Security. Tariff of pilotage. 3. His knowledge of the tides, soundings, the bearing and distance of the several shoals, rocks, bars, points and night lights in the navigation for which he applies for license; 4. His moral character; 5. His temperate habits. It is the duty of pilots to attend and assist in the examinations whenever required by the commissioners; but in case of their failure to attend at any time, the examination may proceed in their absence. § 325. Before granting a license, the commissioners shall require each pilot to enter into recognizance to the people of this state, with two sureties, to be approved by the commissioners, in a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, conditioned that the pilot shall diligently and faithfully perform his duties as pilot, and observe the regulations and decisions of the commissioners, which recognizance may be prosecuted in the name of the people of the State of New York, whenever a majority so direct. Any amount collected shall be paid to the commissioners, who may direct the same to be applied to the purposes mentioned in subdivision 11, of section 322. § 326. The fees for pilotage, by the Sandy Hook pilots, are as follows: 1. For merchant vessels inward bound, if drawing less than fourteen feet of water, two dollars and forty-four cents per foot; If drawing fourteen and less than eighteen feet, three dollars and six cents per foot; If drawing eighteen and less than twenty-one feet, three dollars and seventy cents per foot; If drawing twenty-one feet and upwards, four dollars and thirty cents per foot; If the masters or owners of any vessel request the pilot to moor the same at any place within Sandy Hook, and not to take it to the wharf or harbor of New York, or the vessel be detained at quarantine, the same pilotage shall be allowed, and the pilot entitled to his discharge; 2. For merchant vessels outward bound, if drawing less than fourteen feet, one dollar and eighty cents per foot; If drawing fourteen and less than eighteen feet, two dollars and twelve cents per foot; If drawing eighteen and less than twenty-one feet, two dollars and seventy-five cents per foot; If drawing twenty-one feet and upwards, three dollars and twenty cents per foot; 3. For national armed vessels of the United States or of other nations, five dollars per foot; 4. For moving vessels within the harbor of New York, as follows: For moving from the North to the East river, or from the East to the North river, if a seventy-four gun ship, twenty dollars; if a sloop of war, ten dollars; if a merchant vessel, five dollars, except if such merchant vessel arrived from sea, or is ready for and bound to sea on the day such services for moving are rendered, a separate fee shall not be charged for the moving; For moving any vessel from the quarantine to the city of New York, one-quarter of the sum that would be due for the inward pilotage of such vessel; For hauling any vessel from the river to a wharf or from a wharf into the river, three dollars, except on the day of arrival or departure of such vessels; 5. When any vessel bound to the port of New York is boarded at such distance to the southward or eastward of Sandy Hook lighthouse as that that lighthouse could not be seen from its deck in the daytime and in fair weather, the addition of one-fourth to the rates of pilotage shall be allowed to the pilot; 6. Between the first day of November and the first day of April, inclusive, four dollars shall be added to the full pilotage of every vessel coming into or going out of the port of New York; 7. For every day of detention in the harbor of an outward-bound vessel, after the services of a pilot have been required and given, unless such detention is caused by adverse weather; and for every day of detention of an inward-bound vessel, by ice, longer than two days for passage from sea to wharf, three dollars shall be added to the pilotage, and if anypi lot is detained at quarantine, or elsewhere, by the health officer, for being or having been on board a sickly vessel as pilot, he shall be paid all necessary expenses of living and three dollars for each day of such detention; 8. A pilot who is carried to sea, when a boat is attending to receive him, shall receive at the rate of one hundred dollars a month during his necessary absence; 9. The board shall prescribe and promulgate in their regulations the rates for any intermediate distances and other services which do not fall within the foregoing provisions. Fractional and uneven sums in the fees prescribed by subdivisions 1 and 2 we have slightly modified from the statute, to reduce them to even sums. Thus, seventy cents was sixty-nine; thirty cents was thirty-one and a quarter, &c. state vessel. § 327. The master of each vessel shall give an Masters to account to the pilot, when boarding, of the draught draught of of the vessel; and in case the draught given is less than the actual draught, he is liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 328. The master, owner, consignee or agent, entering or clearing a vessel at the port of New York, are jointly and severally liable for all charges of a pilot for services and expenses respecting the vessel, pursuant to this article. § 329. No master of a vessel, under three hundred tons burden, belonging to a citizen of the United States, and licensed and employed in the coasting trade by the way of Sandy hook, shall be required to employ a licensed pilot; but in case the services of a pilot shall have been given, the pilot shall be entitled to the rates established. If the master of any vessel above three hundred tons burden, and owned by a citizen of the United States, and sailing under a coasting license to or from the port of New York by the way of Sandy hook, is desirous of piloting his own vessel, he must first obtain a license for the purpose from the commissioners who must grant it, if, upon an examination pursuant to section 323, he is found competent. Such license shall continue in force one year from its date, or until the termination of any voyage during which the year expires. For such license, the master to whom it is granted shall pay to the board four cents per ton. All masters of foreign vessels and vessels from a foreign port, and all vessels sailing under register, bound to or from the port of New York by the way of Sandy hook, shall take a licensed pilot, or, in case of refusal to take such pilot, shall themselves, owners or consignees, pay |