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Mr. Davidson moved to recommit said bill to the committee on finance, with instructions to strike out "one million" and insert "seven hundred and fifty thousand."

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the negative, as follows:

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Mr. Daggett moved to recommit said bill to the committee on finance, with instructions to strike out the amendments made in the committee of the whole, as follows :

"All work or expenditure for lighting the Capitol is hereby suspended," and restore the words stricken out in the committee of the whole, as follows: "including not more than $25,000 for electric lighting."

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative, as follows:

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Mr. Lansing, from the committee on finance, reported back said bill

amended pursuant to instructions of the Senate.

Mr. Thomas moved to recommit said bill to the committee on finance, with instructions to amend as follows:

Add at the end of section 2, "No further expenditure other than herein provided for shall be made or incurred for furnishing any State building with electric lights.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative, as follows:

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Said bill was then read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein.

The bill entitled "An act in relation to the collection of taxes in Monroe county, and to authorize and provide for the sale of property for unpaid taxes in said county," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein.

The Assembly bill entitled "An act to re-appropriate the unexpended balance remaining in the treasury of the State to the credit of the bounty debt sinking fund," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same.

The Assembly bill entitled "An act to annex school district No. 13, of the town of Champlain, to Union Free School District No. 1, of said town, and to provide for the alteration of school districts Nos. 3 and 15 of said town," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill entitled "An act to amend chapter 634 of the Laws of 1865, entitled 'An act for the incorporation of the old Fayetteville burying ground with the new Fayetteville cemetery," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill entitled "An act to amend chapter 53 of the Laws of 1879, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the city of Auburn," was read the third time.

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The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill entitled "An act authorizing the village of Little Falls to issue bonds to raise money to pay its floating indebtedness," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill entitled "An act to amend section 2 of chapter 366 of the Laws of 1880, being 'An act to secure uniform ballots and preserve the purity of elections," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill entitled "An act to provide for the election of an additional assessor in the town of Southampton, in the county of Suffolk, and to fix the terms of office of assessors hereafter to be elected in said town," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly sent for concurrence the following entitled bills : "An act to amend section 5 of chapter 127 of the Laws of 1860, entitled 'An act to organize a fire department in the village of Delhi, Deleware county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on villages.


"An act to amend chapter 639 of the Laws of 1881, entitled 'An act to amend section 1 of chapter 537 of the Laws of 1880, entitled An act in relation to receivers of insolvent corporations," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

"An act to amend chapter 279 of the Laws of 1833, entitled 'An act requiring mortgages of personal property to be filed in the town clerks' and other offices,' and to extend the provisions thereof," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

"An act to amend chapter 589 of the Laws of 1875, entitled 'An act to extend the powers of the trustees of the village of Wilson, in the county of Niagara," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on villages.

"An act to make the village of Sea Cliff, New York, a separate school district," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and,

On motion of Mr. Otis, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

"An act to give the Board of Claims jurisdiction to hear, audit and determine the claim of James Galloway against the State, and exempting the same from the limitation contained in section 7 of chapter 205 of the Laws of 1883," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

"An act to authorize the payment of certain moneys out of the State treasury to the heirs at law and next of kin of Maurice Ramsauer, deceased, or their assigns," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance.

"An act to amend section 3 of title 10 of chapter 298 of the Laws of 1883, entitled 'An act to provide for the government of the city of Albany,' passed April 23, 1883," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time.

On motion of Mr. Thacher, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly returned the following entitled bills with a message that they had concurred in the passage of the same :

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