Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 111,Део 17U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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Страница 22350
... acre - feet will not suffice to the end. opment to run the supersonic transport pro- gram , " asked one Senator ... million patriotic South Vietnam people submit or shake their will to fight 22350 August 31 , 1965 CONGRESSIONAL ...
... acre - feet will not suffice to the end. opment to run the supersonic transport pro- gram , " asked one Senator ... million patriotic South Vietnam people submit or shake their will to fight 22350 August 31 , 1965 CONGRESSIONAL ...
Страница 22351
... million Chinese people , the people of the various socialist countries , and all the peace - loving people ... acre - feet per year of consumptive use from the main river to be divided among Arizona , California , and Nevada ? It is to be ...
... million Chinese people , the people of the various socialist countries , and all the peace - loving people ... acre - feet per year of consumptive use from the main river to be divided among Arizona , California , and Nevada ? It is to be ...
Страница 22352
... million acre - foot quantity . Water users in both States would be made whole to the extent of the decreed allocations out of that 7.5 million acre - feet . The two Pacific Southwest water plans could not , however , overcome the ...
... million acre - foot quantity . Water users in both States would be made whole to the extent of the decreed allocations out of that 7.5 million acre - feet . The two Pacific Southwest water plans could not , however , overcome the ...
Страница 22353
... million acre - feet per annum as against the Central Arizona Project until at least 2.5 million acre - feet of water is imported into the main stream of the Colorado below Lee Ferry from sources outside the natural drain- age basin ...
... million acre - feet per annum as against the Central Arizona Project until at least 2.5 million acre - feet of water is imported into the main stream of the Colorado below Lee Ferry from sources outside the natural drain- age basin ...
Страница 22354
... acre - feet . Third . The Budget Bureau objects to the principle of guaranteeing Colorado River prices for the imported water required to firm up a supply of 7.5 million acre - feet for the lower basin , even though the guarantee is ...
... acre - feet . Third . The Budget Bureau objects to the principle of guaranteeing Colorado River prices for the imported water required to firm up a supply of 7.5 million acre - feet for the lower basin , even though the guarantee is ...
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accreditation acre-feet administration agency agreement American antitrust Arab ask unanimous consent assistance authorized automobile automotive banks baseball basin believe bill California Canada Canadian Colorado River Commission Committee Communist Congress Cuba Defense Department District of Columbia draft economic ERVIN families Federal fiscal football foreign funds gentleman going Government gram grants Gronouski Hanoi HOTTELET House important increase industry institutions labor League for Nursing legislation loan Madam Chairman medical schools ment million acre-feet mittee National Football League National League Negro nomic Nurse Training Act objection Office operation osteopathy percent players port President problems production proposed purpose question RECORD relocation request reserve clause rule scholarships Secretary Senator sheet glass South Vietnam Speaker Tariff tion tional trade United urban renewal Vietcong vote workers yield York