Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 111,Део 17U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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Страница 22297
... foreign policy . COMMITTEE MEETING DURING THE ings who are active in debate and public to be U.S. district judge for the southern section 1. In accordance with the committee rule , this pending nomination may not be con- sidered prior to ...
... foreign policy . COMMITTEE MEETING DURING THE ings who are active in debate and public to be U.S. district judge for the southern section 1. In accordance with the committee rule , this pending nomination may not be con- sidered prior to ...
Страница 22421
... foreign sugar lobbyists who received in excess of $ 350 , - 000 last year from foreign sugar inter- ests . Some received over $ 50,000 apiece . Others will get even more if they can grab a bigger slice of the quota . And you can bet ...
... foreign sugar lobbyists who received in excess of $ 350 , - 000 last year from foreign sugar inter- ests . Some received over $ 50,000 apiece . Others will get even more if they can grab a bigger slice of the quota . And you can bet ...
Страница 22427
... foreign economic assistance , AID administers spe- cific projects designed to upgrade the educa- tion system of foreign countries . Its edu- cational expenditures are estimated at $ 108 million , plus $ 98 million worth of foreign ...
... foreign economic assistance , AID administers spe- cific projects designed to upgrade the educa- tion system of foreign countries . Its edu- cational expenditures are estimated at $ 108 million , plus $ 98 million worth of foreign ...
Страница 22500
... foreign imports . The cost of the special programs is to be borne not by the automobile companies who are being ... foreign affairs . In my humble opinion , one of the most consistent misdirectors of public opin- Arkansas who is ...
... foreign imports . The cost of the special programs is to be borne not by the automobile companies who are being ... foreign affairs . In my humble opinion , one of the most consistent misdirectors of public opin- Arkansas who is ...
Страница 22504
... foreign - made glass will result in the loss of many jobs . As this administration has gone on record against unemployment , we feel that the im- portation of foreign - made glass would be a refutation of this policy . We therefore wish ...
... foreign - made glass will result in the loss of many jobs . As this administration has gone on record against unemployment , we feel that the im- portation of foreign - made glass would be a refutation of this policy . We therefore wish ...
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