Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 111,Део 17U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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Страница 22281
... draft of a study of the Price - Anderson Indemnity Act which AEC had commenced in 1964 to determine whether the act should be extended to licenses issued and contracts executed after August 1 , 1967. The AEC's final report of this study ...
... draft of a study of the Price - Anderson Indemnity Act which AEC had commenced in 1964 to determine whether the act should be extended to licenses issued and contracts executed after August 1 , 1967. The AEC's final report of this study ...
Страница 22289
... draft new rules of Federal criminal mittee , rule 5 excluded from evidence any procedure . In the early drafts of this Com- statement made by a defendant while the defendant was held in custody in violation of the rule . However ...
... draft new rules of Federal criminal mittee , rule 5 excluded from evidence any procedure . In the early drafts of this Com- statement made by a defendant while the defendant was held in custody in violation of the rule . However ...
Страница 22293
... draft of proposed legislation to amend the National Security Act to repeal the pro- visions dealing with the compensation of consultants , and for other purposes ( with accompanying papers ) ; to the Committee on Armed Services ...
... draft of proposed legislation to amend the National Security Act to repeal the pro- visions dealing with the compensation of consultants , and for other purposes ( with accompanying papers ) ; to the Committee on Armed Services ...
Страница 22303
... ex- empt , and which this bill would permit to be exempt , are the equalization of com- petitive playing strengths - the draft The question is : Would this particular Mr. HART . August 31 , 1965 22303 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE.
... ex- empt , and which this bill would permit to be exempt , are the equalization of com- petitive playing strengths - the draft The question is : Would this particular Mr. HART . August 31 , 1965 22303 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE.
Страница 22304
... draft arrangements with respect to players who had matriculated at a college . To draft such an individ- ual would be permitted only at the con- clusion of the fourth academic year fol- lowing his matriculation , or the date of the end ...
... draft arrangements with respect to players who had matriculated at a college . To draft such an individ- ual would be permitted only at the con- clusion of the fourth academic year fol- lowing his matriculation , or the date of the end ...
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