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APRIL 19, 1922




O far Mr. Lloyd George has had his way. He has succeeded in getting virtually all the nations of Europe, including San Marino, one nation of Asia, and the scattered states of the British Empire, to meet in conference. What he hopes to obtain by it is plain. He is thinking, as he ought to think, first of the vital interests of the British Empire. He knows that that Empire is held together by trade. What he wants is to open the markets of the world, and specifically those markets that are controlled by Russia and Germany, to the traders of Britain. Like most Englishmen (who may perchance be Welshmen or Scotchmen, or even Irishmen), Lloyd George does not separate the welfare of Britain from the welfare of the world. He conceives British interests as virtually identical with the general interests. He is seeking something for Britain, not at the expense of others, but for what he conceives to be the whole world's benefit.

This explains the rather cheerful and magisterial tone of Lloyd George's opening address on April 10 to the nations which have assembled at Genoa for the Conference.


Though Luigi Facta, the Italian Premier, was made President of the Conference, David Lloyd George was at its start the most conspicuous figure. has never been inconspicuous in any gathering, but he could hardly have avoided taking the place of leadership on this occasion. It was he, as spokesman of Britain, that brought about this the first meeting of the Allied nations and neutrals on terms of equality with unrepentant Germany and recalcitrant Russia. He was willing to take words instead of deeds as the pledge of cooperation on the part of both of these countries. He openly expressed his regret that America, unwilling to do likewise, was not present at this gathering. Fortunately, the United States could afford to wait and see, not what the nations might say, but what they might do. France, too, is not yet in the mood to take words for deeds, but France has to stay in Europe, and therefore has been lectured considerably by Mr. Lloyd George and other Englishmen, and probably will be lectured more while at Genoa.

In his speech Mr. Lloyd George set forth again the conditions under which nations could meet on terms of equality as the fundamental basis of the Confer



They are worth

The first is, when a country enters into contractual obligations with another country or its nationals for value received, that contract cannot be repudiated whenever the country changes its government without returning value.

The second is that no country can wage war on the institutions of another.

The third is that one nation shall not engage in aggressive operations against the territory of another.

The fourth is that the nations of one country shall be entitled to impartial justice in the courts of another.

If any people reject these elementary conditions of civilized intercourse between nations, they cannot be expected to be received into the comity of nations.



MERICANS will watch the proceedings with interest. They cannot be expected to change their attitude about participating even in economic affairs in Europe until they see a chance of some sort of understanding among the European nations themselves. Most Americans who are not confused by having too close an acquaintance with technical details can see that, if Germany does not bear the economic burden that she placed upon France, France will have to bear it. To ease Germany of that burden does not ease Europe; it simply eases the nation that least deserves to be eased. Most Americans, 100, can see that allowing the Bolsheviki to get away with their swag will not

benefit anybody but the Bolsheviki. What the New York "Herald" says editorially about Russia applies in principle to Germany. Says the "Herald:"

When France was in peril Belgium stood true. England went to war for both of them. Italy and Japan joined them. All were allies to the victorious end. Now their statesmen are concerned not so much with one another as with the only nation that ratted-Russia.

The schoolboy, noticing Russia's favorable prominence at Genoa, may wonder whether it pays to be good.

Whether Russia "ratted," as the "Herald" says, the present rulers of Russia, deliberately turning Russia against the cause in which she had enlisted, made a virtue of treachery. There are other issues in the world, after all, than economic issues. The safety of the nations depends upon something else than getting food and clothing cheap. Europe, if it is to save its civilization, has got to stop printing money recklessly and it has got to balance its budgets; but it has also got to see that contracts ar observed and that there shall be at least some measurable approach to a jus apportionment of the burdens of wrong. doing.

The war was fought to prevent a nation which attempted to dominate the world from getting what it wanted. If, under plea of providing markets, the nations of Europe allow the aggressor to profit at the expense of any of its victims, those nations will have bought their markets dear. Lloyd George referred to Genoa as having provided the discoverer of America and expressed the hope that it would also provide the

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means by which America would discover Europe. We hope that the Europe which Genoa discovers to America will prove to be a Europe not only economically but also politically and morally sound.



E are glad to note that the plans for restoring the Louvain Library are progressing satisfactorily and that American generosity and sympathy with Belgium are leading to a liberal response. The idea that in whole or in part the building is to take the place of that so ruthlessly destroyed by German barbarism has been called by Cardinal Mercier "a supreme gesture of the American people."

Already $160,000 has been contributed in this country, and this sum is to be used in purchasing a site for the Library and, to some extent, in construction. The entire estimated cost of the Library is about one million dollars, and it will in the main be a gift of the students of America to the scholars of Europe, although French schools, it appears, are joining in the gift. Germany, under the compulsion of treaty provisions, will in large measure furnish the books which will fill the Library shelves, and it is said that over three hundred thousand volumes have already been sent from Germany.

One interesting detail in the plan is that the American Navy and the American Army will each commemorate its dead in the World War by a special pillar in the arcade of the Louvain Library. The names of American universities and colleges will appear on pillars and shields in the arcade; seven hundred such institutions are to take part in the work of restoration.




HE election to the Papacy of Pius XI has been the occasion of some unexpected and gratifying events. Not the least of these was the official call 4 by a delegation from the Greek Church 11 to express good wishes for the new Pope's advent. This recognition is considered as an important step towards the possible reunion of the Greek and the Roman Churches, a cause ardently espoused by Leo XIII, Pius X, and Benedict XV.

For centuries such a reunion has been hoped for. A chief cause militating against a reunion is the natural unwillingness of the Greeks to accept the supremacy of Rome. They regarded Rome, as they have regarded the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Constantinople, as a pa

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triarchal, not a papal, authority. When the Bishop of Rome obtained ever greater political and religious ascendency, the Greeks withdrew more and more into opposition, and this was the more marked because the Roman Church represented an aristocratic and the Greek Church a democratic trend. Finally, Pius IX excommunicated the Greek Patriarch (1054). Since then the attempts to restore unity between the two Churches have come to naught.

Some Greeks, however, and other peoples in restricted areas have submitted to Papal supremacy, on condition of being permitted to retain certain traditions of the Greek Church, such as the communion in both kinds, marriage of the clergy, church discipline, rites, and liturgy. Such persons are called Uniats, or United Greeks; they are, in particular, the Greek and some of the Albanian refugees in Italy, certain Rumans of Transylvania, and the Ruthenians in Galicia and the Ukraine.

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Mr. Roosevelt concerning the British navy do not include the personnel of the British Naval Air Force, for in Great Britain aviation is under a sepa rate department of the Government.

"Next year," Mr. Roosevelt continued, "Great Britain will keep ready for active service 1,307,785 tons of combatant vessels, Japan will maintain ready for active service approximately 690,000 tons of combatant vessels. The United States, on the other hand, under this bill, will only be able to keep ready for immediate service 703,148 tons of combatant craft." What becomes of the 5-5-3 ratio here? It is nothing better than 13-7-6.9.

Of course, if the United States carries out any such plan for the reduction of its forces as has been proposed by the Appropriations Committee of the House, the attempt of our delegates at the Armament Conference to protect the interest of the United States while at the same time halting the competitive race in naval armaments will have been defeated. If Secretary Hughes had proposed a Navy markedly inferior to that of Great Britain and but slightly superior to that of Japan, he would have been denounced as traitorous-probably by some of the same men who are willing to do by indirect action what they would be afraid to do by direct action. In the illustrated section of this week's Outlook there is a picture showing United States destroyers out of commission at San Diego. To the landsman's eye these vessels may constitute an important element in our National defense. To any naval commander who might suddenly be called to take these vessels into action they represent little more than so much scrap iron. Without trained crews and officers who have learned to maneuver them in battle formation we have no more right to consider them as fighting ships than we would have to consider a heap of selected chemicals as a living human being.



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o far as the public knows, the overturn in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving at Washington, described in last week's issue of The Outlook, still awaits a full explanation.

In a letter to the President of the National Federation of Federated Employees, who had complained of the summary dismissal, President Harding said: "The changes made at the Bureau were ordered after extended deliberation and were inspired wholly for the good of the service. It was so stated at the time. I do not understand that such a state

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ment of such an action impugns any one's character or calls for charges against the employees concerned or demands explanation by the Executive. ... I shall maintain every regard for the Civil Service Law, but if a responsible executive head may not take such action as is deemed necessary for the good of the public service then such an inhibition on the powers of the Executive ought to be made very clear to Congress, to Government employees, and to the American public, to which we are all answerable. Then the responsibility may no longer be lodged with the Executive. Until such understanding is made clear I invite you and others who speak for Federal employees to join me in doing the things deemed necessary to promote the highest possible degree of Federal service."

Democratic papers have declared the dismissals to be a job raid pure and simple. The evidence on this point, however, will not be complete until the public learns the records and political affiliations of those chosen to replace the discharged employees.




EW YORK has a larger percentage of tubercular veterans of the World War than any other State. One year ago Congress appropriated more than $18,000,000 for building Governmental hospitals, and $1,000,000 of this fund was set aside by the Treasury Department for a tuberculosis hospital in New York State.

One year has passed since this appropriation became available, and the site for this hospital has not yet been chosen.

Protests against the hospital at Fox Hills, Staten Island, New York, recently moved the Director of the Veterans' Bureau to close this inadequate institution because it was not a fit place in which to house sick and wounded men. This hospital was closed, however, without any adequate provision being made for taking care of the men who were transferred. They have been largely assigned to public institutions maintained by the city of New York.

Public-spirited citizens have protested against such inaction and wrong action again and again. It seems to us, however, that such protests are directed against the symptoms of Governmental inefficiency rather than the disease. It is a useful task to see that John Jones is placed in a comfortable hospital and that his disability pay is promptly received. But such an act, worth while as it undoubtedly is. will do little or nothing towards curing the disease of bureaucratic indifference or of political favoritism of which John Jones was a

The Undergraduate Speaks Up

HE OUTLOOK appealed to the undergraduates of American universities and colleges to give its readers their views of intercollegiate sport.

Letters have come to us from twenty-six States of the Union and more than half a hundred. institutions, fully representative of the whole body of American colleges and universities.

The letters are frank, vivid, and illuminating. Their average quality is higher than that of the letters received in any previous contest initiated by The Outlook.

It is going to be a hard task to judge these letters and to choose from among them, but we hope before long to be able to publish the prize-winning letters in these pages. We are grateful to our college friends who have co-operated with us in our effort to discover the point of view of the American undergraduate.

'victim. It is not enough to help individual John Joneses, for such assistance does not strike at the heart of the unfortunate treatment which our diseased and disabled veterans have received. As the Veterans' Bureau is now run, it has proved impossible for such men as Dr. Haven Emerson to render the services which they are willing to give to their country. What we want and must have is a Veterans' Bureau in which the policies outlined by experts will not be jeopardized by political expediency. The problem of hospitals and the treatment for disabled men is not a diminishing problem, it is a growing one. It must be solved right and solved now.



LEVEN New England colleges-Amherst, Bowdoin, Colby, Hamilton, Middlebury, Trinity, Tufts, Union, Vermont, Wesleyan, and Williams-have taken a step for the purification of intercollegiate athletics which has attracted wide attention. The presidents of these institutions met and adopted a resolution which reads as follows:

Recognizing that intercollegiate athletics are at present a part of the work of the department of physical education, we recommend to our respective faculties and trustees that, beginning with the fall of 1923, all

coaches be appointed in the same way as are members of the faculty and other officers of the institution.

We further recommend that as soon as it is practicable, and if possible by the fall of 1923, seasonal coaches be replaced by coaches who are members of the faculty as defined in the following terms: 1, they shall be paid by the college and only by the college; 2, they shall be in residence throughout the year; 3, they shall have other duties in the physical training department or in some other department in addition to their coaching; 4, they shall be paid at the same rate as the other members of the faculty; 5, they shall have the same permanence of appointment as other members of the faculty; 6, they shall be selected in the same way as other members of the faculty.

This resolution of course must be ratified by the faculties and boards of trustees of the respective colleges. There seems to be little doubt, however, that such will be the case. If an official change from seasonal coaches to faculty coaches can bring to the front in all colleges men of the type of Professor Spaeth, of Princeton, the move will be decidedly beneficial. If, however, the change is to be merely one of title rather than fact, we cannot see much benefit. The value of the suggested change depends wholly on the spirit în which it is carried out, and that spirit depends on something less concrete than written rules.

Evidence of the existence of that spirit has been given by the action of the college authorities in Princeton in declaring ineligible two men of great value to Princeton's teams. This step was taken upon the initiative of the Princeton authorities, without the lodging of any protest from an athletic rival. Princeton, Yale, and Harvard have a tri-party agreement which contains the following rule:

No student shall represent his university on any athletic team or crew who receives from others than those on whom he is naturally dependent for financial support money, or the equivalent of money, such as board and lodging, etc., unless the source and character of these gifts or payments to him shall be approved by the university committee on eligibility, subject to the approval of the committee of the three chairmen, on the ground that they have not accrued to him primarily because of his ability as an athlete. All such cases are to be submitted in advance to the university committee on eligibility.

The two men involved failed, we understand, to report the receipt of a loan given them from a fund provided by Princeton graduates. The Faculty committee which investigated the matter was convinced that the men fully intended to repay the loans, but decided that they should be excluded from inter

Collegiate competition because the loans vere given them chiefly because they vere athletes. There are many colleges vhere such loans would not even be uestioned.

A The whole matter of intercollegiate I port is so closely. bound up with underraduate opinion as well as with rules .nd faculties' decisions that we know he readers of The Outlook will anticiate with interest the chance to read he letters from undergraduates sent us In reply to the recent appeal of our ixth prize contest. These letters have ome to us from twenty-six States and he Dominion of Canada, and they have been divided among sixty-seven colleges nd universities. We hope before long to be able to print the best of these rank and illuminating comments from Indergraduates.




REDERIC VILLIERS, who died in England recently at the age of seventy, probably took part in more campaigns at least fifteen, very likely more) than iny man living-not as a soldier, but as artist and correspondent. In the first of he two Balkan wars which preceded the World War the King of Bulgaria pointed ut Villiers and exclaimed, "That Engishman has seen more fighting than iny soldier alive!"

Villiers began his war career in 1876 n Serbia, saw the Russo-Turkish War of 1878, was in the Sudanese fighting with Kitchener in 1898, the ChinoJapanese War of 1894, the Boer War of 1899, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904, he Turco-Greek War of 1907, the invasion of Tripoli in 1911, the Balkan wars of 1912-13, and he was at the front with the French and British in the World War, to say nothing of several esser conflicts. He belongs with the group of famous war correspondents of whom Archibald Forbes and George Steevens are other examples. He is said to have been the first to use the bicycle and later the moving-picture camera for war work. Incidentally, he "covered" many great ceremonies, such as the coronations of the last Czar and his predecessor, Alexander III.

It is often said that Rudyard Kipling in his "The Light that Failed" had Villiers in mind in his character Dick Heldar. Very probably this is because both were vivid painters of war pictures first and correspondents second.

In the early days of Villiers's war work well-credited newspaper representatives had a much freer hand than is possible under recent war conditions. Then such men as Villiers and Forbes spent most of their time in the saddle, took big risks, and went under fire as a matter of course. Villiers had no end




of narrow escapes and exciting adventures. His pictures had spirit, action, and brilliant realism. He knew every One writer says of him: "Villiers was guest and friend to emperors, viceroys, and princes, to gypsy kings whose realm was the open road, to sultans, brigand leaders, New York millionaires, and chiefs of the Afghan hills; he was the intimate and trusted confidant of field marshals, admirals, and Tommies, of diplomats and beggars."

Villiers's books give vivid impressions of war and peace, but his best work was done for the London illustrated weeklies.

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now planned by Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who "discovered" the South Pole. He has a radio outfit capable of transmitting for 2,000 miles' distance, and he hopes to install on his ship Maud a telephone transmitter and receiver that will enable him to talk with his friends in Norway when he is drifting through the Polar Circle. The expedition will carry two airplanes-a little one for local scouting, and a big one capable of traveling many hundreds of miles from the ship and returning.

Amundsen lately started to cross the continent to Seattle in his all-metal monoplane, but met with an accident the first day. From Seattle he will sail about June 1 to Nome, Alaska, and thence to Spitzbergen-a course of from two to three thousand miles, passing near the Pole. This journey, chiefly by drifting, may take three, four, or possibly five years. His planes will be of

the utmost service in observation and will give the party ability to observe and record immensely ahead of explorers who have depended solely on dogs and sleds.

The main object of the expedition is "to obtain complete meteorological information concerning the air and ocean currents around the North Pole, knowledge of which and their relation to weather conditions would be invaluable."



HE discussion over the coal strike has brought out a strong demand for a National Coal Commission. There is a good deal more in the coal situation than differences between workers and owners as to wages and hours. The coal industry is as basic as the railway or the agricultural industry. It has to do with commerce, transportation, manufactures, as well as protection for the home. Yet not since the great strike of 1902 has the subject been taken up officially, impartially, and in the people's interest.

The Federal Government by its Commerce and Labor Departments should, of course, do its best to get the representatives of labor and capital into conference for discussion, and perhaps arbitration, of the immediate questions in dispute. But beyond this is an opportunity that must not be neglected. If the movement toward Nationalization or Government ownership of the industry is to be withstood, then we must seriously consider what degree of regulation is desirable. A National Coal Commission made up of men of high standing and experience in economic and

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