Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 111,Део 17U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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Страница 22287
... yield further , that is the issue which I raised in my question . The proposed congressional action would do what we ... yield to me ? Mr. BIBLE . I promised I would yield to our distinguished colleague on the committee , who has ...
... yield further , that is the issue which I raised in my question . The proposed congressional action would do what we ... yield to me ? Mr. BIBLE . I promised I would yield to our distinguished colleague on the committee , who has ...
Страница 22304
... yield for a question ? More than 850 coaches are employed at the draft ,. system - the employment , selection , eligi ... yield ? Mr. HART . I yield to the Senator from New York . Mr. JAVITS . Mr. President , I would like first to ...
... yield for a question ? More than 850 coaches are employed at the draft ,. system - the employment , selection , eligi ... yield ? Mr. HART . I yield to the Senator from New York . Mr. JAVITS . Mr. President , I would like first to ...
Страница 22311
... yield to the Senator The situation. first point is that we give a player who is not outstandingly excellent a chance ... yield ? Mr. HRUSKA . I yield . Mr. BAYH . Let me first make the record clear to my friends , the Senator from ...
... yield to the Senator The situation. first point is that we give a player who is not outstandingly excellent a chance ... yield ? Mr. HRUSKA . I yield . Mr. BAYH . Let me first make the record clear to my friends , the Senator from ...
Страница 22356
... yield studies . These consist of hypo- thetical reservoir operation studies in which the estimated or recorded stream flows of the past are routed through existing or pro- posed reservoirs in exactly the same sequence in which they ...
... yield studies . These consist of hypo- thetical reservoir operation studies in which the estimated or recorded stream flows of the past are routed through existing or pro- posed reservoirs in exactly the same sequence in which they ...
Страница 22394
... yield ? Mr. PEPPER . I yield to the gentle- the gentle- man from Iowa . Mr. GROSS . I note this bill does not come from the Committee on Ways and Means and is , therefore , not a gag rule . Mr. PEPPER . The bill comes from the Committee ...
... yield ? Mr. PEPPER . I yield to the gentle- the gentle- man from Iowa . Mr. GROSS . I note this bill does not come from the Committee on Ways and Means and is , therefore , not a gag rule . Mr. PEPPER . The bill comes from the Committee ...
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