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The offices of New York and Copenhagen shall be the only ones to send lists of collect-ondelivery money orders, and such money orders shall be listed separately from the ordinary money orders and the list shall be marked "Collect-on-Delivery" or



1. The collect-on-delivery money orders which have not been paid to the payee for any reason shall be subject to the disposition of the Administration of the country of origin of the articles to which they relate.

When it appears that the collect-on-delivery service was used in furtherance of a scheme to defraud, payment of the money orders in question will be withheld, if practicable, and the orders disposed of in accordance with the equities of each case under the rules and regulations of the country of origin of the collecton-delivery parcels involved.

2. As for other formalities, collect-on-delivery money orders shall be subject to the provisions governing the money order exchange between the two countries.


1. In case an insured collect-ondelivery parcel has been lost, rifled, or damaged, the Postal Administrations are responsible as for an insured parcel without trade charges, in conformity with the provisions in Article VII of the Agreement of December 9/28,


November 11, 1933.

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1. Postopkrævningsbeløb, som af en eller anden Grund ikke er blevet udbetalt til Opkrævningspostanvisningens Adressat, forbliver til Disposition for Poststyrelsen i det Land, hvorfra den Pakke, til hvilken Postopkrævningsbeløbet har Henhold, er afsendt.

Saafremt det viser sig, at Postopkrævningssystemet er blevet benyttet til Fremme af bedragerisk Formaal, skal de paagaldende Opkrævningspostanvisninger tilbageholdes, hvis det er gørligt, og behandles efter hvert Tilfældes Karakteri Overensstemmelse med de Regler og Bestemmelser, som gælder i det Land, hvorfra vedkommende Postopkrævningspakke er afsendt.

Disposition of unpaid


Fraudulent schemes.

other formalities.

2. Med Hensyn til andre For- Provisions governing maliteter underkastes Opkrævningspostanvisninger de for Postanvisningsudvekslingen mellem de to Lande gældende Bestemmelser.

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Payment to claimant by Administration re

2. When a collect-on-delivery sponsible for loss, etc. parcel has been delivered to the addressee but the charges have not been remitted, the sender or other rightful claimant is entitled to an indemnity corresponding to the collect-on-delivery amount not remitted, provided that he has made his claim in due time and unless the delivery without collecting the charges has arisen from the fault or negligence of the sender or from the transmission of the contents in parcel post mails being prohibited.

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This stipulation also applies to the case that a lower amount than the full collect-on-delivery charge is collected from the addressee.

The indemnity provided for in this section may not in any case exceed the collect-on-delivery amount.

3. As to the fixing of the responsibility and the payment of the indemnity the same stipulations shall be applied as are provided for insured parcels not sent collect-on-delivery, as set forth in Article VII of the aforesaid Agreement of December 9/28, 1932.

4. When a collect-on-delivery parcel for which indemnity has been paid is recovered, the postmaster at the delivering office will deliver the parcel and collect the charges, hold such amount and request instructions from the Administration to which his office is subordinate. If the addressee, however, refuses to accept a recovered parcel and pay the charges, the postmaster will hold it and likewise seek instructions as to its disposition. In the latter case the Administration responsible for the indemnity shall determine the disposition to be made of the parcel involved.

5. By the fact of the payment of indemnity, the Administration making the payment is subrogated to the rights of the sender

November 11, 1933.

2. Hvis en Postopkrævningspakke er blevet udleveret til Adressaten, men men Postopkrævningsbeløbet ikke er blevet udbetlat Afsenderen, har denne eller en anden legitimeret Reklamant Ret til en Erstatning, der svarer til det ikke udbetalte Postopkrævningsbeløb, forudsat at han har fremsat sit Krav i rette Tid, og med mindre Udleveringen uden Opkrævning skyldes Afsenderens Fejl eller Forsømmelse eller skyldes Forsendelse af Genstande, som det er forbudt at sende i Postpakker.

Denne Bestemmelse finder ogsaa Anvendelse i det Tilfælde, at der hos Adressaten er opkrævet et mindre Beløb end det fulde Postopkrævningsbeløb.

Erstatning i Henhold til Bestemmelserne i dette Punkt kan ikke i noget Tilfælde overstige Postopkrævningsbeløbet.

3. Med Hensyn til Bestemmelse af Ansvarligheden og Udbetaling af Erstatning gælder samme Regler som de i Artikel VII i Overenskomsten af 9/28 December 1932 for Pakker med angiven Værdi uden Postopkævning fastsatte.

4. Saafremt en Postopkrævningspakke, for hvilken Erstatning er blevet udbetalt, atter kommer til Veje, skal Udleveringspostkontoret udlevere Pakken og opkræve Postopkrævningsbeløbet, tilbageholde Beløbet og indhente Forholdsordre hos den foresatte Poststyrelse. Hvis Adressaten imidlertid nægter at modtage en Pakke, der saaledes er kommet til Veje, og at betale Postopkrævningsbeløbet, skal Postkontoret tilbageholde Pakken og ligeledes indhente Forholdsordre angaaende dens Behandling. I sidste Tilfælde træffer den erstatningspligtige Poststyrelse Bestemmelse om den paagældende Pakkes videre Behandling.

5. Ved Udbetaling af Erstatningen indtræder den Poststyrelse, der har udredet Erstatningen, i ethvert Krav vedrørende

for any eventual recourse concerning the parcel against the addressee or a third party.


Each collect-on-delivery parcel and the relative customs declaration must bear, on the address side, the conspicuous impression of an official stamp or label reading "COLLECT ON DELIVERY" or "C.O.D. "or" Remboursement", and in close proximity to these words there must appear the number given the parcel which shall be the insurance number (only one original number) and after it must be shown in Roman letters and in Arabic figures the exact amount of the collect on - delivery charges which should not include the additional money order fee or fees that will be collected in the country making delivery of the parcel for making the remittance to the sender in the country of mailing.


1. Unless mutually agreed otherwise, collect-on-delivery parcels shall not be reforwarded to a third country.

2. The sender of a collect-ondelivery parcel may cause it to be recalled as provided in Article X of the Agreement of December 9/28, 1932.


The sender may provide, in case his collect-on-delivery parcel is undeliverable as originally addressed, for other disposition to be made of it the same as in the case of parcels without trade charges and as stipulated in Article 9 of the Regulations of Execution of the Agreement of December 9/28, 1932.


Details as to the methods of handling indemnity claims involving collect-on-delivery parcels and

November 11, 1933.

Pakken, som Afsenderen maatte have paa Adressaten eller Trediemand.


parcels, etc.

Enhver Postopkrævningspakke Official stamping of samt den tilhørende Tolddeklaration skal paa Adressesiden bære et tydeligt Aftryk af et officielt Stempel eller en Etiket med Angivelsen "Collect on Delivery" eller "C.O.D." eller "Remboursement", og umiddelbart ved denne Angivelse skal anføres Pakkens Registernummer (kun eet oprindeligt Nummer), og derefter skal det nøjagtige Postopkrævningsbeløb anføres med latinske Bogstaver og arabiske Tal, hvilket Beløb ikke maa indbefatte Tillægsgebyret for en Postanvisning eller andre Gebyrer, som opkræves i det Land, der udleverer Pakken, for at anvise Beløbet til Afsenderen i Afsendelseslandet.

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Application of other conventions to matters not covered hereby.

Vol. 46, p. 2523.

Temporary suspension of service.

Effect and duration.

other details for the execution of this Agreement may be arranged by correspondence between the two Administrations.


All matters connected with the exchange of collect-on-delivery articles not covered by this Agreement shall be covered by the Money Order, Postal, and Parcel Post Conventions in force between the two countries, or by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Convention and the Detailed Regulations for its Execution, insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, and then if no other arrangement has been made, the internal legislation or regulations of the United States of America or Denmark, according to the country involved, shall govern, or the matter will be made the subject of mutual agreement by correspondence between the two countries.

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November 11, 1933.

ker og om Gennemførelsen af denne Overenskomst kan træffes ved Korrespondance mellem de to Poststyrelser.


Alle Forhold vedrørende Udvekslingen af Postopkrævningsforsendelser, som ikke er handlet i denne Overenskomst, skal behandles efter Reglerne i de mellem de to Lande gældende Postanvisnings- og Pakkepostoverenskomster eller efter Bestemmelserne i Verdenspostkonventionen, og dennes Ekspeditionsreglement, alt forsaavidt disse Bestemmelser er anvendelige og ikke er uforenelige med Bestemmelserne i denne Overenskomst, medens derefter, hvis ikke anden Ordning er truffet, De Forenede Staters eller Danmarks interne Lovgivning eller Reglementer skal bringes til Anvendelse, eller Sagen skal gøres til Genstand for Aftale ved Korrespondance mellem de to Lande.

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Done in duplicate and signed at Copenhagen, the thirteenth day of October 1933, and at Washington, the 11th day of November 1933. [SEAL]


The Postmaster General of
the United States of America.

The Director General of

Posts of Denmark.

Udfærdiget i to Eksemplarer Signatures.
og underskrevet i København den
13 Oktober 1933 og i Washington
den 11' November 1933.

Generaldirektør for Post-
og Telegrafvæsenet i Danmark.

General postmester i De
Forenede Stater i Amerika.


The foregoing Agreement for Collect-on-Delivery Service between Approval by the the United States of America and Denmark has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent and is hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.


By the President:



Acting Secretary of State.

WASHINGTON, November 17, 1933.

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