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does in reporting the survival of the gal- THE greatest city in America is choos

lant crew of the PN-9 No. 1. As last week's issue of The Outlook went to press almost the entire country had abandoned hope of the rescue of Commander Rodgers and his men. To the Pacific coast, which had witnessed the departure of the aviators for their distant goal, the news of the survival of the crew of the PN-9 No. 1 brought a particularly intimate relief, but the rest of the country was not far behind in the expression of its jubilation.

An editorial correspondent in San Francisco sends us by air mail word of the celebration which took place in San Francisco, now so busy with its Diamond Jubilee. He writes:

The holiday crowds thronging the streets, theaters, and motion-picture houses forgot all else for the moment. Audiences leaped to their feet when announcement of the fact was made upon the screen or from the stage, and in many places crowds stood bareheaded while they sang "The StarSpangled Banner."

Throughout the city and countryside the first news came to many homes through the radio. Jazz bands and more orthodox performances were ruthlessly interrupted by the radio announcers who gave out the welcome news, and repeated it at intervals for the benefit of those who had not been listening in at first. Special editions. of all the papers were quickly on the streets, and, although no news was available until the following morning beyond the laconic announcement of the fliers' safety, every detail of flight and the nine days of searching and waiting, hastily written up and thrown into type, was eagerly read.

The country rejoices in the lives that were saved, and it also rejoices in the fact that the crew of the giant seaplane lived up to the highest traditions for courage and seamanship in their service. The Commander of the PN-9 No. 1 has

ing on the day this is written its candidates for the Mayoralty. On the morning of the primary election a newspaper presents as one of its strongest arguments for the man it supports a phrenological chart showing the bumps and depressions in the skull of the two leading candidates of its party. Why it does not also publish their horoscopes we do not know. Horoscopes would certainly have as much bearing upon the issues of the election as the statement that one candidate's nose "shows desire for the good things of life" and the other candidate's nose "indicates executive power and ability to manage men." It is fortunate for America that such arguments are not really typical of our political campaigns, even if they do happen to be characteristic of such leaders as Hearst and Hylan.

At that, the worship of the great god "Bunk" is not solely an American relig



A Roll of Honor More or Less HAT have we accomplished towards freeing our waters of pollution? There has been prepared for the National Conference on Outdoor Recreation a summary of the needs of the situation. It was compiled by Dr. George Wilton Field, a biologist of high standing. In this report he classes the cities above 100,000 inhabitants upon a percentage basis according to the efficiency of their sewage treatment in relation to the population served. The rôle of sanitary honor runs as follows: Columbus, Ohio Baltimore, Maryland Houston, Texas.. Atlanta, Georgia.. Reading, Pennsylvania. Cleveland, Ohio




65% 50% 25%

Worcester, Chicago, and Milwaukee each treat ten per cent of their sewage

Number 4

adequately at the present time. These three cities all have new construction under way and Milwaukee expects to have an efficient system by 1930.

If the city in which you live has over 100,000 inhabitants and is not on this list, it is dumping its sewage into public waters without treatment. Dr. Field does not include in this list those cities which merely screen out the large floating articles. He says that this is merely eye service and that its sanitary and economic value is nothing.

There are cities with a total population of over 19,000,000 people which make little or no attempt to obey the fundamental law, that users of water shall pass it on to other users unimpaired in quantity and quality.

The Cave Man in the
Holy Land

ARDLY a month passes nowadays H without its report of some fossil find of prehistoric man. The most recent comes from Palestine. A skull-cap, perhaps 20,000 or 40,000 odd years ago more than half complete, that belonged to a peculiar type of Neanderthal cave man was recently found in a cave high up in the rocky walls of a valley near the Sea of Galilee.

In this cave the British School of Archæology in Jerusalem found a deep accumulation of compacted deposits of rock fallen at various periods from its roof, together with fragments of ancient stone, bronze, and iron implements and

the charred remains of fires which had been used for cooking by many generations of prehistoric man. By making a vertical cross-section of these deposits and carefully hand picking every spadeful of them for evidence it was quite easy to reconstruct the story of the whole past occupancy of the cave. Starting at the top, then, the excavators were able to delineate layers of recent date; next, mediæval and Arab; lower, Byzantine and Roman; then iron age; bronze age; and, finally, at the bottom, stone

casian ancestors with their superior culture, absorbing the Cro-Magnon man. Shall a still better species of man some time brush us aside, just as our species treated the lowly, primitive Neanderthal kind?

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The cave, north of Tiberias, in Palestine, where the skull was discovered age. In the last they found the "Gallilee skull," perfectly fossilized, so that it rang like porcelain.

How came this individual of a species. of man already known from fifteen skeletons previously found in Europe, to be living also in western Asia? How does he fit in with what we already know of man's prehistoric past? Was he our ancestor, this thick-skulled, beetlingbrowed, short-necked, bent, shambling savage?

Another Race of Another

Species of Man


IRST, we must realize that so far our discoveries have enabled us to see prehistory but dimly, as through a mist. From comparatively small evidence we must try to piece together some sort of account, keeping always in mind that it is tentative, and that some of its parts are poorly authenticated, while others seem as sure as Julius Cæsar.

Of the latter sort is Neanderthal man, of whose fossils we have no mere tantalizing handful of fragments, but at least sixteen well-preserved, easily studied specimens. Thus we know pretty Iwell what this man who dwelt in the caves of Europe was like, and, with few exceptions, anthropologists agree that he was not our direct ancestor, but a separate branch of the tree, one that became

extinct long ago. It now begins to look as if he even had his own different races, just as homo sapiens has to-day.

The Galilee fossil has peculiar interest because it seems to represent one of these races differing from the European race of the Neanderthal species. The skull-that of a man of under thirty (the age judged by openness of suture or jointing lines)-is higher, a little more like our own than the European Neanderthal race, which is the true prototypal "low-brow." Does this prove that the Galilee man was in process of evolving into our own species? Few think so. That process went on elsewhere we do not yet know where.

Tentatively, some such hypothesis as this is accepted by most anthropologists: Man originated and most of his species differentiated in Asia-possibly in Africa. From time to time "progress samples" of this continuing evolution were thrust out in different directions, a whole welter of forms, only five species of which have been found so far. Neanderthal man was thus in Europe at least 100,000 years ago, and he lived there until about 25,000 years ago. But as the last of the ice age passed a race of our species of man, the Cro-Magnons, came into Europe, exterminating (a few still believe, absorbing) Neanderthal man. Fifteen thousand years later came our own Cau

Mosul and " Mespot"


CLEAR and complete account of the controversy over Mosul (which is or is not part of Irak, once Mesopotamia, according to the way one looks at it) is presented on another page by Mr. Baldwin, The Outlook's editorial correspondent abroad.

Since that article was written the boldness of Turkey's attitude has gone to extreme lengths. From Geneva it is reported that Turkey is insistent upon an immediate settlement of the whole problem without further debate of the report of the League of Nations' Commission. More than this, Turkey has, despatches say, amassed an army of about seventy thousand men on the frontier between the Mosul district and the rest of Mesopotamia. This is probably a gesture rather than an indication of actual war. Turkey was so successful in bluffing the Powers into complying with her programme at the Lausanne Conference that she seems to think now that any audacity in the way of demands will have the same success.

In London there has sprung up what is described by one newspaper correspondent as "a chorus of general opposition" to the proposal that a British mandate over Irak should be extended indefinitely, with Mosul included in Irak, as is proposed by the League of Nations. Mr. Garvin, of the "Observer," who is normally a supporter of the Prime Minister, says of this plan "it is a dull madness." The opposition to the idea proceeds apparently from all parties, and it is largely based on the financial aspectthat is, according to this view, England thinks it is already spending too much money and insists that the present administration is pledged to economy in foreign expenditure. The last thing that the average Englishman wants is to see his income tax go up several pennies in the pound in order to carry on a small war with Turkey over Irak or Mosul. This embarrasses the diplomats, who believe that they can preserve England's interests without any actual war.

All the parties to this dispute disavow the theory that the trouble would be

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soon over if it were not that Mosul is exceedingly rich in oil. Turkey and England both assert that oil concessions might be so managed as to be fair and just to everybody concerned. Closing in on the Riff

THE clever device of the pincers in the

map published herewith was not intended, we are sure, by the artist, Mr. Walrath, to present the actual situation. as it is to-day, but the general purpose and outcome hoped for in the combined French and Spanish forward movement. The pincers will not close this season, but points will be seized from which the closing-in movement will proceed if Abdel-Krim does not offer peace terms much more reasonable than those he has heretofore put forward rather as a gesture than as a basis of peace.

In a sense the Riffians are already between two enemy forces. The Spanish troops landed in Alhucemas Bay on September 8 under the cover of fire from Spanish warships. Their advance from the landing point was not carried on without severe fighting, and they have not yet (September 16) occupied Ajdir, the chief place in the territory claimed by Abd-el-Krim. The tribesmen have in

turn attacked the Spaniards in the vicinity of Tetuan.

The French advance was on a large scale-a pushing forward of solid blocks of troops toward definite objects, regard

lished rights of the two Western nations involved.

Work is Better than Doles

less of the temptation to pursue the WHEN the fact is mentioned that a

Riffians in other directions. In this way were regained several of what were originally French outposts which fell in Abdel-Krim's early raids. The result is said to have impressed those tribesmen who have been hesitating between desire to support the war for Riffian independence and fear of the large-scale operations of France.

For a small war the operations going on in the Riff are complicated and extensive. It is probable that neither side has yet exerted full strength, and it seems almost certain that the preponderance of French and Spanish forces, which must be something like four to one in numbers, will in the end make the application of the pincers plan feasible.

It has been said that this is a war of Moslem against Christian, but it seems quite as much to be an attempt by a small, partly nomadic Eastern people to assert its independence not only from foreign rule but from such foreign control as is necessary to protect the well-estab

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million and a quarter of workers and their families in Great Britain are living in whole or in part on money furnished by the taxpayers without services rendered, the question is often asked, Why does not the British Government provide construction work on a large scale? This is what it is now undertaking to do. The London "Times" of recent date outlines a really stupendous scheme of road-making and road-mending, undertaken for the express purpose of giving work to the unemployed.

The political economists hold that such attempts are doubtful from the productive point of view. The classical analogy was that to "make work" where the demand was not spontaneous was too much like paying a laborer to move a pile of bricks back and forth without any object. Relief work, they say, is deadening to the worker, is apt to be mixed up with political jobbery, and usually puts men on jobs to which they are not suited. It may be admissible in an emergency, but

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Courtesy of the New York "Times

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"Pincers" operations against the Riffians started by the French and Spanish armies

it may also prolong the emergency condition.

The reply is that the emergency actually exists and is cogent. This also is the only defense for the Baldwin Ministry in offering what is practically a subsidy to the coal industry.

Road-making is as little objectionable as any form of relief work; almost any laborer can be made useful; the results, even if not immediately imperative, are of permanent public value. It has been tried locally in Great Britain; now it is to be done on a national scale.

The proposal is to spend about $15,000,000 more for road-building and improvement in the next year than ever before and to appropriate over $30,000,000 for bettering some two thousand miles of trunk roads, and to move bodies of unemployed labor to the points where construction is going on. The occasion will be taken to make these great highways noble and beautiful.

This is certainly an interesting attempt to stem industrial trouble, but no such temporary adjustment goes to the actual root of England's present depression, the loss of her export trade in important commodities.

"A Great Heresy Case


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HEN those newspaper readers who are at all well informed about church matters read

the other day despatches stating that formal charges of heresy had been presented to Methodist conferences in Michigan against Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, of the Central Methodist Church in Detroit, and Dr. William H. Phelps, editor of the Michigan "Christian Advocate," they could hardly believe that the statement was to be taken seriously. Well, it is not to be taken seriously. There will be no convulsion in the Methodist Church, no heresy baiting, no attempt to suppress freedom of thought.

Every Church has its fanatics, as every political party has its lunatic fringe. With all respect to the honesty and fervor of the Rev. Levi Bird, Ph.D., who thus signs himself to the twentyseven charges against Dr. Hough, he "sees things." He claims indeed to see visions. According to a correspondent of the Detroit "Times" he has described an jexperience which led him to feel that God had directed him through a vision to fight the teachers of evolution and that

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mind convicts not only one preacher and one editor but the whole Church. "Such doctrine... has driven the Holy Ghost from the Methodist Church" (charge 22). We are not surprised to be told that last year's General Conference received from this guardian of true religion a telegram saying: "If you lift the ban on amusements, hell will rejoice, heaven will shed blood. May God have mercy on a decadent Church and Conference.Rev. Levi Bird, Ph.D."

The Michigan Annual Methodist Conference, soberly (more or less) listened to a report on the charges against Dr. Phelps-for printing the sermon and praising it-heard a committee report that the charges be dismissed, and so ordered by a vote of 300 to 0. As we write the Detroit Conference, of which Dr. Hough is a member, is in session.

We are not given either to betting or to prophecy, but we think we see the end of "a great heresy case."


the end of the world might come within five years "if the Dr. Houghs did not Rebels or Revolutionists? repent of their evolutionary views."

Now Lynn Hough is widely known as a man of culture, a writer as moderate in language as his accuser is violent, a preacher listened to by large American and English audiences of taste and intellectual attainments, a former President of Northwestern University, and as one who would have been welcomed to the Methodist Board of Bishops if he had not quietly said, "Nolo episcopari."

We have read with pleasure and instruction the sermon that led to Dr. Bird's onslaught. It has deep religious feeling; it carries no attempt to make men evolutionists; although it shows that the writer believes in the broad and universal idea of evolution, it expresses no opinion as to processes; it says: "You can so interpret evolution as to make it anti-Christian. You can so interpret evolution as to make it express the very genius of Christianity. . . . Can we make Christianity commanding in terms of scientific thought? Yes, more commanding than ever before." In short, the sermon is one that must command the assent of moderate thinkers and the sincere tribute of the spiritually minded.

This is what Mr. Bird calls in his charge "the foamings of the Anti-Christ," "the last assault of the devil on the divinity of Jesus Christ," "utterances that beget crime and lawlessness," and the like. And the accuser in his own


HERE are those who think that military and naval discipline is an absolutely inelastic code. They believe that the practice and policy of superiors must control to the minutest degree the policy and action of subordinates. Those who hold this opinion are supporters of a theory which has not been proved in practice.

Gallant Captain Broke, who commanded the Shannon in its overwhelming defeat of the Chesapeake, was an example of the type of man who rises superior to the practice and policy of his superiors. In the control of his fire, in the training of his men, he was greatly in advance of the service which he honored by his accomplishments.

During Roosevelt's Administration a young lieutenant appealed directly to the President because he was thoroughly dissatisfied with the gunnery practice of our Navy. Tests were made, and the opinion of the lieutenant was vindicated to the immense advantage of the American Navy. That lieutenant lived to command the American naval forces in the World War with the rank of a full admiral. His advance was due to his courage and initiative and to the fact that there was in the White House a man who recognized such qualities and honored them.

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