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The grand jury were then discharged, and the sessions closed.

On Tuesday last, Patrick Hadow, Esq. was returned by the honourable the governor in council, as mayor of the corporation in the roon of William Smith, Esq. who resigned.

James Kinlock, and Charles Joseph Briscoe, Esquires, were also appointed aldermen.

Interesting Information. The following letter further evinces the salutary progress and efficacy of the cow-pock.

An opportunity having lately occurred, by which the preventative efficacy of our vaccine matter has been ascertained in the most satisfactory manner, I am led to believe, that a communication of the facts to the public, may prove acceptable, as affording the strongest proof that the virus, which has passed through so many subjects, continues to possess all its specific properties.

On the 10th of September, I vaccinated six children, belonging to one family, in the country ; from one of four subjects that had been inoculated eight days before at the same place, and who all had a distinctly marked cow-pock: since February, I had not received any report of small pox appearing on the island, and I had no reason to suppose there were any at this


One of the children, Reta, a female, about six years of age, was seized with fever, the day after the vaccination, which con

tinuing for three days, notice was sent to me. I found the whole body covered with an eruption, that looked very like a variolous one; I was assured, however, that there were no small pox near, and that the child had never been any

distance from the house.

On my second visit the eruption was evidently the small pox, and after some further enquiry and search, I found a child covered with the disease, in a hut a few yards from the house. I learned also that this disease had been brought from Bassein, and that Reta had been exposed to the infection from playing with the strange child.

All these children had one or more vaccine pustules on each arm; I strongly urged, however, the propriety of separating Reta from the others, but this could not be done with any great care. By the 9th day, the vaccine disease was strongly marked on all the 'children. On the 8th day, one of the five had a smart fever; a prelude, as I apprehended, to an eruption of small pox : about fifteen or twenty small pimples appeared on the face and breast; they were of the size of grains of mustard, contained no fluid, and were shrivelled and gone five days from their appearance; one of the others, with out any previous fever, had also a number of small pimples, which remained for a few days.

I think the fever, and eruption in both cases, were probably occasioned by the variolous contagion, which was checked in its fatal career by the vaccine disease. Here the two affections took place at the same time, and the result was in favour of the influence of the latter. One of the children, an infant four months old, sister to Reta, was


nursed by the mother, whose attention was divided between them. On the 12th day of the vaccine, the scabbing process began, when I considered my subjects as perfectly secured.

this serious malady of its terror;
and this victory must be admitted
as due to the Ægean influence ex-
erted by the vaccine matter.

Sup. of Vac. Ino.

Persian Entertainment.

I now earnestly requested that Bombay, Oct. 14, 1803. these five, as well as the four children formerly inoculated, should be exposed to the infection. Their objections against my inoculating them with variolous matter could not be overcome, but they readily consented to their being exposed to the infection in any other way, as well from a desire of obliging me, as of satisfying themselves.

The same cloth or garment which covered Reta, was put about the other children; they were constantly going into the same apartment, often on the same bed, and touching the sufferer. Indeed, I cannot imagine any more likely means of communicating infection than were constantly resorted to. A grown-up person, in the house, who, from a belief of having had the small pox, declined being vaccinated, caught the infection.

Reta died on the 13th day of the eruption, the vaccine vesicles could scarcely be distinguished, owing to the load of confluent small-pox, and as early as the 5th day, on being punctured, contained pus in place of the limpid virus.

The nine children continue perfectly well; I believe no one will be disposed to doubt of their owing this security to the vaccine disease; no opportunity more favourable for observing the progress of the two diseases is likely to occur, if the fever, in one case, and eruption on two subjects, are admitted to have been occasioned by the contagion of small pox-The size, as well as duration of the eruption, imply the power of some agent in disarming

On Monday the 26th ult. Abdul Lateef Khan, gave an elegant entertainment to a select party of ladies and gentlemen, at his house at the retreat. The hon. governor Duncan and his family, Thomas Lechmere, esq. first in council, major Malcom, and many others were present on the occasion. The house was iiluminated with much taste, and a number of small lights floating on the peaceful bosom of the Tank, in front of the bouse, gently wafted in various directions by the passing zephyrs, had a beautiful effect. The table exhibited a display of all the delicacies of the season, and where the rich Pillaws, Chillows, Spatchcocks, and Kabobs of Persia, were happily blended with all the luxuries of an European. banquet, and the delicious flavour of the ruby-coloured juice of the grape, was worthy the strains of the immortal Hasiz.

On Wednesday last, George Parry, Esq. took the prescribed oath, and his seat as second in council, under the Presidency of Bombay, An appropriate salute was fired from the garrison on the occasion.

A signal has been flying for some days past, for a two-masted vessel from the westward; she proves to be a snow belonging to Moosa, of Tellicherry, from Mocha, having unfortunately lost her rudder. Two pattamar boats were dispatched to her assistance, and have brought her in safety into the harbour.


Candy had assembled a very considerable force at Batooghedere,


Occurrences for Oct. 1803. in the Saffergam Corle, with the

Maldavian Ambassador.

Oct. 12. On Monday the 10th inst. Ismayil Gellie, ambassador from the Sultan of the Maldive Islands, arrived at Columbo, and yesterday morning had an audience of his excellency the governor, at the government house. The ceremony was conducted by major Willson, town major of Columbo,

with the usual solemnities.

intention of invading the British territories, captain William Macpherson, of his majesty's 12th regiment, was detached from Colunibo, with a party, consisting of 50 Europeans, and 120 natives, to disperse his army.

Captain W. Macpherson left Columbo on the morning of Thursday, Oct. 6, and after a fatiguing march through the Raygam Corle, passed the Candian frontier on the 9th. His march was afterwards opposed by the Candians, posted

Head-Quarters, Columbo, behind two batteries, who were

Oct. 17, 1803.

G. O. By the Governor. The governor has received with great satisfaction, the account of the second repulse of the Candians, from Hambangtotte, by ensign J. Pendergast, of his majesty's regiment of Ceylon native infantry.


His excellency highly approves
of the vigour, judgment, and per-
with which that officer
has sustained, and at last dispersed
the blockade of the enemy, and
desires him to communicate his
thanks to Mr. Wm. Price, assist-
ant surgeon of his majesty's 12th
regiment, and Mr. Mc Nicol, mas-
ter of the snow Minerva, for the
effective assistance which they af-
forded him, as well as to inform
the detachment of royal artillery
and the brave veteran malays who
form the garrison of Hambagtotte,
of his high approbation of their
zeal, valour, and fidelity.
By his excellency's command,

(Signed) R. AREUTHNOT,
Chief Sec. to Gov.

Intelligence having been received that the First Adigaar of

however driven back without any loss on our side, and he arrived opposite to Batooghedere, on the northern bank of the Caloo Gunga, on the 12th inst. The fulness and rapidity of the stream rendered it impossible to pass over, and one private of the 51st was unfortu nately wounded by a shot from the opposite shore.

The Adigaar had, however, retreated with precipitation towards the province of Aova, and his army supposed to have dispersed.

Captain Macpherson therefore turned his march to the northward, and proceeded through the Candian territories to Avisavelle, having executed (as far as circumstances would allow) the object of his expedition.

Captain Beaver having heard that Hambangtotte was attacked by the Candians in great numbers, on the 29th ult. marched with the force under his command from Catoone, in the Matura district, where he was stationed, to relieve that place.

He arrived at Hambangtotte on the 6th inst. but the blockade had already been raised by a spirited


and judicious sortie of ensign Pendergast, accompanied by Mr. W. Price, assistant surgeon of his majesty's 12th regiment, who was accidentally upon the spot.

This sortie drove the Candians to a considerable distance from the place, and they have now evacuated the province of the Mahagampattoo.

The numerous batteries constructed by them were burned by ensign Pendergast, and nothing but the fatigue of the Malay invalids, and the rapidity of the enemy's flight, in every direction, prevented a considerable slaughter.

The terror of the Candians on this occasion was augmented by a heavy fire kept up by the armed brig Minerva, Captain John M. Nicol, which had been moored close in shore for the purpose of annoying the enemy.

Copy of a letter from Captain WV. Macpherson, commanding a detachment in the field, to major general Macdowal, dated Avisavelle, Oct. 14, 1803.


I consider it my duty to inform you, that the Candians have sustained the following damage by the march of the detachment sent into Saffergam.

We have burnt about 800 houses, many of them full of paddy and arekanut, to a very large amount.

We have destroyed upwards of 150 ammonams of arekanur, the property of the First Adigaar, and which, at the rate of 20 rix ds. per ammonam, amounts to 17,000 rix ds.

We have also destroyed two large and well-constructed batteries, commanding the passes, leading into the Saffergam Corle, from the Raygam and Hewagam Corles.

From this statement, I trust it will appear, that the services of the detachment have not been unimportant; and that they will assist in putting an end to the unpleasant warfare, into which the conduct of our savage enemies had forced us. I have the honor to be, &c. W. MACPHERSON, Capt. 12th foot.

Pearl Banks.

On Monday morning, his excellency the governor embarked on board the brig Alexander, to pro ceed to Arripo, for the purpose of superintending the examination and inspection of the Pearl Banks.

His excellency was accompanied by Win. Boyd, esq. his private secretary, Alexander Wood, esq. agent of revenue for the district of Columbo, and G. Laughton, esq. inspector of the Pearl Banks.

A salute of nineteen guns was fired, upon this occasion, from the fort, and by the ships in the har



MADRAS Occurrences for NOVEMBER, 1805.

The Ladroons.

Extract of a letter, from Canton, via Bengal, dated 12th of Aug.


The Ladroons are getting stronger every day, but they are most despicable cowards. They lately made an attack upon an American brig coming here, very nearly carried her, owing to their being mistaken by her for pilots. They first sent a small boat to reconnoitre, and two or three others after her without any suspicion being excited, but when they approached very near the commander fortunately perceived their pikes and shields in the bottom of boats; being a stranger however, he did not wish to fire until he was quite certain of their intentions, and it was not till after they had fired two or three times at him that he began.-On receiving the first shot they made off as fast as they could; he conceives the grape must have done some mischief among them. On commencing the attack they hallood in a most extraordinary manner to intimidate the Americans; the most active man on board the brig was the boatswain, who has unfortunately been since drowned at Whampoa.

Some northern provinces are in a state of insurrection; and a short time since there was a most daring robbery committed in the city of Canton. A band of robbers, armed with two swords each, entered the gates, and proceeded to a public office where they knew cash was deposited, and very coolly walked off with their booty without being in the least degree impeded.

Cotton bore a very indifferent price, nor was the prospect of its

rising in any degree favorable. Our letters are entirely silent upon the progress of the revolutionists, who have lately disturbed the long established order of things in the Chinese empire.

Presentation of the Khelaut.

Nov. 12, 1803.-On Saturday the right hon. the governor, his excellency the commander in chief, and the members of council, paid a visit to Chepauk palace, for the purpose of investing his highness the nabob of Arcot, with a khelaut; a dress of ceremony, which had been forwarded for the acceptance of his highness by the emperor of Delhi.

His lordship's arrival was announced by a salute of nineteen guns, and on the delivery of a letter from his majesty the emperor, a royal salute was fired from the garrison of Fort St. George ; the ceremony then took place, and shortly after his lordship and council quitted the gardens, under the same honors that attended their entry.

His highness the nabob then directed nine discharges of musquetry to be fired in honor of the occasion.

On Tuesday the nabob paid a visit of ceremony to the right hon. the governor in council, in Fort St. George; on his highness's entering the gates, a salute was fired from the garrison, and the guard being urned out, his highness was received with the usual ceremony.

The grenadier company, of his majesty's 34th regt. formed a street from the fort square gate


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