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Summary for 1914-15-Dec. 1916, 2026-7.

German barred zone-Jan. 1917, 609-11 (map),
Activities, 1917-Mar. 1917, 609-10.

Submarine blockade reviewed-April 1917, 859-68.
Situation, June 1917-July 1917, 1627-30.
Situation, July 1917 (Pollen)-Aug. 1917, 1896.
Japanese view-Aug. 1917, 1898-9.

Marconi's view—Aug. 1917, 1899-1900.

Jellicoe's opinion—Sept. 1917, 2151.
Lloyd George on- -Oct. 1917, 2415-6.
German answer-Oct. 1917, 2417.
Jellicoe's opinion-Oct. 1917, 2422-3.

America's share-Oct. 1917, 2423-4. ·

Changes in U-boat policy-Nov. 1917, 2701-2.

Situation, Nov. 1917 (Pollen)-Dec. 1917, 3066-70.

No more fear-Jan. 1918, 160.

Geddes' opinion-Feb. 1918, 429-31.

Success of convoy system-Mar. 1918, 661-2; April 1918, 899.

Pollen's summary-May 1918, 1160-7.

Just what the U-boats are doing-June 1918, 1398-1405.

14,120 non-combatants murdered-June 1918, 1406.

Losses and replacement-July 1918, 1697-9.

Ships built-Aug. 1918, 1946.

Locations of U-boat sinkings (map)—Oct. 1918, 2447.
Losses and replacement-Oct. 1918, 2447.

Defeat of submarine (Pollen)—Nov. 1918, 2658-62.
Anti-submarine work of U. S. Mar. 1918, 680-1.
Submarine and the Future (Bieg)-Jan. 1915, 151-5.

Submarine chasers

Experience mine-sweeping in Dardanelles-June 1917, 1343-8.
Sinks submarine-Aug. 1918, 1930.

Submarine encounters (see also transport and U-boat).
With British ships-Oct. 1917, 2420-2.

Surrender of German fleet

Accounts-Dec. 1918, 2860-1; Jan. 1919, 90-6.

German account-Mar. 1919, 426.

List of ships-Jan. 1919, 89.

Photo-Jan. 1919, 89.

Swift-Broke destroyer action, April 20, 1917-June 1917, 1316-9.

Sydney, see Emden, destruction of.

Tampa, sunk-Nov. 1918, 2667.


Sunk-Nov. 1918, 2669.

Official account-Mar. 1919, 443-4.

Tidewater, encounters submarine-June 1918, 1374.

Tigris, operations on

Advance on Bagdad-Nov. 1915, 2149 (map).

Accounts-July 1916, 1368; Nov. 1916, 2065; Aug. 1917, 1875.
Official reports-Dec. 1917, 2954-61.

Torpedo plane

Used—Mar. 1919, 449; June 1917, 1334.

Future of-Jan. 1918, 137-43; May 1919, 743-52.


Account of first trip-Aug. 1917, 1867-8; Sept. 1917, 2119-23.

Life on-May 1919, 793-806.

Sinks submarine-Apr. 1918, 918-9.

Sees fake periscope-July 1918, 1662.

Tsingtao, see Kiaochau.

Tuscania, sunk-Mar. 1918, 677.

Tyler, sunk-June 1918, 1375; July 1918, 1689-90.

Tyrwhitt, see Helgoland, engagement of, Aug. 28, 1914.

U-boat encounters

Crew captured alive-May 1918, 1143.

Armed guard return to ship-Jan. 1918, 124-5.


Sunk by bomb-Oct. 1917, 2395.

Sinks in three minutes-May 1918, 1145-6.

Kindles fire on hatches-Jan. 1918, 163.
Sinks U-boat with gunfire-Feb. 1918, 433.
Tank steamer sinks U-boat-Oct. 1917, 2398.
Neither could hit-Sept. 1917, 2125.

In Mediterranean-Aug. 1917, 1862.
On 27th Division—Aug. 1918, 1929.

On American coast-Nov. 1916, 2061.
Sunk-Feb. 1918, 448.

U-151, operating off American coast-July 1918, 1673-4.

Undaunted, destroys four submarines-Nov. 1914, 1868-70.

Vacuum, sunk-June 1917, 1328.

Von Mücke

Story of Emden, see Emden.

Story of Ayesha, see Ayesha.
Photo-Jan. 1917, 43.

Von Spee, see Spee.

West Bridge, attacked by submarine-Oct. 1918, 2458.

Westover, sunk-Aug. 1918, 1934.

Westward Ho, attacked by submarine-Nov. 1918, 2666.

Westwego, attacked by six submarines-Nov. 1917, 2704; Oct. 1917, 2395.

Whitby, see Hartlepool.

Wolf, activities—Apr. 1918, 926-7; July 1918, 1692-3.

Yarmouth, raid on-Mar. 1918, 683-5.


Chart and description-July 1917, 1630-2,
Maps and plan-June 1918, 1377-80,

Story of raid-June 1918, 1380-8.

French account-July 1918, 1647-53 (map).
German repairs-July 1918, 1681-2.

Bombed-Sept. 1918, 2207-9, 2210-1; Oct. 1918, 2471.
Bombarded-Nov. 1918, 2676-7.

Photo of Vindictive-June 1918, 1377.
Photo of block ships-Sept. 1918, 2179.

Visit to, after armistice-Jan. 1919, 99-100.



OCTOBER 10, 1919.

In accordance with Article V, Section I of the Constitution, two week's notice having been given, the annual meeting was held in the Board Room of the Officers' Mess.

Captain W. T. Cluverius, U. S. Navy, Chairman of the Board of Control, presided.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The first and stated business being the election of officers, the following tellers reported the vote, having been appointed by the President 10 days previous

Commander A. P. Fairfield, U. S. Navy.
Commander C. M. Austin, U. S. Navy.
Commander B. R. Ware, U. S. Navy.

The tellers reported the results of the election as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

A. P. FAIRFIELD, Commander, U. S. Navy.
C. M. AUSTIN, Commander, U. S. Navy.
B. R. WARE, Commander, U. S. Navy.

The following officers were then declared elected:


Rear Admiral B. A. Fiske, U. S. Navy.

Secretary and Treasurer
Commander S. A. Taffinder, U. S. Navy.

Board of Control

Captain W. T. Cluverius, U. S. Navy.

Captain E. J. King, U. S. Navy.

Captain T. L. Johnson, U. S. Navy.

Captain W. G. DuBose (CC), U. S. Navy.

Captain Amon Bronson, U. S. Navy.
Captain B. C. Allen, U. S. Navy.

The following motion was passed:

Resolved, That it be the sense of the meeting that the Constitution be amended by presenting the matter to the membership as required by the Constitution, changing the words "two dollars and fifty cents" to three dollars" in Article VII, Section 8, making the section read:

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"The annual dues for regular and associate members shall be three dollars, all of which shall be for a year's subscription to the UNITED STATES NAVAL INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS, payable upon joining the Institute and upon the first day of each succeeding January."

During discussion it was explained that the necessity for this amendment is that the cost of paper has more than doubled in the last year and that the cost of the PROCEEDINGS has increased 36 per cent. The loss in publishing the PROCEEDINGS now amounts to about $10,000 to $12,000 annually, the loss being made up by the Book Department of the Institute. This last increase will make the annual loss on the PROCEEDINGS about $16,000 to $18,000. In

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