| 1834 - 694 страница
...N. 55 S. is is is 6 69 N. 21 S. 58N. 29 S. •s 4.5 ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON. IN the Year 1836, there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the '. The only Eclipse visible at Greenwich will be that of the Sun, of May 14I.— A Partial Eclipse... | |
 | Robert Bailey Thomas - 1841 - 520 страница
...very plenty. ""Sir, I«ay, that it is EMPLOYMENT that mafcei the people HAPPY."— Webster. This year there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon. I. The Moon will be partially eclipsed March 31st; invisible at this place, but visible tn nearly the... | |
 | 1843 - 634 страница
...S. 9 33 42-8 S. 48 32 S.36 36 18 S. 9«S. 7& «s. 54: ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON. IN the Year 1847 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. I.— A Partial Eclipse of the MOON, March 31, 1847, visible at Greenwich. hm First contact with the Penumbra... | |
 | 1844 - 326 страница
...II 3 8 2 56 2 30 1 55 1 22 0 59 0 52 1 4 1 30 2 5 2 38 3 1 ae 1n the year 1844, there will be three Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon I. A Total Eclipse of the MOOH, May 31, 1844, partly visible throughout the Eastern Coast of the United States. hm First contact... | |
 | 1844 - 340 страница
...30 2 42 2 52 3 0 3 3 3 1 24 2 18 2 25 2 35 2 46 2 57 3 5 3 8 In the year 1844, there will be three Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. I. A Total Eclipse of the MOON, May 31, 1844, parl.lt/ vi»Me throughout the Eastern Coatt of the United Statet. hm First contact... | |
 | Cuthbert William Johnson, William Shaw - 1844 - 792 страница
...time appointed for holding the Sprint: Assiies. ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON IN 1845. In the year 1B4J there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. I.- .»« Eclipttojthl SUN, May 8, vitUi'.c at (Irrtiiicich. h. in. Begins at 8 31 morning. Middle of the... | |
 | 1844 - 464 страница
...Equinox, September . .23 11 26 morn. Winter Solstice, December 22 5 9 morn. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1847. There will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon, this year. L There will be an Eclipse of the Moon at the time of Full Moon, on Wednesday, March... | |
 | 1845 - 402 страница
...374 338 343 202 377 230 286 357 338 56 * A near approach. J Star below the boriion. In the year 1845 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. I. An Annular Eclipse <if the Sun, May 6(A, partly visible in the north-eastern portion if tke United... | |
 | 738 страница
...10 5 9 41 9 I? 851 826 759 733 4 44 4 15 345 1 17 047 slo 17 1 13 1 42 2 11 241 3 9 In the year 1863 there will be two eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon. The first is a partial eclipse of the Sun. on May 17th, and visible.iin.those parts of the world.... | |
 | 1020 страница
...Woollen Manuf. ib Woollen warehouse! ib l'agi (xvi.) ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON, In the year 1847 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the moon. I. A partial Eclipäeof the Moon, March 31, 1847, risible at Dublin. HM s. Pint contact with the shadow... | |
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