21. For land, land damages and fences, by last report; 22. Amount now expended for the same; 23. For locomotives and fixtures and snowplows, by last report; 24. Amount now expended for the same; 25. For passenger and baggage cars by last report; 26. Amount now expended for the same; 27. For freight cars as by last report; 28. Amount now expended for the same; 29. For engineering and agencies by last report; 30. Amount now expended for the same; 31. Total cost of road and equipment; CHARACTERISTICS OF ROAD: 32. Length of road; 33. Length of road laid ; 34. Length of double track, including sidings; 35. Length of branches owned by the company laid; 36. Length of double track on the same; 37. Weight of rail by yard on main track; 38. The number of engine-houses and shops, of engines and cars, and their character; 39. Each company shall also transmit to him, within three months after any portion of the road is in use, the following maps, profiles and drawings: The map to show the length and direction of each straight line and the length and radius of each curve, the point of crossing of each town and county line, and the length of line in each town. and county, accurately determined by measurements to be taken after the completion of the road; the profile to be on the map, and to show the grade, line and surface of ground in the usual method; also, the elevation of grades above tides at each change in the inclination thereof; the maps and profile to be made on a scale of five hundred feet to one-tenth of a foot; vertical scale of profile to be one hundred feet to one-tenth of a foot. DOINGS OF THE YEAR IN TRANSPORTATION, AND TOTAL MILES RUN : 40. Miles run by passenger trains; 41. Miles run by freight trains; 42. The rate of fare for passengers, charged for the respective classes, per mile; 43. Number of passengers carried in cars; 44. Number of miles traveled by passengers; 45. Number of tons, of two thousand pounds, of freight carried in cars; 46. Number of miles carried, or total movement of freight in miles; all to be accurately compiled from the daily records or evidences of earnings, manifest and way-bills; 47. Average rate of speed adopted by ordinary passenger trains, including stops; 48. Average rate of speed adopted by ordinary passenger trains when in motion; 49. Average rate of speed adopted by express trains, including stops; 50. Average rate of speed adopted by express trains when in motion; 51. Average rate of speed adopted by freight trains, including stops; 52. Average rate of speed adopted by freight trains when in motion; 53. Average weight, in tons of two thousand pounds, of passenger trains, exclusive of passengers and baggage; 54. Average weight, in tons, of freight trains, exclusive of freight; 55. The amount of freight, specifying the quantity in tons, of the products of the forest, of animals, of vegetable food, other agricultural products, manufactures, merchandise and other articles. EXPENSES OF MAINTAINING THE ROAD OR REAL PROPERTY OF THE CORPORATION: 56. For repairs of road-bed and railway, except ing cost of iron, which shall be the cost of labor and materials used during the year; also, use and cost of engines engaged in ballasting; also, the renewal and repairs of gravel and stone cars, and all items of cost connected with keeping the road in order; 57. For depreciation of way; 58. Length, in feet, of iron used in renewals, with weight and cost; 59. Repairs of buildings; 60. Repairs of fences and gates; 61. Taxes on real property; 62. Total expenses of maintaining road or real property for the year; 63. Expenses of machinery or personal property of the corporation; 64. Repairs of engines and tenders; 65. Depreciation of engines and tenders; 66. Repairs of passenger and baggage cars; 67. Depreciation of passenger and baggage cars; 68. Repairs of freight cars; 69. Depreciation of freight cars; 70. Repairs of tools and machinery in shops; 71. Incidental expenses, including fuel, oil, clerks, watchmen about shops; 72. Total expenses of repair of machinery; 73. Office expenses, stationery; 74. Agents and clerks ; 75. Labor, handling freight, loading and unload ing; 76. Porters, watch and switchmen; 77. Wood and water station attendance; 78. Conductors, baggage and brakemen ; 79. Enginemen and firemen; 80. Fuel, first cost, and labor preparing for use; 81. Oil and waste for engines and tenders; 82. Oil and waste for freight cars; 83. Oil and waste for baggage and passenger cars; 84. Loss and damage of goods and baggage; 85. Damages for injuries of persons; 86. Damages to property, including damages by fire, cattle killed on road; 87. General superintendence; 88. Contingencies; 89. Total expenses of operating road; 90. The above statements are to be made without reference to the sums actually received or paid during the year. The following statement of the earnings, and cash receipts and payments, are required: |