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By New Hampshire. "That it be explicitly declar- words "necessary and proper" is not only consoed, that all powers not expressly and particularly de- nant with that which prevailed during the discuslegated by the aforesaid constitution, are reserved sions and ratifications of the constitution, but is absoto the several states to be by them exercised. That lutely necessary to maintain their consistency with congress shall erect no company of merchants with the peculiar character of the government, possessed exclusive advantages in commerce." of particular and defined powers, ONLY; not of the geConnecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela-neral and indefinite powers vested in ordinary govern. ware, and Georgia, ratified the constitution by sim-ments." ple acts, without comment. We have not been able We cannot add any thing to the force of these rcto lay our hands upon the ratifications of North and marks, and shall not attempt it. South Carolina and Rhode Island.

Mr. Hamilton, the writer of the 33d No. of the Judge Wilson, of Pennsylvania, one of the most "Federalist," speaking about the words "necessary profound lawyers of his day, addressing the people in and proper," says, "they are only declarations of a favor of the constitution (Oct. 1787) said, "But in de- truth which would have resulted by necessary and legating federal power, another criterion was neees-unavoidable implication, from the very act of constisarily introduced: and the congressional authority is to be collected, not from tacit implication, but from the positive grant, expressed in the instrument of the union. Hence it is evident that in the former case [of the states] every thing that is not reserved is given: but in the latter [that of the United States] the reverse of the proposition prevails, and every thing which is not given is reserved.”

tuting a federal government, and vesting it with certain specified powers." To the question why these words were introduced, he answers, "only for the greater caution," &c. But to the very point, he observes though a law laying a tax for the use of the United States would be supreme in its na ture, and could not legally be opposed or controlled; yet a law abrogating or preventing the collection of a In several files of newspapers and a number of tax laid by the authority of a state (UNLESS ON IMPORTS books, we have looked over many hundred pages AND EXPORTS) would not be the supreme law of the land, of discussions, resolves and proceedings about the but an USURPATION of a power not granted by the conconstitution, and see nothing in any of them to jus-stitution." In the 34th No. in which the same subtify the opinion that an idea was then held that con-ject is continued, after arguing the right and necesgress could vest any persons with monstrous powersity of a concurrent jurisdiction in the general governand odious privileges now possessed by the bank of ment and those of the states, as to taxation, he says the United States, as a monopoly. It is no matter"a concurrent jurisdiction was the only admissithat the bank has paid a "bonus" for its extensive ble substitute for an entire subordination, in respect to advantages, or that it is to perform certain services this branch of power, of state authority to that of the these have no effect upon the principle involved; | union.” L

for the bonus might as well be one cent as ten mil- Then, even if the right exists in congress to eslions of dollars, and the services nominal, (like that|tablish the bank of the United States, the "concurrent of "rat-catcher to his majesty"), as real. power" remains to tax the property vested in it. IT

Judge Tucker, on the constitution- See Tucker's CANNOT BE OTHERWISE, Black. Vol. I, part 1. app. 142-speaking of the Since the preceding was in type, we have receiv [10th] amendment, says:-This article was add-ed the Richmond Enquirer of the 20th inst. which ed to prevent misconstruction or abuse of the contains a strong editorial article on the subject powers granted by the constitution; rather than before us. We borrow from it the following exsupposed necessary to explain and secure the rights tracts-of the states, or of the people. The powers dele- Judge Marshall, in his Life of Washington,speaking gated to the federal government being positive, of the establishment of the old bank, says and enumerated, according to the ordinary rules "This measure made a deep impression on many of construction, whatever is not enumerated is re-members of the legislature, and contributed not intained; for, expressum facit tacere tacitum is a max-considerably to the complete organization of those im in all cases of construction: it is likewise a max-distinct and visible parties, which in their long and im of political law, that sovereign states cannot be dubious conflict for power, have since shaken the deprived of any of their rights by implication; nor U. States to their centre!" in any manner whatever but by their own voluntary consent, or by submission to a conqueror."

The editor, in conclusion, observes

In fact, our doctrine on this subject is to be found We recommend to the attentive perusal of every in the luminous and noble speech of the illustrious one, the remarks of judge Tucker, as well as the George Clinton, when he put his veto upon the reessays of the "Federalist," on the article vesting vival of the old United States bank, in 1811. The an authority in congress to make all laws "neces-following words of his, deserve to be written in letsary and proper," for carrying into execution theters of gold over the door of congress: powers granted - [See as above, p. 286 to 289, and "In the course of a long life I have found, that the "Federalist,"No's. 33 and 44.] "This neither government is not to be strengthened by the assumpenlarges any power specifically granted, nor is it ation of doubtful powers, but a wise and energetic exgrant of new powers." He adds "whenever, there-ecution of those which are incontestible, the former fore, a question arises concerning the constitutional-never fails to produce suspicion and distrust, whilst ity of a particular power, the first question is, whe-the latter inspires respect and confidence. If, howther that power is expressed in the constitution.ever, after a fair experience, the powers vested in If it be, the question is decided. If it be not ex- the government shall be found incompetent to the pressed, the next enquiry must be, whether it attainment of the objects for which it was instituted is properly an incident to an express power, the constitution happily furnishes the means for reand necessary to its execution. If it be, it may medying the evil by amendment." be exercised by congress. If it be not, congress cannot exercise it-And this construction of the

It is useless to multiply instances of construction; they are to be found in favor of the side we have taken, in the writings and speeches of every patriot *He was a member of the convention, and after-who advocated the adoption of the constitution of wards a judge of the supreme court.

the United States: no other construction was thought

possible by the friends of the federal government- as the master spirit, demanding "unconditional subAnd the opinion of these, together with the acts of mission." the states, at the time, are entitled to great weight. Comment is useless. Certain late arrangements Of the danger of admitting that congress may will very soon develope the mystery concealed in grant monopolies, and exempt the monopolists from our similitudes. It does not become the line we the sovereignty of the states, we have spoken free-have marked out for ourselves to shew the progress ly, and perhaps enough for this time; and shall of political manœuvring. We can only hope, that now let the subject rest for the moment, exhorting the deceived elephant will cast off his pretended every man who loves his country to investigate it for friends, and regain his "natural and unalienable himself, that he may appreciate its consequences. rights" of "peace, liberty, and safety." When in the course of things, our feeble aid shall appear to be useful to promote a return to the origi nal principles of the constitution, it shall not be wanting.

How to tame an Elephant!

The Paper System.

It is with awful feelings, indeed, that we publish the terrible list that follows, of counterfeited and spurious bank notes, collected within the last eight or nine weeks,as we happened to meet with notices of The elephant has larger claims to independence such things in the newspapers. It is the last time than any land animal that we know of, yet he is that we shall attempt a collection of this sortamong the most generous and docile of any, two-leg-it is too debasing to the character of our country to ged or four-legged, that has been civilized. His affec-be repeated; but the detail was due to the history of tions are of the most interesting character, and his the paper system. What a prostration of morals does intelligence is as remarkable as his attachments; it indicate!-yet, we are seriously of opinion,that the for those that he loves, he freely puts out his greater part of the evil must be solemnly laid at the strength to promote the works of peace, or mingle doors of our legislators, for permitting or establishin the clash of war: with Job-like patience he tugs ing so many banks. They who tempt the people to the ponderous load, or rushes impetuous through commit sin, are more inexcusable than the sinners. the armed ranks of the foe. Always great, though his unsuspicious disposition is often deceived; always generous, though frequently imposed upon.

There appears to be a gang of accomplished villains stretching from one end of the United States to the other, under various pretences, as traders, pedlars, and the like, whose chief business it is to deal in counterfeit bank notes and "bud money”. and they are so very artful, that it requires a consi[derable degree of smartness to prevent them from succeeding.

An old housewifery book, in directing us how to cook a salmon, says "first catch a salmon:" this is a very important preparation for the cooking of one! -So, before we proceed to tame an elephant, it is necessary that we should get him into our toils. This, we are told, is most certainly done by means We are very far from feeling any thing like pleaof several female elephants, taught for the business—sure in publishing this list; we do it as an act of duty speculators in their fellow animal's misery, who en--to put honest nien on their guard, and shew them compass him about, and coax and caress him, while how necessary it is to exercise caution in the receipt the master spirit of their actions binds him with of bank bills. Happily, so it is, that most persons ropes, passed frequently round his legs, and very accustomed to examine paper money, can nine times tight. When he is completely secured, the deceiv-in ten, tell a counterfeit or altered note, though on a ers retire and leave him to his fate. On discover-bank which they never saw one of before; but they ing this, he becomes outrageous; but he exerts his mighty strength in vain; he is fastened to the spot, and no longer moves at the impulse of his own desires; a captive, smarting under a sense of his wrongs, and indignant at hypocrisy.

are often received without due examination by those who are capable of detecting them, and the people, in general, are very indifferent judges. It becomes every body, when the bills of strange or distant banks are presented to them to suspect them, unless they know the character of the person offering them, and to reject them altogether from transient individuals, without some test to satisfy the mind that they are genuine representatives of money, at home. In this case, the calculation may be made, whether the profit on the articles exchanged for the paper, will satisfy the difference or difficulty of con


The next thing is to tame him. Whilst thus bound, one fellow, armed with a club or some other offensive weapon, falls foul of him and abuses him in the most shameful and barbarous manner; when the suffering has reached its destined point, and the animal finds that dependence on himself avails nothing, another person appears and seems to chastise the wretch that maltreated him, driving him away.verting it into money, &c. This is repeated day after day, until the sagacious animal, filled with gratitude to his supposed benefactor, knows his voice and person, and regards him as a protector and friend. Then this same person loosens the ropes, or restores their pressure on the elephant, as he shews a disposition to submit to, or reject his authority, or resist the good impressions made as above described, until he finally becomes a passive slave, and kisses the hand that robbed him of his freedom.

Now for the application of our story: the people of the United States, (but especially those of the west, in present circumstances) may be considered as the elephant-the paper system as the females who deceive him; their obligations to the banks as the cords that fasten him; speculators as the person who beats him, and the bank of the United States, through the agency of the government deposits, &c.

A fellow found guilty at Baltimore for dealing in a counterfeit bill of $100 of the Philadelphia bank, and several 20's of the bank of the Northern Liberties.

An emission of $50 notes of the bank of the state of Georgia, very well altered from genuine 5's of the same bank.

A man sentenced by a court in Delaware to a fine of $500, solitary confinement three months, and forever to wear the letter F, made of scarlet cloth sewed on the back of his outer garment, to he whipped. &c. if found without it, &c. &c. &c. for passing a 3 conterfeit note of the Farmer's bank of Delaware, payable at Wilmington.

The receipt by the editor of the REGISTER of a $5 counterfeit note of the same bank and office, which unfortunately, he was compelled to light a seg

with at his own loss-through uncommon careless- Marine bank of Baltimore. They had also some coun ness, in not examining it.

The breaking up of a large establishment at Bloomingburg, where much apparatus for making bank notes, and many bills partially executed, were found.

The arrest of several persons near Pittsburg, with a large amount of notes of the following descriptions -5's of the Marine bank of Baltimore; 3's of the bank of Delaware, 10's of the bank of Auburn, 1's of the bank of Philadelphia, 10's of the bank of Buck's county, 20's of the bank of New Ark, 1's of the bank of Sandusky Bay-counterfeits; a note of the bank of Steubenville altered from 1 to 10; and of the bank of Utica, altered from 1 to 50. A wholesale business was hereby interrupted.

terfeit coin.

A notice of 10's on the bank of North America, 3's on the bank of New Brunswick, 3's on the Hagerstown bank, 2's of the Mechanic's bank of Baltimore, 3's of the Hartford bank; counterfeits.

A $20 counterfeit note of the Bank of Baltimore (old plate,) remitted to the editor of the REGISTER from Illinois, and sent back again, being crossed.

Counterfeit bills of $50 on the Hudson bank of N. York, attempted to be passed in Charleston, S. Carolina.

Spurious bills in circulation, on the Silver Lake Bank, payable at the Union Bank, in the city of N. York, subscribed by the fictitious names of Ives Sutton, president, and Daniel Woodbridge, jun. cashier, 10's and 5's of the bank of Virginia, counterfeits but easily detected with common care.

The capture of two men at Sheffield, Mass. for passing counterfeit bills, chiefly 10's of the bank of-well calculated to deceive superficial observers; Auburn.

The passage of 50 dollar bills at Savannah, to a considerable amount, of the Marine and Fire Insurance company-well counterfeited; but the villain not caught.

The putting to jail of a fellow for passing 3's of the Fayetteville branch, of the state bank of North Carolina, altered to 50's. He had in his possession counterfeit bills of several other banks, among them, one of 20, on the Elkton bank.

Three dollar notes of the City bank of New York, altered to 50's.

Counterfeit notes, 1's and 2's, of the old emission of the bank of Cape Fear-miserably executed. A large quantity of counterfeit and spurious paper circulated in Monroe county, Ohio, and the parts adjacent, viz-3's of the bank of Niagara, 2's of the Phonix bank, Hartford; notes said to be of a bank at Circleville, where there is no bank-counterfeit 1's on the Philadelphia bank, &c.

A notice of the alteration of one dollar notes of the Hagestown bank into tens.

Joseph Lancaster.

Counterfeit notes of 5 dollars, on the Franklin The seizure of a person called Hunter, at Savan-bank of Baltimore. The signatures badly executed. nah, who had in his possession a vast quantity of notes, 50's, 100's and post notes, of the bank of Newport, Kentucky, engraved by Murray, Draper, and co. This father and founder of the system of educa(who had been imposed upon by him,) but not filled up. This chap's real name is said to be Morse; and, tien known by his name, and extensively adopted in as he graduated at Rhode Island college, he has been Great Britain and Ireland, and in the United States, called, by way of emninence, "a classical scoundrel." and partially introduced into France and Germa He had some hundreds of thousands of dollars inny, &c. and even spoken of as being countenanced

[blocks in formation]


A large issue of a sort of a bank in Fayette county, Penn, called the "Connelsville Navigation Company," in defiance of the laws relating to banking.

The capture of five counterfeiters in Golconda, Illinois, with several thousand dollars of their own make, in their possession. They had a comThe plete set of apparatus and worked in a cave chief part of those fellows' notes were of 10's 5's and 5's of the state bank of Indiana; but they had 10's and 2's of the Middletown bank, 2's of the Phonix bank, 5's of the bank of Auburn, 5's of the Exchange Bank, 3's of the Eagle bank, 5's of the Marine bank, and 5's of the Worcester bank.

The circulation of 10's of the bank of Auburn, and 20's of the Planter's bank of Georgia-good counterfeits.

A caution against notes of the Frederick county bank, altered from 1 to 10 dollar notes.

in Spain, has taken up a temporary residence in Philadelphia, and will probably become a citizen

of the U. States.

The editor of the REGISTER is honored with the

personal acquaintance and private friendship of this great apostle in the cause of knowledge. From our social conversation, as well as from his public lecthere is any mystery in it-that all things belonging tures on education, the mystery of his system is-if to it are done by method, and the pupils taught to UNDERSTAND one thing at a time. But of a system so generally known and approved, it is not necessary to speak at this time. Mr. L. is now superintending a model school at Philadelphia, wherein it is expected that many young men and women will be fully qualified for the instruction of others.

But our present purpose is chiefly to notice the respectful attentions which were paid to him on his visit to Washington City, during the late sitting of congress, and to record them, as honorable to all parties and individuals concerned.

In the house of representatives, on the 9th of JaInuary, 1819, Mr. Bassett addressed the chair, and said, that he rose to perform a pleasing task, because it was connected with humanity. It was to give praise and honor where praise and honor were due. It was (continued Mr. B.) said last night, from that chair, that sensible objects most forciA quantity of three dollar counterfeit notes of the bly felt, attracted us. My heart responds to Franklin bank of New York, detected in that city. its truth. Most sensibly did I feel, on beholdThe breaking up of a gang of counterfeiters bying in that chair a man whose life has been decatching them at Lancaster, O,the rascals made voted to the amelioration of the state of man; one battle, but were subdued. Their stock was very who, without the influence of kindred or country, large, chiefly in 20's and 50's on the Miami Exporting Company, 10's on the Farmer's bank of Buck's epunty, 3's of the bank of Columbia, and 5's of the

and without any aid save that of a common tongue, has passed the vast Atlantic to make known the hidden powers and blessings of knowledge. Thou

sands, said Mr. B, are now enjoying the happy fruits | duty calls me to arduous exertion, it will be a stimuof his exertions, and millions to come will reap their lus to activity, a light on my path to cheer ine on profits, and drink again and again of the neverfailing spring. I should do injustice to the feelings of the house, to dwell on this subject, Mr. B. then submitted the following resolution, which was read and agreed to:

Resolved, That Joseph Lancaster, the friend of learning and of man, be admitted to a seat within the hall of the house of representatives.

my way. Ihail it is a mercy from Heaven granting me a most honorable introduction to a great nation-a new call to duty; a powerful passport to usefulness. But there is one point of view in which it is to me a consolation-a joy--an honor beyond all price, both in the thing done, as well as the time and manner of doing it,

I have in my own country a venerable and belor This resolution was passed without oppositioned father, a pious old man of seventy-five. I am perhaps, we should say, by unanimous approba, his youngest son-the joy of his life, the consolation tion. The following is a copy of Mr. Lancaster's of his old age. On parting he wept over me with letter to the speaker, ou the presentation of the re-tears of joy he gave me up freely, he said, without solution to him.

tears from his people's faces, and gives them joy unutterable without end-without alloy.

a sorrowful accent, "Go, my dear son, God will WASHINGTON CITY, 1st, Mo, 27th 1819. bless thee-I rejoice that thou art going to be a HONORED FRIEND-I have been favored with the blessing to the children of another nation. The vote of the house, on the motion of Burwell Bassett, good will of him that dwelt in the bush will be with of Virginia, respecting myself; an honor wholly un- thee." This honored parent I am not likely to see expected, and if the house of representatives had any more, short of that mansion which he looks to not thought otherwise, I should have considered it as as his own-an inheritance with the saints in light beyond any merits of mine: however, I am determined a city that hath habitations, where God wipes all that, by the mercy of my Heavenly Father, according to my ability, it shall not be unmerited in future. It was put into my hands just as I was about occupying thy chair by thy kind permission, the second time:- opened it, it overwhelmed my heart, and for some short time I was obliged to hide my eyes -with feeling the most handsome attention paid to a missionary of good-an attention which none but perfect gentlemen could have ever contemplated. În fact, I accept it is an introduction to your country -a passport to usefulness. I feel your politeness, While the heart of the writer beats, thy name and but when I consider the benevolence of the motive gratitude will be the same word, mean the same -love to your country-good will to education-thing in my mind. May he who first loved little patriotic feeling for all children of this great nation -I am doubly grateful,

Under your auspices as a legislature, I trust those measures will be matured which, with the Divine blessing on the wisdom of your councils, will accele rate such a total extinction of ignorance, that not one uninstructed child will in future times be found within your borders.

My exertions require a little repose. At one o'clock to-day I shall avail myself of the privilege conferred-for which I now make acknowledgments, and but feeble ones they are compared with my feelings.

In fact, the manner of my reception at Washington, and by congress, has been such as to endear the country to me, which has given birth to men, who knew so well how to love and befriend its children. I rejoice to see motives in action which give security to its future prospects-which consecrate the atmosphere in which citizens of the world may breathe -or hallow the ground on which he treads.

With high consideration and gratitude to the honorable house, of which thou art the speaker, and my true respect to thyself,

I remain thy obliged and grateful friend,

To Henry Clay, speaker of the


House of representatives, in congress.

But the good wishes and the God of my father is with me, and the news of this honorable act of thine will reach him- will cheer his aged heart---will make his tears of joy to flow-will console perhaps his dying hours, and tune another song of praise for mercies past, which shall rise to the footstool of Omnipotence as grateful incense, and bring down from thence the blessings of heaven on thy head.

children called them and blessed them, remem-
ber thy kindness to me as their friend, and reward
with his love thy goodness to thy
Respectful friend,

Washington, 1st Month, 27th, 1819.

During his stay at Washington he delivered two lectures, the hall of the house of representatives be. ing permitted to be used for the purpose. They were attended by very numerous and most respectable audiences. At the close of one of them, it is said that "Mr. Clay (the speaker) complimented him in handsome terins, observing, that the chair (the speaker's chair) he occupied, had never been as well filled before," Mr. Lancaster modestly disclaiming the merit imputed to him by the speaker, said in effect, "that man in his purest aspect was but a very humble instrument of a higher power, and that the chair he had just occupied, exalted as it was, had not been filled by any thing better than CLAY."

The editor had the pleasure to hear Mr. Lancaster deliver his course of three lectures in Baltimore-The following extract of a letter from Harrisburg so well expresses his sentiments, that he adopts it without hesitation in lieu of what he himself would have said on the subject

A correspondent, under date of Harrisburg, FeHe also addressed the following letter to Mr. Bas-bruary 12, states: "We have had Mr. Joseph Lancaster, the founder of the system bearing his name, "To Burwell Bassett, a representative from Virginia.visiting us. He delivered lectures on his peculiar “HONORED FRIEND "How shall I express the feel- system of education. They were attended by the ing gratitude of an overflowing heart, when I pe-president and members of the state legislature of rused thy speech and the vote of the house of re- Pennsylvania, and as many of the respectable inhapresentatives yesterday respecting myself. I had no notion that my motives to action-my humble services, in a great and righteous cause, would have been so highly honored and appreciated. I receive it with feelings as deep as they will be lasting-When

bitants of Harrisburg as could get in. He was received with those distinguished tokens of respect and attention which a life of distinguished benevolence and diffusive good will to man, must claim from an enlightened people. Ignorance is the curse of a

nation, the parent of vice; and while we yield the MR. NILES.-The "balance of trade" is in the silent and secret homage of the heart to the philan-mouth of every body and constantly referred to, and thropy of a Howard, lightening the fetters and yet it seems to be very differently understood or esbrightening the dungeon horrors of crime and timated by different persons, or never to have been wretchedness, we are constrained to tender equal correctly ascertained, and that for the want of proregard to the man whose genius discovered a sys- per data.—Unquestionably, the treasury statements tem of initiation into the general branches of learn- presented to congress and recorded by Pitkin and ing, whereby the advantages of it may be commu-by Seybert, do not contain, or exhibit in a clear point micated to the whole human family. To enlighten the of view, the necessary information and details wheremind, and thereby prevent crime, is better than to by to ascertain the real balance with any tolerable punish or commiserate. This immense lever has moved degree of certainty. the world; and combined with other more compli- In them, even the value of the importations is but cated powers which are also in motion, and which partially given, and that confused with an arbitrary cannot so readily move without it, must, in its reac-advance or supposed increase of value, included or tion, ameliorate und bless the world. to be added, for the pretended real value:-of a

"To render the subject of education interesting part of the importations we are presented with the in the detail, must require no ordinary mind. Mr. quantity only, without regard to cost, price, or quaLancaster possessed this power--he rivited the at-lity, and there seems to be an egregious defect or tention of his audience-they seemed to hang on his oversight in the total omission of the goods admitlips, during his lectures, with unabated pleasure. To ted by law free of duty, of which, however, a consijudge of his eloquence, which is familiar without de- derable value is every year imported. scending to the ludicrous, and at times impressive, Yet these imperfect and defective data appear to because proceeding from his own feelings, by its effect, be all that congress are put in possession of, as the it must be of the first class:-He not only assailed means whereby they are to arrive at the discovery the outworks of the understanding but he took the of the balance of trade, a just knowledge of which citadel of the heart. His sincerity and devotedness is admitted to be so important to that authority to the diffusion of knowledge, the economy of time which has the regulation of commerce and the suand expense, the habits of attention and diligence perintendance of the common welfare. How is it formed in its acquisition, renders him indeed the be- possible, I would ask, for congress, and particularly nefactor, and he has just claims to the gratitude of gentlemen who have not perhaps, paid constant and mankind. In this country I am glad to find such a close attention to the course and incidents of trade, man justly appreciated." Washington City Gaz. the rise and fall of foreign markets, and commerMr. Lancaster has just delivered, or is delivering, cial transactions everywhere, &c. to form a very cora course of lectures at Philadelphia, in Washington rect idea of the state of our account with foreigners? Hall, which was very handsomely granted to him-ought they not to have, in addition to all the infree of expense, because in his advertisement he formation now communicated, a great deal more?-Due says "No money taken for tickets, but a voluntary allowance ought also to be made for the value of collection will be made at the door, the produce of merchandize smuggled or illicitly introduced into which will be applied, under public inspection of respectable auditors, to the object of establishing a seminary to board and clothe a number of American youth as teachers of the Lancasterian system, in its highest bearings."

Balance of Trade.

the U. S. which in some years has amounted to no trifling sun, as has been admitted by the secretary; but of this indeed, we could not expect any formal statement or account, more than opinion, or estimates, founded on close attention, investigation and observation, on the part of the C. House officers, &c.

In a pro forma statement, herewith, I have attempted to divide and note down the principal The intelligent gentleman to whom we are indebted points or heads, upon which information, or just esfor the following communication, justly observes,timates, in detail, are, I believe, absolutely requithat the "balance of trade is in the mouth of every site in order to arrive at the real balance of trade,— body," but not understood, differently estimated, which I respectfully submit for your better judgment, or not correctly ascertained, for want of data, by remarking however, that the sketch is very roughly drawn out, and very probably not well matured.

We have enough of custom house and other officers, whose duty it might be made to obtain and report positive information, or intelligent and rational estimates, on all the heads and details wanted. It would impose but very little additional labor and trouble, and surely might be accomplished without much difficulty, by requiring a few other declarations and reports, on the part of the ship-owner, of the exporter, and of the importer, severally, as will readily occur to you, in addition to those that are now exacted from them by law.

any. As it becomes every man in business, now and then to take an account of his stock, and look to his debts and credits, that he may know what he is about, it no less becomes our national rulers to see what the nation is doing. We should certainly consider the man as a very great dunce who by his labor, or attention to business, cleared a thousand dollars a year, which he passed over to his wife who spent that profit as well as impaired his capital-if he pretended to believe he was getting up in the world. We apprehend that such has been the case in the United States-and that the people of some sections, supposing they were making money by exparts, took no heed to the general amount of imports, which, exceeding the former, must be paid for in money. We recommend this subject to our statesmen, and The domestic account betwixt the American ship hope that in the next congress some man may be owners, American merchant, the importer and the found who will take the trouble to understand, exporter, and the U. States, or total inass of consuand appreciate, the true interests of his country, mers, and betwixt one and another of them rewhich through ignorance or inattention have been spectively, to shew the prosperity or decline of all left, in matters of trade, very much to chance. or each, may be separately stated afterwards.

In the statement herewith I have only endeavored to find out a method of arriving at the balance between the U. States and the other countries of the world-to find the standing of the account betwixt nation and nation, or nations.

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