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For extra pay of one ordnance soldier as machinist, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and forty-three dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one ordnance soldier as clerk, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and forty-three dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one ordnance soldier when employed in department of ordnance and gunnery, at thirty-five cents per day, eightyfour dollars;

For extra pay of two enlisted men employed as clerks in the office of the adjutant, United States Military Academy, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and sixty-five dollars;

For extra pay of two enlisted men employed as clerks in the office of the commandant of cadets, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and sixty-five dollars;

For extra pay of four enlisted men as printers, at headquarters United States Military Academy, at fifty cents each per day, six hundred and twenty-six dollars;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as watchman, at thirtyfive cents per day, one hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-three cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as trumpeter at the cadet barracks, at thirty-five cents per day, one hundred and fiftynine dollars and sixty-nine cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the philosophical department observatory as a mechanic, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the philosophical department in care of apparatus, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the chemical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty


For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the department of drawing, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the mathematical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of two enlisted men (cavalrymen) when performing special skilled mechanical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and thirteen dollars;

For extra pay of one enlisted man (cavalryman) employed as saddler, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man on duty in charge of engineer property and fatigue, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of four enlisted men as assistants and attendants at the library, at fifty cents each per day, six hundred and eighty-four dollars;

For extra pay of one enlisted man as clerk in the department of practical military engineering and to the officer in charge of waterworks and works of construction at the Military Academy, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of three enlisted men as clerks in the office of the quartermaster United States Military Academy, at fifty cents each per day, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of two enlisted men (artillerymen) when performing extra mechanical labor, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and thirteen dollars;

For extra pay of two enlisted men as messengers in the office of the adjutant United States Military Academy, at thirty-five cents each per day, two hundred and nineteen dollars and ten cents;

For extra pay of one enlisted man in charge of property and saddle equipment pertaining to riding and equitation other than military, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents;

For extra pay of one first sergeant (cavalryman), at fifty cents per day, one hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents;

In all, for pay of Military Academy band, field musicians, general army service, cavalry detachment, artillery detachment, enlisted men on detached service, and extra pay of enlisted men on special duty at the Military Academy, one hundred and three thousand five hundred and twenty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents:

No duplications.

May be appointed

Provided, That the extra pay provided by the preceding paragraphs shall not be paid to any enlisted man who receives extra-duty pay under existing laws or army regulations: Provided further, That the Joseph R. Hawley. President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized in his brigadier-general, rediscretion to nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the tired. Senate, to appoint upon the retired list of the Army, with the rank of brigadier-general, Joseph R. Hawley, formerly a brigadier-general and brevet major-general of volunteers during the civil war: Provided further, That the President of the United States, be, and he is hereby, haus. authorized, in his discretion to nominate and by and with the consent May be appointed brigadier-general, reof the Senate to appoint upon the retired list of the Army, with the tired. rank of Brigadier-General, Peter Josof Osterhaus, formerly a Major General of Volunteers during the Civil War.


Peter Josof Oster

For pay of one teacher of music, one thousand four hundred dollars; Pay of civilians. Section eleven hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended to read as follows:

Band reorganized.
R. S., sec. 1111, p. 204,

"SEC. 1111. The Military Academy band shall hereafter consist of one teacher of music, who shall be the leader of the band, one enlisted amended. band sergeant and assistant leader, and of forty enlisted musicians. The teacher of music shall receive the pay of a second lieutenant, not mounted; the enlisted band sergeant and assistant leader shall receive six hundred dollars per year; and of the enlisted musicians of the band, twelve shall each receive thirty-four dollars per month, twelve shall each receive twenty-five dollars per month, and the remaining sixteen shall each receive seventeen dollars per month, and each of the aforesaid enlisted men shall also be entitled to the clothing, fuel, rations, and other allowances of musicians of cavalry; and the said teacher of music, the band sergeant and assistant leader, and the enlisted musicians of the band shall be entitled to the same benefits in respect to pay, emoluments, and retirement arising from longevity, reenlistment, and length of service as are, or may hereafter become, applicable to other officers or enlisted men of the Army."

For clerk to the disbursing officer and quartermaster, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For clerk to adjutant in charge of cadet records, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For one clerk to the adjutant, one thousand two hundred dollars;
For clerk to treasurer, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For one clerk to the quartermaster, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For two civilian instructors of French, to be employed under rules prescribed by the Secretary of War, at two thousand dollars per year each, four thousand dollars;

For two civilian instructors in Spanish, two thousand dollars per year each, to be employed under rudes prescribed by the Secretary of War, four thousand dollars;

For two expert civilian instructors in fencing, broadsword exercises and other military gymnastics as may be required to perfect this part of the trai..ing of cadets, to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent of the Military Academy, three thousand dollars;

For pay of one clerk and stenographer in the office of the quartermaster and disbursing officer, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of one clerk in office of the quartermaster, to be immediately available, and to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent, one thousand dollars;

For pay of one librarian, three thousand dollars;

For pay of librarian's assistant, one thousand dollars;

For pay of one superintendent of gas works, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For pay of engineer of heating and ventilating apparatus for the academic building, the cadet barracks and office building, cadet hospital, chapel, and library, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For pay of assistant engineer of same, one thousand dollars; For pay of eleven firemen, six thousand six hundred dollars; For pay of one draftsman in department of civil and military engineering, one thousand dollars;

For pay of mechanic and attendant skilled in the technical preparations necessary to chemical and electrical lectures and to the instruction in mineralogy and geology, one thousand dollars;

For pay of mechanic assistant in department of natural and experimental philosophy, one thousand dollars;

For pay

For pay of custodian of academy building, one thousand dollars;
of one electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars;
For pay of one civilian plumber, one thousand two hundred dollars;
For pay of assistant plumber, nine hundred dollars;

For pay of one scavenger, at sixty dollars a month, seven hundred and twenty dollars;

For compensation of chapel organist, two hundred dollars;

For pay of superintendent of post cemetery, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of engineer and janitor for Memorial Hall, nine hundred dollars;

For pay of printer at headquarters United States Military Academy, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of one janitress, Memorial Hall, six hundred dollars; For pay of one master mechanic, one thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of attendant and skilled photographer in the department of drawing, one thousand dollars;

For pay of one typewriter, copyist, and attendant in charge of the library in the department of law and history, seven hundred and fifty dollars;

For pay of one stenographer and typewriter in the adjutant's office, six hundred dollars;

For pay of one overseer of the waterworks, five hundred and forty dollars;

For pay of engineer of steam, electric, and refrigerating apparatus for the cadets' mess, to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of one assistant engineer of steam, electric, and refrigerating apparatus for the cadets' mess, to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, seven hundred and twenty dollars;

For pay of one copyist, typewriter, and attendant in the department of modern languages, to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent and to be immediately available, seven hundred and fifty dollars;

In all, to civilians employed at Military Academy, fifty-five thousand two hundred and eighty dollars.

For current and ordinary expenses as follows:

For expenses of the Board of Visitors, including mileage, three thousand five hundred dollars;

Contingencies for Superintendent of the Academy, two thousand dollars;

Current exрепнея,

Board of Visitors.

Repairs and improvements, namely: Timber, planks, boards, joists, Repairs, etc. wall strips, laths, shingles, slate, tin, sheet lead, zinc, nails, screws, locks, hinges, glass, paints, turpentine, oils, varnish, brushes, stone, brick, flag, lime, cement, plaster hair, sewer and drain pipe, blasting powder, fuse, iron, steel, tools, machinery, mantles, and other similar materials, renewing roofs, and for pay of architect overseer and citi zen mechanics, and labor employed upon repairs and improvements that can not be done by enlisted men, forty thousand dollars;

For fuel and apparatus, namely: Coal, wood, charcoal, stoves, grates, Fuel, etc. heaters, furnaces, ranges and fixtures, fire bricks, clay, sand, and for repairs of steam heating apparatus, grates, stoves, heaters, ranges, and furnaces, mica, thirty thousand dollars;

For gas pipes, gas and electric fixtures, electric lamps, and lighting supplies, lamp-posts, gasometers and retorts, and annual repairs of the same, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For fuel for cadets' mess hall, shops, and laundry, fourteen thousand dollars;

Postage and tele grams.

For postage and telegrams, three hundred and fifty dollars; For stationery, namely: Blank books, paper, envelopes, quills, steel Stationery. pens, rubbers, erasers, pencils, mucilage, wax, wafers, folders, fasteners, rules, files, ink, inkstands, typewriters, typewriting supplies, office furniture, penholders, tape, desk knives, blotting pads, and rubber bands, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and for ferri- Transportation. ages, and for transportation of first class of cadets to and from Gettysburg battlefield, Watervliet Arsenal, and Sandy Hook proving grounds, three thousand dollars;

Printing: For printing and binding, type, materials for office, including repairs to motor and machinery, diplomas for graduates, annual registers, blanks, and monthly reports to parents of cadets, one thousand five hundred dollars:


Department of cav

For department of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics: Tan bark alry, artillery, and inor other proper cover for riding hall, to be purchased in open market fantry tactics. upon written order of the Superintendent, six hundred dollars;

For camp stools, camp and office furniture and repairs to same, and door mats for cadet barracks, sinks, and guardhouse, six hundred and fifty dollars;

For stationery, typewriting supplies and repairs, for use of instructors and assistant instructors of tactics; for books and maps, binding books, and mounting maps, four hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For repairs and improvements of dressing rooms, platform, and swimming tank, two hundred and twenty dollars;

For silk and worsted sashes for cadet officers and acting officers, two hundred and twenty dollars;

For foils, masks, belts, fencing gloves, fencing jackets, gaiters, sabers, and repairs, four hundred dollars;

For purchase of one typewriter, complete, with cabinet for same, one hundred and twenty-five dollars;

[blocks in formation]

For bookcases for library in dialectic hall and Young Men's Christian Association hall, one hundred dollars;

For department of civil and military engineering: Models, maps, purchase and repair of instruments, apparatus, drawing boards, desks, chairs, shelves, and cases for books and instruments, text-books, books of reference, and stationery for the use of instructors, and contingencies, one thousand dollars;

For department of natural and experimental philosophy: Additions to apparatus to illustrate the principles of mechanics, acoustics, optics, and astronomy; books of reference, scientific periodicals, text-books, stationery, materials, and repairs; and for repairs to the observatory buildings and repairs to clocks, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;

For department of instruction in mathematics: Text-books, books of reference, binding, and stationery; for tables of logarithms; for rules and triangles; for purchase of geometrical drawings and models; for cases for geometrical models; for office desks, chairs, bookcases, and office fittings; and for contingencies; seven hundred and twentyfive dollars;

For department of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology: Chemicals, chemical apparatus, glass and porcelain ware, paper, wire, sheet metal, ores, photographic apparatus and materials; rough specimens, fossils, and for apparatus and materials to be used in the practical determination of mineralogical and geological specimens; pencils and paper for the practical instruction in the same branches, and for gradual increase and improvement of the cabinet; for repairs and additions to electric, magnetic, pneumatic, thermic, and optical apparatus; for purchase of laboratory and power-room machinery and apparatus and installation of same; for models, maps, and diagrams, books of reference, textbooks, and stationery for use of instructors; and for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for, three thousand six hundred and thirty dollars;

For department of drawing: Drawing material, instruments, and stationery for use of instructors; repairs to models and purchase of new models; desks, stretchers, drawing boards, racks, and stands; framing drawings; books and periodicals on art, architecture, topography, and technology; binding maps, books, and so forth; repairs to stereopticon and purchase of lantern slides; photographic apparatus and material; preparation of new data sheets and illustrated pamphlets for use of cadets; purchase of new instruments and repair of old ones, for use of cadets; and for contingent expenses, one thousand two hundred and thirty dollars;

For twelve new desks for cadets, one hundred and twenty dollars;
For one map-filing case, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For one typewriter, with tabulator and cabinet, one hundred and thirty-two dollars;

For one oscillating mimeograph, fifty dollars;

For blueprinting frame, with window rails and pad, eighty dollars; For rapid photographic lens and shutter, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For department of modern languages: For stationery, text-books, and books of reference for use of instructors, for repairs of books and apparatus and for office furniture, and for printing examination papers, and other necessary papers, and for contingencies, five hundred and ninety-eight dollars;

For department of law and history: For stationery, text-books, and books of reference for the use of instructors, maps, map fixtures, furniture, and for repairs to the same, for rebinding books and periodicals, and for contingencies, five hundred dollars;

For department of practical military engineering: For purchase and repair of instruments; transportation; purchase of tools, implements,

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