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statutes and

corrected copy.


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immediately thereafter cause to be bound in volumes of convenient size. He shall also compare with this original a copy of the printed statutes; and having noted therein, at the end of each statute or resolution, any error in the printed copy, deposit the same with the original volume in his office. Each such volume shall be lettered on the

back with its title and the date of the session.

1 R. S., 384, §§ 6, 7.

§ 93. Immediately after the bills, statutes, jour

utes, Journals and documents of any session are bound, in

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the manner provided for in article IX of this chapter, the secretary of state shall distribute the same as follows:

1. To the clerk of the senate, for the use of the senate, four copies of the bills; and to the clerk of the assembly, for the use of the assembly, eight copies;

2. To the clerk of the senate, for the use of the senate, sixteen copies of the statutes, journals and documents; and to the clerk of the assembly, for the use of the assembly, eighteen copies;

3. To the governor, for the use of the executive chamber, to the lieutenant-governor, to each member of the legislature, to each of the clerks of the two houses, to each judge of the court of appeals, to each justice of the supreme court; and to the following for their respective offices: the secretary of state, the comptroller, the treasurer, the state

engineer and surveyor, the attorney-general, the bank and insurance superintendents, the state superintendent of public instruction, the state superintendent of weights and measures, the auditor of the canal department, to each county clerk, to the canal commissioners for their office, the inspectors of state prisons for their office, and to the librarian of the state library for the use of the library, each one copy of the statutes, journals and documents ;' 4. To each of the incorporated colleges of the state one copy of the statutes and documents;'

5. To the athenæums of the cities of Philadelphia, Boston, New York and Albany, and to the Historical Society of the city of New York, one copy each of the statutes and journals ;*

6. And, with the advice of the trustees of the state library, to such literary and scientific institutions and societies, not exceeding twenty in number, as in their judgment will preserve the same, and make them most accessible and useful to the public, one copy each of the statutes, journals and documents;*

7. To each of the following officers, namely: town clerks, for the use of their respective towns; district attorneys, to be delivered to their succes

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sors in office, and supervisors' clerks for the use of the board of supervisors, one copy of the statutes;'

8. To the secretary of state of the United States, four copies of the statutes.'

All which are to be transmitted at the expense of the state; the statutes, journals and documents, for the use of each county, and for the members of the legislature and other officers therein, to be transmitted in boxes, to the clerk of each county, and the rest in such manner as the secretary may think best the statutes to be transmitted within sixty days after the adjournment of the legislature.' He shall also put up, in boxes, the laws directed to be sent by the governor to the several states in the Union, and shall transmit the same at the expense of the state in such manner as the governor shall direct.' And he shall also offer for sale at an advance not exceeding ten per cent on the original cost, such number of copies as the senate and assembly may by joint resolution direct."

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§ 94. In the year 1865, and every tenth year thereafter, the secretary of state shall cause to be made a census of the state. He shall appoint for this purpose one or more marshals in each town or ward, and furnish each marshal with a certificate of his appointment, designating the district for

which he is appointed. If any marshal neglects to perform his duties the secretary of state shall remove him and appoint another. He shall in each such year prepare the necessary blank returns for the purpose of collecting the information hereinafter required, and provide copies of the provisions of this article relating to the census, and shall, on or before the first day of May in such year, furnish to the clerk of each county twice as many of such returns and of the provisions of the statute as there are election districts in his county, who in turn must forward to the clerks of the towns and to the clerks of the common councils of the cities within the county a sufficient number to supply each marshal of such town or city with two sets of blank returns and one copy of the provisions of the statute.

1 R. S., 5th ed., 373, §§ 1 to 5, 14.


§ 95. It is the duty of each marshal to proceed Duty of on the first Monday in June in such year, to enumerate the inhabitants of his district, and to obtain the statistical information required, by actual inquiry at every dwelling-house, or of the head of every family residing therein, and by such other means as are in his power; and to enter the enumeration and other information in the blank returns. Every person whose usual place of abode on such first day of June is in any family shall be returned as of such family, and every

Duty of county clerks.


report of result.

person, casually absent, as belonging to the place
in which he usually resides. Each marshal must
prepare duplicate copies of his return, and sub-
scribe and verify under oath a certificate upon each
copy that his return is true and accurate to the
best of his knowledge and belief, and stating the
number of pages of which it consists; the neces-
sary oath shall be administered by any officer
authorized so to do, and without any charge there-
for. The marshal must, on or before the first day
of July in the same year, transmit both copies to
the county clerk. If any marshal neglects to do
so for five days after the first of July, the clerk of
county shall go or send to obtain the returns;
and the expense of so doing shall be deducted
from the compensation of the marshal.

1 R. S., 5th ed., 373, §§ 6 to 11.

§ 96. Immediately upon receiving the returns, each county clerk shall, by express, transmit one copy of each, carefully packed in boxes, to the secretary of state; the other copies he shall cause to be arranged by towns and wards, and bound and preserved as records of his office.

Ib., §§ 11, 17.

§ 97. The secretary of state shall report to the legislature a general account of the result, specify

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