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Arrangement between the United States of America and Sweden for the reciprocal recognition of certificates of airworthiness for imported aircraft. Effected by exchange of notes, signed September 8 and 9, 1933; effective October 9, 1933.

The Secretary of State (Hull) to the Swedish Chargé d'Affaires ad interim (Beck-Friis)


Washington. September 8, 1933.

Reference is made to the negotiations which have taken place between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Sweden for the conclusion of a reciprocal arrangement between the United States of America and Sweden providing for the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise.

It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows:

Arrangement between the United States of America and Sweden concerning the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise.


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The present arrangement applies to civil aircraft constructed in Applicability. continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, and exported to Sweden; and to civil aircraft constructed in Sweden and exported to continental United States of America, exclusive of




The same validity shall be conferred on certificates of airworthiness Validity of issued by the competent authorities of the Government of the United States in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in Sweden as if they had been issued under the regulations in force on the subject in Sweden provided that in each case a certificate of airworthiness for export has also been issued by the United States authorities in respect of the individual aircraft, and provided that certificates of airworthiness issued by the competent authorities of Sweden in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in the United States of America are similarly given the same validity as if they had been issued under the regulations in force on the subject in the United States.


Extent of arrangement.



This arrangement will extend to civil aircraft of all categories, including those used for public transport and those used for private purposes, and to aircraft engines and spare parts of aircraft and



The present arrangement may be terminated by either Government on sixty days' notice given to the other Government. In the event, however, that either Government should be prevented by future action of its legislature from giving full effect to the provisions of this arrangement it shall automatically lapse.

I shall be glad to have you inform me whether the text of the arrangement herein set forth is as agreed to by your Government. If so, it is suggested that it should be understood that the arrangement will become effective on October 9, 1933.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.


Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Sweden.

The Swedish Chargé d'Affaires ad interim (Beck-Friis) to the Secretary of State (Hull)



Washington, D.C., September 8, 1933.

Reference is made to the negotiations which have taken place between the Government of Sweden and the Government of the United States of America for the conclusion of a reciprocal arrangement between Sweden and the United States of America providing for the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise.

It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows:

"Avtal mellan Sverige och Amerikas Förenta Stater angående godkännande i det ena landet av luftvärdighetsbevis för luftfartyg, exporterade från det andra landet såsom gods.


Detta avtal har avseende å civila luftfartyg, tillverkade inom Amerikas Förenta Staters fastlandsområde, med undantag av Alaska, och exporterade till Sverige, samt å civila luftfartyg, tillverkade i Sverige och exporterade till Amerikas Förenta Staters fastland, med undantag av Alaska.


Samma giltighet skall tillerkännas luftvärdighetsbevis, utfärdat av vederbörande statsmyndighet i Amerikas Förenta Stater med avseende å luftfartyg, vilket sedermera registreras i Sverige, som om det hade utfärdats i enlighet med i förevarande hänseende i kraft varande bestämmelser i Sverige, under förutsättning att i varje fall ett luftvärdighetsbevis för export utfärdats av amerikansk myndighet med avseende å det särskilda luftfartyget samt under förutsättning att luftvärdighetsbevis, utfärdat av vederbörande myndighet i Sverige med avseende å luftfartyg, som sedermera registreras i Amerikas Förenta Stater, tillerkännes samma giltighet som om det hade utfärdats i enlighet med i förevarande hänseende i kraft varande bestämmelser i Förenta Staterna.


Förevarande avtal omfattar civila luftfartyg av alla slag, inbegripet sådana som användas för yrkesmässig trafik och sådana som användas för privata ändamål samt luftfartygsmotorer och reservdelar till luftfartyg och motorer.


Detta avtal kan frånträdas av endera regeringen genom uppsägning sextio dagar i förväg hos den andra regeringen. Om emellertid endera regeringen skulle genom blivande lagstiftning förhindras att i full omfattning tillämpa bestämmelserna i detta avtal, skall det automatiskt upphöra att gälla.”

I shall be glad to have Your Excellency inform me whether the text of the arrangement herein set forth is as agreed to by your Government. If so, it is suggested that it should be understood that the arrangement will become effective on October 9, 1933.

With renewed assurances of my highest consideration, I have the honour to remain, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,



Secretary of State,

etc. etc. etc.


The Swedish Chargé d'Affaires ad interim (Beck-Friis) to the Secretary


of State (Hull)

Washington, D.C., September 9, 1933.


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's Acceptance communication of September 8, 1933, and to state that the text given therein of the arrangement between Sweden and the United States of America, providing for the acceptance by the one country of certificates

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of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise, meets with the approval of the Swedish Government. There is agreement to the effect that the arrangement shall become effective on October 9, 1933.

With renewed assurances of my highest consideration, I have the honour to remain, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,



Secretary of State,

etc. etc. etc.


The Secretary of State (Hull) to the Swedish Chargé d'Affaires ad interim


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, September 9, 1933.

Acceptance by the United States.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of September 8, 1933, and to state that the text given therein of the arrangement between the United States of America and Sweden, providing for the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft exported from the other country as merchandise, meets with the approval of the Government of the United States. There is agreement to the effect that the arrangement shall become effective on October 9, 1933.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.


Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Sweden.

[No. 49]

Arrangement between the United States of America and Norway for air navigation. Effected by exchange of notes, signed October 16, 1933; effective November 15, 1933.

The Secretary of State (Hull) to the Norwegian Minister (Bachke)


Washington, October 16, 1933.

Reference is made to the negotiations which have taken place between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Norway for the conclusion of a reciprocal air navigation arrangement between the United States of America and Norway, governing the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country.

October 16, 1933.

Reciprocal arrangeoperating, etc., aircraft.

It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of Terms. the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows:


Pending the conclusion of a convention between the United States Tentative provisions. of America and Norway on the subject of air navigation, the operation

of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country shall be gov

erned by the following provisions.


The present arrangement shall apply to the United States of Area affected. America and Norway and likewise territories and possessions over which they respectively exercise jurisdiction, including territorial waters, with the exception of the Philippine Islands, Hawaiian Islands and the Panama Canal Zone.


The term aircraft with reference to one or the other Party to this Aircraft construed. arrangement shall be understood to mean civil aircraft, including

state aircraft used exclusively for commercial purposes, duly regis

tered in the territory of such Party.


Each of the parties undertakes to grant liberty of passage above Liberty of passage. its territory in time of peace to the aircraft of the other party, provided that the conditions set forth in the present arrangement are


transport company.

It is, however, agreed that the establishment and operation of Regular air routes by regular air routes by an air transport company of one of the parties within the territory of the other party or across the said territory, with or without intermediary landing, shall be subject to the prior Consent required.

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