Probate and Insolvency Courts, as follows: Probate and 53 For the salaries of judges of probate of the several 55 For expenses of judges of probate when acting outside 56 For the salaries of registers of the several counties, 57 For the salaries of assistant registers, a sum not ex- For clerical assistance to Registers of the several 2,200 00 1,000 00 2,200 00 900 00 Item Registers of District 59 Berkshire, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, 67 Norfolk, a sum not exceeding seven hundred and 72 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants 73 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants 200 00 720 00 1,650 00 785 00 74 For the salaries of the district attorney, deputy for the purpose 785 00 Total 75 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants 76 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants 77 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants 78 For the salary of the district attorney for the north- Land Court, as follows: 80 For salaries of the judge, associate judge, the recorder Commission on Probation, as follows: 841 For expenses of the commission on probation in Total 1 Service of the Executive Department. 961 For expenses of the joint New England railroad 96 For expenses incurred on account of the differential Executive $11,000 00 Service of the Adjutant General. 98 For personal services of office assistants, a sum not exceeding three hundred and sixty dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purpose, and the said sum of three hundred and sixty dollars is hereby taken from the amount appropriated in item one hundred and twenty-four of chapter one hundred and twenty-six of the acts of the present year. 991 For expenses of recruiting for the national guard, a sum not exceeding seven hundred and fifty dollars. 7,500 00 3,500 00 $22,000 00 $750 00 Adjutant Acts, 1923. — СНАР. 494. Militia. Chief 108 For transportation of officers and non-commissioned 113 For maintenance of horses, a sum not exceeding two 115 For compensation for special and miscellaneous 119 For the pay roll of certain bandsmen and cooks, Total Service of the Chief Quartermaster. Service of the Judge Advocate General. Judge Advocate 1394 For compensation of the judge advocate general, as General. Commission on Administration and Finance. Armory provided by law, a sum not exceeding seven hun- $2,000 00 2,080 00 3,000 00 1,463 72 $8,543 72 $15,000 00 Service of the Commission on Administration and Finance. 142 For other expenses incidental to the duties of the Service of the Armory Commission. 147 For expenses of regrading the lawn and approaches Service of the Commissioner of State Aid and Pensions. 149 For personal services of the commissioner and For Expenses on Account of Wars. 155a For expenses of certain tablets and the dedication thereof, as authorized by chapter forty-eight of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars $750 00 $7,000 00 $1,000 00 $500 00 $1,500 00 Item 155b For The American Legion, in reimbursement for certain expenses incurred in finding employment for returned soldiers in accordance with the methods adopted by the commission appointed under chapter one hundred and twenty-five of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and nineteen, for aiding returned soldiers, sailors and marines, the sum of fifty-three hundred thirty dollars and forty-eight cents 155c For expenses of continuing the work of the commission for aiding returned soldiers, sailors and marines in finding employment, a sum not exceeding fifty-one hundred sixty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents 155d For the preparation of a history of Massachusetts' part in the World War, as authorized by chapter four hundred and eight of the acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars 155e For expenses of the observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the war with Spain, as authorized by chapter sixty-seven of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars Total Service of the Art Commission. 156 For expenses of making changes in inscriptions on certain tablets, under the direction of the art commission, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars Service of the State Library. 160 For services other than personal, including printing the annual report, office supplies and equipment, and incidental traveling expenses, a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purpose Service of the Superintendent of Buildings. 163 For personal services of engineers, assistant engineers, firemen and helpers in the engineer's department, a sum not exceeding eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purpose 164 For personal services of watchmen and assistant watchmen, a sum not exceeding twelve hundred dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purpose 165 For personal services of porters, a sum not exceeding eight hundred and fifty dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purpose $5,330 48 American Legion, reimbursement for finding employment for soldiers, etc. Commission for aiding returned soldiers, etc., in finding 5,169 52 employment. 5,000 00 8,000 00 $25,000 00 $100 00 $1,500 00 $1,125 00 1,200 00 170 For other services, supplies and equipment necessary for the maintenance and care of the state house and grounds, including repairs of furniture and equipment, a sum not exceeding thirty-six hundred and fifty dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for the purposes 850 00 3,650 00 History of Massachusetts' part in World War. Observance of twenty-fifth anniversary of war with Spain. Art State Superintendent of Buildings. Item Acts, 1923. — CHAP. 494. Superintendent 170 For certain improvements, as authorized by chapter Commission on Treasurer and Receiver General. State Board of Retirement. Compensation of certain retired prison officers, etc. Soldiers', etc., annuities and pensions. Maintenance of boulevards and parkways. City of Claims. Elizabeth Total Service of the Commission on Necessaries of Life. Service of the Treasurer and Receiver General. 214 For requirements of annuity funds and pensions for Unclassified Accounts and Claims. 222 For the compensation of certain prison officers and 226 For the payment of certain annuities and pensions 227 For maintenance of boulevards and parkways, with 234a For the city of Gloucester, subject to the conditions dollars Total Claims. Payments for certain claims authorized by the 235g For Elizabeth Butler of Cambridge, for damages to $12,500 00 $19,325 00 $18,000 00 $500 00 $2,600 00 3,200 00 33,750 00 10,000 00 $49,550 00 $225 00 |