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NOTE.-Nos. 33 and 35 only of the following Extras are in pamphlet form. Numbers omitted are out of print.

No. 33.-Centennial Orations: Evarts. Storrs, Adams, Beecher, and Poems by Bryant, Taylor, Whittier, and Holmes. In pamphlet. 25 cents; sheet, 10c. No. 35.-Guide to the Centennial Exhibition. In pamphlet, 25 cents; sheet, 10 cents.

No. 37.-Hypotheses of Evolution: Professor J. W. Draper on Evolution; Professor Marsh on Vertebrate Life in America. In new form, folded sheet, 10c. No. 38.-First Principles in Finance. Resumption Demanded; General Garfield's Speech; Popular Finance; Dealing with the Difficulties of "An Ola Reader." In new form, folded sheet. 5 cents.

No. 39.-Archæology and Art contains: Cesnola in Cyprus;" "Treasure Tombs at Mycenae," "Schliemann at Mycenae." In new form, folded sheet, 10 No. 40.-The Phonograph (Illustrated). By Professor Arnold. Fast Printing Presses (Illustrated). New form, folded sheet. Price, 10c.


No. 41.-The Paris World's Fair of 1878, graphically described by George W. Smalley. Cincinnati's Great Musical Festival, by John R. G. Hassard. Price 10c. postpaid.

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No. 44.-The Cipher Dispatches. The Florida, South Carolina and Oregon secret telegrams. with the keys that translate them. Price, 5 cents, or $2 per hundred. In new form folded sheet. Also in pamphlet form, 40 pages, large type. Price, postpaid, 25 cents.

No. 45.-Campaign Issue. Speeches of Senator Conkling, President Hayes and Vice-President Wheeler. Price 5 cents.

No. 46.-The Prophetic Conference. Verbatim reports of the different papers read and delivered. Issued in sheet form at 15 cents. The demand for this extra has been such as to warrant THE TRIBUNE in issuing it in a handsome octavo volume of 120 pages, printed in good type. Price, postpaid, 25 cents.

No. 47.-Cyprus: Its Ancient Arts and History. Forty illustrations. This Extra contains an interesting series of lectures delivered by General Di Cesnola at Chickering Hall. In new form folded sheet. Price, postpaid, 10 cents.

No. 48.-Why the South is Solid: Letters from a TRIBUNE Staff Correspondent on Fraud and Intiimidation in the South. In sheet form only. Price, postpaid, 5 cents.

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For Contents and Index, see the other side of this page.

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