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Naturalization convention between the United States and Costa Rica, signed at San José, June 10, 1911; ratification advised by the Senate, February 14, 1912; ratified by the President, March 29, 1912; ratified by Costa Rica, August 5, 1911; ratifications exchanged at San José, May 9, 1912; proclaimed, June 6, 1912.



Whereas a Naturalization Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at San José on the 10th day of June one thousand nine hundred and eleven, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as follows:



The President of the United States of America and the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, desiring to regulate the citizenship of those persons who emigrate from the United States of America to Costa Rica and from Costa Rica to the United States of America, have resolved to conclude a convention on this subject and for that purpose have appointed their plenipotentiaries to conclude a convention, that is to say: the President of the United States of America, G. L. Monroe, Jr. Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the United States at Costa Rica, and the President of Costa Rica señor Licenciado don Manuel Castro Quesada, Minister for Foreing Affairs, who have agreed to and signed the following articles:

Article I

Citizens of the United States who may or shall have been naturalized in Costa Rica, upon their



June 10, 1911.

Naturalization with

Costa Rica.

El Presidente de la República Contracting Powers. de Costa Rica y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, deseando reglamentar la ciudadanía de las personas que_emigran de Costa Rica para los Estados Unidos de América y de los Estados Unidos de América para Costa Rica, han resuelto celebrar una Convención á tal respecto; y con tal fin han nombrado sus Plenipotenciarios respectivos, á Plenipotentiaries. saber: el Presidente de la República de Costa Rica, al señor Licenciado don Manuel Castro Quesada Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, al señor G. L. Monroe Jr., Encargado de Negocios ad interim de los Estados Unidos de América en Costa Rica, quienes han ajustado y firmado los articulos siguientes:

Artículo I

Los ciudadanos costarricenses Recognition of naturalization by United que se hayan naturalizado ó se States. naturalicen en los Estados Uni

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own application or by their own consent, will be considered by the United States as citizens of the Republic of Costa Rica. Reciprocally, Costa Ricans who may or shall have been naturalized in the United States upon their own application or with their own consent, will be considered by the Republic of Costa Rica citizens of the United States.

Article II

If a Costa Rican, naturalized in the United States of America, renews his residence in Costa Rica without intent to return to the United States, he may be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States. Reciprocally, if a citizen of the United States, naturalized in Costa Rica, renews his residence in the United States, without intent to return to Costa Rica, he may be presumed to have renounced his naturalization in Costa Rica.

The intent not to return may be held to exist when the person naturalized in the one country, resides more than two years in the other country, but this presumption may be destroyed by evidence to the contrary.

Article III

It is mutually agreed that the definition of the word "citizen" as used in this convention, shall be held to mean a person to whom nationality of the United States or Costa Rica attaches.

Article IV

A recognized citizen of the one party, returning to the territory of the other, remains liable to trial and legal punishment for an action punishable by the laws of his original country and committed before his emigration; but not for the emigration itself, saving always the limitation es

dos, á su solicitud ó por su consentimiento propio, serán considerados por la República de Costa Rica como ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. Recíprocamente, los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos que á su solicitud, ó por su consentimiento propio, se hayan naturalizado ó se naturalicen en Costa Rica, serán considerados por los Estados Unidos como ciudadanos de Costa Rica.

Artículo II

Si un costarricense naturalizado en los Estados Unidos de América, renueva su residencia en Costa Rica, sin intención de volver á los Estados Unidos, se considerará que ha renunciado á su naturalización en los Estados Unidos. Recíprocamente, si un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, naturalizado en Costa Rica, renueva su residencia en los Estados Unidos, sin intención de volver á Costa Rica, se presumirá que ha renunciado su naturalización en Costa Rica.

La intención de no volver se entenderá que existe cuando la persona naturalizada en uno de los dos países resida por más de dos años en el otro país, mas esta presunción puede destruirse por prueba contraria.

Artículo III

Es convenido mutuamente que la definición de la palabra Ciudadano, usada en esta Convención, se entenderá significar una persona ligada por la nacionalidad de Costa Rica ó la de los Estados Unidos.

Artículo IV

El ciudadano reconocido por una de las partes, que vuelve al territorio de la otra, queda sujeto al juzgamiento y castigo legal por cualquier hecho punible que haya cometido antes de su emigración, según la ley de su país original, mas no por el hecho de la emigración misma; salvo siempre las

tablished by the laws of his original country, and any other remission of liability to punish


Article V

The declaration of intention to become a citizen of the one or the other country has not for either party the effect of naturalization.

Article VI

The present convention shall go into effect immediately on the exchange of ratifications, and in the event of either party giving

the other notice of its intention to terminate the convention it shall continue to be in effect for one year more, to count from the date of such notice.

The present convention shall be submitted to the approval and ratification of the respective appropriate authorities of each of the contracting parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at San José or Washington within twenty-four months of the date hereof.

Signed at the city of San José on the 10th day of June one thousand nine hundred and eleven.

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And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both Ratification. parts and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged

in the City of San José on the 9th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twelve;

Now, therefore, be it known that I, William Howard Taft, Presi- Proclamation. dent of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States. and the citizens thereof..

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington this sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and [SEAL] of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and thirty-sixth.

By the President:


Secretary of State.


June 5, 1912.

Parcel post convention between the United States of America and the
Republic of Panama, signed at Washington, June 5, 1912.

Parcel post convention with Panama. Preamble.

Scope of convention.

Articles admitted to the mails.


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under any conditions to the domestic mails of the country of origin, except that no packet may exceed eleven pounds (or five kilograms) in weight nor the following dimensions: Greatest length in any direction, three feet six inches (or one hundred and five centimeters); greatest length and girth combined, six feet (or one hundred and eighty centimeters); and must be so wrapped or enclosed as to permit their contents to be easily examined by postmasters and customs officers; and except that the following articles are prohibited admission to the mails exchanged under this Convention:

Publications which violate the copy-right laws of the country of destination; poisons, and explosive or inflammable substances; fatty substances, liquids and those which easily liquefy, confections and pastes, live and dead animals, except dead insects and reptiles thoroughly dried; fruits and vegetables which will easily decompose, and substances which exhale a bad odor; lottery tickets, lottery advertisements or circulars; all obscene or immoral articles; articles which may destroy or in any way damage the mails, or injure the persons handling them.

2. All admissible articles of merchandise mailed in one country for the other, or received in one country from the other, shall be free from any detention or inspection whatever, except such as is required for collection of customs duties; and shall be forwarded by the most speedy means to their destimation, being subject in their transmission to the laws and regulations of each country respectively.


1. A letter or communication of the nature of personal correspondence must not accompany, be

todo papel escrito), que se admitan conforme á los reglamentos que rigen respecto de las balijas Requirements. domésticas del país de origen, con tal que ningun paquete exceda de once libras (ó cínco kilogramos) de peso, ni de las dimensiones siguientes; mayor longitud en cualquiera dirección, tres piés seis pulgadas (ó ciento cinco centímetros); mayor longitud y espesor combinados, seis piés (ó ciento ochenta centímetros); debiendo estar envueltos ó cubiertos de manera que permitan que su contenido sea facilmente examinado por los administradores de correos y de aduanas; y exceptuándose, además, los artículos que siguen, cuya admisión queda prohibida en las balijas que se cambien entre los dos países, conforme á esta Convención, á saber:

Publicaciones que violen las Articles prohibited. leyes de propiedad literaria del país de destino; venenos y materias explosivas 6 inflamables; sustancias grasosas, líquidas 6 de facil liquefacción, dulces y pastas; animales vivos 6 muertos, exceptuando insectos y reptiles perfectamente disecados; frutas y vegetales que puedan descomponerse fácilmente, sustancias que exhalen mal olor; billetes de lotería, avisos 6 circulares de lotería; objetos obscenos 6 inmorales, artículos que puedan destruir 6 de alguns manera dañar las balijas, 6 causar perjuicio á las personas ques los manejen. Todos los artículos admisibles Freedom from inspection. de mercancías que se depositen en el correo de un país con destino al otro, ó que se reciban en un país procedentes del otro, no estarán sujetos á otra detención ó inspección que no sea la necesaria para cobrar los derechos de aduana, y se despacharán á su destino por la vía más rápida, quedando sujetos en su trasmisión á las respectivas leyes y reglamentos de cada país.


1. Ninguna carta ó comunica- Letters not to ac ción que tenga el carácter de company parcels. correspondencia personal, podrá

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