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that were furnished to this state by the government of the United States in accordance with a joint resolution of congress, approved June 14, 1836, and consisting of one standard yard measure; one set of standard weights, comprising one troy pound and nine avoirdupois weights of one, two, three, four, five, ten, twenty, twenty-five and fifty pounds respectively; one set of standard troy ounce weights, divided decimally from ten ounces to the one ten-thousandth of an ounce; one set of standard liquid capacity measures, consisting of one wine gallon of two hundred and thirty-one cubic inches, one half-gallon, one quart, one pint, and one half-pint measure; and one standard half-bushel, containing one thousand and seventyfive cubic inches and twenty one-hundredths of a cubic inch, according to the inch hereby adopted as standard, are the standards of weights and measures throughout the state.

§ 677. The unit, or standard measure, of length and surface, from which all other measures of extension, whether they be lineal, superficial or solid, shall be derived and ascertained, is the standard yard.

The unit of extension.

the yard.

§ 678. The yard is divided into three equal Divisions of parts called feet, and each foot into twelve equal parts called inches; for measures of cloths and other commodities commonly sold by the yard, it

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may be divided into halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths.

§ 679. The rod, pole or perch contains five and a half yards, and the mile one thousand seven hundred and sixty yards; the chain for measuring land is twenty-two yards long, and divided into one hundred equal parts called links.

680. The acre for land measure shall be measured horizontally, and contains ten square chains, and is equivalent, in area, to a rectangle sixteen rods in length and ten in breadth; six hundred and forty acres being contained in a square mile.

§ 681. The units or standards of weight, from which all other weights shall be derived and ascertained, are the standard avoirdupois and troy weights.

§ 682. The avoirdupois pound, which bears to the troy pound the ratio of seven thousand to five thousand seven hundred and sixty, is divided into sixteen equal parts called ounces; the hundred weight consists of one hundred avoirdupois pounds, and twenty hundred weight constitute a ton. The troy ounce is equal to the twelfth part of the troy pound.

§ 683. The units or standards of measure of capacity for liquids, from which all other measures of

liquids shall be derived and ascertained, are the standard gallon and its parts.

§ 684. The barrel is equal to thirty-one and a half gallons, and two barrels constitute a hogshead.

The barrel and the hogshead.

solid measures.

§ 685. The unit or standard measure of capacity Unit of for substances not being liquids, from which all other measures of such substances shall be derived and ascertained, is the standard half-bushel.

Divisions of


§ 686. The peck, half-peck, quarter-peck, quart the half and pint measurers, for measuring commodities which are not liquid, are derived from the halfbushel, by successively dividing that measure by


§ 687. The measures of capacity for coal, ashes, marl, manure, indian corn in the ear, fruit and roots of every kind, and for all other commodities commonly sold by heap measure, shall be the halfbushel and its multiples and subdivisions; and the measures used to measure such commodities shall be made cylindrical, with plane and even bottom, and shall be of the following diameters, from outside to outside; the bushel, nineteen and a half inches; half bushel, fifteen and a half inches; and the peck, twelve and a third inches.

Measures of

capacity for commodi

is sold by

heap measure.


§ 688. All commodities sold by heap measure Heap meashall be duly heaped up in the form of a cone; the outside of the measure by which the same shall be

Contracts construed accordingly

Weight of bushels of various products.

Duty of the state superintendent


measured to be the limit of the base of the cone, and such cone to be as high as the article will admit.

§ 689. All contracts, made after the eleventh day of April, 1851, within this state, for work to be done, or for anything to be sold or delivered, by weight or measure, shall be construed according to the foregoing standards.

§ 690. Whenever wheat, rye, indian corn, buckwheat, barley, oats, beans, peas, clover seed, timothy seed, flax seed or potatoes are sold by the bushel, and no special agreement is made by the parties as to the mode of measuring, the bushel shall consist of sixty-two pounds of beans, sixty pounds of wheat, peas, clover seed or potatoes, fifty-eight pounds of indian corn, fifty-six pounds of rye, fifty-five pounds of flax seed, forty-eight pounds of buckwheat or barley, forty-four pounds of timothy seed and thirty-two pounds of oats.

§ 691. The state superintendent of weights and weights and measures is charged with a general supervision of the weights and measures of the state. He shall take charge of the standards and see that they are kept in, and in no case removed from, a fireproof building belonging to the state. He shall correct the standards of the cities and counties, provide them with necessary standards, balances and other means of adjustment, and as often as once in ten years compare the same with those in his posses


intendent may con.



§ 692. For the purpose of providing the same State superfor those counties that are without them, and for tract for any new counties that may be erected, he has standar power, from time to time, to contract for the construction of the same, of such materials, denominations and fashion as those heretofore constructed, and on his certificate that the same have been delivered to and examined and approved by him, and that he deems the cost thereof just and reasonable, they shall be paid for by the treasurer on the warrant of the comptroller.

and transmission of

§ 693. The superintendent shall verify each such Verification set of standards, and cause it to conform to the state standards. standard, and then send it to the county clerk or county sealer of the county for the use of which it is prepared. The county treasurer shall defray the cost of transportation, and shall pay to the superintendent, on his order, his fees and expenses for verification and sealing.


Cost of


§ 694. The prime cost of the set shall charged by the state treasurer to the county, such charge shall not bear interest until one year after the delivery of the set. The board of supervisors, at their first annual meeting after the delivery, shall provide the means to meet these expenses, and authorize the county treasurer to pay to the state treasury the prime cost, and interest, if any accrues.

standards to be borne by

the county.

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