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Beads (T.D. 50088, 55977)—(1) The length of the string, if strung; (2) the size of the beads expressed in millimeters; (3) the material of which the beads are composed, i.e., ivory, glass, imitation pearl, etc.

Braids, nonelastic, and other nonelastic braided materials suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, classifiable under item 703.80 or 703.85 (T.D. 49501, 52020, 52114, 55977)—(1) A statement as to whether or not the article has been bleached or colored.

Colors, dyes, stains and related products classifiable under the provisions of schedule 4, part 1C, Tariff Schedules of the United States, except item 406.80 (T.D. 53593, 53688)-(1) The specifications set forth in "Schedule A" of § 14.5(n) of these regulations are required to be furnished with each invoice of these products on separate sheets of paper under the conditions which follow and with the exceptions noted:

(a) The information is not required for second and successive shipments of identical merchandise of the same name and strength if a reference is given to the date and the port of entry of the first shipment.

(b) The information specified in items 10 through 15 is required only when the Schultz number, item 7, the colour index number, item 8, and U.S. standard number, item 9, are not given.

(c) The following is substituted for items 4 and 5:

4. Name(s) under which sold in country of production.

5. Name(s) of comparable American made product with name of U.S. manufacturer (if none or unknown, so state).

Copper, articles classifiable under the provisions of schedule 6, part 2C, Tariff Schedules of the United States (T.D. 45878, 50158,

55977)-(1) A statement of the weight of articles of copper and a statement of percentage of copper content by weight of articles dutiable on their copper content.

Copper bearing ores and concentrates classifiable under items 602.25, 602.30, 602.31, 603.50, 603.55 or 603.65 (T.D. 45878, 50158, 55977)-(1) Statement as to the weight of the article and the weight of the copper content.

Cotton fabrics classifiable under the following items of the Tariff Schedules of the United States; schedule 3, part 1A-Cotton: items 301.60 through 301.98, and items 302, and 303.20; schedule 3, part 3AWoven fabrics of cotton; all items except items 332.10 and 332.40; schedule 3, part 6A— Handkerchiefs; items 370.24 through 370.68; schedule 3, part 6B-Mufflers, etc.; item 372.15; schedule 3, part 6C-Hosiery; item 374.40; schedule 3, part 6E-Underwear; item 378.15 (T.D. 49803, 55977)—(1) Marks on shipping packages; (2) numbers on shipping packages; (3) date of acceptance of the order by the seller; (4) customer's call number, if any; (5) manufacturer's marks, numbers, on symbols under which the merchandise is sold in the home market; (6) exact width of the merchandise; (7) detailed description of the merchandise; trade name, if any; whether bleached, unbleached, printed, dyed, or colored; if composed of cotton and other materials, state chief value first and give percentage (value) of each component; (8) number of single threads per square inch (all ply yarns must be counted in accordance with the number of single threads contained in the yarn; to illustrate, a cloth containing 100 two-ply yarns in one square inch must be reported as 200 single threads); (9) exact weight per square yard, in ounces; (10) average yarn number (use this formula):

Number of single threads per square inch X24 Number of ounces per square yard×35

(11) yarn size or sizes in the warp; (12) yarn size or sizes in the filling; (13) number of colors or kinds (different yarn sizes or materials) in the filling; (14) how the cloth was woven (if on plain loom without attachment, indicate (plain); if with eight or more harnesses (O/8H), if which Jacquard (Jacq), if with Swivel (Swiv), if with Lappet (Lpt)). Customs Form 5519 is acceptable for furnishing the additional information required above.

Cotton raw-See § 13.17 of these regulations for additional information required on invoices.

Cotton waste (T.D. 50044)-(1) The name by which the cotton waste is known, such as "cotton card strips"; "cotton comber waste"; "cotton lap waste"; "cotton sliver waste"; "cotton roving waste"; "cotton fly waste"; etc.; (2) whether the length of the staple of the cotton from which any cotton card strips covered by the invoice were made is less than 16 inches or is 116 inches or

=Average yarn number;

more; (3) whether the length of the staple of the cotton from which any cotton comber waste covered by the invoice was made is less than 1316 inches or is 116 inches or more.

Earthenware or crockeryware composed of a nonvitrified absorbent body (including white granite and semiporcelain earthenware and cream-colored ware, stoneware, and terra cotta, but not including common brown, gray, red, or yellow earthenware), embossed or plain; common salt-glazed stoneware; stoneware or earthenware crucibles; Rockingham earthenware; china, porcelain, or other vitrified wares, composed of a vitrified nonabsorbent body which, when broken, shows a vitrified, vitreous, semivitrified, or semivitreous fracture; and bisque or parian wares (T.D. 53236)—(1) If in sets, the kinds of articles composing each kind of set, and the quantity of each kind of article in each set in the shipment; (2) the exact maximum diameter, expressed in inches, of each size of all plates in the shipment; (3) the unit

value for each style and size of plate, cup, saucer, or other separate piece in the shipment.

Fish or fish livers imported in airtight containers, classifiable under schedule 1, part 3C, Tariff Schedules of the United States (T.D. 50724, 49640, 55977)—(1) Statement whether the articles contain an oil, fat, or grease which has had a separate existence as an oil, fat, or grease; (2) the name and quantity of any such oil, fat, or grease.

Flax, hemp, and ramie fabrics and articles classifiable under the following items of the Tariff Schedules of the United States; 335.80, 335.90, 355.55, 356.25, 356.70, 356.80, 363.35, 366.30, 366.33, 366.36, 366.48, 366.81, 370.72, 370.76, or 370.80, and tablecloths, table scarves, and table doilies classifiable under items 366.51, or 366.84 (T.D. 50083, 55977, 56503)-(1) Customer's call number, if any; (2) manufacturer's name and the manufacturer's marks numbers or symbols under which the merchandise is sold in the home market; (3) exact width of the merchandise if in the piece, otherwise the size; (4) if composed of cotton and other materials, state chief value first and give percentage (value) of each component. State also the finish of the fabric or article, e.g., “loom state", "bleached", "commercial or vat dyed"; (5) actual number of threads contained in the fabric per square inch, in condition exported. Each thread is counted as one whether or not such thread contains two or more single strands of yarn twisted to make a complete thread. To illustrate, a cloth containing 100 two-ply yarns per square inch must be reported as 100 threads; (6) exact weight per square yard, in ounces; (7) whether "hand hemmed," "machine hemmed," "unhemmed," or "in piece." Customs Form 5519 is acceptable for furnishing the additional information required above. Footwear; classifiable under Schedule 7, Part 1 A, Tariff Schedules of the United States

(1) The importer's number (if any).

(2) The manufacturer's number under which the merchandise is sold in the home market.

(3) A detailed description of the merchandise.

(4) Category as listed below:

[blocks in formation]

(5) Materials of sole.

(6) Material of chief value of sole. (7) Materials of upper.

(8) Material of chief value of upper.

(9) Material of chief value of shoe. If the shoe is composed essentially of rubber, state the percent by value of material and percent by value of synthetic rubber (if any).

(10) (a) Percentage of weight of entire shoe for fibers; (b) Percentage of weight of entire shoe for rubber; (c) Percentage of weight of entire shoe for plastics.

(11) Percentage of area of materials of exterior surface of upper.

(12) Gender as listed below:

(a) Footwear for men.

(b) Footwear for youths and boys.

(c) Footwear for women.
(d) Footwear for misses.
(e) Footwear for children.
(f) Footwear for infants.
(13) Type as listed below:
(a) Athletic footwear.
(b) Work footwear.
(c) Ski boots.

(d) Casual footwear.

(e) Other types of footwear.
(14) Height of footwear:
(a) Oxford height.

(b) Other height.

(15) The number of pairs of each number shipped.

(16) The unit price per pair in the currency of purchase.

(17) The total value for quantity invoiced. Discount, if any, may be deducted at foot of invoice.

(18) If such (the same) or similar merchandise is sold, at wholesale, for home consumption, the current unit price in home currency.

Customs Form 5523 may be used for furnishing the additional information required above.

Fur products and furs (T.D. 53064)—(1) Name or names (as set forth in the Fur Products Name Guide (16 CFR 301.0) of the animal or animals that produced the fur, and such qualifying statements as may be required pursuant to section 7(c) of the Fur Products Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. 69e (c)); (2) a statement that the fur product contains or is composed of used fur, when such is the fact; (3) a statement that the fur product contains or is composed of bleached, dyed or otherwise artificially colored fur, when such is the fact; (4) a statement that the fur product is composed in whole or in substantial part of paws, tails, bellies, or waste fur, when such is the fact; (5) name and address of the manufacuturer of the fur product, (6) name of the country of origin of the furs or those contained in the fur product.

Glassware and other glass products classifiable under schedule 5, part 3C, Tariff Schedules of the United States, when imported in sets (T.D. 53079, 55977—(1) Statement of the separate value of each component article in the set.

Grain or grain and screenings (T.D. 51284)-(1) Statement on customs invoices for cultivated grain or grain and screenings that no screenings are included with the grain, or, if there are screenings included, the percentage of the shipment which consists of screenings commingled with the principal grain.

Hats or headwear classifiable under item 702.37 or 702.40 (T.D. 52114, 55977)—(1) Statement as to whether or not the article has been bleached or colored.

Iron or steel, articles of, classifiable under schedule 6, part 2B, Tariff Schedules of the United States (T.D. 53092, 55977)-(1) Statement of the percentages by weight of any metallic element used as an alloy in the articles.

Iron oxide (T.D. 49989, 50107)-For iron oxide to which a reduced rate of duty is applicable (1) Statement of the method of preparation of the oxide, together with the patent number, if any.

Jewelry (T.D. 51676)-(1) Design or motif; (2) component material of chief value; (3) whether or not the metal in the article is plated with platinum, gold, or silver, or is colored with gold lacquer.

Lumber, rough dressed, or worked, classifiable under schedule 2, part 1B, Tariff Schedules of the United States, and dutiable on the basis of board measure (T.D. 50498, 51906, 55977)-(1) Quantity in board feet of the rough lumber before dressing.

Lumber, Eastern white pine (also termed Northern white pine) (Pinus strobus) and red pine (also termed Norway pine) (Pinus resinosa) which is classifiable under item 202.06, Tariff Schedules of the United States (T.D. 49643 (8), 51906, 52620, 53846, 55977) — (1) A declaration of the shipper or other person having knowledge of the facts that the species of lumber comprising the shipment is Eastern White pine (Pinus strobus) or red pine (Pinus resinosa).

Lumber, spruce (also termed Western white spruce) (Picea) and pine classifiable respectively under item 202.03 and item 20209, Tariff Schedules of the United States.

(1) A declaration in the following form signed by the shipper or other person having actual knowledge of the pertinent facts: I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the composition of the lumber in


(describe shipment) board feet, spruce (item 202.03) and board feet, pine (item 202.09).

Machine parts (T.D. 51616)-(1) Statement specifying the kind of machine for which the parts are intended, or if this is not known to the shipper, the kind or kinds of machine for which the parts are siutable.

Madiera embroideries (T.D. 49988)—(1) With respect to the materials used, furnish: (a) Country of production; (b) width of the material in the piece; (c) name of the manufacturer; (d) kind of material, indicating manufacturer's quality number; (e) landed cost of the material used in each

item; (f) date of the order; (g) date of the invoice; (h) invoice unit value in the currency of the purchase; (1) discount from purchase price allowed, if any; (2) with respect to the finished embroidered articles, furnish: (a) Manufacturer's name, design number, and quality number; (b) importer's design number, if any; (c) finished size; (d) number of embroidery points per unit of quality; (e) for each item, the cost of embroidery labor and the cost of sewing, if any, per unit of quantity; (f) total for overhead and profit added in arriving at the price or value of the merchandise covered by the invoice.

Metalworking machine tools classifiable under items 674.32 and 674.35, Tariff Schedules of the United States (TSUS) (T.D. 701)-Type of machine tools in accordance with the following definitions:

Bed-type milling machines consist of a base (bed), vertical column, horizontal or vertical spindle and table. The table moves horizontally on the bed. The spindle is fixed or moves vertically on the column.

Boring machines are machines designed for the primary purpose of enlarging or finishing an existing hole in a workpiece by means of a rotating single-point tool.

Combination boring, drilling, and milling machines, horizontal spindle, consist of a vertical column mounted on a solid bed or movable base. The column supports a horizontally mounted headstock containing the spindle that feeds various tooling into the workpiece. The work is held on a movable table supported by the bed or is mounted on floor plates. Feed motions of the headstock and/or table are longitudinal, transverse, and vertical.

Combination boring, drilling, and milling machines, vertical spindle, consist of a vertical column mounted on a solid bed or movable base. The column supports a vertically mounted headstock containing the spindle that feeds various tooling into the workpiece. The work is held on a movable table supported by the bed or is mounted on floor plates. Feed motions of the headstock and/or table are longitudinal, transverse, and vertical.

Drilling machines are machines designed for the primary purpose of cutting an initial hole in a workpiece using a rotating tool.

Electrical discharge machines are machines designed to remove metal by means of an electrical discharge spark erosion.

Engine lathes consist of a bed, headstock, tailstock, and carriage. The workpiece is held between a center on the tailstock and an appropriate work-holding device on the headstock spindle. The tool is secured to a cross slide which is mounted on a carriage that moves longitudinally along the bed of the machine.

External cylindrical grinders consist of a base, table, headstock, footstock, and wheelhead. The table is mounted on the base. The headstock and footstock are mounted on the table and are used to support and rotate the

workpiece. The rotating abrasive wheel is mounted on the wheelhead spindle. The wheel is fed against the rotating workpiece.

Grinding machines are machines other than honing or lapping machines designed for the primary purpose of removing metal from a workpiece with abrasives.

Internal cylindrical grinders consist of a base, table, wheelhead and headstock. The table is mounted on the base. The headstock is fixed to the base. The wheel head is mounted on the table. The rotating abrasive wheel is mounted on the wheelhead spindle and is fed into the workpiece bore which is also rotating.

Knee-type milling machines consist of a base, vertical column, knee, horizontal table, and spindle. A spindle driving the cutter is mounted horizontally or vertically in or on the column. A horizontal movable table which holds the workpiece is mounted on a knee, which projects from the column. The knee can be raised or lowered on the column.

Mechanical presses, open back inclinable consists of a base (legs), “C” frame and ram. The C frame is mounted on a pivot point connected in the base (legs). The ram is mounted in the C frame. The principal identifying characteristic of the press is its ability to tilt back on its base (legs).

Metal-cutting machine tools are metalworking machine tools which shape or surface-work metal by removing metal either in the form of chips, dust, swarf, or similar form or by electrical or chemical erosion techniques.

Metal-forming machine tools are metalworking machine tools other than metalcutting machine tools.

Milling machines are machines designed for the primary purpose of removing metal by multiple-tooth cutters mounted on rotating arbors or spindles.

Multiple-spindle automatic bar or chucking machines have two or more drive spindles in order that two or more workpieces can be rotated simultaneously. Automatic units are designed to hold the workpiece in each of a number of spindle collets or chucks, which index clockwise from station to station in order to present the workpiece successively to a series of cutting tools. All machining motions are preselected and are automatically controlled.

Numerically controlled machines are machines whose motions are controlled by devices such as tape, computers, or punched cards.

Profile and duplicating milling machines consist of any milling machine equipped with a tracing device for controlling the path of the milling cutter.

Punching and shearing machines pierce, blank, notch, or shear workpieces by utilizing a power-driven ram to force punches or blades through work that is supported by the table of the machine.

Radial drilling machines consist of a base, vertical cylindrical column, radial arm, and spindle headstock. The radial arm supports

the spindle headstock which can be positioned at varying distances from the column; the arm can be moved up or down on the column and rotated around the column.

Sawing machines are designed primarily for parting or cutting-off operations by a tool referred to as a saw, which could be in the form of a blade, band, or disc.

Single-spindle automatic bar or chucking machines consist of a bed, headstock, cross slides and turret. The workpiece is held in the collet, chuck, face plate or fixtures which is attached to the spindle. The tools on the turret are positioned and fed into the workpiece. All machining motions are preselected and are automatically controlled.

Surface (flat) grinders consist of a base, table, column, and wheelhead. The table is mounted on the base. The wheelhead is attached to the column. The axis of the wheelhead spindle is horizontal. The workpiece which is mounted on the table reciprocates under the rotating abrasive wheel which is mounted on the wheelhead spindle.

Turret lathes consist of a bed, headstock, cross slide, and turret. The workpiece is held in the collet, chuck, face plate, or fixture which is attached to the spindle. The tools on the turret are positioned and fed into the workpiece.

Upright single-spindle drilling machines consist of a base, table, vertical column, and spindle head. The spindle head is mounted on the column and moves only in the vertical direction. The worktable and/or base is located below the spindle.

Vertical boring machines, including vertical turret lathes consist of one or two ram (or turret) heads mounted on a cross rail supported by a column, or columns. The cutting tool or tools traverse against the work as the work revolves on a circular table. One, or two horizontally opposed side heads are also provided.

Needlework tapestries classifiable under schedule 3, part 5C, Tariff Schedules of the United States (T.D. 50369, 55977)-(1) A statement of the separate cost of each fiber used.

News-reel films (T.D. 44703, 44938, 55977) -(1) Statement of footage and title of each subject; (2) Declaration of shipper, cameraman or other person with knowledge of the facts identifying the films with the invoice and stating that the basic films were to the best of his knowledge and belief exposed abroad and returned for use as newsreel; (3) Declaration of importer that he believes the films entered by him are the ones covered by the preceding declaration and that the films are intended for use as newsreel.

Oils or products of such oils, classifiable under schedule 4, part 8A, Tariff Schedules of the United States, and subject to a specific rate of duty (T.D. 49640, 55977)— State if article is derived from coconut, palm-kernel, palm oil, or other.

Paper and paper products (other than books, newspapers and periodicals which are

not fashion periodicals) bearing printing of any kind, whether or not the printing was done by a lithographic process (T.D. 53056) – (1) Statement of the process employed in printing the paper or paper products.

Screenings or scalpings of grains or seeds (T.D. 51096)-(1) Whether the commodity is the product of a screening process; (2) if so, whether any cultivated grains have been added to such commodity; (3) if any such grains have been added, the kind and percentage of each.

Sugar in liquid form, and articles composed in part of beet or cane sugar (T.D. 49400)-(1) Statement for each lot of sugar in liquid form showing the percentage by weight of total soluble-solids (or Brix) and the percentage by weight of total sugars; (2) statement for each kind or class of articles composed in part of cane or beet sugar showing the percentage by weight of total sugars derived from sugar beets or sugar


Sugar, manufactured, articles containing 10 percent or more by weight of, as defined in I.R.C., section 4502 (3) (T.D. 49867, 50106)-(1) If it is conceded that the component material of chief value in an article is manufactured sugar, a statement to that effect should be made on the invoice with a statement of the percentage of total sugars in the finished product; (2) if manufactured sugar is not conceded to be the component material of chief value, the invoice must be accompanied by a statement in the following form containing the data indicated therein in accordance with the appended instructions:

UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE Information as to commodities containing 10 percent or more by weight of manufactured sugar, as defined in I.R.C., section 4502(3), for use of U.S. customs authorities. Name of manufacturer Address

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1. Describe the product in terms used on invoices, giving name, brand, quality, number, etc. Use a separate form for each kind.

2. Show quantity produced in one typical batch or lot, recently manufactured, as to which cost records have been maintained.

3. Manufactured sugar is defined in section 4502 (3) of the Internal Revenue Code as follows: The term "manufactured sugar" means any sugar derived from sugear beets or sugar cane, which is not to be, and, which shall not be, further refined or otherwise improved in quality; except sugar in liquid form which contains nonsugar solids (excluding any foreign substance that may have been added or developed in the product) equal to more than 6 per centum of the total soluble solids and except also sirup of cane juice produced from sugar cane grown in continental United States. The grades or types of sugar within the meaning of this definition shall include, but shall not be limited to, granulated sugar, lump sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar, sugar in the form of blocks, cones, or molded shapes, confectioners' sugar, washed sugar, centrifugal sugar, clarified sugar, turbinado sugar, plantation white sugar, muscovado sugar, refiners' soft sugar, invert sugar, mush, raw sugar, sirups, molasses, and sugar mixtures.

4. It is preferable to show each kind of material used in addition to manufactured sugar. Several materials of relatively insignificant value may be grouped together, such as "Flavoring materials", "Coloring materials", "Seasoning materials", or "All other." A. Show unit in pounds, as well as total quantity.

B. "First Cost" is the full cost of the material laid down at the manufacturing plant, at current domestic prices, without any deduction for any drawback or refund of import duties which may have been allowed or may be allowable. The amounts of any drawback or refund of import duties which have been

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