The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the YearGray and Bowen, 1840 |
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19th day 1st Mond 1st Monday 2d Monday 2d Tuesday 4th March Aggregate Alabama Almanac amount annually April Attorney-General average Baltimore Boston Branch Canal Charles Charleston Circuit Courts City Clerk College Columbia County Court of Chancery Debt Delaware Dist District Duke Eclipse elected Exports Fees Francis Frederick Fund George Georgia Governor Hampshire Henry Internal Improvement Island issued James January Jersey John Joseph Judge JUDICIARY July June Kentucky King last Wed Last Wednesday legislature Lord Louisiana Malwa Maria Mass miles Mississippi Moon Norfolk North Carolina October Ohio opium Orleans Perigee Philadelphia Portsmouth President Prussia Railroads Richmond Right Asc rises River Robert Salary Samuel Savannah School Secretary Senate Sept sets South Supreme Court Tennessee Theol Thomas Thursday Total Treasurer United Virginia Washington Wednesday in August weeks West Whole number William Wilmington Worcester Yale College York
Популарни одломци
Страница 75 - That it appears to this House, on consideration of the papers relating to China presented to this House by command of Her Majesty, that the interruption in our commercial and friendly intercourse with that country, and the hostilities which have since taken place, are mainly to be attributed to the want of foresight and precaution on the part of Her Majesty's present advisers, in respect to our relations with China, and especially to their neglect...
Страница 64 - Chinese government; aud in the last place they were to obtain a certain security that persons and property in future trading with China shall be protected from insult or injury, and that their trade and commerce be maintained upon a proper footing.
Страница 6 - The Jewish year generally contains 354 days, or 12 lunations of the Moon ; but in a cycle of 19 years, an intercalary month (Veadar) is 7 times introduced, for the purpose of rendering the average duration of the year nearly or quite correct. MAHOMETAN CALENDAR. The Mahometan Era dates from the flight of Mahomet to Medina, July 16th, AD 622.
Страница 3 - 2658 since the beginning of the era of Nabonassar, which has been assigned to Wednesday, the 26th of February of the 3967th year of the Julian Period; corresponding...
Страница 94 - Congress, without deduction in case of sickness; and $8 for every twenty miles' travel, in the usual road, in going to and returning from the seat of government. The compensation of the President of the Senate, pro tempore, and of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, is $16 a day.
Страница 119 - POSTAGE. On a Single Letter composed of One Piece of Paper. For any distance, not exceeding 30 miles, 6 cents. Over 30, and not exceeding 80 " 10 " Over 80, and not exceeding 150...
Страница 120 - Privilege of Franking. Letters and packets to and from the following officers of the government, are by law received and conveyed by post, free of postage. The president and vice-president of the United States ; secretaries of state, treasury, war, and navy...
Страница 89 - He submits to be seen through a microscope, who suffers himself to be caught in a fit of passion.
Страница 184 - Every town containing less than twelve hundred inhabitants, shall be entitled to elect a Representative as many times, within ten years, as the number one hundred and sixty is contained in the number of the inhabitants of said town. Such towns may also elect one representative for the year in which the valuation of estates within the Commonwealth shall be settled.
Страница 91 - The 13th presidential term of four years, since the establishment of the government of the United States under the Constitution, began on the 4th of March, 1837; and it will expire on the 3d of March, 1841.