More richer than my tongue." LEAR. To thee, and thine, hereditary ever, Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom; No less in space, validity, and pleasure, Than that confirm'd' on Goneril. Now, our joy, Although the last, not least ; to whose young love The vines of France, and milk of Burgundy, 7 More richer than my tongue.] The quartos thus: the foliomore ponderous. STEEVENS. We should read their tongue, meaning her sisters'. I think the present reading right. JOHNSON. WARBURTON. * No less in space, validity,] Validity, for worth, value; not for integrity, or good title. WARBURTON. So, in The Devil's Charter, 1607: "The countenance of your friend is of less value than his councel, yet both of very small validity. STEEVENS. 9-confirm'd] The folio reads, conferr'd. STEEVENS. Why was not this reading adhered to? It is equally good sense and better English. We confer on a person, but we confirm to him. M. MASON. 1 - Now, our joy, &c.] Here the true reading is picked out of two copies. Butter's quarto reads: 66 - But now our joy, "Although the last, not least in our dear love, "What can you say to win a third," &c. The folio: Now our joy, " Although our last, and least; to whose young love " Strive to be int'ress'd. What can you say," &c. JOHNSON. • Although the last, not least; &c.] So, in the old anonymous play, King Leir speaking to Mumford: 66 to thee last of all; " Not greeted last, 'cause thy desert was small." STEEVENS, Again, in The Spanish Tragedy, written before 1593: "The third and last, not least, in our account." MALONE Strive to be interess'd; what can you say, to draw4 A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak. COR. Nothing, my lord. LEAR. Nothing? COR. Nothing.5 LEAR. Nothing can come of nothing: speak again. Cor. Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth: I love your majesty According to my bond; nor more, nor less. LEAR. How, how, Cordelia? mend your speech a little, Lest it may mar your fortunes. COR. Good my lord, You have begot me, bred me, lov'd me: I 66 3 Strive to be interess'd;] So, in the Preface to Drayton's Polyolbion: - there is scarce any of the nobilitie, or gentry of this land, but he is some way or other by his blood interessed therein." Again, in Ben Jonson's Sejanus : "Our sacred laws and just authority To interest and to interesse, are not, perhaps, different spellings of the same verb, but are two distinct words though of the same import; the one being derived from the Latin, the other from the French interesser. STEEVENS. * -to draw-] The quarto reads what can you say, to STEEVENS. win. * Lear. Nothing? Cor. Nothing.] These two speeches are wanting in the quartos. STEEVENS. How, how, Cordelia?] Thus the folio. The quartos read Go to, go to. STEEVENS. They love you, all? Haply, when I shall wed, That lord, whose hand must take my plight, shall carry Half my love with him, half my care, and duty: Sure, I shall never marry like my sisters, To love my father all.s 7 LEAR. But goes this with thy heart?o COR. Ay, good my lord. LEAR. So young, and so untender?1 COR. So young, my lord, and true. Haply, when I shall wed, &c.] for Magistrates, 1587, Cordila says: 66 So, in the Mirrour Nature so doth bind and me compell "To love you as I ought, my father, well; STEEVENS. See also the quotation from Camden's Remaines, near the end of the first note on this play. [p. 303.] MALONE. 8 To love my father all.] These words are restored from the first edition, without which the sense was not complete. POPE. 9 But goes this with thy heart?] Thus the quartos, and thus I have no doubt Shakspeare wrote, this kind of inversion occurring often in his plays, and in the contemporary writers. So, in King Henry VIII: 66 and make your house our Tower." Again, in The Merchant of Venice: 66 - That many may be meant " By the fool multitude." See Vol. VII. p. 297, n. 7. The editor of the folio, not understanding this kind of phraseology, substituted the more common form-But goes thy heart with this? as in the next line he reads, Ay, my good lord, instead of Ay, good my lord, the reading of the quartos, and the constant language of Shakspeare. MALONE. 1 So young, and so untender?] So, in Shakspeare's Venus and Adonis: " Ah me, quoth Venus, young, and so unkind?" MALONE. LEAR. Let it be so, -Thy truth then be thy dower: For, by the sacred radiance of the sun; Scythian, The barbarous Or he that makes his generation messes As thou my sometime daughter. KENT. LEAR. Peace, Kent! Good my liege, Come not between the dragon and his wrath : sight! 2 The mysteries of Hecate,] The quartos have mistress, the folio-miseries. The emendation was made by the editor of the second folio, who likewise substituted operations in the next line for operation, the reading of the original copies. MALONE. 4 3 Hold thee, from this,] i. e. from this time. STEEVENS. -generation--] i. e. his children. MALONE. 5 I lov'd her most,] So, Holinshed: "-which daughters he greatly loved, but especially Cordeilla, the youngest, farre above the two elder." MALONE. 6 [To Cordelia.] As Mr. Heath supposes, to Kent. For in the next words Lear sends for France and Burgundy to offer Cordelia without a dowry. STEEVENS. Mr. M. Mason observes, that Kent did not yet deserve such treatment from the King, as the only words he had uttered were "Good my liege." REED. So be my grave my peace, as here I give stirs? Call Burgundy.-Cornwall, and Albany, That troop with majesty.-Ourself, by monthly course, With reservation of an hundred knights, The sway, Revenue, execution of the rest, 7 Beloved sons, be yours: which to confirm, KENT. Royal Lear, Whom I have ever honour'd as my king, Surely such quick transitions or inconsistencies, whichsoever they are called, are perfectly suited to Lear's character. I have no doubt that the direction now given is right. Kent has hitherto said nothing that could extort even from the cholerick king so harsh a sentence, having only interposed in the mildest manner. Afterwards indeed, when he remonstrates with more freedom, and calls Lear a madman, the king exclaims-"Out of my sight!" MALONE. 7 - Only we still retain - Thus the quarto. Folio: we shall retain. MALONE. 8 all the additions to a king;] All the titles belonging to a king. See Vol. XV. p. 328, n. 6. MALONE. *9-execution of the rest,] The execution of the rest is, I suppose, all the other business.. JOHNSON. 4 |