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undesirable the reserved ones, elected on the same principle, must be more or less of the same character. To keep up the sitting of the assemblies by calling them to take their seats will bring only the same result as that of the past. Instead of dragging on the existing situation it is better to suspend the members of all the assemblies temporarily and to devise means for the convocation of new assemblies. The measure of the Central Government in dealing with the two Houses of Parliament should be adopted by all the provinces. The new legislatures will be on different basis and they can better command the respect of the people. We, Tutuhs and Civil Governors, have had a careful consultation on the matter and have agreed that this is the best and only step to meet the present situation. We, therefore, respectfully beg the President to transfer this question to the Administrative Conference for debate and we hope that our recommendation will be approved and adopted».

Приложеніе II.

2. Provincial Assemblies:

President Yuan, in a Mandate, referred their dissolution to Administrative


We published in our yesterday's issue the joint telegram from the Tutuhs and Civil Governors of all the provinces recommending the dissolution of provincial assemblies. A Mandate was issued yesterday, in which the President made reference to this joint telegram, and ordered the Administrative Conference to discuss the proposal made by the Tutuhs and Civil Governors and to report to him as regards their decision. The following is a full translation of this document.

The Mandate,

I, the President, have received a joint telegram signed by Chao Pingchun, Tutuh of Chihli, Liu Shihtseng, Civil Governor of Chihli, and the Tutuhs and Civil Governors of all the other provinces, to the following, effect:—

«The provincial assemblies have been convoked for over a year, and yet they have attained no result. Reason, righteousness and common interest have all been sacrificed for private and party interests. The members of these assemblies have recklessly neglected their duties and mischievously abused their positions. During the rebellion on last year, soon after the outbreak at Hukow, they organized the Provincial Assembly Federation and established headquarters at Shanghai. This Federation allied with the rebel leaders and assisted in pushing on the nefarious movement. Its seditious conduct was apparent to all. Consequently, better classes of men hold aloof from the legislatures and the respectable ones remain silent. The poor administration of the provinces is more or less due to the actions of the members. This state of affairs causes misgivings amongst the people. <<It is not that the system is wrong, but that the individual members,

who were elected through the manipulation of the election, are not desirable persons. At the time when the provincial elections took place, the Kuomintang was at the zenith of its power, so that the other parties combined for the contest of the election. The natural result was that all the members elected were party men, and none of the independent men, the real representatives, was returned. Though public spirited men are to be found among the party men, they are rare indeed and the majority of them fought for the interest of their parties and themselves. How can such conditions generate good result?

«Now the Kuomintang members of the Parliament have already been unseated, and the example has been followed in the provinces. The assemblies have lost their credit and the people do not entertain towards them that respect so essential to legislative bodies. To call up all the reserved members to fill up the vacated seats is neither practicable nor desirable, for since the present assemblies have lost respect in the eye of the public, they will be good for no purpose if there is to be only a partial change. The general opinion seems to be in favour of thoroughly cleaning up the assemblies and not tolerating half measures. Because, since the members are undesirable, the reserved ones, elected on the same principle, must be more or less of the same caracter. To keep up the sitting of the assem lies by calling them to take their seats will bring only the same result as that of the past. Instead of dragging on the existing situation, it is better to suspend the duties of the members of all the provincial assemblies temporarily and to devise means for the convocation of new assemblies. We respectfully beg the President to transfer this question to the Administrative Conference for debate>>.

I, the President, have carefully examined into the proposal made by the Tutuhs and Civil Governors in the foregoing telegram, and found that the circumstances related by them are quite true. The Administrative Conference is hereby ordered to discuss the proposal and report their decision to me for approval.

Seal of the President.

Fourth of Second Month, Third Year of the Republic.
Countersigned by:-

Hsiung Hsi-ling, Premier and Minister of Finance.
Sun Pao-chi, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Chu Chi-chien, Minister of Interior.

Chow Tzu-chi, Minister of War and Communications.

Liu Kuan-hsiung, Minister of Navy.

Liang Chi-chao, Minister of Justice.

Wang Ta-hsieh, Minister of Education.

Chang Chien, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce.

Административная и судебная практика.

Циркуляры въ Императорскія Россійскія Посольства, Миссіи и Консульскія установленія Департамента Личнаго Состава и Хозяйственныхъ Дѣлъ.


15 марта 1914 г. No 3340.

О формѣ описи документовъ, оправдывающихъ производимые заграничными установленіями служебные расходы.

Документы, оправдывающіе производимые заграничными установленіями служебные расходы, должны быть, въ силу требованія ст. 145 Св. расп. Департамента Л. С. и Х. Д., представляемы на ревизію при описи.

Описи эти составляются нерѣдко въ такой формѣ, что Департаментъ не имѣетъ возможности представлять отчеты, получаемые съ мѣстъ, на ревизію Государственнаго Контроля безъ значительныхъ исправленій или даже полной ихъ переработки.

Установивъ, въ устраненіе этого важнаго неудобства, прилагаемую при семъ форму описи, при которой впредь должны быть представляемы оправдательные по расходамъ документы, Департаментъ предлагаетъ принять ее къ руководству, начиная съ январской трети текущаго года. Она подлежитъ включенію въ Сводъ расп. Департамента Л. С. и Х. Д. въ дополненіе къ ст. 145.

Къ сему Департаментъ считаетъ долгомъ присовокупить: 1) что примѣрное заполненіе описей, при семъ препровождаемыхъ, должно служить образцомъ при составленіи описей по всѣмъ кредитамъ,

на служебныя надоб

открываемымъ заграничнымъ установленіямъ
ности и 2) что описи должны быть представляемы

Директоръ: (подп.) Арцимовичъ,

Дѣлопроизводитель: (скрѣп.) Касаткинъ.

Служебные расходы.

въ двухъ экзем

Ст. 1451. Описи оправдательныхъ документовъ должны быть составляемы по прилагаемой формѣ, въ двухъ экземплярахъ. (Циркул. 15 марта 1914 г. No 3340).

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