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history of the two years in one volume, and to devote a separate volume to the public documents, law proceedings, and biographies.

The same matter will be found in the two volumes as was at first contemplated, but it will be differently arranged, with the view of preventing an interruption in the narration of events, which form one consistent and complete history.

In this volume, the public is presented with the historical portion; and in the second part which is to be published in the ensuing summer, will be comprehended the illustrating public documents. the law trials and the biographies.

Among the biographies will be those of John Jay, De Witt Clinton, Thomas A. Emmet, William Tilghman, Richard Stockton, John Eager Howard, and John Tayler Gilman, prepared from copious and authentic materials.

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Natural defences of Constantinople. Passage of the Pruth by the Russian army. Occupation

of Moldavia and Wallachia, Siege and surrender of Brailow. Siege of Varna. Investment

of Shumla. Occupation of Isakteha Bazardjic and Jenibazar Attack on the Russian re-

doubts by Hussein Pasha. Evacuation of Eski Stamboul. The Emperor Nicholas leaves

the camp before Shumla-repairs to Varna-to Odessa. Attack of the Russian positions be-

fore Shumla, by Hussein Pasha and Halil Pasha--defeated. Operations of the Russian fleet

before Varna. Sortie of the Turks. Prince Menzikoff disabled. Command of the siege

transferred to Count Woronzoff. Levy of 4 men in 500, by the Emperor Nicholas.

Loan in Holland. He returns to Varna. Progress of the siege. Surrender of Yussuff

Pasha, and of Varna. Russian camp before Shumla raised. The emperor Nicholas em-

barks for Odessa--in danger of shipwreck-returns to St. Petersburg. Operations in

Moldavia and Wallachia. Siege of Sistria. Attack by the Seraskier of Widdin, upon

general Geismar at Crozoi-defcated--Geismar takes Kalafat Retreat of Wittgenstein

from Shumla. Siege of Silistra-raised--Wittgenstein goes into winter quarters at Jas-

sy-his resignation. Count Diebitch appointed to the command of the army. Campaign in

Asia. Siege and surrender of Kars-of Poti-of Akbalkali-of Tcherwisy-of Akhaltzik.

Diversion attempted by the Pasha of Moresch-defeated. Pashalik of Bayazid occupied by

the Russians. Naval operations. Anapa taken by Admiral Greig-he proceeds to Varna.

Russian squadrons in the Mediterranean. Admirals Heyden and Ricord. Blockade of the

Dardanelles. Death of the empress mother of Russia.

RUSSIA AND TURKEY-CAMPAIGN OF 1829.-Preparations by Russia for the campaign of 1829.

Resignation of Marshal Wittgenstein. Appointment of general Diebitch to command the ar-

mies in European Turkey. Military operations in winter. Kale and Tourno taken by the

Russians. Sizepoli taken by a Russian squadron. Turkish camp on the Kamtchik burnt.

Campaign in Asiatic Turkey. Attack upon Akhaltysh, by Achmet Bey-defeated.

Attack of Kaya Oglou repelled by general Hesse. Entrenched camp of the Turks

at Potkhoff taken. Battles of Kanily and Milli-Duze, won by general Paskevitch-he

takes Erzeroum and Hassan Kale. Kniss and Beibourt taken. Attempt of the Pasha

of Van to recover Bajazet-repelled by general Popoff. General Bourtsoff mortal-

ly wounded at Khart. Osman Pasha and the Lasians defeated at Khart. Campaign in Eu-

ropean Turkey. Siege of Silistria resumed. Battle of Eski. Encounter between Redschid

Pasha, Grand Vizier, and general Roth. Affair at Eximil. Battle of Koulevtcha or Pravo-

dy, won by general Diebitch over the Grand Vizier. Rakhova taken by general Geismar.

Surrender of Silistria to the Russians. Passage of the Balkan by general Diebitch. Pas-

sage of the Kamtchik river. Mezembri taken by general Roth, with co-operation of the fleet

of Admiral Greig. Akhiola taken. Aidos occupied by general Rudiger. Bourgas taken.

Karnabat. Karabournar. Yambol evacuated by Halil Pasha. Slivno taken by general

Diebitch. Surrender of Adrianople. Operations of Admiral Greig's fleet. Turkish vessels

destroyed at Penderaclia and Chili. Turkish fleet on the Euxine. Russian frigate taken.

Heroic defence of the brig Mercury. Admiral Greig puts to sea. Turkish fleet returns to the

Bosphorus. Vassiliko taken. Agatopoli. Iniada. Midia. Proclamation of general Die-

bitch-he receives the name of Zabalkansky. Peace of Adrianople. Treaty. Separate

acts. Conclusion.

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GREECE.Arrival of Count Capo d'Istrias at Egina. Appointment of the Panhellenion. In-

auguration of the government. National bank. Pirates delivered up at Carabusa. Prize

courts at Egina. Colonel Fabvier's expedition to the island of Scio-its failure. Greek

blockade of the Morea. The plague in the Morea. Inhabitants disarmed. Arrest of May-

romichalis, Naxos, and Millaitti. Mission of four archbishops from Constantinople to the

Greeks-its failure. Proclamation of the president, announcing the war between Russia and

the Porte. General Church attacks Vassilach, and Anatolico Corps of Albanians at Coron

discharged. Admiral Codrington proceeds to Alexandria-convention of the Viceroy of

Egypt with him for the evacuation of the Morea by Ibrahim Pasha. French expedition to

the Morea. Their landing. Second convention for the evacuation of the Morea by the

Egyptian troops. They return to Alexandria. Navarino taken by the French troops, and

Modon. Coron. Capitulation of Patras, and the Castle of Morea. Turkish Agas resist the

capitulation. The castle besieged by general Maison. The Agas surrender at discretion.

Sickness among the French troops-one division of them returns to France. War in the

island of Candia-in Western Hellas. Proclamations of the president Capo d'Istrias-his

conferences with general Maison-with the allied Admirals-with the Ambassadors at Poros.

Count Bulgari, minister of Russia to the Greek government. Mr. Dawkins, British consul

general. Discontent in Greece at the limits proposed by the allies. General Ypsilanti takes

Livadia and Salone. Corps of Turks defeated by Ketzo Tzavellas. Prisoners branded.

Conference of 16th November, 1828, held by the ministers of the allies at London-their de-

claration. Mission of Mr. Jaubert to Constantinople. The Porte consents to negotiate with

Great Britain and France. Conference between the ministers of the allies at London, of 22d

March, 1829. Protocol of that conference. Boundaries of Greece. Tribute. Indemnity for

Turkish property. Independence qualified. Amnesties. Mutual armistice. Russia to be

represented by the ambassadors of France and Great Britain. Sir Robert Gordon and Count

Guilleminot arrive at Constantinople. Reception of Sir Robert Gordon. Conferences with

the Reis Effendi. Notification that the British government disallows the Greek blockades.

Fourth National Assembly of Greece at Argos. Division of Greece into 13 departments. Ad-

dress of president Capo d'Istrias to the Assembly Military operations. Vonitza taken by

general Church-the castle of Romelia, by Augustin Capo d'Istrias. Mahmoud Pasha de-

feated near Talanti. Thebes evacuated by Omer Pasha. Lepanto Missolonghi. Anato-

lico-surrender by capitulation to the Greeks. Operations before Athens suspended. General

Church resigns his commission as commander in chief. Peace of Adrianople. Conclusion. 403

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