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Abbott, Joseph. (See Hard, Henry M.)

Accident. (See Insurance.)

Accomplices in criminal actions, evidence of, relative to.

Acid. (See Sludge.)

Acknowledgment. (See Deeds; Instruments.)

Adirondack Railroad Company. (See Resolutions.)

Acts. (See Laws.)

Adirondack survey. (See Concurrent Resolutions; Printing.)

Adirondack wilderness. (See State Lands.)

Adjutant-General's report. (See Concurrent Resolutions; Printing.)


156, 176

Afton, town of, to legalize proceedings of assessors and also board of super-
visors of Chenango county

Akron, village of, elections in, relative to

Albany, city of:

89, 100
503, 519

assessment-rolls, exhibition of, and delivery to clerk of supervisors,
relative to......

305, 388, 389, 459, 465, 489, 953

(See Albany, County of.)
Broadway railroad crossing, claim for damages, to provide payment on
awards of commissioners..
259, 268, 286, 294, 309, 310, 366

(See Capitol.)

City Hall of, repairing or rebuilding, amending act to provide for.. 76, 120

disabled firemen, to incorporate fund for relief of

(See Erie Canal.)


462, 474

government of, to provide for..
339, 556, 594, 630, 633, 675
House of Shelter and St. Vincent's Asylum, commitment of infants who
are a county charge to, authorizing.

lanes and alleys in, relative to.

(See National Albany Exchange Bank.)
Normal School building in, appropriation for erection.
petition of merchants.

public instruction in, to create board and establish free schools, amend-
ing act

Second Protestant Reformed Dutch Church, ministers, etc., of, amend-
ing charter....

[blocks in formation]

... 215, 266, 336, 412

188, 394, 733

205, 212, 226

board of supervisors, to legalize proceedings....
clerk to file certificates of sale and transfer of real estate in city of Al-
bany with assessors

clerk's office, payment of certain work done in, to provide for....
(See National Albany Exchange Bank.)


215, 264

penitentiary of, repealing act relative to
public business, to regulate transaction of....
town auditors in the several towns, to authorize election, 341, 354, 366, 370
Albany, port of, and Troy, city of, harbor-master for, amending act for ap-

380, 671, 705, 709, 931, 950, 952

Albany penitentiary, report of committee..
Albany county penitentiary. (See Resolutions.)
Albany State Normal School. (See Resolutions.)



Albany and Vermont Railway. (See Railway.)
Albion, village of, amending several acts relating to
Alexandria. (See Railroad; Railroad Stocks.)
Alien immigrants, amending laws relating to, and to secure improved admin-
istration of.
137, 243, 353, 389, 397, 471, 513, 629, 649, 675,

561, 606


[blocks in formation]

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to incorporate
Sing Sing branch....

319, 321, 323, 333

Amsterdam. (See Sandy Hill.)

Ancient Order of United Workmen, petitions and remonstrances of...316,
Anderson, R. T., privileges of floor extended to.
Animals, infectious and contagious diseases of, relative to


826, 832,


[blocks in formation]

Appointments. (See Office; President of Senate; Clerk of Senate.)
Apportionment, committee on, appointment of additional members......
Appropriation bill. (See Government.)

Appropriations. (See Canals; Government; State Board of Audit.)
Armory. (See Binghamton; Brooklyn; New York City; Troy.)
Army of the Revolution. (See Newburgh.)
Articles. (See Children.)

Asher, Adolph, petition of...

Assembly, announcement of committees from



23, 30, 31, 370, 997

(See Concurrent Resolutions; Resolutions; Senate.)

committees to wait on. (See Resolutions.)

Assessment of property in certain cases, to equalize..... 142, 328, 631, 666, 741

Assessment. (See Revised Statutes; Telegraph.)

(See Taxation; Property.)

Assessment and taxation, act in relation to...

Assessments. (See Political Assessments.)

[blocks in formation]

Assignment laws. (See Petitions.)

Assignments. (See Creditors.)

Assistant clerk and sergeant-at-arms. (See Resolutions.)

Assistant doorkeepers, election and resignation....

Association. (See Canal.)

life or benefit. (See New York State.)

Associations. (See Banks; Driving Park; Rural Cemetery.)

Associations and societies. (See Insurance.)

Associations, societies and corporations, charitable, benevolent and benefi-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Atlantic Mutual Marine Insurance Company. (See Resolutions.)
Attorney-General, communication from, relative to Board of Claims act..

relative to Commissioners of Emigration

reports and communications from..

[blocks in formation]

43, 121, 166, 341, 394, 693
(See Concurrent Resolutions; Resolutions.)
Auburn, city of, charter of, amending act to revise.. 379, 451, 611, 665, 729, 732
Auburn prison. (See Cayuga County.)

Audit. (See Board of Audit; State Board of Audit.)

Auditor of Canal Department, to abolish office.. 7, 79, 88, 128, 164, 176, 199, 207
Augusta, town of, railroad commissioner, to abolish office.... 203, 574, 666, 678
Avon, town of, assessments and taxes imposed in, to confirm and levy.. 185, 214
268, 275, 349

Awards. (See Canal Appraisers; State Board of Audit.)

[blocks in formation]

Baby farming, act to prevent...

..41, 51, 67, 72, 85, 155, 175, 204
Balcom, Ransom, late justice of the Supreme Court, to provide for payment
of salary..

.689, 706,

Ball, Charles A., resignation of, as messenger and page
Ballots, to secure uniform, and preserve purity of elections, amending act, 859





.44, 280

use of, to protect..

Banking institutions, act relating to.
Banks. (See Savings Banks.)


Banks, banking and trust companies, to revise statutes of State relating to,
amending act, 46, 114, 156, 205, 227, 269, 280, 282 307, 390, 403, 418, 430,
590, 657, 684, 745, 750, 807, 865, 869, 886, 909, 946, 951, 953
Banks and moneyed capital engaged in the business of banking, taxation
of, amending act..
.123, 157, 280, 511, 580, 750, 807, 919, 979, 993
Barker. (See Darwin R. Barker.)
Bar, examination and admission to, in certain cases, relative to, 29, 40, 57,
64, 145, 567, 659,
Barrios. (See De Barrios.)
Barry, Patrick, collector school district in Pendleton and Lockport, for relief
..775, 892, 932, 973

Batavia, village of, Ellicott street in, authorizing trustees to discontinue, 581,


Bath-on-the-Hudson, village of, amending act to incorporate..
Baucus, Senator, leave of absence granted to

Beach, Lewis, privileges of floor extended to

Beach, ex-Senator, privileges of floor extended to

[blocks in formation]


..46, 59, 253, 268, 272

.24, 78

Bellinger. (See Fassett.)

Belmont, Perry, privileges of floor extended to

Benevolent institutions, appointment or commitment to. except Kings

[blocks in formation]

Binghamton, city of, amending act to incorporate, 35, 51, 70, 72, 85, 111, 126
131, 140, 147, 167, 297, 339, 352, 502, 612, 676, 812, 828, 923, 941, 957, 995
military storehouse in, reappropriating money for erection, 573,595,598, 993
police force for, amending act to organize..27, 119, 147, 158, 812, 894, 967
towns, the territory of which surround the, enabling, to hold elections
and transact town business, and also relative to town of Binghamton,
321, 325, 552, 625, 630, 644, 676,

[blocks in formation]

Birds, fish and game, for the protection of...... 388, 574, 694, 729, 876, 904,
Births and marriages, registration of, to better define duty of
Bixbee, J. C., privileges of floor extended to

[blocks in formation]

Black river. (See Superintendent of Public Works.)

Black River and Morristown railroad. (See Railroads.)

Blind. (See New York State Home; State Home.)

Blind poor. (See Resolutions.)

Board. (See Railroad Commissioners; Town Auditors.)

Board of Audit. (See State Board of Audit; Board of Claims; Rider,
Lewis; Danolds; Worthington.)

Board of Claims, to establish and define its duties, and to abolish the office
of Canal Appraiser and State Board of Audit, 25, 78, 130, 146, 148, 168, 332
370, 377, 407, 465, 513, 693

(See Conkling, Vincent; State Board of Audit.)

Board of Commissioners. (See State Buildings; State Survey.)

[blocks in formation]


Bonds. (See Corporations, Municipal; Corporations; Railroads.)
Bonds required by law, to facilitate giving, amending act.........108, 113, 202
Boston University, to hold lands in the State of New York by devise, to


590, 643, 684,

Bottcher, Margaret, to release interest of people in certain real estate to,
578, 610,

Bowen, Senator, leave of absence granted to...
Bradley, G. B., privileges of floor extended to.
Brady, Benj. F. (See Concurrent Resolutions.)

Bragdon, G. C., privileges of floor extended to
Brayton, S. V. R., report of

Bresson. (See De Bresson.)

Bribery. (See Concurrent Resolutions.)

Bridge. (See Canal; New York and Brooklyn Bridge.)

Bridges. (See Public Bridges.)

Bridges over streams forming boundary lines of counties, to provide for
care and maintenance of..

Broadway railroad. (See Railroads.)

Broadway Underground. (See Railways.)

[blocks in formation]

124, 342, 560, 667, 730.

Brockport, village of, reimbursement by, to George R. Ward, William
Welch, Edward Harrison, Daniel Pease and Homer Johnson of the dam-
ages recovered by Louisa Stock, an infant....

Brockport, village of. (See Erie Canal.)

Brock way, Beman, privileges of floor extended to...
Brodie, Edward, resignation of, as messenger and page..

Brooklyn, city of:

...365, 371



assessment of real property owned by charitable corporations and socie-
ties, amending act relative to...

.340, 641
.367, 400


assessment for sewers in, amending act relative to certain...
board of education to sell lands not needed for school purposes, to en-



Bushwick, late town of, commissioner's map of, in city, to alter....229,
691, 715, 722 953
Bushwick avenue, authorizing closing of park......166, 348, 391, 446,
Bedford avenue in, care and control of, relative to....269, 347, 513, 778,
983, 996

charter of, to amend..114, 188, 215, 422, 467, 502, 503, 592, 707, 715,
758, 819, 843, 845, 889, 909, 915,

[blocks in formation]

common council of, in relation to
615, 907, 965, 984,
delinquent tax payers to pay arrearages in installments, to allow...
department of arrears, to abolish and impose duties on collector of taxes,
department of excise, relative to commissioners of.
department of parks in, relative to....
.67, 119, 164, 168, 169
dock at foot of Pearl street, common council to construct.....134, 597,
(See East River.)


...166, 367

elections in, amending act to regulate....
Flatbush avenue, laying out street or avenue in continuation of, and
regulating use by railroad companies, to provide for...

...657, 714

ferry slips and ferries between Whitehall street and New York. (See
New York City.)

government of, amending act relative to...


Grand street, laying out street or avenue in continuation of, to provide

...703, 715

(See Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor.)
hospitals, orphan asylums and other charitable institutions, to provide
the several, with water free of charge..
...54, 347, 389, 403, 440
illuminating gas in New York and. (See New York City.)
Johnson avenue, to open, pave and grade...
justices of the peace, judicial districts and local inferior courts, amend-
ing act in relation to.....

[blocks in formation]

land for public street, to purchase certain title to
land taken for local improvements, payment of awards for, to provide.

lands defective in title, authorizing release in certain.

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