation under which rural electric cooperatives paid 3.2 cents of their annual revenues in taxes while private power companies paid 22.8 cents. When the REA law was passed the rate of interest was fixed at 3 percent and in 1945 lowered and then pegged at 2 percent deliberately to aid the rural electrics to establish themselves and to be able to serve the farmers. It was believed, and in all probability it was so, that the moneys could not be borrowed in the open public market at a rate of interest that would have enabled these rural electrics to survive. That situation, however, in the course of time has completely changed. Money can now be borrowed in the open market at a rate of interest that will enable these rural electrics to expand if they so desire. A good example of what the lending capacity of the open market is has been revealed by the encouraging experience in Ohio. In my State 30 rural cooperatives formed a supercooperative called the Buckeye Power Co. This combination of 30 rural cooperatives operating under the name of the Buckeye Electric Power Co. has joined forces with a subsidiary of the investor-owned American Electric Power Co. to set up a new $125 million generating plant. This combination of 30 rural electric co-ops in putting up its share of the money to construct the generating plant is not borrowing it from the Rural Electrification Administration of the Federal Government but has gone into the open market to raise their share of the capital by borrowing from general institutional lenders. The powerplant which is being built with a combination of capital provided by the private power companies on the one hand and the 30 rural electric co-ops on the other will have the largest power generating capacity of any plant under one roof in the world. The ability of rural cooperatives to borrow in the open market rather than from the Federal Government is clearly demonstrated by this Ohio experience. It constitutes substantial proof that the laws of the Federal Government on rural electrics need modification. ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, I call attention to the fact that remaining on the Senate Calendar are only 20 bills or resolutions, and they include House bill 7885 which now is before the Senate. Of these 20, only 8 can be considered controversial in any sense of the word; the other 12 would take perhaps 30 minutes to dispose of. Mr. President, the condition of the calendar, with virtually no work for the Senate on it, is in itself the greatest tribute to the leadership of this body which can be found. troversial, I do not believe any one of them would be classified by any of those of us of long experience in the Senate as Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the being major. Mr. AIKEN. I yield. Mr. MORSE. I join in the statement of the Senator from Vermont. I suggest that in the next day or two a compilation of the legislative accomplishments of the Senate at this session be prepared and printed in the RECORD, because it also will buttress and fortify the observation of the Senator from Vermont as to the effectiveness of the leadership of the Senate in proceeding with the legislative program which awaits our attention. The Senator from Vermont is quite correct in saying that on the calendar there are only 20 bills or resolutions. If he does not object, I shall ask unanimous consent that the Senate's Legislative Calendar be printed at this point in the RECORD, because I believe it is a complete rebuttal to the statements of those who seek to give the impression that the Senate has been dragging its heels, insofar as the floor work of our leadership is concerned. That is not so. Even of the eight measures on the calendar which the Senator from Vermont has said might be considered con General orders under rule VIII Mr. AIKEN. Yes. Mr. MORSE. Yet we continue to be charged in some quarters in the press and elsewhere as not doing our job. Certainly it is not our fault if some bill is not reported from a committee; and it may not be the fault of the committee, either. Certainly it is not our fault that a civil rights bill is not pending in the Senate. The Senate is waiting for that bill to be passed by the other body. In the past 24 hours, I have checked on that situation; and I think the sources in the other body which I questioned are utterly reliable. They have said, "Senator, you will not get a bill on civil rights in another 2 weeks." Those are realities of the legislative process. But I do not see why the leadership of the Senate should be held up to are elsewhere and not on the floor of the unfair criticism because the roadblocks Senate. 449 S. 1540, Mr. Magnuson... S. 1033, Mr. Magnuson... 462 H.R. 82... A bill to amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to provide for the regulation of rates and practices of air carriers and foreign air carriers in foreign air transportation, and for other purposes. A bill to establish a uniform system of time standards and measurements for the United States and require the observance of such time standards for all purposes. An act to amend the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, in order to provide for the reimbursement of certain vessel construction expenses. 483 S. Con. Res. 1, Mr. Clark Concurrent resolution to create a joint committee to study the organization and others. and operation of the Congress and recommend improvements therein. 485 S. Res. 111, Mr. Church Resolution amending rule XXV of the standing rules relative to meetings and others. of committees while the Senate is in session. Reported by June 27, 1963.-Mr. Eastland, Committee on the Judiciary, July 2, 1963.-Mr. Yarborough, Committee on Labor and Aug. 28, 1963.-Mr. Monroney, Committee on Commerce, Aug. 30, 1963.-Mr. Magnuson, Committee on Commerce, Sept. 11, 1963.-Mr. Bartlett, Committee on Commerce, Sept. 19, 1963.-Mr. Hayden, Committee on Rules and Sept. 19, 1963.-Mr. Hayden, Committee on Rules and 486 S. Res. 89, Mr. Pastore Resolution providing for germaneness of debate under certain circum- Sept. 19, 1963.-Mr. Hayden, Committee on Rules and and others. stances. 502 S. 927, Mr. Magnuson..... 546 S. 2100, Messrs. Magnuson and Jackson. 566 H.R. 7885....... 570 S. 2265, Mr. Morse.. 572 S. 1396, Mr. Fong.. 602 S. 689, Messrs. Long of Missouri and Symington. 609 H.R. 7431.. 614 H.R. 6001-... A bill to amend title 12 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, in order to remove certain limitations with respect to war risk insurance issued under the provisions of such title. A bill to continue certain authority of the Secretary of Commerce to suspend the provisions of sec. 27 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, with respect to the transportation of lumber. An act to amend further the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and for other purposes. A bill to amend the Library Services Act in order to increase the amount of assistance under such act and to extend such assistance to nonrural areas. A bill to consent to the institution of an original action in the Supreme Court for the adjudication of the claim of the State of Hawaii to certain land and property situated within that State. A bill for the relief of Lila Everts Weber.... An act making appropriations for the government of the District of Coumbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and for other purposes. An act to authorize the conveyance to the Waukegan Port District, Illinois of certain real property of the United States. 615 S. 432, Mr. Ribicoff and A bill to accelerate, extend, and strengthen the Federal air pollution conothers. 616 H.R. 6518.. trol program. An act to improve, strengthen, and accelerate programs for the prevention and abatement of air pollution. 617 S. 298, Mr. Sparkman and A bill to amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958... others. Oct. 22, 1963.-Mr. Fulbright, Committee on Foreign Relations, with an amendment. (Rept. 588.) Oct. 29, 1963.-Mr. Morse, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, without amendment. (Rept. 592.) (Minority views filed.) Oct. 29, 1963.-Mr. Fong, Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment. (Rept. 594.) Nov. 1, 1963.-Mr. Long of Missouri, Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment. (Rept. 624.) Nov. 6, 1963.-Mr. Byrd, of West Virginia. Committee on Appropriations, with amendments. (Rept. 632). |