Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 111,Део 17U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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Страница 22332
... assistance to veterans who are coming back to civilian life . The need for readjust- ment assistance has no relation to whether a serviceman has been in an area of hostil- ities . He is just as much in need of readjust- ment ...
... assistance to veterans who are coming back to civilian life . The need for readjust- ment assistance has no relation to whether a serviceman has been in an area of hostil- ities . He is just as much in need of readjust- ment ...
Страница 22364
... assistance for housing and for the development of the Nation's communities ; to assist the President in achieving maximum coordination of the various Federal activities which have a major effect upon urban community , sub- urban , or ...
... assistance for housing and for the development of the Nation's communities ; to assist the President in achieving maximum coordination of the various Federal activities which have a major effect upon urban community , sub- urban , or ...
Страница 22366
... assistance to a State or local public body or agency administered by the Depart- ment is proposed to be , or is being , carried out in such community . The conferees sub- stituted for the above a provision requiring the Secretary to ...
... assistance to a State or local public body or agency administered by the Depart- ment is proposed to be , or is being , carried out in such community . The conferees sub- stituted for the above a provision requiring the Secretary to ...
Страница 22373
... assistance provisions , which are properly limited to cases where injury or loss of employment is due to increased imports , adjustment assistance provi- sions of the bill take into account the fact that dislocation may result not only ...
... assistance provisions , which are properly limited to cases where injury or loss of employment is due to increased imports , adjustment assistance provi- sions of the bill take into account the fact that dislocation may result not only ...
Страница 22379
... assistance provision . I believe the bal- ance of the bill is proper and that it should be passed . should be passed . But if we are giving a $ 50 million windfall to General Motors , to Chrysler , to Ford and to American Motors , and ...
... assistance provision . I believe the bal- ance of the bill is proper and that it should be passed . should be passed . But if we are giving a $ 50 million windfall to General Motors , to Chrysler , to Ford and to American Motors , and ...
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