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Secondly, In the superior efficiency and safety of pure Homœopathic practice, in contradistinction to every other system or combination of systems,

Thirdly, In the greater certainty and curative effects of pure unmixed and uncombined medicines, and that the processes of Trituration, Dilution and Succession, are important means of developing the inherent therapeutic power of the crude drug.

Therefore, In accordance with this belief, and to carry out these principles, we deem it expedient, and do adopt the following Constitution and By Laws.



This Association shall be denominated "THE MICHIGAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY."


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The objects of this Institute shall be, the advancement of medical science, and the diffusion of the principles and practice of Homœopathy.


This Institute shall be composed of the undersigned Ho moeopathic Physicians, and of such others as may be chosen in conformity with its By Laws.


The officers of this Institute shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, to be chosen at the annual meeting, with such duties as the By Laws shall ordain, and to hold their offices for one year, or until others shall be appointed.


This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two thirds of all the members present at any annual meeting of the Instiute, provided that notice of such alteration or amendment shall have been given in writing, at a previous an nual meeting of the Institute.

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1. This Institute shall hold an annual meeting, the second Wednesday after the annual meeting of the American Institute of Homœopathy, at such place as may be agreed upon from time to time.

2. The officers of this Institute shall be elected at the annual meeting by ballot, and a majority of all the votes shall be necessary to a choice.

3. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Institute, to preserve order therein, to put all questions, announce the decisions, and appoint committees, and with the Secretary and Treasurer, sign and issue certificates of membership.

4. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to officiate and act as President in the absence of the President.

5. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings, answer all letters addressed to the Institute, open and maintain such correspondence as may tend to advance its interests, to give proper notice of the meetings of the Institute, to notify members of their election, and with the President, sign certificates of membership.

6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive ail mo neys belonging to the Institute, to make all necessary disbursements, and report at the annual meeting in writing.

7. Any person who shall have pursued a regular course of Medical Studies, and who is an avowed and acknowledged practitioner of Homœopathy, and shall have obtained a certifi cate of two members of the Institute as to his good mora character and general standing, addressed to the committee on elections, and by them found properly qualified in the Theory and Practice of Homœopathy, and so reported to the Institute, may be elected a member thereof.

8. A committee of elections consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the President at each annual meeting, who shall act as such one year, or until others are appointed, whose duty shall be to receive credentials of candidates, and report such as may be found properly qualified, to the Insti tute for election.

9. Any person so recommended, may become a member, and entitled to a certificate of membership, by receiving a twothirds vote of the members at any annual meeting, signing the Constitution and By Laws, and paying two dollars into the Treasury.

10. A Bureau for the Improvement of the Materia Medica shall be appointed at the annual meeting.

11. The present members of the Institute shall constitute the Bureau until the next annual meeting.

12. All moneys to defray the necessary expenses of the Institute shall be assessed upon the members.

13. Special meetings may be called by the President on ap plication in writing of five members of the Institute,

14. These By Laws may be altered or amended by a vote of a majority of members present at any annual meeting.

1. Organization of the meeting.

2. Reading of the Minutes of the last session.
3. Reports of Committees.

4. Election of new members.

5. Election of Officers.
6. Appointment of Committees.

7. Reading of Communications.

8. Miscellaneous business.

The following members were unanimously elected officers, to hold their offices until the next annual meeting, or until others are appointed:

C. A. LAMB, President,

THO'S BLACKWOOD, Vice President,

P. M. WHEATON, Secretary,

JOHN ELLIS, Treasurer.


C. A. JEFFRIES, Michigan,

A. VAN DUSEN, Birmingham.

Com. on Elections.

On motion, Dr. C, A, Lamb was appointed to deliver an address at the next annual meeting.

On motion, Drs. Lamb, Wheaton and Van Dusen were appointed delegates to attend the next annual meeting of the American Institute of Homœopathy.

On motion, Resolved, That each member of this Institute shall in January, annually address to each of the other members or firms, a letter reporting his experience in the treatment of the most important diseases.

On motion, Resolved, That the following remedies be proved by the different members of this Institute, and reported upon at the next meeting: Cornus florida, (box wood,) Ostrya virginica, (iron wood,) Zanthoxylum fraxineum, (prickly ash,)

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and that species of Aranea which inhabits cellars. [It is recommended that the Saturated tincture of the bark of the above named plants be used in the provings, and the first and second triturations of the Aranea, or black spider.]

On motion, Resolved, that the next annual meeting be held at Jackson.

On motion, the Convention adjourned to meet at Jackson, the fourth Wednesday in June, 1848, at one o'clock, P. M.


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