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On motion of Mr. Walters, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Farrenkopf (No. 1351, Int. No. 840), entitled "An act to authorize the Commissioners of the Land Office to grant and release to the city of New York certain lands under water in the Atlantic ocean in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, to provide for the protection of adjacent uplands, the improvement of such lands under water and uplands and the acquisition of property for any such purpose, by such city, and to prescribe the method for defraying the cost," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Farrenkopf, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Robinson (No. 1434, Int. No. 1123), entitled "An act to amend the Legislative Law, in relation to the duties of the stenographer of the Senate and Assembly," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Walters, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Gibbs (No. 1253, Int. No. 1008), entitled "An act to amend the General Business Law, in relation to fees to be charged for elevating, receiving, weighing and discharging grain in elevators and warehouses," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Gibbs, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Walters, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the Senate hill introduced by Mr. Argetsinger (No. 601, Int. No. 547), entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to nominations of candidates for election in certain towns," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Walters, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Walters, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Graves (No. 1189, Int. No. 967), entitled "An act to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, audit and determine the alleged claim of Vincent Moffat against the State for damages alleged to have been sustained by him while doing work for the State at the State's prison at Ossining, New York, and to render judgment therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Walters, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Walton (No. 884, Int. No. 761), entitled "An act to provide for establishing a portion of the north boundary line of the county of Ulster, and being a portion of the south boundary line of the county of Greene and known as the north boundary line of Great Lot number eight, Hardenburgh patent, and making a appropriation therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same with amendments, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Emerson (No. 1331, Int. No. 1049), entitled "An act to provide for establishing the boundary line between the town of Warrensburgh and the town of Luzerne, in Warren county, and the line between Warren county and Saratoga county from the Hudson river westerly to the easterly line of Hamilton county, and making an appropriation therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Nicoll (No. 555, Int. No. 506), entitled "An act making an appropriation for the expenses of the commission established pursuant to chapter four hundred and twenty-six of the Laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen for the investigation of port conditions at the port of New York," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. G. L. Thompson (No. 1053, Int. No. 876), entitled "An act in relation to making a survey and plans for the improvement of Mill river in the town of Hempstead, county of Nassau," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Farrenkopf (No. 449, Int. No. 415), entitled "An act to authorize the assessment of real property acquired by the State of New York for Barge canal terminal purposes, situated on the easterly shore of the East river, adjoining on the northerly side lands acquired by the city of New York for an approach to the Queensboro bridge, in the borough of Queens, in said city, for the benefit derived by said lands by reason of the opening and extending of a street between Vernon avenue and said lands so as to furnish access thereto," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Lockwood, from the committee on public education, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Murphy (No. 1422, Int. No. 1111), entitled "An act to amend the Education Law, in relation to the retirement from active service of employees of boards of education other than superintendents and teachers, in cities having a population of one hundred thousand or more," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Lockwood, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading. Mr. Argetsinger, from the committee on affairs of cities, to


which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. E. R. Brown (No. 1329, Int. No. 580), entitled "An act to amend chapter seven hundred and sixty of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the city of Watertown," reported in favor of the passage of the same with amendments, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. E. R. Brown, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Newton, from the committee on codes, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Walters (No. 1427, Int. No. 1116), entitled "An act to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, in relation to suspension of sentence, suspension of execution of judgment and probation," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Newton, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading. Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Halliday (No. 836, Int. No. 477), entitled "An act authorizing the improvement of Glen or Mill creek, in the county of Schuyler, and making an appropriation therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Sage (No. 1454, Int. No. 109), entitled "An act to amend the Education Law, in relation to the classification of the members of faculties of the State College for Teachers and of the State normal schools and the standardization of the salaries of the members of such faculties, and making an appropriation therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Sage (No. 1455, Int. No. 399), entitled "An act to amend the Canal Law, by repealing article seven thereof and inserting a new article seven, authorizing the Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval and direction of the Canal Board, to lease the use of surplus waters impounded by canal dams, canal reservoir and feeder dams, and flowing in the canals, and repealing the provisions of chapter four hundred and ninety-four of the Laws of nineteen hundred and seven and certain provisions of section four, chapter three hundred and ninety-one of the Laws of nineteen hundred and nine, and of the Canal Law and Conservation Law, relating to the disposal of surplus canal waters," reported in favor of the passage of the same with amendments, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Sage, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. G. L. Thompson (No. 350, Int. No. 332), entitled "An act to provide for the repairing of a sea wall heretofore built by the State, to prevent inundation and overflowing of the uplands and highway, between the villages of East Marion and Orient, in the town of Southold, Suffolk county, and making an appropriation therefor," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Walton, from the committee on conservation, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Mullan (No. 4, Int. No. 4), entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to wild pheasants," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Walton, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Newton, from the committee on codes, to which was referred the Senate bill introduced by Mr. Newton (No. 1433, Int. No. 1122), entitled "An act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure, in relation to compulsory judicial settlement of accounts and citation of parties in surrogate's court," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Newton, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading. Mr. Newton, from the committee on codes, to which was

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