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On motion of Mr. Murphy, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Cromwell, from the committee on affairs of the city of New York, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Ottinger (No. 1178, Int. No. 956), entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to police department," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Ottinger, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Whitney, from the committee on public health, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Whitney (No. 1031, Int. No. 859), entitled "An act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation to filing certain records of birth and death," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Whitney, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Cromwell, from the committee on affairs of the city of New York, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Koenig (No. 29, Int. No. 29), entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to the retirement from active service of officers, clerks and employees," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Dowling, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. G. F. Thompson (No. 1417, Int. No. 1108), entitled "An act to amend the County Law, in relation to the salaries of the county judges and surrogates of certain counties," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. G. F. Thompson, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading. Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Farrenkopf (No. 1386, Int. No. 1092),

entitled "An act in relation to increasing the salaries of employees in the district attorney's office of the county of Queens," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Farrenkopf, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Cromwell (No. 1368, Int. No. 1079), entitled "An act in relation to the salary of commissioner of jurors of the county of Richmond," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Cromwell, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Nicoll (No. 1194, Int. No. 972), entitled "An act in relation to increasing the salaries of employees in the district attorney's office of the county of New York," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Nicoll, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. E. R. Brown, from the committee on war measures, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Robinson (No. 1173, Int. No. 951), entitled "An act to require that all able-bodied male persons, between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, be regularly employed or engaged in a useful occupation, after proclamation by the Governor and until the termination of the present war," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Robinson, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Cromwell, from the committee on affairs of the city of New York, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr Foley (No 1263, Int. No. 446), entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to the consolidation, abolition, and transfers of powers and duties, of boards, bodies, commissions, departments, officers and employees," reported the same for the consideration of the Senate, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Foley, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Robinson (No. 1065, Int. No. 888), entitled "An act to amend the County Law, in relation to the salaries of county judge and surrogate of Fulton county," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Hewitt, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Hewitt, from the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. G. L. Thompson (No. 1146, Int. No. 940), entitled "An act to amend chapter five hundred and sixtyfour of the Laws of nineteen hundred and ten, entitled 'An act to provide for county roads in certain counties adjoining cities of the first class,' in relation to the county road system and the construction and maintenance of county roads," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Hewitt, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Newton, from the committee on codes, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Farrenkopf (No. 1187, Int. No. 965), entitled "An act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure, in relation to limitation of action to redeem from a mortgage," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Farrenkopf, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading. The Assembly bill (No. 231, Rec. No. 281) entitled "An act to amend chapter seven hundred and sixty of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the city of Watertown,' in relation to the salary of the city judge," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the




The Assembly bill (No. 1113, Rec. No. 279) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the city of Johnstown, in relation to the amount of the annual tax levy," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the


The Assembly bill (No. 1382, Rec. No. 280) entitled "An act, to legalize and confirm the tax levy for the repair of highways, upon the assessment rolls of the town of Mayfield, in the county of Fulton, in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree

to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the


The Assembly bill (No. 1064, Rec. No. 275) entitled "An act to amend the Second Class Cities Law, in relation to assessments for municipal lighting," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the


The Assembly bill (No. 780, Rec. No. 266) entitled "An act to authorize the board of trustees of the village of Ossining to make a reapportionment and reassessment of the portion of the

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