§ 567. Every such bill shall be exhibited: 1. To every collector of whom a clearance is required; 2. To every collector whose office is next in order in course of the voyage to the place where a clearance has been given; 3. To the collector wherever any of the cargo is unladen or received, or, if there be none there, to the colector whose office is next on the voyage; 4. To every other collector who demands it. No clearance shall be granted, except on the production of such a bill. 1 R. S., 508, § 216; Laws of 1859, ch. 16, § 1, subdiv. 4. they To whom to be exbibited where there is no collector on the route. § 568. If there is no collector's office at the Provision place where any articles are laden, nor where are delivered, nor at any intermediate place, the master shall, within ten days after the delivery of such articles, exhibit the bill of lading thereof to the collector whose office is nearest to such place of delivery, and pay to him the tolls due thereon, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for every omission. Ib., § 217. § 569. Every master who omits to deliver a Penalties true bill of lading to any collector, when required, or who delivers any articles mentioned in any bill of lading at a place beyond that to which they are cleared, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars. Every Making a false bill person who signs or delivers to any collector a false bill of lading shall pay, on all property omitted in such bill, treble the toll usually charged on such property, to any collector demanding it, for the whole distance the same is conveyed. § 570. Every person who knowingly signs or is a misde delivers a false bill is guilty of a misdemeanor. knowingly meanor. Clearances. Delivery of clearance. Provision if there is no collector there. Penalty for omitting to deliver clearance, 1 R. S., 509, § 219. 571. Each boat shall have a separate clearance, and no part of any cargo shall be cleared to a place beyond that to which the boat is cleared. Ib., § 221. § 572. No boat shall go beyond the place to which it is cleared, nor unlade any article before or after its arrival at the place to which such article is cleared, nor proceed beyond such place, until the master has delivered the clearance of the boat or articles to the collector at the place for which they are cleared. Ib., § 222. § 573. If there is no collector at such place, the master shall deliver the clearance to the last collector whose office is passed in the order of the voyage, and receive from him a permit to proceed to such place. Ib., § 223. § 574. Every master who omits to deliver a clearance to the collector to whom it ought to be delivered incurs a penalty of twenty-five dollars. 1 R. S., 509, § 224. copies of clearances. § 575. Every collector issuing a clearance, or in Certified whose office any clearance is on file, shall, on request, give a certified copy of it, with the additional cargo entered thereon and the several indorsements of other collectors, which copy shall have the same validity as the original. The collector shall receive for such copy, if it does not exceed two folios, six cents, and if over two folios, twelve and a half cents; for which he shall account to the canal fund as the comptroller directs. Ib., §§ 225, 226. § 576. All articles charged by the ton shall be Tonnage. charged according to their real weight. Ib., § 227. § 577. When a difference arises as to the amount Weighing, counting and measur. of tolls to be paid, the collector shall detain the ing freight. boat, and weigh, count or measure the articles, as the case may require, and if the weight, number or feet exceeds the amount contained in the bill of lading, the collector shall charge for the excess; and also at the rate of twenty-five cents for every ton weight, five mills a piece for articles counted, and five cents a hundred feet for those measured. The boat, the cargo and the master are liable for the tolls and for such expenses; and the collector Fraud in clearance. Fraud in package. Disposition of confiscated property. shall detain the boat and cargo until they are paid. He shall distrain enough of the property to satisfy them; and after eight days, shall sell the same by public auction, at his usual place of receiving tolls. Any surplus, after payment of the charges and costs, shall be paid on demand to the master or to the owner of the property distrained. 1 R. S., 510, §§ 228 to 232. § 578. Whenever any property transported is, to the knowledge of the captain or owner of the boat, cleared as articles paying a lower rate of toll than they ought to pay, or wholly or partially omitted from the clearance, the boat shall be confiscated to the state. Laws of 1855, ch. 534, § 1. § 579. Whenever any property transported is, to the knowledge of the owner, contained in packages falsely marked as containing articles of a description chargeable with a lower rate of toll than they ought to pay, and is thus cleared, such property shall be confiscated to the state. Ib., § 2. 580. Boats and property mentioned in the two preceding sections shall be seized by any collector of tolls, or officer acting under his direction, as the property of the state, and advertised and sold at public auction, and the proceeds paid into the treasury. The auditor shall pay one-third of the proceeds of such sale to the informant, and one-third to the collector or other officer making the seizure. Laws of 1855, ch. 534, §§ 1, 2, 3. Statement gers. § 581. Every master of a boat carrying passen- of passen gers shall, at least once in every thirty days of the navigable season, and oftener, if required by the canal board, and under such regulations as that board establishes, deliver to some collector of tolls a statement containing the names of all the passengers, and the distance to which each was carried, since the time embraced in the preceding statement. The statement shall be verified by the master before the collector, and he shall pay to the collector, thereupon, the tolls on such passengers. From 1 R. S., 510, §§ 233, 234. § 582. When no passenger has been carried, Affidavit the master shall make affidavit before a collector that no passenger has been conveyed in such boat during the time for which a statement is required. 1 R. S., 510, § 235. that no passengers have been carried. masters. § 583. If during the time for which a statement Different is required different persons have been masters or had charge of one boat, each person shall furnish such statement or affidavit for such portion of the time as the boat was under his charge. Ib., § 236. § 584. In case any master neglects to furnish Penalty. |